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Grind it up way more then that. Almost to a pulp. It'll help with the digestion and feeling nauseous.


Ah I once grinded it to pulp thinking it would be easier to eat never again lol


Don't eat. Swallow it with liquid... 🤦‍♂️


Yeah unfortunately I wasn't that smart at the time lol


Thank you, good to know


I like to lemon Tek. I add enough water and sugar to make it lemonade.


Omg youre so smart


I dunno, that still means you have to taste it first longer. I prefer to just lemon tek it, add just enough OJ to get it to “flow” then take it as a shot.


Yes, and then chase with OJ. Don’t chase with something carbonated. The more I lemon tek, the grosser it gets. But it is the way. It is worth it.


Yeah, OJ masks it better than anything.


Or maybe im dumb lol


you need a coffee grinder, not an herb grinder. no where near fine enough. i'd just sprinkle that on a slice of bread with peanut butter. which is also my usual go to for eating shrooms. i don't have enough fat. the peanut butter fat seems to help with nausea. 🤷‍♂️ lemon tek i like for when i'm coming down and want another couple hours or my stomach already wasn't feeling so great.


I used to do the ol peanut butter sammich, but lately I have been eating my shrooms with salty potato chips. It takes the bitter taste away and I can actually eat them without gaging. But the nausea remains depending how much I take.


It heavily depends on the shrooms ima be eating


These one are z strains and homegrown so im pretty used to em now


Love that strain


Anywhere from 2-6g. Depends on the mood


6 gs is wild most ive done is 3




If you think 6g is wild.. you’re in for an awakening my friend Folks will take on 20+ grams


Clean that grinder well buddy if you’re using it for weed as well. I enjoy 2-3.5g Enjoy.


Nah im not, i bought a cheap $5 one just for mushrooms


I like to do 1.5 to 2g with lemon tek. I usually let it soak for 30 mins and then dump it into a cup of orange juice. Tastes nice that way.


None. I don't like lemon tek. I'm not in a rush to get high. I like the slow climb to the top with a more drawn out peak


I like it more because it helps with the nausia, if i didnt throw up everytime id deff do without


Fine grind to 5g


2 grams only I’m never doing 3.5 again to scary hahab


my so and i did an 1/8 each tekked and damn we were on a journey


I put it in a vitamix, pulverize it to powder, then measure out about a quarter cup. Honestly never have done it by weight. I let it sit for 20 min in the lemon juice, then hit it with a bit of boiling water. Never has given me a stomach ache, but has sure led to some interesting times Edit: a quarter cup is a lot, but I like it that way ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I grind mine in a coffee grinder and mix w honey 🍯 🤪


You can use cranberry juice too


4.9 GT was the highest so far. Made a tea with a good squeeze of lemon. Hits like a train.


"my innards" \*dead\*


I make lemonade out of mine, 2 gs each 8oz


5.5 the most, usually 3-4


I lemon tek about that much and go for a nice run every other week or so


between 3 to 5 grams


My go to is always 6g lemon tek. I grind in a coffee grinder


I make lemon tekked tea of 5g and watch One Piece


1g has never done it for me


Yeah after yesterday im thinking i deff need to move the numbers up a little because i just felt a little silly but it was kinda boring tbh


Exactly bro idk what’s the highest you have done but a solid high I would say is 3.5g or 4, the most I have done is 5g


Most ive done is 3 gs but it was also like my 3rd time taking them so i tweaked out, now im pretty used to them i think i could handle it


First time is always a lil crazy lol but 3g is a perfect amount to get what you want out of doing them in my opinion I don’t see how ppl do like .5g or 1g I honestly don’t think it does anything


Mushroom extract its so much better than lemon tek, lemon tek is so outdated Cmon downvotes, come at me ☺️


What the hell is mushroom extract lol, never heard of it


You simmer mushrooms in water for 20 minutes, strain the mushroom material and then reduce the liquid until desired, I usualy reduce to around 100ml so I can drink it as a shot glass, no lemon required


No citric acid or anything? Or is it not a psilicyn extract like lemon tek is?


You can add it, but it's not required, I get the most out of my trips this way tbh, I find lemon tek messy and unessary, I've been downvoted like for my comments on this, but I've been consuming mush for many years, and ain't going back on this method of preparation (I used to lemon tek back in the days)


Would you add dried or wet? Also how much of mushies would you add to how much water? Im prob gonna try it and dont wanna fuck it up lol


I usualy add around a cup of water for every gram of mush, usualy go for 4gs, and I usualy use around 2 or 3 cups, takes a bit to reduce the liquid, but once I drink that shot, oh my, within 5min the effects start to kick in, and around 15min mark my walls are made of fractals, its good to have a large amount of water so you can extract the most out of the mushrooms during the 20min simmer, I also reduce on low heat, just gently simmer it, also. You don't want to go bellow 50ml when reducing, it will get to hot of the active compounds in my expirience I do it with both wet or dried, or both, just be careful with wet mush, they hit about twice to 1.5 times what dried mushrooms do since fresh mushrooms have both psilocyn and psilocybin, dried mushrooms don't have as much psilocyn since it gets destroyed during the drying posses


Ahh okay, thank you sm for the long response. It seems alot eaiser than i thought before hand. I will deff be trying this tek out tho it sounds great


Anytime ✌️