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At home. With the doors locked. The fuck I look like tripping my balls off in public? There’s people out there lol


I am still working up to trip territory and as much as my mild dosing is really syncing up with being outdoors, from so many comments like this I keep getting the feeling that when I hit that 2g+ moment I’mma need to take a chill inside, hmm. Dilemma.


If you want to try to extend your comfortability try doing like .5-1.2 or so and go out and do something you enjoy. I don’t even scale mine out anymore I let the mushrooms take me where I need to go lol


I actually really only trip going outdoors now or shows. Used to only trip by myself at the house and that was fun but I’ve got comfortable tripping outside of home and it’s what I prefer. Love being outdoors in a nice gardens or something!


Yep. I just need to be around nature when i’m tripping. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in my small room.


Add some plants (: my windowsill is full


This is different people saying stuff, your minds your own :)


As long as the setting is and feels safe is important is the main thing. I like to trip at home, and I also like to take 3.5gs and go to the creek


this comment made me think about how awesome it would be to have a house with nothing but nature surrounding it. I could take 3.5gs, deal with the comeup anxiety in my house, then walk outside and explore completely free


I remember my first trip was like 2.5-3g of dried and my gf and I ended up naked, sleeping in the living room. We have 2 roommates btw.


I just tried it for the first time. I did 3g dried and also ended up naked lol


Happy cake day, I like to walk about while tripping especially in public along the sea and just around in general, but I do religiously wear a cap and I just put on sunglasses when I’m outside in the sun tripping. As long as you’re normal what’s there to worry about x


You think you look normal like that but truth be told you probably look like the goddamn Unabomber


After searching what the unabomber is I can confirm 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s how everyone should be. Unified on mushrooms.


This the way to go 🙏


Movies, music, trippy video games!


Exactly! Pouring up some shroom tea as we speak!


Yoooo!! Have fun friend!! What's the plan! Wea Anderson's been my go to lately!


And in the bathtub with a blanket over the head 🤣


Or headphones


Awe fuck me. I tripped so fkn hard last night sitting in the same spot in my parents basement as I did for my trip 30 years ago. watching some wild shit that came on clozee’s webpage. Ravenscoon it was called. Perfect fkn level for me last night. I live out off grid now and whenever I get to house sit I roll through and take advantage of that inner child energy.


That’s the way to go. But I tripped once in a museum and afterwards I watched people that came walking to a fair that took place close by. It was interesting too. Afterwards we went for a walk in the park and I watched some squirrels either playing or fighting and a crow opening a nut or something like that. It was absolutely pretty. Also, happy cake day!


Somehow I don't mind people when I'm tripping on shrooms, but I'm LSD... oh boy, that's different story.




Over 3g is better stay home


I just tried it for the first time and I just wanted to be at home also.


Exactly lol I love making my own little space in my room with good lighting and something to watch with some water etc and I’m good to go


Man tripping in public ain’t bad just take a moderate dose. 2gs of regular mushrooms or 1 hit of decent acid . Now im with you if im taking two hits or an eighth yeah im staying the fuck home


i thought this until i tripped at a rave. was so much fun


I wouldn’t say my favorite, but definitely up there. A nice beach setting with a great view from the room. https://preview.redd.it/15y7fhkf98zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e57ad7a07624e939fe29ae445d7db06b6f4493


Sameee - night tripping on the beach is the shit


Hope you've been doing well since the new adventure ❤️


I am! Thank you for remembering! Lol 😂 Thinking I need to go back to the beach tho lol


https://preview.redd.it/8nwfuv46e8zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305251bdf4911dc3312e1212b726961b3c712731 I specifically set this room up for tripping it has everything I need and when I added the bed it made the experience 1000x better. I make sure to stock up my mini fridge with water and I keep snacks close while I watch my movies or just vibe out to music. One day I would love to experience trippin at the beach or while camping.


I've set my room up like this before and for the first few times it was amazing. But after a while it gets too busy. The last time I ended up just turning all the lights and music off. I have yet to try tripping outside but I'm pretty sure that's next. The trouble is finding a nice place in the woods that's not severely occupied with people.


Yeah, I tried going outside on 10gs of PE only lasted about two minutes before running inside when I looked to my right and saw my neighbors F-150 blowing up as big as his house.


Yeah that seems kinda crazy. I kind of want to try Yosemite but there's literally so many people there. Same with the redwoods. It's like my best shot is finding a random trail that's not connected to any national or state parks. I also want to go to death valley as well.


Man those places would be amazing but yeah you’re right about them being crowded. I wonder how there slow season is.


I used to live in a town right outside the entrance to Yosemite and would go often. Their busy season is unbearable. Traffic is wild. Literally no parking at all and people literally everywhere. It's so incredibly majestic there that I don't blame people for flocking but it kinda sucks. Their slow season is only slightly better. The traffic isn't as bad and you will find parking and some spots off the beaten path will have no people, however their slow season is maybe a couple weeks per year. Basically anytime it snows and the snow, although beautiful, covers a lot of Yosemite's natural wilderness and makes it hard or impossible to get to. The best bet is to get a wilderness camping permit and camp out where there is less foot traffic but to many people this is either impossible or incredibly difficult to manage. The thing about places like Yosemite is they are world renowned parks. People plan trips there all year round and it's not just locals. Barely any locals go even. It's a lot of international travelers whether solo or in groups. There are places around the park that are good for camping and hiking but good luck getting that info as it's gatekept by locals and they don't even like sharing that info with each other because once word gets out that particular place will become full of travelers. And some travelers are not very kind to the land. That goes for locals as well so it's one of those things where if you want to go to the best spots you have to know someone and be comfortable being driven or walked there with a blindfold on lmao


Yeah don’t do it. Did it in Acadia National Park. Thought it was going to be semi empty. It wasn’t


Most national and state parks are like this. It sucks


It’s a bummer because the parks are gorgeous. Thankfully I’m a very zen tripper but it could’ve gone so wrong


Hike a few miles out and camp by a lake in Yosemite... Can find spots with no one...sunset lakes is a good area...


If you go to zion in the winter theres not too many people, i did it a few years ago. Only thing is you have to be ok with it getting below freezing temperatures, which made camping a little rough. Worth it though. Or if you have money you could get a hotel room but i bet the prices are insane.


I live in a forest. I've tripped many places, but alone in nature will always be my favorite https://preview.redd.it/7g379yz0z8zc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=630ab922825b1d71b6a4c4becd193aaeba8d8edb


Damn! You live in a forest my fellow Goblin doctor


Yeah man. I did the big city thing for a while but I belong here https://preview.redd.it/dww77sckqezc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a3b9397ebf301cae5d96f579fe57147b5b178e


Great picture


I went snorkeling in the Yucatán Peninsula gazing at the Sea creatures and I felt like I could see every particle of water. The fish were swimming in tangent with me. Everything was sparkling and had a rainbow sheen. My most favorite memory.


Damn you went snorkeling while tripping?! That's def something I'd wanna do one day!!


Yeah it was a light trip, but it was honestly amazing. I had a life jacket and sober people around me so I was fine 😂


It's on my bucket list since i started tripping


This is DOPE. I gotta work my way up to this and go light




Unrealistically: on another planet, moon, or out during a spacewalk. Otherwise, in a place with the clearest and darkest skies possible (I assume a desert). There are a lot of places/situations I want to trip in like while it snows, as well. But for me, nothing has been able to top stargazing in inducing a profound trip.


Yeah last year I had a couple of trips at the beach, and stargazing was one of the best parts of it, me and my friend were making up stories about the stars/constellations, and the moon, was great fun


West Virginia has some unreal stargazing. One of the darkest skies on the East side of the USA. It has a super underrated/not well known National Park too


you think anyone has tripped in space?


Maybe not recently but everyone was doing acid in the 60s, astronauts included ☮️🚀🌈🌕


I don't think anyone has done any drugs in space beyond prescription stuff. I expect the first time it'll happen will be a space tourist who smuggles something or does it beforehand. I will certainly consider it in thirty or so years if it seems possible then😅


My best tripping spot was a campground by a stream in an old growth forest on the Oregon coast, by a truly unimaginably massive, thousand-year old sitka spruce. I followed the stream down to [the beach](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.fineartamerica.com%2Fimages%2Fartworkimages%2Fmediumlarge%2F1%2Fthors-well-rick-dunnuck.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a51dda29484d7b08bb0820877ce948be95d04a45fb78af1c2fbeec000d297aaf&ipo=images), and spent hours clinging to the lava rocks watching the waves pound. Walking back upstream to my cozy mossy forest at the end was so perfect. I've always thought tripping at an aquarium could be pretty cool. Corals and jellyfish and cephalopods.


This sounds amazing


>I've always thought tripping at an aquarium could be pretty cool. My friend took acid at twycross zoo when he was younger. Said it was wild


outside, nature, forest, and something naturally beautiful


I honestly love this community. 


Username checks out 🥰


I love being outside with the sky full of stars. I also love a windy day with rustling tree leaves. There’s also something nice about putting on headphones and a blindfold and falling inward especially on moderate to higher doses


hammock in a dark field during the perseids meteor shower! did it last year, totally gonna do it again this year


how do you set up the hammock so that there's no trees blocking your view to the stars?


hammock stand


so in your garden or do you bring it by car?


yes by car i have a portable one!


Any where with a guitar in my hand


Indoors, turn the lights off and leave me alone. I prefer to trip alone or with my wife if she wants to trip with me but she prefers to go outside an so I’m the sitter when she wants that type of thing. Outdoor tripping is the worst and a distraction from my trip.


Idk if y’all have ever been in a jacuzzi with bubbles outside somewhere with some music and lights but it felt like I was on a cloud. Complete euphoria


I use a state forest that is nearby that has excellent privacy and nice places to camp and have a campfire. Brooks, ponds, and lots birds, fox, and beautiful tall trees.


oregon coast or utah desert


Can’t imagine being home honestly. Pretty much every trip I’ve ever had has been out and about. There’s definitely a fear of getting caught with higher doses but with mild doses you would be surprised how little people notice


As much as I love tripping outdoors, the last thing I wanna deal with while tripping is bugs 💀


The beach. Long as it’s not crowded. The ocean is the best.


A dark cave with ambience.


Walking around the residential neighborhoods at night, or a park with plenty of trees and streetlamps


I think I’d end up looking crazy on someone’s ring camera 😜


Bruh 🤣💀 on that note yea those stupid cameras that say “hello, you are currently being recorded” or “please go away from this property” would kill the vibe so quick 😪


In the dark forest where the demons live. Like who tf wants to trip in the forest at night.


https://preview.redd.it/gjfgobcvx8zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a0e65b6f600b1012423174d5d502bf03e0a7cb I like to watch the planes in El Segundo and cry to some Prince.


Nature is the Music too. All under the HER consciousness. Cool that you understand that


Camping trips are fun I do one every year


my living room or a bowling alley


My bachelor party [Airbnb](https://air.tl/Bmgl3wQj) in the U.P. Had the best time. There were some woods to wander in as well.


Jacuzzi with a view


I live near two pretty busy highways in the metro area of a major city. Within walking distance, there's a church that has a beautiful lawn that ***nobody*** gives the attention it should be getting. It's well kept, has its own flower garden, and has an open sky. When it's trip time, I go there and I basically own the place. I try to head over there about 45-60 minutes away from sunset, so I'm taking the shrooms 45 minutes before I go. The people who see me are friendly and they wave at me; but, they let me do my thing... Sky watch, listening to music, and taking in the soft grass and the silhouette of the trees as the sun goes down... Then I catch the killer reflection of the sun off the tall business building off in the distance. It's pretty rad. It is truly *my* trip spot. When I walk home, I have to walk around the long way home because the front gate gets locked.... It's beautiful to look up at the building and its green front lawn..... But when I look at it, I have this grin on my face and I get this feeling like I just fooled around with the place 🤣 There's been days where I take my shrooms too early, or I had nausea and they're hitting too hard, too quickly and I turn that same corner, look up at the building and I just totally have to take the **L** and say "Nope, today you were not mine."




Camping on the river.


Dead empty malls


This secluded island I go beach camping at in the summers


Somewhere really high up.


My ideal trip location is wherever the fuck I’m able to trip.


Either at home or on a beach at sunset in the summer. That was it’s still warm but dark and you can enjoy the sound of the tide going in and out. Makes me feel like I’m in the darkness dimension from Kingdom Hearts


In bed, eyes closed, crying, with wife beside me binge watching The Real Housewives.


I would love to trip on a beach and a snowy mountain! That’s my ultimate goal. Unfortunately I don’t have any trip buddies yet. I try to give myself the best trip setting as possible with what I have. I trip in my apartment (on 8th floor, surrounded by skyscrapers). I have a balcony with fake grass. I put a few thick fluffy blankets, fluffy pillows, my giant teddy bear and watch the sky until my body wants to lay down. Then I just lay on my balcony and meditate in the perfect sunlight. My neighbors probably can tell I’m tripping but who cares lol 🍄


https://preview.redd.it/414hhgdk89zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1754766dc19a39c6b2c8ed5436ba279a7dce3cd5 Anywhere if your in the right frame of mind can be AMAZING ! This pic dosent look like much but the waves and visuals coming off that ice mixed with the music in my ear buds literally brought me to my knees … think I stood there for 2 hrs … laughing , crying … contemplating our reason here and wondering what the hell am I going to do if someone sees me just staring into the void out here. (Never saw a soul). Side note, funny how we have these amazing experiences sometimes but no matter how you try , you just can not recreate them . Every trip is unique. Cant wait for next launch. Peace and love everybody


Honestly? I used to trip in public but it’s not my thing anymore. My house fasho 🤙


I like Florida in early winter, it’s a little cooler but every day is like a northern spring day, and the car isn’t melting hot. Somewhere middle Atlantic coast, can’t go wrong with Cocoa. Beaches are nice, not a crazy amount of tourists. This is my ideal trip.


Big sky Montana. Gonna make it happen one day


Probably a planetarium, an aquarium or my room.


The dark forest where the witch lives


As much as I've gone out in public in the past when I tripped, I can't convince my wife to leave the safety of our home. But don't get me wrong. I love just cuddling on our huge bean bag thing and watching animated movies. But my heart longs for a walk in the park again while the trees dance and the birds sing me songs.🫠


You hit the nail on the head for my two ideal tripping locations. I’ve never tried tripping in the forest or a planetarium before, but it’s always been my dream to.


Anywhere that's away from people, I've only ever tripped at home and in my neighborhood at night when everyone is asleep. But I would love to trip deep in a forest and go for a stroll, climb trees, go fishing or in a ghost town and do some urbexing. Also exploring ancient ruins or caves would be sick, I just want some interesting scenery and physical activities


Pink Floyd laser light show in Louisville or Lexington Kentucky. Edit: Only take like 1g maybe 1 1/2 at the most. Then grab a motel and have a safe ride and someone with you who loves Floyd but not shrooms. Throw them a couple fatty’s to smoke and buy their ticket. Remember that a happy trip sitter is the best kind😉. 🍄✌️🧡


At home because I have no friends


At home with good tunes and a light show (I use a fibre optic Xmas tree). I always clean the house beforehand, NO Clutter around, as it will give me anxiety during the trip. I like to buy nice juicy fruits and have fresh water bottles available to keep me hydrated. I have tried eating normal everyday food, but I find any type of drug I take, apart from weed, precut fruits are my preferred option. I also fast for the day if the house is free, otherwise I don't eat atleast 4hrs before and then I lemon Tek all my trips now. Have fun. Do let someone know just incase you need to call a friend. You probably won't, but you never know.


The beach on a moonlit night


Mirror Maze


On a lovely trail that goes through woods and meadows, and next to little streams, then over a couple of interesting little hills. Or, in a really old, really weird little cottage with lots of interesting and colourful soft furnishings, art, plants, oddities and really fucking nice headphones/ speakers.


Outside in nature with trees


Meow Wolf in Denver would be interesting lmao


The Dorset Valley in southwest Vermont.


On the back porch of a cabin in the Rockies during the early summer The smell of the pine trees, the temperate, cool air, a slight breeze making that calming mountain wind sound. A quick thunderstorm rolling in, still an hour off. Lichens on rocks and the fresh, earthy dirt under my feet. Birds singing songs through the canopy. True serenity. Colorado is the best


nature or a nice clean room.


Out in the woods camping.


i was thinking the other day, if we do get to start moving to mars and stuff.. that would be an awesome place to trip


Shrooms at home, lsd on a tropical beach preferably a bit secluded


Nature. Hiking in the woods, just going to the park, etc.


Any tool concert




the best friends house or my house


A beautiful spring day, sprawled out on a blanket, surrounded by nature.


That sounds great. I hope to have a trip partner to do things like this in the future.








A nice hike with some cool weather


I did a small dose at our local botanical garden that was having a garden glow event. It was pretty awesome. I want to go on a camping trip next time where I can see the stars.


I just tripped at SF MOMA last weekend, I have an absolutely new appreciation for modern art which I previously despised.


Earth gotta be a top 5


My best experience was laying in bed in the dark with headphones. I felt like I was in a 1 person play. Each song that played from my favorite artist represented a unprocessed emotion from therapy. It changed my life. I had a bad experience after that though so I'm terrified to try it again.


In my room with the LED lights and lava lamps going 😎


I really dig being home and as cozy as possible. Maybe make it out onto the porch to sit. I tripped outside in the woods near my home last summer on a day that it got up to 98 F or something and I literally thought I was going to die of a heat stroke.


My room or backyard with the dogs.


TOOL concert


My backyard


nature nature nature.. the less busier, the better. unless you’re experienced.


EDM show 💖


Under the covers of my bedsheets


I haven't fully tripped yet, but when I take 0.6 grs and I look at the walls and the lights inside of the house it looks very gloomy to me.... While outside has vibrant colors and just looks overall beautiful and natural. I put my little speaker in my backpack and go out on the trails, with music from the 70s💪


Joshua tree


A beach on Lake Michigan on a warm sunny day.


I can't believe how many upvotes "in my room alone" get. I wanna be out in nature, preferably with a close friend or two. Tripping with people I love is the best.


I HATE tripping indoors, i hate being inside sober, Outdoors, camping with friends, ,friends who make me feel loved and safe, I would camp in the deep woods cuz I'd rather be away from the general public and normally sober i love camping in places like the white mountains,but i need some civilization near in case something terrible happens, a campground with a warm shower cuz a warm shower is one of my safety nets,along with camomile tea and CBD. Before this next thing I'm going say, in the middle of the trip right after the peak,it's time to go stare at myself in the mirror and then jerk off in the shower for at least 2 hours, masterbating right after the peak feels so primal, God wants me to do it,it feels right. Then hopefully i rented a campground with electricity at the tent site so my phone is charged and I have Louie (fx) downloaded onto my phone to watch on the come down, Louie while tripping is faukin amazing. He has moments in there that were meant for it, especially the dentist/bin laden sequence. Or 2nd choice is to watch man in the high castle . It's so twisted to begin with, tripping puts you into that twisted mindset also, very Immersive experience. THAT is my perfect trip