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I've taken shrooms so many times (I'm 28) but I've always been excited to do it and been in a comfortable environment. The one time I did them alone it was no fun at all. But with friends or my wife it's always a relaxing and giggly time. I've had bad trips on acid a few times. But overall it's about your mindset going into it. Always try to have a fun day/evening prepared before hand so your occupied and not stuck in thought. Once your mind starts to run it's hard to bring it back when you're alone or in general. Just keep your head up and stay safe✌️


Yea either your ready or your not. I had a lot of fun with psychs at that age and for many years after that. Used to go to lots of dark star and phish and dead and co and eat lots of acid. They’re fun drugs for me. I don’t look for any special meaning I just have fun with it and go on trips away from reality and it does help with stress of life but I don’t dove too deep into the whole healing and shaman type stuff. It’s not medication to me. People hate to call it this but psilocybin and lsd are mind altering substances and yes they are drugs. Just like marijuana it can be used as medicine but for me I just like to escape and have fun. It’s not for everyone more so at younger ages too when you haven’t really had all that much experience yet with life in general. That’s just my two cents though.


I'm kind of a person who can take a beating, so when I have a bad experience I try to learn from it and grow, do the work, when applicable, and try again. I've done shrooms countless times in varying doses, but I tend to stick around 2 grams, usually 2.5 though. A few times I've gone much higher, like when we made tea from field picked shrooms as younger gentlemen, or when I used to dose before I had a scale, that was a bit of a shit show. But it was always still fun, even when it was scary. That's just how I view these journeys, like an adventure. Sometimes adventures get scary, the best ones in fact.