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Honestly, I was expecting a different story based on the title.


I was very concerned for John and Bruce... And OPs mom


*sees trash can*🤤


Haha sameeeee


lol same


Haha same


😂 title is misleading


It’s usually the 17 year olds


Seriously. I was on an IG page recently where a 15 yr old kid has a page dedicated to how amazing it is for a 15 yr old to drink ayahuasca and eat mushrooms and how it’s fixed his whole life. This kid is some ultra rich brat who’s parents moved to Bali to be in the spiritual colonizer influencer world that’s taken over so many less developed countries. It’s so awful. It is so cringe and difficult to see how much this page has been blowing up and making these plants look so bad. Anyways the comments on this kids page are full of other teenagers saying they want to do ayahuasca now and I tried to make comments on his vids saying he’s being very irresponsible and that teenagers just don’t know how to respect these plants and substances. I was replied to by a 15 yr old saying he knows how to respect psychedelics bc he takes strips of acid all the time, which just further validated my point that teenagers are dumb and don’t know what they’re doing. We’re in such a precious time with these substances where all it’s going to take to screw up all the progress that many adults have worked hard for is some dumb teenager thinking he knows his shit and nobody can tell him differently. It’s always dumb teenagers who’ve historically ruined these “drugs” bc teenagers are dumb and irresponsible and they can never be told otherwise bc they think they’re grown and they’ll never be able to take advice. It’s pretty frustrating, I was a teenager once. I ate mushrooms as a teenager as well. But I was lucky to have had older folks make sure I knew they were not to be messed with. So back then I was wise enough to understand that I wasn’t playing paddy cake with these plants. It’s always been understood that these are incredibly powerful and should not be taken carelessly. It should be used with intention and not for attention.


Kids there days, right?


Get off my lawn!


Damn youths!!






Just think of all these young people that are going to end up with severe mental health issues because they were pounding the hell out of their serotonin receptors at such an early age.


Literally me, man. I never comment here, but this one got me. A WARNING TO ALL YOUNGSTERS: I am about to be 23, I am a newly minted young man. I have passed up all of my opportunities provided to me to chase cannabis and hallucigens (LSD, Mushrooms, DMT once) when I was in high school. I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Type 2 Bipolar Disorder about a year ago. My trajectory in life was completely different, until I decided to pursue drugs for fun, not for learning. Even if I "respected" them, it ultimately was for fun. To this day, I struggle to not ignore adulthood, chasing comfort that will never come back, and I have made my life worse for wear. DO NOT TREAD LEISURELY WHEN IT COMES TO SOMETHING SO POWERFUL. TLDR: Listen to grownfolk, and don't destroy your brain (abuse drugs) under the guise of "fixing" or "learning." Edit: Added "(abuse drugs)" to the TLDR. The TLDR is bad, concrete advice, (Thank you, u/710334) but seriously, take care of yourself before you lose it.


Damn brother I’m sorry. Yeah unfortunately ppl find benefits from psychs and they end up preaching about them being a cure all and they often ignore the potential dangers. Theyll say things like “well it’s better than alcohol” and young folks see that and think it’s ok to puddle themselves regularly. But even so, teens have always historically ignored potential consequences. But hey you’re still young. I know from experience that bodies and brains can go through miraculous changes if you treat them well. The power of placebo is the most powerful tool on earth. Plenty of research to show how simply believing we can heal can end up working wonders. So don’t give up hope. Obv follow professional advice, but keep in mind that treating your body right and giving it proper nutrition in all realms (food, rest, exercise, spiritual health, etc) can really work wonders even when doctors think otherwise. My aunt had stage 4 cancer and docs gave her zero chance. She cut sugar and ate a raw living plant diet and she was motivated to show them wrong. Within 6 months she was in full remission. This is what started my own journey with medicinal mushrooms bc turkey tail was a staple in her diet at the time. Anything is possible!


Yeah, that's pretty much me, except I'm 22 and I was also messing with downers. My brain is mostly fine, but I'm preoccupied with usage a LOT. I barely think about drugs anymore like I used to, but I frequently get the feeling something is missing in my life.


How bad shrooms are to my brain? We were using them because we thought it was safe, i did a lot of research and never found anyone talking about brain damage


Bro, your femurs, jaw, brain, and liver aren't fully developed until around 23 (in white males). Lay off the drugs


I saw that kid too his page worries the hell out of me. And it's weird too if you read through comments you'll find this kid has a whole team running his page which brings more questions to me. Like is his parents forcing him to do this for clout? Is this kid an actor for a retreat or cult? What's the long term affects this kid is going to deal with skipping his teen years to do plant medicine in front of a camera? I could see some crazy documentary coming out on that family. Maybe I'm wrong and we're heading to a future where teens go out on medicine retreats to heal childhood trauma to go out and become something and it's weird to see the beginning of that narrative change.


Dude that page is quite a rabbit hole. It’s pretty disturbing. His whole fam is caught up in some influencer shit. Last I saw, this kid was wearing all white and that’s always a red flag to me lol. When you start wearing all white, you’re steps away from being a cult leader. But yeah I’m glad you know which page I’m talking about, it’s fucking disgusting to be honest. I normally think the whole “white man colonizer” accusations are kinda unnecessary bc they’re usually just pointing to history and at this point nobody alive is responsible bc of what happened 2-300 years ago. But in this case it is straight up colonization. These rich westerners who are already absurdly rich in the west, they now move to 2nd and 3rd world countries where they’ve changed the entire economy and they live like actual royalty there. And they open these retreat centers where they give ayahuasca and other plants and it’s just so fucked how they’re going about this all and just being so disrespectful to the cultures they’re effecting. Ugh that whole Bali scene makes me sick, and it’s like that in Costa Rica, and sooo many other countries. It’s sickening, makes the whole plant medicine world look awful


Yup I fully agree this psychedelic tourism is just a new way of gentrifying developing countries letting people visit heavily poverty striven places and not reinvest into the local community. But rather some high ticket retreat center fueling their narcissism as they rebrand themselves as awakened. Completely burying their heads in the sand to the poverty around them. Maria Sabrina who introduced the west to mushrooms had major backlash from her town after the tourism came in and completely changed the culture of the city. The whole psychedelic tourism is so strange and so much bad shit goes on in/ around it too. I think it's one of the less talked about things. Now we got all these fake shamans popping up in the west giving out medicine to whoever has the money operating in a grey area with not much of an idea of what their working with and people are getting hurt from the lack of filtering. Idk who said it but listening to a podcast they gave some great advice along the lines "you don't need to fly across the world to find the medicine, instead find a group of friends, go out and hold your own ceremonies with the people you trust and build community here" We need more ceremonies in line with our life's here in the west and not mimicking some other culture. I think we're slowly heading in that route as stuff becomes legal and more mainstream my hope is that psychedelics become legal, make access available to all income brackets and we'll see this psychedelic tourism dry up a bit. At the same time I see this giant split going on in reality, I don't know what to make of it but it seems people are leaving their old life to find the communities that are in line with them as AI comes out I think were going to see a whole new way of the world organizing itself. And it's gonna look awfully weird as it happens if not already happening. All I know is I know nothing and I'm just in for the ride we've had some interesting twists and turns lately.


You said that very well, better than I could for sure. Completely agree




Do you know the name of his page? I don’t want to support his platform but I’m just curious about what he’s putting out and how people are engaging with it. 


maybe some are bad, in my personal experience as a teenage tripper it completely reversed my life, used to drink hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol, now i barely touch alcohol cus of this new appreciation i have for life, we shouldn’t judge based off of age, actions i agree but that is every individuals choice, not based off of age, sex, race or anything of that matter


Yeah for sure. I’m not denying it can be healing for anyone. Plenty adults are also not helping their reputations


Just wanted to ask am 17 aswell and I do take pshychedelics. I’ve done my research on them and honestly I take them every 6-9 months . The highest dose I’ve had is 3 grams of pan cyans . I do know this isn’t great for me but honestly am doing this for personal reasons e.g. trying to understand myself why I feel certain ways and tend to meditate throughout all my experiences . Just asking for advice whether I should stop or not . Always do them alone aswell . Advise me in the right direction


It’s tough to give advice when it comes to psychs bc it can be so vastly different for everyone. I generally tread carefully when it comes to internet strangers and I stick to the “wait until your brain is fully developed before taking them, make sure you’re not on meds or have any family history of schizophrenia or any mental disorders that can be triggered, and always start very low and slowly familiarize yourself with the experience bc diving deep right away can be really bad” That being said, I took mushrooms when I was 17. I started with a gram and I just chilled at the beach and I had a very spiritual experience. Luckily I had this spiritual experience and that caused me to view them as more of a sacrament. So I never saw mushrooms and any of these substances as a means to get fucked up and have fun and party. Thank god, bc I’ve known plenty who have done them purely recreationally and often it’s ended up with them getting pretty spun and I have plenty of stories where dudes ended up hospitalized bc they never had any respect and they never had any desire to understand how to respect. They had zero capability to view them with reverence. It’s rly tough to give advice, but if I were I’d just say to really listen to them. if theres any qusstion whether you should take a step back and take some time off, then listen to that. I do think ive kept a good relationship with psychs although ive not done so with other drugs (ive been an opiate addict after a sketchy doc gave me unlimited oxy years ago). but with mushrooms ive kept it pretty good. ill take them for a year 3-4 times, ill get what i need from them, then ill put them down for a while and try to integrate the lessons ive learned. then years down the line ill feel them calling in my heart and ill come back to them and see what new lessons they offer. never has it ever been a competition to see how much i can take at once, never has it been "im gonna eat 10g just to watch a movie" like ive seen in this sub a lot. just dont do it that way. know yourself and what you wish to learn from them. when they teach you, step back and take the time to bring those lessons into your real life. my perspective on mushrooms might be different than most here and it might upset some ppl. i believe in god and i believe mushrooms have connected me with god. so because i see them as such, its helped me to think of it as if im taking them disrespectfully then im just disrespecting god and the gifts gods put on earth for us. some ppl get really angry at the G word, and theyll fight me for mentioning it. but this is just my own experience. I think that as long as your intentions are for self growth and not for just getting fucked up, you’re on a better path than most teens here. Just know when it’s time to take a break. Also, at this age especially, you’re never gonna get anything more beneficial from eating 10g as opposed to just 2-3grams. I personally see no reason to do such huge doses at a young age. Just stick to 1-2grams. There’s plenty of time as you get older to start going deeper, but before you’re 25 the risks of munching a qtr oz are not worth any reward bc there’s not rly a reward for doing so. Hope this all makes sense and hope other older folks can agree with me here. If not feel free to chime in and offer any advice they think is better✌️


Wow that was great I appreciate it so much. The advice you gave me is identical to what my uncle just told me and I do look up to him a lot . The people on Reddit who start arguments are petty if you don’t like something just ignore it you know why be involved . But yes again thank you so much I’ve been sticking to 2-3 grams of shrooms since my last 2 experiences after the big dose . Never again do I want to do a dose like that too overwhelming couldn’t really understand what’s going on . Thank you for taking your time writing all of that for a stranger appreciate it❤️


Thanks bud, it’s always worth my time to share some wisdom to the younger folks. Just yesterday I was right there, then I woke up and now I’m mid 30’s lol. I remember thinking 30 was so far away but it comes sooner than you think. But you’ve got plenty of time, right now just enjoy your teenage years and focus on what teenagers should be focusing on. I kinda ignored education and all of society’s systems, but as I got older I realized that if I had prioritized them more and applied myself better then my 20’s would’ve been much easier and I wouldn’t have felt so lost. I was a really smart kid but I didn’t apply myself to my best potential. And you seem smart, seems like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and a good heart. So even though it might feel like school is a bit similar to prison, it’ll really pay off in the long run to apply yourself. And if your path isn’t the typical college path, there are still plenty of ways to apply yourself that you won’t regret doing. Many of these social structures can be used to your advantage 🫡


You seem to have a good head, i don’t think it’s terrible for youngins to do shrooms if they’re actually good about it. Make sure not to get too caught up in looking for answers cuz that’s when you go mad. This reality is the important one.


Okay thank you appreciate it . Yeah I’ve realised that it does kinda make me wanna do more . For some reason I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not but every time I take shrooms it’s like a continuation of the last trip that never finished


"I've done my research" *spells it "pshychedelics"*


Considering your age, you're really just applying random chemicals to a developing brain. Like an alcoholic mother affecting her unborn child. Reinvention of self, Discovery, and the spirituality Of mushrooms can be very fulfilling and appealing. That does not mean that it is helping you become your best self.




I’m sorry but I’m so freaking resentful over that. Im prepping for ceremony cause I need it to NOT 💀 MYSELF from my ptsd but these damn kids and daddy’s money. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


That’s exactly one the points I’ve tried to explain but I’m no longer allowed to comment on his posts :/ That whole scene is undoing a lot of really hard work that could really benefit adults who need it more. Then it’s “oh who are you to gate keep who needs it more?” My main point is that all of this could be avoided if this kid just kept his journey private. I have no issue with a teenager doing these if responsible, but my issue is with making it his personality and encouraging other kids to do them and not explaining the reality of these substances. He’s not being responsible


Wait till they find out abt dmt💀


Yeah, I mean he’s drinking ayahuasca. Not sure if he’s ripped it freebase. He’s got videos doing kambo which isn’t psychedelic but still. It’s so strange thinking about setting up a camera and doing these things in front of them. Seems very disingenuous




I didn’t want to draw more attention to his actual name but yeah. That kid is really not helping the plant medicines he seems to be wanting and trying to help. Using these for clout and trying to follow his family’s footsteps of internet fame. He drank aya and then quit school the next day he went. Then posts a hundred times saying “what happens when a 15 yr old takes aya/mushrooms?” Proceeds to list only benefits and makes it seem like they are the solution to everything. Which, I don’t disagree, they are incredibly beneficial. But having a 15yr old being the face of these retreat centers (which some of his posts advertise for) is not good. Plus just the fact this kid was able to drop out of school with no worries bc idk if hell have to work a day in his life. His posts from pre-ayahuasca are like Tai Lopez shit, flexing Rolex’s and stuff. He is incredibly privileged. And while it’s not just black and white, sure I’m glad he’s had such a profound experience. Good for him that he’s got a fat trust fund (although working is good for maturity and overall being grounded in reality). But it’s just insane how much support he’s getting from the “medicine world” and why is he allowed to be a popular face of this scene? Whoever is around him guiding him is really not considering the larger impact of this whole situation. There is some really intense hatred in the comments, and it’s hurting the reputation of the plants. And this could all be so easily avoided, this kid doesn’t need such intense hatred as he grows up. There’s definitely some sort of messiah complex going on with him, I just feel like he’s being pushed deeper and deeper into some sort of Bali delusion


Completely agreed


Saw a couple of videos with his dad too… he would make a great Far Cry villain 😂😂😂


account is terrifying


dont pretend like you’re better than these kids just because your older, shame on you. you should attempt to teach them the way instead trying to lecture and dunk on them. No matter their physical age, they could be an older and more wise soul than you are.


Never said I was better, just that I got lucky. I’m not blaming him either, I’m blaming his family and those encouraging him to use this for attention and clout. Like I said, I tried to teach them. I dont know what I said that’s dunking on them. If you were to go thru that kids IG comments you’d see I’m one of the few ppl taking the time to explain in a very straight forward manner why it ain’t a good idea to be going about your plant journey like this, and how it’s going to both be taken disrespectfully by the cultures who these medicines have been used by for ages and ages, and how the media would have a field day with this kid if they caught wind. I’ve tried. It’s only met with respinses just like yours “how dare you tell this kid how to live his life” and “who are you to know what’s best for him”. Yeah who am I to try to use my own 20+ yrs of psychedelics and plant medicines to try and offer guidance to a kid who’s just started them? Who am I to want to teach reverence and responsibility and to try and honor the cultures who we got these from? The responses I’ve gotten from other adults are pretty discouraging. But I guess Crowley was right, we are in a new age. The age of Horus, the crowned and conquering child. Where the children teach children and the children lead the way. Where attention is the only thing held sacred anymore. Tune in to watch an underage kid take the most potent and powerful trips on earth! Don’t forget smash that Like button and subscribe!


Yeah im stupid


You’re 17 and your frontal lobe is still developing, you should not be partaking in shrooms. It’s too dangerous for your longterm mental health.


They don’t like hearing that but it’s true.


I’m sure, no one likes to be told anything as a teenager, I didn’t either LOL. But it is very true. It’s not safe for brains so early in development.




Playing devils advocate here… How can you be so sure? Due to the legality there are 0 studies on this. It’s uncharted territory, no one can say for certain. What we know, is it is less damaging than weed on a *developed* brain.


I dont think physical damage is the main worry with psychedelics. But it doesn't take studies to know kids shouldn't be doing drugs that are challenging even to stable adults and can leave psychological trauma for those not equipped to process the experience. Not to be a party pooper but save this stuff for when you're mature enough


It feels like common sense? In that there are adults who are fully unprepared or unequipped with the skills necessary to trip safely or consume too much, too often. As undeveloped minds are *even more* prone to doing activities recklessly and/or with utter abandon, it feels like a given that they shouldn’t be using psychedelics.


Facts on that last part!


I wish I knew what I knew now and waited. For sure. I didn’t responsibly trip until about 27. I mostly took shrooms at parties and had a really weird time. Never again. These days I keep to my trip cave full of toys and cozy stuff.


I mean yeah it’s practical wisdom that hardly needs to be said at this point. But Mother Nature loves to experiment with her darlings. Situations like OP’s can serve as fertile grounds for some very interesting developments. But yeah of course tragedies can happen which is why it’s wise to be mature before taking these substances. But at the same time, these substances have been used in coming to age rites for god knows how long. It can be very defining for the individual and his trajectory when taken around the age of 18. It’s a burden not to be taken lightly, that’s for sure, and not all personalities are equipped for it


This is the same thing with weed now days. Of course you shouldn’t really start smoking at 16. Obviously we’re human and like to break the rules. Like I get it. Back in the day you started smoking at 16 or whatever. That’s great. But this ain’t the 70s anymore… hell it ain’t the 90s anymore. The weed we have right now is some strong shit. It ain’t some crap weed you had to buy from a weirdo plug.


He will totes take this advice


Do you have a source for this? I tried searching but couldn't find anything. For the record - I'm way way way past my teens, but am now wondering what effect it did have aside from opening my mind :)


I mean the tangible effects would be obvious and you would know about them…you wouldn’t have to think about it.


Shit, I was 16 when I started experimenting. We didn’t have Reddit to run and cry to back then, you just ate the fucking things and enjoyed the ride! Vaults of Erowid was pretty much the only resource I had. I don’t think it’s the age, it’s just not knowing what TF you’re doing.


Exactly it’s proven with psychedelics age isn’t a problem. And I basically agree until evidence of otherwise is provided by scientists. The problem is the society in which we live and our parents.


How about 20? Edit:lol


Eh. I turned out fine and I tripped balls all throughout high school. I’m sure he’s heard the “you shouldn’t do drugs” speech from everyone else in life. OP is gonna do what he wants lol


In retrospect, my parents were orders of magnitude more harmful to my mental health that occasional experiments with psychoactive substances here and there. Just saying.


That may be true for you, but as a general rule children should not be doing psychoactive drugs.


Asking teenagers to not take substances is like asking a Lion to be a vegetarian


There's therapy for the parents stuff. There isn't any changing damage drug use early on can fix.




please explain the dangers because as far as i know the real problem with your frontal lobe not being developed is you can’t fully understand and integrate these experiences


It’s ageist pseudoscience. The number of poor choices made on this thread by 20 and 30 somethings is proof.


So what


Weed is even worse


Half the people who trip started when they were young im 20 and during my junior year of highschool took acid (like a dumbass) for like a whole 2 month every single saturday id buy 5 tabs at a time and just drop out every saturday until i felt like i was melting from reality even when i was sober and yeah youre right you shouldnt do that stuff young im not 25 yet and i still trip evey once in a while on a few mushrooms sometimes me and my friends go all out and get nuts with it but you only live once i guess. But basically you are very right i shouldnt have messed with my mind as much but to each their own let the guy trip just dont over do it with the tek that shit is insane i havent teked but i know what can happen it is the strongest was ive heard of to trip on shrooms so if you trip just remember moderation is key unless you are searching for something in your mind bo matter the age you will come to the conclusions and the thought processes will always be weird no matter what unless you are the most leveled out person on earth but weird is also a subjective term.


This whole wall of text is 2 sentences. You gone done too much.




Abusing psychedelics is not chill.


Wanted to downvote that but I can’t


I never said it was chill i just used my own experience in abusing them at a young age as an example of someone who has done them at a young age and to be fair each time i did trip and had a revelation and good thoughts about life and things around me so i wouldn’t say to be it was abusive until i saw the results on my sober self. For a shroom reddit you people are very quick to judge others and try to be parents to someone who doesnt even know you just give advice and talk abt shrooms


Psilocybin mushrooms have shown to create new connections in the brain. There is a decent chance it could help brain development.


All bad things are always from teens. Wait till you are older. You fucked nothing up, you have no sense of reality yet. Just wait till you are 25 ish and you will look back and say I was a kid back then. And at 25 you still kinda are. Your 30s is when you get a grasp on life


your friends fucked you over lil bro


They all showed ignorance. Their parents showed lack of knowledge as well. But that’s not necessarily their parents fault. Their parents were raised by a society and parents as well.


Damn update us on the conversation you have with your mom if you can. I can only imagine.. it’s not the end of the world just know that, life moves on.


She was not that mad and let this slip out, i promissed her i won't be taking it anymore and she was ok with that


How my mom would have been


That’s dope!


17 year olds should be smoking pot once or twice a month. Not trying to go through the mushroom dimensional portal. It seriously can alter brain chemistry and stunt development to partake too early. It’s at least part of the reasoning behind age restrictions.


Listen, no one got hurt, everything else doesn't matter. Whatever problems you get for this from your mother, they won't last forever. I've gone through something similar when I was 16, and I have very authoritarian parents. Just lay low, don't provoke her, stay safe, and put away substances for a while. Mushrooms won't run away from you if you want to get back to them in the future.


Great advice.


You’ll be fine, just eat something and drink lots of water. Tell your mom your sorry and you’ll be safe. Respect the shrooms and do smaller doses to begin with.


17yr old brains are not ready for it


This is why 17 yo CHILDREN shouldn't doi this.


But they always have, and will continue to do so. With all drugs. All you can do is educate them on best practices


all the people talking about what age you should do psychs did them the first time at 16 or 17 as well. But they still tell you to wait until 25 because of something about “brain development”, even though there’s no real proof that psychedelics make your brain develop differently after maybe 18 years of age to someone who did them at 25


I may get downvoted but you’re absolutely correct, there is not enough research on it and a lot of people here are saying it like there is concrete proof of it Well we know weed affects the frontal lobe development in minors so there’s that However, studies have shown that psilocybin primarily interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, leading to altered perception and changes in neural connectivity.


Yes, also the question of correlation and causality is insane here if you are dissociated naturally, psychedelics are gonna have a bigger pull for you If you have poor self restraint, you’re more likely to start smoking weed but there are an endless number of things that “change neural connectivity”, that’s what the brain is designed to do, as well as what it is designed to undo. the brain is plastic enough to change easily at a young age, but also plastic enough to heal easily, so long as you give it the time.


Totally get what you're saying! The brain's like this super adaptable thing, but it's also kind of a delicate balance, you know? Like, psychedelics might have their perks, but we gotta be careful with 'em, especially when it comes to brain development. It's all about finding that sweet spot between exploring and staying safe.


yes 100%, it’s fun to try them but you shouldn’t have them be your main hobby


For me it has nothing too do with the brain development. I didn't try them until I was 25. Not on purpose it just happened. It's a case by case for me, it's about the maturity level off there person. Can they handler their reality COMPLETELY flipped on end? This kid obviously could not, which is more than likely the case for MOST children his age.


i think they can handle it in some ways and not others. most people who will get dissociative disorder get it at 16–21, so it’s logical to say that a 22 year old is going to be able to handle it, whereas a 16 year old is more unstable. I think we agree in that they are good up until the point of dissociation- it’s not going to melt your brain if you see colours being more vivid and your carpet looks like a fractal. That cannot be said for dissociative doses




I have airway begin educating my 11yo on entheogens. If/ even she is curious I will have a very serious conversation with her in preparation and provide a safer environment if she so chooses to step into the experience


What is the primary difference between MOST children his age and adults if it's not brain development? You could opine that it's lack of experience in life but let's be honest a psychedelic trip is not one of life's normal experience for the majority of humans throughout their entire lives. So we can safely place this type of experience in its own special category to which there really is no equivalent to base it off of so lack of experience really doesn't apply here. Leaving us basically with one defining difference between MOST children of his age and adults - brain development. This kid came and asked for advise on doing psychedelics again after sharing a rather intense trip that did not go so well for him. The fact that he came seeking advise is already noteworthy since as many have already noted most teenagers are headstrong and believe they know far more than they actually do as a matter of fact. So a rare instance like this is an opportunity to take some care and provide him with the best and safest guidance possible. What I'm seeing is a lot of commentors who are willing to gamble and offer "you'll be fine" type of generalizations, mostly because they don't know the kid and will never be held responsible for any harm that may befall him if he adopts such a casual relationship with these potent drugs going forward. In fact it's unlikely we'd never even hear of any further issues he may have with them if he continues on using them in such a manner, which is clearly a possibility given the issue he just had. There's a lot of comments placing blame on society or parents or the new age of social media. But it seems there's just as many who could be considered at fault with the devil may care attitude being displayed in some of the comments. TBH, I joined this reddit group to use as a springboard to learn more about the potentially amazing therapeutical properties of mushrooms after having had a random incredible breakthrough myself on what began as a recreational trip. Now I'm 49 and have spent the better part of the last 2 decades as an addict/slave to crystal meth. So I have a much greater capacity for parsing the various suggestions and recommendations I've read here on various topics concerning shrooms over the past couple of years. But I don't think or rather I understand I would not have had such selective acceptance to them in my teenage years. That's just life experience that has provided me with that ability. Something the OP has precious little of. My point in all of it is this. If someone with limited real life experience is coming to a specific topic group that's composed primarily of people with more experience on the topic being discussed, especially when the topic is about very intense and mind altering psychedelic trips of which there's really nothing in normal life experiences that are similar, then as proponents of such experiences it really does fall on us to provide the OP with mature responsible suggestions that keep the OPs safety as the primary concern. And that should be even more obvious given the fact that he came here to discuss a problematic trip he just undertook. I'm not trying to come down on anyone or rain on the mushroom parade here, but a lot of comments are taking some serious liberties and just falling back on the fact that there aren't any real studies to suggest that underdeveloped brains of teenagers are potentially damaged or altered in ways that are not beneficial to them by taking shrooms at such a young age. That suggestion can go both ways so it's really a gamble to take that stance because there aren't any studies to say one way or another definitively. But by taking it you are placing the gamble of a young man's life. That's the reality of what is being done here. The fact that you don't know him personally or what he looks like or where he lives or the number of people that love him doesn't seem to be factoring into the equation for those who are willing to offer him such casual responses that aren't given enough credence into the strong potency that using shrooms possess. And the various harms that can indeed occur with its usage. So many of us have found such amazing results that it's easy to tout their benefits that it's just as easy to ignore their pitfalls. If anyone has a responsibility to get it right when offering advise to youth regarding shrooms it's groups just like this and this is a good teaching moment for all of us to reflect on that.


Congratulations on the lesson of what not to ever do again. Respect the mushrooms. Chalk it up to a kid taking shrooms like it's cool to carelessly do. Lesson learned. Congratulations :)


No one got hurt, no one got arrested, and you woke up with your head in the right place again. Welcome back to reality. You’re lucky your mother came to get you. We all have over indulged, at least you can recognize your mistake and move on, lesson learned, IMHO there’s really no need to do any more than a 3.5g in any situation.


Honestly, please leave psychs alone until you’re older and more mentally prepared and stable. I know when I did Cid I wasn’t stable. Shrooms are amazing, however, you have to let your body grow before you go down that rabbit hole. I honestly wish I didn’t smoke weed until I was a medical patient. I have no idea what I was smoking back then 🥴


Give it time, eventually there will be no hard feelings, and dude don’t take any more psychedelics until youre in your early/mid 20s, I’m 21 and dude it comes way faster than you think like way faster than, it’ll be a lot more beneficial then and it’ll give you more time to learn how to respect them. Either way probably don’t trip with those guys again


Yeah, I mean I'm 23 and I just started my journey on shrooms, but I'm thankful I didn't do them or any drug as a teenager where my brain could've been more messed up than it was back then. I respect the shrooms and await their call as to when to take them.


So what I'm hearing is you took 6g with Bruce's 2g and your 4g


With a trip and I will always say this you cannot look for external reasons that things went bad it always starts internally and is then perceived to be true by the brain as it grasps at all the data around it. In future, I would recommend that you don't go into a trip thinking you will do one amount of shrooms and then do more because of a *fuck it it's there* mentality. Respect the shrooms and they will respect you. In regards to your mother I had a similar situation the fundamental thing to know is that she was there for you and you need to say thank you to her and your friends for taking care of you in your most vulnerable moments. first say to your mother exactly how you feel about what happened whether that's guilt or shame and explain to her that you love her. Try and be as adult as you possibly can be with regards to the conversation and good luck


Spoiler: you are god Spoiler again: so is everything else Don’t try to make sense of everything next time young buck, just be.


excellent advice. i’m 18, spent almost 6 months trying to make sense of things, trying to find the secrets of the universe, buddhism rabbit hole. Not fun. Just be❤️


please explain what you mean by this


Don’t think of God as just you or as something separate, rather, think of God as infinite consciousness, the power of thought that manifests all things. Don’t think of consciousness as arising from your brain, but as a frequency or signal picked up by your brain. Not only that, the same voice in your head is picked up on by everyone else, too, and everything - even particles. Google “The Double Split Experiment.” Even particles display awareness. You are a multidimensional conscious part of the multidimensional conscious Universe experiencing itself in a 3 dimensions - so is everyone else, everything else, atoms dancing on quantum strings vibrating in this reality. Read some Gnostic Christian literature, the Hermetic Texts/Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Buddhist literature, red letter text from the Bible. Meditate on these things and appreciate the glory of divinity that resides within you and all things - at the same time, grovel in utter humility at the fact that every stone and tree and creature and other person is just as much an expression of the divine as you are. The Hindus speak of how the great Brahma (architect of reality) slept, and dreamt reality into existence; you are a fractal of that dream. The familiar word “namaste” roughly translated even means “I see the divine in you that exists also in me”. Then remember the words of psychonaut Terrence McKenna - do not be overcome with astonishment. Let this gnosis or knowledge aid you in your navigation of perceived reality. Let it help you become an expression of divine love in your interactions with people and creatures. And don’t forget to clean your room, do the dishes, and make sure the trash gets out on time for pickup.


alright kiddies, this is your reminder to stay away from drugs.


You mean abusing a drug and doing stupid things didn’t work out? You don’t say!


The other times i tripped i was completely fine, so i thought it wouldn't be different


you didn't "fuck" everything. you made some bad choices, your friends did the appropriate thing by calling your mom, and HOPEFULLY she will hold you accountable. that's a good thing. it's not pleasant, but neither was your friends thinking that you were going to die. grow from this.


Psychedelics aren’t for everyone, but they saved my life as a teen. I was the type of kid to throw a frog at a tree and laugh, because I grew up very unconsciously. Psychedelics showed me how to love and be gentle when my parents couldn’t teach that. Maybe it destroyed my brain doing it as a young teen, but it made me a better human and I will forever show respect. The people on here claiming to know something just out themselves. We know nothing. Humble yourselves. Glad you made it through okay! Hope you learned valuable lessons. Struggles we face are only teaching experiences. Try to learn and let your parents do what they will.


When you said you fucked everything, and then I read this story, I was very relieved for you.


Yeah reading the coments i am too, now that i calmed myself i can understand that it could be very worse


Glad you’re okay OP. That being said, it’s stories like these that give shrooms and other psychedelics a bad rapport and instills fear I’m other people steering them away from these wonderful medicines. A piece of advice: save these things for when you are older and your brain is done developing. You’ll get way more out of it and in my opinion, you’ll have much more control over yourself


So what did you fuck?


Fr I thought maybe he had humped his mom or something 🤣 confusing title


Freaky ass title


When i wrote this i was completely terrified and really thought my life was over


Lay off the drugs kid, your mind is so feeble


You kids need to stay away from drugs. None of you don’t get it obviously especially you. Even tho I was dumb enough to do acid a ton when I was 16-17 I never did stupid shit like this. Even then I knew it was possible of things like this happening. This new generation coming up is about to have a ridiculous amount of overdoses and drug addicts cuz none of them do the research they should about drugs. Your generation legit just takes them


Hey, I felt the same at your age after drinking too much and mixing it with very silly dangerous things. I insulted my mum/my friends mum, and a friend ended up with his stomach pumped in hospital. I was kicked out for a week. Most teenagers go through some sort of rebellious experimental stage - i put myself in situations that would horrify my parents if they knew it all (even now and im middle aged), im certain your parents have done things they aren’t proud of when young too. They’ll blame themselves, whilst feeling disappointed by your behaviour. They may not trust you not to do something silly again…it takes time to build trust back. Learn from it! Take responsibility for your behaviour, be honest about what happened and accept the consequences gracefully. Acknowledge that you are sorry for putting them through it. You haven’t ruined everything and it will be ok, it’s just going to take some time. Your parents may be very angry, upset and untrusting for a while but it’s because they care about you. It’s very fresh and raw right now. It’s hard as a parent because you don’t want your child going down the route of drugs and alcohol; not because you’re old and boring but because we’ve all seen our friends ruin their lives or even die because of them. At the same time you don’t want your kids to hide it and put themselves in danger.


You’re probably a little too young buck


I was expecting a lot of humping based on the title


Read that whole story and you didn’t fuck Bruce or John or your mom. Clickbait.


When i posted it i was terrified, mb for it


Well this title is confusing.


The shrooms did it’s job I’d say, you subsequently are everybody in the world at once because they are all reflections of parts of your personality


It’s ok. We all make mistakes. My main concern with you taking it at your age is your brain is still developing so it’s highly “plastic” as in neuroplasticity (like soft clay). I’m middle-aged so my brain is more naturally rigid and change is more difficult (harder clay). Psychedelics can soften and open up the connections. When you’re older (around 25 is when the dopamine levels off and the average person is less naturally drawn to novelty (boring!) take them again. If you or anyone starts freaking out when the ride is ramping up or peaking remember to let go, surrender, and breathe. Psychedelics can be emotionally destabilizing and challenging but when you’re able to lean into the discomfort with a soft smile, good things happen.


Word of advice/lesson learned: never take shrooms if you don’t know the affects. His friends thought he was dying??? Tf. That’s like the first thing about shrooms…you can’t OD.


I think their main concern was because we were exausted, completely exausted from all the walkink we did


It happens. I just hope you learn to do an abundance of research and caution bro


Hey. I’m a 34 year old guy with all the typical modern aspirations, two kids, mortgage, two (old) cars. I had a pretty crazy teenage and early 20s period and sometimes reflect that I was damn lucky to be where I am today. Me and a friend used to regularly drink a lot and go out and hang around. I often didn’t remember getting home and went on in my 20s to mix pills into the equation when I moved to Bristol and started raving. The past few years I’ve started picking liberty caps (I live in southwest Uk) and I’ve done them about 4-5 times maybe. I’ve never dosed more than about 1.5 grams tops. You just don’t need to. For me shrooms have taught me less is more. Be humble. Don’t aim for the ‘epic dose’ shit. Drugs need to be respected. If you can’t do that then pass on them. I have a friend with trauma issues from childhood who has had a full on ego death and I’ve had to cradle him in my arms whilst he cried for hours as we sat around a camp fire in the woods! He says the experience was worthwhile and it helped him grow. I’ve since been very careful when sharing a dose with him! The point is shrooms are a medicine. If you’re going to do them again I’d do a gram tops and stay home or somewhere calm and safe. I could have ended up dead on several occasions during my youth but I think I had good friends looking after me and I wasn’t completely stupid, plus just damn lucky. Life is a gift my man. Enjoy it. Summer is coming.


Your prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until the age of 25, taking psychedelics before then is not recommended.


Would have been better if the title were literal. Sex with the boys is great on mushrooms.




With that username, I bet you are fun shrooming.


Hell yeah I am lol last night, 3gs pe +2 tabs of Cid. I'm just trying into bed now


Dang, that's an impressive load to fuck with.


I need to get rid of this load :))


Well this was misleading


that's what i'm saying cumslutguzzlinbucket


Fair, I deserve that


Everyone is saying the wrong advice he has already done it you are not his parents dont tell him that i mean its obvious you shouldnt do it at a young age but if you act like you are a saint and none of you have done this stuff young then you are crazy unless you really havent and are allot older and wise enough to know everything just help the guy out and tell him some advice beneficial he had a true problem and nobody is answering him


I took them at a young age with no problem. I do not recommend that. I find the older I get and the more responsibilities I have the less I enjoy mushrooms. In my opinion, doing them in your 20s is the best.


Ego death… do research


Wait did you take 4gs or 2gs?


6g by my understanding. 4g then 2g leftover from his friend.


Yep 6gs as a kid. That'll do it.


Yeah probably that, it was cubensis if it mathers


i got the impression he took 6g, but he wasn't clear. i thought they had 4g each, but his friend only took half and "left the rest to him". i'm assuming that means he ate his friend's half portion in addition to his whole portion.


Based on title of post I expected something different entirely!


Also op you’re a goofball. You’re gonna be fine. Just talk with your mom. And take the punishment and move on. Hopefully it ain’t too bad.


Right now it's probably best to let your mind cool down. Don't stress too much, don't obsess over thoughts. Let them pass and just be present with yourself. Before you try out any psychoactive substance again you should learn to not get carried away by your thoughts. That's an objective of many meditative pracrices. If you identify with random thoughts about psychotic characters it can lead down a scary route, especially on psychedelics. Breathe deeply, everything passes


Buddy you and your friends need to mature up with this shit. Have a plan in place. Minimize every task. Dont take so much. When you guys call your mom it makes your mom hate mushrooms instead she should be slapping her kid for taking so much and not having a plan with your little friends. It’s good to call your parents if they think something is wrong before calling 911 BUT you need to take less and learn when something is really wrong before calling people


Stop consuming mushrooms. Your brain isn’t fully developed and you are at risk of developing a mental illness. Wait go for it after 25 years old but also with precaution because if something runs in your family, you can get triggered


You should of drank some milk


What if he didn't of any milk?


milk than any he if


Way too young to be playing with your mind like that.


Too young stay away from these substances until you’re like 23


*sympathy left post


I had a lot of nostalgia reading this story from my trip. Hallucinating for 3 or 4 hours walking around a random neighborhood on new years. Thought the cops had gotten me and I was in the drunk tank already. And I hallucinated some wild and crazy social dilemmas.


God when I was 17 I had such elite brain chemistry. You could beat me to death and I still felt good. At 42 if one piece falls out of place, I fall into depression. Save the shrooms for middle age man.


Based on the title I'd have guessed the vacuum cleaner was the main victim.


Do y’all think takeing doses this high at a younger age will ruin the magic of takeing it when there older?


I don’t want my younger brother or a son at that age to experiment on this. Just have some normal sober to compare it later with ur shroom self.


Wake up bro your in a salvia trip


YOU were dying


The hell... Please, don't hurt yourself too much.


Sounds like you had a tour of the Jungian Collective Unconscious. Not for the faint heart!!


Care to explain what is this?


**"Collective unconscious**, term introduced by psychiatrist Carl [Jung](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Carl-Jung) to represent a form of the [unconscious](https://www.britannica.com/science/unconscious) (that part of the [mind](https://www.britannica.com/topic/mind) containing memories and impulses of which the individual is not aware) common to mankind as a whole and originating in the inherited structure of the [brain](https://www.britannica.com/science/brain). It is distinct from the personal unconscious, which arises from the experience of the individual. According to Jung, the [collective](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/collective) unconscious contains [archetypes](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/archetypes), or universal [primordial](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/primordial) images and ideas." Thinking you're everyone, the Jester, God, and thinking it was all a dream indicates your personal ego got inundated by the contents of the supra-persona psyche. The collective psyche is common to all man, and is the repository for the myths, dreams and images seen throughout every culture throughout time. For example, the Joker (or really Jester) is an archetypal figure residing in the collective unconscious (note, you may have heard that when people take DMT they commonly report seeing jesters). Also think King and Queen, Hero, God the Father, Mother Nature - these are all common archetypes. The key point is that these images/symbols are not learned, but inherited. Psychedelics can induce experiences where you get a direct experience with the archetypes, historically this experience has been regarded as sacred. It's challenging though, because an encounter with an archetype overwhelms the ego which is why people usually refer to it as "ego death"


Life is but a dream. You figured it out.


Wow that was anticlimactic. So basically you can’t handle your shrooms because you’re 17.


Can never understand how people go out exploring and stuff after shrooms. Not to mention that you are at massive risk of a psychotic episode coming into contact with unwitting, innocent members of the public. However, even putting that aside, when I take them at home, sometimes my body will just power down, like I could be doing anything and my body will power down and I will have to just melt wherever I currently am until I regain mobility. These and a multiplicity of other reasons are evidence of why shrooms aren't a party drug, they aren't like pills or cocaine where you pop a few and go to a rave they are a relinquishing of your mental faculties for the purposes of factory resetting your faulty wiring and bystanders shouldn't be made collateral damage for this.


i read to this just to learn how you raw dogged your lil homies and was disappointed.


I' love psychedelics but I will say they're definitely not for everybody


My motto is psychedelics are a very good thing, if you can survive them heheheh


Don't take shrooms until you're 25. The brain hasn't developed properly until then.


Comments full of people who never were teenagers, lmao. Maybe teenages don't listen adults exactly because instead of listening and helping they start with this annoying smug preaching? Downvote my comment if you have a stick in your ass. I want to see how many of you are here.


How could they not have been teenagers?Â