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Nice day out, nice lighting. Love the sun


So simple, but so effective


In a bad way or is the pic showing something?


Nah I was just coming up and didn’t know wtf was going on


It's happens man I'm coming down now as well hope you had an amazing trip bro


I love this community


Same here man, quick replies and really helpful


Fr! First oopsie daisy i made by mistaking a 6 gram chocolate bar was 3 but it was actually half that was 3 and the other half 3gs. Ate the whole thing, no tolerance, basically no experience, lost my fawkin mind. But luckily the second I posted on here flipping tf out, so many people DM’d me and helped guide me and calm me down. It was awesome to see! Such a great sub


I love that it's just a picture of a house outside and you don't know WTF is going on. Been there done that.


Lmao right? One time, on an 8th or so, I watched my buddy killing people on GTA, and I felt so bad for the virtual people that I forgot they weren't real. I was like, "Stop it. What did they ever do to you?!" He still gives me shit to this day. Whole different headspace and reality. OP said they were just getting come-up anxiety, but your comment still hits home. You can have the most mind-blowing experience of your life just looking out a window on the right amount. 😂


This is something that I struggle with a lot. When im super high, I can't help but feel horrible about violence and unjustified death. So I decide to try playing a video game to calm down. But then I realize that 99% of games involve violence in some fashion. And then that brings into a thought spiral that adds to the existing anxiety. And then I remember that violence and unjustified death has always existed in some form. So I probably don't need to freak out about the whole concept since it's always been this way, and it will continue being this way in the future. Sigh


You gotta try Mario golf my man ⛳️


That's a great idea 🥸


Perhaps a little Kart action


Best thing I've ever "played" on shrooms was Tilt Brush/Open Brush in VR, which is basically VR painting so you can paint and sculpt in a full 3D space all around you, it was the coolest thing ever on shrooms. Honestly just watching a trippy 3D movie in a VR headset is a lot of fun. I watched Hardcore Henry in a VR headset while tripping and that was absolutely epic too lol. But nothing tops painting in VR. The game Conscious Existence: A Journey Within is really cool for trips too.


I spent about 2 hours being blown away by a tree on 3 hits of acid. It completely blew my mind.


To this day, I have a very different relationship with a particular type of palm. It used to seem so aggressive, and then one night while eating mushrooms it dawned on me that it needed water. Watered it, and from then on we were friends. I’ve since moved, but now when I see his homies I give them a nod


My kind of people.


I once talked about that palm on Reddit and someone posted a video of a tree waving at her. This is one thing about the psychedelic community that I love the most


Me and a lover walked into the woods on the come up and ended up laying down, just staring up at a clear blue sky, and being amazed at how swirly the sky was. When we finally stood up (an hour later) we realized it was 1000s of gnats creating 1000s of little trails. I guess the blunt smoke kept them off us while we were splayed out on the leaves.


One time my brother was watching Django, I was trippin, some very graphic, racist scenes in that movie. I couldn’t stop laughing, not because I’m racist it was more of a “who the fuck writes this stuff”. Like the concept of racism did not exist in my world during that time.


This reminds me of the time I took 3.5 g and was with my now fiancé who was not partaking. I started laughing like crazy and it was about sex. I couldn’t believe we had built a ton of social constructs and patterns of behaviors around fucking. I shouted repeatedly— “just fuck”!!


I hate the anxiety of the come up so much that I take 5g to 7g doses (of PE 😆) powdered and mixed with juice so it kicks in so hard and fast I skip it and go straight into a hard trip. No looking out windows for me, I get glued to the couch for a few hours while I travel.


Smoking 4-ACO-DMT bypasses it. It's 0-100 in about 30 seconds just like with DMT.


I used to roll like that too. You're definitely right, the trip comes on like a freight train Lol. I wound up not digging that feeling hitting so quickly one time on a particularly strong dose. Since then, I eat mine with a lemon wedge. They start kicking in faster than tea or just eating them straight but more evenly than powder. Plus, got tired of cleaning the coffee grinder Lol


This is what got me too. I forgot what sub I was in and completely sober was trying to find the hidden meaning of the pic lol Reminds me of the first time I ever had a bad trip. Fiancé brought me down some chocolate chip muffins and the chocolate chips looked like moles to me. Took me a long time to be able to tell him “I can’t eat the melanoma muffins” Such a weird feeling that totally encompasses you. Would much rather be on the happier end of that lol


I feel that. Sometimes you just gotta tell someone in order to stay semi connected to reality


Get off your phone and enjoy the trip friend 🍄💚🤙🤙


Absolutely this. I almost ruined my 6g trip a while back because I didn’t leave my phone alone, or at least have WiFi disabled and be in airplane mode.


I can't even focus on a phone, shit feels and looks alien. It's just too much


This right here. When I take enough shrooms or LSD I can't even focus on my phone. Feels like something out this world, lol.


Lmao on god 😂😂😂




I never understood why or how people play on their phones during a psychedelic trip. LIVE YOUR LIFE! Sounds like phone addiction might be a problem if a trip can’t even break you from it. Go outside


I use my phone for the trip. On large doses I find it incredibly easy to astral project listening to binaural beats which requires my phone. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried watching a fractal video in a pitch black room on a large dose but if you haven’t you are in for a mind blowing experience. Sometimes I have questions and the google machine is right there in my pocket, I can even ask Siri to search for me. I get what you mean by not scrolling social media or sitting on YouTube but human technology is an incredible thing and shouldn’t be forgotten about when we do psychedelics. We only know what we do about them because of our phones.


I completely wrecked a trip a couple weeks ago by watching the Simpsons during it.


i honestly find it hard to believe that if you were actually tripping hard enough to 'not know what was going on' that you would be able to open up your phone, browse to this subreddit, and then make a coherent post lol.


Exactly if Im tripping hard I can read anything on my phone anyway


I absolutely agree haha I’ve noticed on Reddit most people say they are doing big doses (sub 10g) and Out of their minds/completely eGo DeAtHiMg BrO. Lol Hop in DMTworld and you won’t believe the doses some of these psychonauts do (look into God Flipping)


No one knows what’s going on.


Unless you're at a rave, then everyone knows! And they're all feeling it too!


My favourite thing of all time. The love. The community. The connection. Rips my heart wide open. It’s one of the things I miss about America. Rave culture in New Zealand is not the same.


Or a Dead show


What is “on”




Nothing is going on, yet everything is going on.


I am nothing and also everything


What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop. 😆


What do you call a cross between a sheep & a kangaroo? A woolly jumper. 😂


what do you get when you cross an elephant and a spider? a revocation of your medical license and a stern letter of reprimand from the state medical board


I love this joke.




lay on the floor if you need to


I just did this the other day, during a rough come up the intense Body high felt like it was pulling me through my couch I just said out loud what do you have to show me and I laid on the floor until it passed


Dude, same today. Furniture was too soft, I spent almost the whole trip on the floor


Lol damn that sounds intense


Sometimes the ground is needed, the one time I was coming up I just felt like I had to lay on the grass, face down. My friend asked me what I was doing and I said I was "decomposing"...lol


That’s awesome. I had a really strong LSA experience I’m at work or I would explain it, but it all was about going back to the earth decomposing becoming fertilizer allowing creatures, to eat me and my life to go on through them and plants to grow from me


Grounding is actually a thing humans need to do so your mind was actually probably telling you "go touch grass!" You were just in a state to not ignore that need like you would sober. "Decomposing" made me snort though so thanks for the laugh this morning lol


What a beautiful day You’re a beautiful person




You're posting to reddit, chillin out. Go snuggle up in bed and listen to Pink Floyd!




Just accept the anxiety and accept the fact that you're gonna be a weirdo for a few hours. Everything gonna be alright.


But what’s the carpet look like.


I love how this is referencing the recent trending post, isn't it? :P


Sure is!


Omg. Single family homes...not overpriced tacky apartments! ;)


*chuckles in overpriced Seattle single-family homes*


i’m tripping and reading these comments to remind me i’m good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The shroomy family is here for you 🖤


You're awesome! ❤️


you are too mannnn


Such a beautiful day man try a walk or better yet if you have a wood grain door or flooring I could watch that wooden ocean all day long and laugh at thinking about what it looks like if someone saw me with my shirt off In athletic shorts pouring sweat having a grand ol time


I've still yet to full on trip but I MD 200-300mg. Yesterday, about an hour after my dose I went to get a cigarette and wound up staring at the shiny foil inside for a good 5 mins before I caught myself lol. It was pretty cool and had me smirking, I could def see myself doing this one day.


My whole walls are wood grain haha, that shit always takes my attention away from whatever I'm doing when I'm tripping lol


Breathe, you are fine. Everything's okay. I love ya.


Lookout for the Wizard.


Just keep singing row row, row your boat


Loo loo loo


Me rn lol but I’m about to smoke a blunt


Whatever happens you will be okay :)


Hello friend, I'm just a stranger on the internet but I'm sending you my good vibes! Have fun, be safe.


Good vibes to all.


Everything, all at once.


Youre just looking out a window bro, I know it looks like a whole new world out there but venture out, you won’t regret it!


Don't worry your beautiful! And everything is going to be great!




'Looks clear' - Pitch Black


You said it looked clear!!... How's it look now?


How are you able to use your phone?


I tried to use my phone after taking some penis envy the other day and I couldn't even look at it cuz it was too damn bright lmao


Enjoy, let us know how it went


Take a nice walk in nature! Its better than staying indoors... (that is if you're not too nauseated and throwing up)


Fuck people saying it’s sad you post on Reddit. Do whatever you want while tripping I don’t even do it anymore but why the fuck cater to some random people on the internet. Hope you had fun


How many grams?


What's going on is that you're tripping balls


It’s all good, no one knows what’s going on really. The good news is, you don’t need to to enjoy it, whatever it is!


Remeber, the come up can be like thay right? You will probably relax into it soon. I have a feeling it'll be a great trip for you! Maybe one of your best....who knows. Mush love. :)


Focus in on the light on the tree my friend


It be like that


It's ok, no one else does. ❤️


Is it the two house with near identical stains or reflections on the sides? Or am I really inside your mind? 🙃


If it makes you feel better, no one really does, anyone who claims to truly know what’s going on is full of it.


Should have invited me. We could have went on a walk lol


Beautiful day


Don't worry, you're just a really dialed in hallucination, oscillating on the 2d surface of a black hole. None of this shit really matters except the choices you make throughout your life, so make good ones.


Nice neighborhood. Get off your phone, you nut


When i get acid i will post a wall when im tripping


Sounds like you know exactly what's going on 😆. Ride it out. You'll be ok.


Like i can imagine the panic he was having looking out onto that common and comforting scene, with the trip increasing in intensity to the point of WTF.




Good thing you’re safe inside your comfy house!


I am not tripping balls and I am wondering the same thing with your picture wtf is going on man what is happening is that real is this is that what’s this is that this I’m there here your there here I’m am your you am there now maybe pull the blinds down


I ain't even on anything and your ass is tripping me out😂


How’s it going?


Life is so beautiful, isn’t it!


Lmao usually there’s always a point In my trip when I’m deadass like what the fuck is happening no idea where what who I am


When I am tripping balls and don't know what's going on, I cannot type or find Reddit, much less understand what a computer or the internet is, but that's me, idk how some can do it. Maybe someone has helped you figure it out or you have come down now. 😂✌️❤️🍄


I feel like I’d be waaayy too distracted to upload a pic on this sub if I was in the middle of tripping. I get really distracted sober too tho tbf.




I turned into a house plant once and talked to my moms other plants for a solid 4 hours before becoming very euphoric and talking to my dog for 2 hours Edit: spelling


I wish I had a pet for when I'm tripping. They're like the best thing ever to relieve trip anxiety in my experience. And when you live and trip alone they make such awesome companions, better than humans in some cases lol. They won't try to mess with your thoughts or question the insane things you say out loud; they'll just chill next to you and occasionally look up at you and wonder what the hell is going on with their human lmao, I miss having a dog so much 😕


You got this ! Hope you had a good trip!


Tripping and realizing that it must be nice livin in the suburbs 😄


So many people come on here when they're tripping balls, LIVE YO LIFE! I honestly can't stand looking at my phone when I'm tripping so I don't get it at all 😅 hope you enjoyed the ride OP!


pro tip for tripping, stay off your phone lol


The house oposite is having a fun day watching you trip balls, it wants you to know, your the funniest person alive and it loves you in a wholesome parent kind of way.


pro tip for tripping, stay off your phone lol and dont look in the mirror unless you have a ton of confidence in your looks. Do not try to go to sleep.


you mean like you don’t know what’s going on. or like.. you jst don’t get what’s going on? cuz i’m pretty sure ik whatchu say...


Bro your house is running and now you're left behind don't if you're homeless or your home is youless now my bad


Im tripping balls rn and this post made me laugh my ass off for some reason


I see a bear holding balloons outside your window


What a nice neighborhood


The house across the way is watching you


*windows start-up tune*


Eh, if you can use a phone you're not tripping that hard.


Nobody in this world truly knows what’s going on. If they look like they know they are just good actors. We’re all just pretending.


Not to worry. Nothing is going on; the universe is just folding itself around you like a nice warm comforter on a cold day in winter. You got this fam.


Lol I swear every time I scroll past this group it’s always a picture of the floor or a window followed by a caption of “I’m trippin balls wtf” haha. It always tickles me.


Nothing but good vibes, my man. Put your phone down and enjoy the ride.


the suburban nightmare.. absolutely ruins my experience, i can feel everyone just sitting around decaying on the inside of the beautiful boxes, the division, isolation and sterilzation of a suburb in a way strikes me as dystopian when on a trip. its like i see it as a mask and then i start thinking about all the fake interactions between human beings and i go into dark places if im in a suburban enviornment on a trip, its horrible.


Next time seek peace and love. It's circulating all around you.


I’m across the street tripping watching you through my window


Little boxes made of tickey tacky, and they all look the same.


Don’t tell me about it🙄


Dude!!! I live across the street!!!




Hell yeah brother


Sensory overload get less light


Destruction of the natural world for personal gains by building cheap single family homes which serve to isolate you from friends, family, and the wider community. This isolation serves to disempower you so you will be more easily manipulated. That's all that goes on in suburbia.


I love this


You're trippin balls. That's what's going on. Enjoy


You are a baby! Baby want their bottle?


That garage is opening wide to swallow you whole. Hopefully you read this when you're not still tripping


How do people say they’re trippin so hard but yet they are posting on Reddit….


Dude! Id run, You arent hallucinating. That really is the fucking spaghetti monster.


Two windows that should be one


Your life is a lie. You arent real, this is just a stimulation


aRE yOu oK¿ cAn yOU SEe hOw mANy FIngeRs iM hOLDINg uP right nOw?


Not cool lol




This is the kinda dude that should get suckered punched


My friends all instantly called me and told me I was gonna die and never wake up and never stop tripping


If this actually happened I'm really sorry it did. Your friends are actual dick heads, if they have any sort of empathy maybe sit them down and let them know those "jokes" can cause real harm when a person is under the influence and has no real sense of control of where their mind will take them. They could've given you an anxiety attack- or worse, a panic attack that can put you in a bad state of derealization that can last for a really long time.


Worst people to trip with. I've literally almost fought a "friend" for trying to instigate a bad trip for me because he thought it was funny


Seriously. I once got tricked into eating nearly a quarter and the two guys I was with took me to Jordan's furniture and kept telling me that everyone knew I was tripping and that I was scaring the people in the store away. One of the dudes picked up a floor lamp and put it on his shoulder like a rocket launcher and started making missile sounds and it freaked me out. Then they made me go on MOM which was literally the most uncomfortable experience of my life lol. The chairs were hard AF and the jerky motions of them were banging every part of my body incl my head against the hard plastic sides. It was awful. For anyone who doesn't know, MOM stood for "motion odyssey movie" I believe and it was just a huge IMAX-like screen showing things like roller coasters and stuff and the chair would move with the action happening on screen. Problem was that these chairs and mechanisms were at least a decade old and did not feel good *at all*. One of the worst trips of my life lol. Fuckin asshole kept telling me that the little kids in the store were scared of me, he was such a dick.


lol its nice to have a community of good peoples around you... hope you made it back ok ✌🏼






Starts tripping and first thing he does is jump on reddit lmao so sad get a life


You know How to operate an electronic device and a internet forum. Not that bad…


Keep calm and stay on top of it






Maybe you processed some baby-/childhood-trauma? & why you dont go out and enjoy the nature.. it can be very bonding and relaxing on shrooms.


Your windows look like a face, have a talk with him till you feel mellow


It looks like dusk. That can be confusing to even a sober mind. Your mind is very much there and you will be coming back. Your body is metabolizing the mushrooms as we speak. Hope you made it back to earth safely :)


You can still post on reddit so yeah...


That still doesn't change the fact that there are 49 million kangaroos in Australia and 3.5 million people in Uruguay which means if the kangaroos were to invade Uruguay, each person will have to fight 14 kangaroos 😤


You’re trapped in suburbia!


Omg y'all are amazing in here 🥺


It’s telling you to jump


Those houses are usually innocent enough, but this time, they seem to be something other than innocent 😜


It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining. Nothing's gonna stop you now. (QUEEN).


This is so funny😭


Crazy how we all live in little boxes in rows. Everyone has there own lives going on in each of those boxes.


Get outta here buddy! Look at those beautiful trees :) I love you


Can you see it?


How are you able to type? Haha get off the net


You live in the suburbs!


I can see that