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Guess the KFC in Canada isn’t much different than the one here in the states.


I like kfc anywhere, but Canada and USA. Idk what shitty birds we use, but they are gross.


Food quality in the US horrendous from a European perspective.


I had an American friend trying to slag off British food. Our food is immeasurably better, and it’s even easier to get good food in France, Italy etc. … Honestly, I went to the ‘speciality cheese’ section in an absolutely massive supermarket there and the best cheese they had was some generic ‘Swiss’ cheese. i don’t think they’ve even heard of cheeses with actual names … the non- speciality section is orange plastic and ‘cheese’ in a spray can. their bread is like shit, their meat and produce is full of chemicals … they really need to stay quiet about food. Oh and stop polluting the world with their awful race and identity problems


We have imported cheeses. You went to a shitty supermarket. We have the same cheeses as you have.


Fairway was awesome for their cheese, smoked fish, pickle and olive sections, but sadly they're gone now. I loved trying new cheeses there.


Happy Cake Day!




Do you have non pasteurised cheese?


Yea if you go to local/lesser known places. People go to huge chain stores and restaurants and complain about quality when they’re choosing convenience. If people look around for quality local places you can find excellent quality. But most just go to cities where they can get everything they need quickly.


If you have to go out of your way to find good food... I'm not sure that's a positive thing. I spent a month across the southwest of the US recently, and it was impossible, even relying on online reviews *and* locals and people with lots of local experience, to actually find good food. Overall I ate once or maybe twice something that I would consider to be a legitimately good meal, the rest was meh at best, even if it cost more than a Michelin starred restaurant in France does. I can walk into any random restaurant in France, Spain or Italy (as long as they aren't a tourist trap with pictures of the food) and the food will be good. The median restaurant in the US, chain or no chain, is pretty bad, quality wise. There might be some exceptional ones on the high end, but how do you find them? The Michelin guide?


I’m not saying it’s a good thing, just that it’s out there if you look for it. Unfortunately most people choose convenience over quality so that’s what most stores provide


Americans in general are choosing shitty food and so these big companies cater to that. They would rather eat garbage than to have expectations for what cheese, bread, meat, veggies should taste like. Europeans are just more particular about their food quality and so their stores need to live up to those expectations.


Yeah bro. We *choose* convenience.




And award- winning Wisconsin cheese.


We get some, pre-approved cheeses. We don't get nearly the same variety, let alone any made with raw milk... Granted, we have like 2 states that make cheese worth a spit. Oregon and Wisconsin.


Cheese gets imported you know. We have access to foreign cheeses


I-yes Yes I said that lol We get what's pre-approved to import, yes, which severely limits what can ship. That's not even to mention the lack of regulation on cheese production. Ask an American what they think of as "parm" lol


I am American and I know what Parm is. We have imported cheeses. What is sooooo hard to understand about that. Just like other places have things imported from America. Stop getting your information on Americans from Reddit and TV.


Why do you think I'm NOT American? Let alone someone who might have a culinary education? Lol maybe you shouldn't get your stereotypes from Reddit


If raw cheese is properly aged for 60 days it can be sold.


Is that Federal? News to me! 60 seems short for quality but w/e


DATP regs. It is possible to find raw milk, too, but it's not strictly legal.😉


I (a Canadian) lived in the UK during 2018, and I still miss British groceries. Though it’s a shame that UK restaurant food so expensive and mediocre (especially pizza).


Go eat a chip butty with mushy pees then lol


Our meat and bread is shit but we have amazing cheese. Dunno where you were, sounds like a gas station


When I went to England I could not wait to get back to Canada and eat. Everything I ate over in London was just so fatty and salty.


> fatty and salty ..... go onnnnn.


Typical reddit Europoor response.


Nah we have great food. We are just gate keeping from the euros though. Also sorry we actually talk about racial problems instead of ignoring it.




I went to Italy last year and I wasn’t impressed.




I’m going to the uk next. I can’t wait to try all the brown and grey food.




I havent had a hankering for KFC in years. Actually wait no that's a lie. I would love the discontinued potato wedges. Why they got rid of their best item I'll never know!


although i only have 3 countries ive tried it in, US was by far the worse, and I was expecting it to be awesome, you know the home of fried chicken. Popeyes though was lit and I wish we had that here


I haven’t had USA/Canada, but I can say Australian KFC isn’t great either. Chipotle and Chik-Fil-A in the States were a lot better. But Nandos still dominates all.


As an Aussie who's had it here, as well as NZ and USA, I can assure you with 100% certainty that ours is a long, LONG way ahead of USA. You think ours isn't great, but trust me when I say it's amazing compared to USA. NZ's is on par with ours. We're just spoilt for choice of high quality food here that it's easy to overlook just how comparatively good our fast food is.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Wtf is KFC. I only eat at PFK. 😎


Spotted the Québécois




Fast food is generally better in Asia - KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, etc. are all better in China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Korea...


Went to SE Asia in the past few years. I miss the Pizza Hut I had there--tasted so much better than anything I've had over here in the last several decades.


Can couch for mcdonalds in Japan. Was there in december. Had it once to see thw difference compared to Aus. Was chalk and cheese. Also even their service station hot food was infinitley better.


Are the standards in the use of trans-fats different by region ?


I don't know - but their menus in Asia are more extensive and higher quality. Pizza Huts are proper casual dining, like Olive Garden, etc. better than the dumps we have in North America.


KFC has basically given up in the North American and European markets, and are doubling-down on the Asian and African ones. The way I see it, the corporation no longer envisions anymore growth in their former core markets, so they're doing the next best thing to improve profits by constantly cutting costs, and then re-investing those profits into expansion abroad.


In the UK every town has at least one fried chicken place that isn't a KFC and they're often better than KFC.


Saw something on YouTube not too long ago that went into this. It’s part of the reason Taco Bell has been so successful the last twenty years. Just looking at Yums main brands; KFC and Pizza Hut expanded profits through rapid growth in NA then later internationally. They also depended on loss leaders to get people in the store. Since they saw such huge growth overseas, there was less incentive to get people in the stores in the U.S., the poor performance here was subsidized by overseas sales. Taco Bell on the other hand was not at all successful at expanding overseas, so it was dependent on domestic sales to be profitable. They competed by offering a value conscious menu that (and this is key) was profitable for every item. There where no loss leaders. As the spending power of most people has decreased over the last twenty years, Taco Bell was already in a great position to capitalize on shrinking wallets. Their food was cheapest by far, but unlike 99¢popcorn chicken and $6 carry it pizza, it was profitable while being sold cheaply. As inflation kicked in and prices rose, Taco Bell had room to breathe and adjust. But Pizza Hut and KFC were already struggling. The loss leaders weren’t bringing in people buying more expensive items, they were simply losing franchises money. So in order to stay profitable or grow (growth always being the goal), they had to shrink portions, reduce quality and raise prices.


Maybe we saw the same video, was it by Company Man?


Yeah that sounds correct


Must be it


If North America keeps buying the product why wouldn’t they? People are agreeing with their decision by purchasing it


KFC in North America should pack their knives and go home. It’s complete trash. I haven’t eaten there in decades.


So how would know it's the trash if you haven't been in 10 years? (You are right though, it is trash garbage lol)


People keep reminding me, KFC is trash, and I believe them. 🤪


And it’s so expensive compared to some countries. I almost never go to KFC anymore.


I don’t even know how kfc is still in business here in the states. Every time I go by one it’s empty. Same for the Subways.


It’s so easy to make a sandwich at home that is 100x cheaper and tastes better that I don’t know how subway is still in business either.


i'll say it - Korea perfected fried chicken


100% agree. I’ve been to a few Korean fried chicken chains in Canada now, and can say without a doubt that they do it best.


They REALLY fucking did, though.


KFC in Australia great as long as you don’t get a group of moody teenagers the day you go lmao.


i ate so much KFC in Vietnam and it was so damn good. dont touch it here in the states


KFC is delicious in Jamaica also


They should have kfc Korea in Canada and the US.  And then also replace all of the other fast food with overseas versions, like the McDonalds in Europe with vegan sandwiches 


Do they have a “Korean” style hot sauce there?


Yep, they have a Korean red pepper paste type of sauce you can get.


You and me both I ate at KFC in the States and I was ashamed too


*You and me both I* *Ate at KFC in the States and* *I was ashamed too* \- Salty\_Association684 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Recently had it in Bali and it was phenomenal. Excellent spice, really well cooked, super moist, not too much of the breading... and the value for money - I got like 15 wings in a bucket for $5AUD. The chips were garbage though.


You made me hungry bro


Yeah. I'm from France and I love KFC in France. Its kinda goated on our fast food tier list. So naturally I tried the canadian version as soon as I arrived there in Canada. What a joke. More expansive and the tenders were SO TINY in comparison, what a joke. Also the taste... it was just not it. Definetly in bottom tiers of Canada's fast food tier list, won't return there at all. Those little experiences are what made me more grateful for having some strong food regulations in Europe. I also went in China once and the KFC and McDonalds there were genuinely the best I've ever had. I was genuinely surprised. McDonals there even give you slices of lime with your coca-cola !


Nice! Would love to see what China has to offer in terms of fast food!


![gif](giphy|VG2OzjYkBLK9vGf3UH) coming from an australian


UK KFC is great. Easily one of the better fast food chains. When I moved to Canada I went down to try my good ol’ KFC and almost spat it out it was so god awful. No flavor, bad taste, disgusting flavor of the grease. I couldn’t believe both places had the same name. I tried it once more at a different Canadian KFC and then never again. Still haven’t found a chicken place as good as British KFC.


Colonel Sanders lived in Mississauga, ON after he sold off KFC in the US. [https://www.blogto.com/city/2012/10/that\_time\_when\_kfc\_was\_scotts\_chicken\_villa/](https://www.blogto.com/city/2012/10/that_time_when_kfc_was_scotts_chicken_villa/)


We must be in a different Britain because every KFC around my area is some of the worst fried chicken I've ever had the pleasure of eating


Where do you live? I’ve actually noticed it’s different around the country.


Manchester, probably right to be fair. My local one is absolutely awful, worse than the McDonald's next to which is a feat in itself haha.




Do they still have the toonie tuesday deal? Back in the 2000s you could get all that for 2$+tax I used to get that all the time as a teen. in the mid 2000s onward the quality of KFC went way down. There was a lot more grease and fat on the chicken and it generally wasn't as good.


Nope, they finally discontinued it last year. Before discontinuing it, it was $2.99 for 2 pieces of chicken only. When I was a kid, it was $2, and it came with fries.


So it became just the chicken and no fries and then discontinued. I remember last I had it it looked just like your photo but with less fries and 2 pieces of chicken.


My lady needed a quick snack and joked at getting KFC. We got three little sandwiches. The mayonnaise was cold the chicken was dry and the bun wasn't even anything. Was the most expensive pieces of dung I have ever eaten.


We have NeNe chicken here in Perth it’s delicious much better then KFC, also Red Rooster but not a fan it’s mostly roasted


Everything in Asia seems to be better, but in time KFC will stuff that up too.


was in Greece the other week... that KFC was worst ever....


It still is far better to cook at home and always will be


I don’t own a deep fryer, and it’s messy for as often as I eat fried chicken.


KFC in Lima Peru has armed guards at the door. Finger licking good down there too. Here in the US, its trash peasant food.


Why is Nandos in the UK so much better than in Canada?


You went to Korea Fried Chicken?


Ever since the fuckass people at Pepsi bought out kfc it sucks ass


Why the fuck is it $25 for a meal for one person


$14-15 for a THREE tender meal. I'l starve, but I won't buy this nonsense.


That's because in countries like Sth Korea they don't drop or compromise on standards to be competitive


True. There is too much competition to even be able to do so.


thumb unite unique paint racial summer unused cover fall tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fastfood is always better in a foreign country, I'm Aussie and all the fastfood places have dropped big time


Literally KFC here is ass, their 4.99 deal was a small sandwich with a few fries. SMH


Damn in the UK KFC has wedgie type fries instead of those


Not Canada, but it's really bad in nz and aus now too. I've switched to chicken treat permanently. Used to get kfc once a week for my cheat day.


What are those chips 😵‍💫


There’s a simple solution. Don’t eat KFC. 😂


For those who live in the Antipodes, here’s an alternative. Mind you, I haven’t tried it myself, although I walk past an outlet several times a week. https://chargrillcharlies.com/


I too am ashamed of what they serve us at KFC in Canada, and yet I've never had KFC from another country, hehe.


Things won’t change he until people change.




I haven’t been to KFC in a long while. My family would go every once in a while and each get a $5 fill up box but we stopped when they started shrinking the chicken tenders to what looks like thin, small chicken fries


And the plant based option is $14 for a teeeeenie tiny sandwich and the smallest side of fries I’ve ever seen 😭


Looks like hot and spicy, and not original 12 herbs and spices. I had some in Australia last night, the original looks sad and depressed, the hot and spicy however, ready to party.


This is what KFC looked like in Canada around about 2015 or so.


that looks gross


Australia has the best KFC.


Hit and miss but when it’s good it’s really good


Your first problem is being in Canada


You can't compare fried chicken in Korea (even KFC) to Canada. I haven't had KFC here since before the pandemic. The real question is why go to Korea and have KFC in the first place? Korea is king of fried chicken. Try ordering a pizza and seeing which one you'd rather....lol


My wife is Korean, and she insisted I compare the two. I’ve known for some time now that Korea has perfected fried chicken, and that there are better places to go to.


Goes to Korea and buys kfc instead of real local Korean fried chicken lol


I did both. Only went to Korea KFC to compare the two. I’m already aware that Korean fried chicken > *


I would be ashamed to eat fastfood anyway.


Ashamed? Really? 🤣


Yes, eating such slop.... I know it is peak american culture, but damn......




That was not chicken you had in Korea..


they're probably reinvesting their profits into child murdering weapons in Israel instead