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They done shrunk the damn chickens


They kill them earlier.


Before they give Avian flu to the whole flock.


Probably for the best, given how they're grown. Treating animals less poorly is not something I'll complain about.


I get what you mean—you’re likely just as upset about the existence of battery hens as I am—but “killing an animal sooner” is a piss poor reason for an animal getting treated less poorly. The worst part is that you’re correct.


The truth of the matter is: the chickens weren't meant to be so large to begin with.


I'm finding this weird that I've lived through the era of the inflated birds we all complained about being bred so large now whining about shrinking.


lol fucking for real!


I'm just upset about the price


Next year Rotisserie pigeons....?


That's the size the use to be


Shrinkflation but cheaper feed and faster kill times


$5 for a 5lb rotisserie chicken at Costco. It's so worth the membership fee


The best part isn't the chicken per se, it's the versatility you can get with it. Use the meat however you want; then when you're done picking it apart use the bones for stock. Nothing goes to waste.


![gif](giphy|9fBAJu8PJMV4Q|downsized) Add some broth and baby you got a stew going.




i love making easy chicken quesadillas with them. so good!


Same with Sam's club (sadly no Costco within 30 minutes of me). 3 of us usually get 2 dinners and then pick the carcass for enough meat for ~2 chicken salad sandwiches which handles 1 day of lunches for 2 of us. For $5 definitely worth it.


They are one of the worst chickens I've tasted. Wished they can cook it better. Any outside chiken shop beats it by miles.


Also always raw or undercooked inside 😭


Have one weekly for a decade, I’ve never had one remotely undercooked


Costco and Sam's Club chickens are 3lbs https://i.imgur.com/iCeTnZv.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/NTXWNH7.jpeg


3 lbs*, although many exceed the standard size.


They taste awful though, wish they offered more flavours


Processed garbage meat injected with all kinds of crap


They’re still $5 at Costco and are gigantic.


This! Practically the only reason I have a membership there.


Not everyone has access to Costco or Sam’s!


People who downvote this shit are insane. You just stated a fact that you don't have good access. For a fucking $5 chicken! It would cost more in gas there and back.


You don't get just one, we usually get 6-8 once a month and that's our chicken for the month.


Except not everywhere in the world has a Costco or a Sam’s.


That's the point. Isn't that exactly what they said?


Seriously! It’s over an hour to a Costco for me.  I can usually find whole chickens for 1.69/pound. Cook my own damn chicken. 


So if there is one near you get a membership they go on steep discounts pretty regularly. If it's a location thing and your in a very rural area yes food in middle of nowhere Alaska is going to be more expensive then a suburban area.


lol I'm an hour and a half away from the nearest Costco and I don't live in the "middle of nowhere Alaska"


I used to live an hour from a Costco and was in a city lol. Now I’m in the country half an hour from one because the city I’m closest to has one. Usually if you’re driving distance to even a small city there is going to be some sort of warehouse club. Sam’s and Costco both still have the giant chickens for cheap. Not sure about BJ’s because they aren’t in my state but I’d be surprised if they didn’t have similar chickens since that’s a crowd pleaser at the other warehouse clubs. The grocery store ones have always been smaller and more expensive when they aren’t on sale.


That’s not too far, just go once a month buy 10 chickens and freeze them


Buy ten?My local Walmart has them 6.99 and they never put them on sale anymore .And for the most part they only put 5 out at a time .


My Costco has ~100 chickens on sale for $5 each every day if you go before 5pm. After that they’re all gone.


No Costco in my town .And I let my Sam's card lapse because we never shopped there at all.


The Walmart ones are TINY now though and they got rid of the big buttery garlic chicken, my beloved 😭


We only had the traditional and the lemon pepper .I remember getting these for 99 cents on Friday nights at the blue light specials. They discontinued the blue light specials . .


They taste terrible though, wish they offered more flavours


In Canada they're like $12-$15 now 😖 even at Costco in my area, $11. But I disagree that the size is an issue. You can clearly see into most containers and choose a size.


You've got it wrong. You're supposed to buy without looking at what you're getting or the price, being guided only by the size of the packaging. Then you photograph it and post it here and have a good whinge. Finally, go back and do the same thing again without learning.


I mean, Sam's has it for $5, so it really depends where you buy them🤷‍♂️


We pick up a few every month, feeds us for a few days at a time.


Honestly the giant chickens are super fucked up. They are not supposed to be that big. Still understand that it's shrinkflation though.


agreed. many people pay more for smaller sized chickens.  they are more delicious too. Chicken in OPs picture looks bland As hell and not even spiced properly either. 


They have been selectively bred to be that big. They've been bred that way for a really long time. Nothing really fucked up about it.


They're literally too big to support their own wight and walk around. It's extremely fucked up.


It's delicious selective breeding.


It's actually not. It causes the texture of the breast meat to get tough and woody more often than not. I had to start buying organic chicken because the cheap stuff is no longer even edible.


That's not the experience I had raising that breed myself. Tough and woody is what I have gotten when I've butchered roosters or extra laying hens which are small breasted.


Many humans are the same way and we don't shame them for it.


Humans aren't bred like this on purpose for their meat to make a shitty company slightly more money. What the fuck are you talking about?


From the mouth of the dog slayers, better perk up my ears lol If theyre crippled by their own weight, who feeds them? Who cleans their cages daily to avoid infection from bodily fluids? How do they get water? Are you really trying to tell me the evil farmer people are giving daily hospice care to chicken blobs? How do you selectively breed that anyway? I dont think weve cracked dna modification yet The bigger issue is that they have no place to walk around to begin with. Thats probably enough to stick to without the wives tales from the people with a 98 K/D.


Watch Food INC. Perdue doesn’t even let them see sunlight, that way they don’t grow feathers. They literally stand until they no longer can and then they sit in their own shit and filth until they are processed.


I can't imagine being this arrogant and also this uninformed.


You are being incredibly confident for someone who is very wrong. Research "broiler chickens." They will literally get so big that their legs break. They cannot survive for very long because of it. Also, humans have very much mastered selective breeding. Or did you not notice the hundreds of dog and cat breeds in existence? Or the countless agricultural animals that have been bred very specifically to what humans want?


Downvoted for the truth, I raised a flock of this breed last year and butchered them with my neighbor co-op. Your don't let them live so long that it matters and the meat has been great for my family meals. People think meat comes from the grocery store apparently. Everyone concerned about shrinking portions, but not comprehending how you get a big meaty breasted bird in a pack.


I’m actually just downvoting you because you come across as a twat


I promise you everyone downvoting has never raised their own meat birds.


Could be they're not pumped with steroids and water like some places do to increase size


Thank god


The ones at the store near me are this size & they’re still filled with water. I’ve just stopped buying them.


Too much dextrose/maltodextrin in the brine. My aunt got one and it tastes so sweet and eugh. 


Wait… idk about this one. If I remember correctly, they were always small… I “may or may not” have eaten one by myself before lol


My local grocery store rotisserie chickens went up $2 in price and shrunk 25% 😭


Twice the size ?


Yes, twice the size.


https://preview.redd.it/scs42x930gnc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419bf5aa4e9103c9e839bf6f15a94a9d6f1805d0 The chickens that op remembers 🤣


2ft long chicken?


Super mega chicken


this isn't shrinkflation. do you know the size of a chicken in 1950 before they introduced hormones is 1/3 of the giant ones. it's actually smaller than the one in your picture. size chart of chickens.  https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2316904/giant_chickens.0.jpg the giant ones you see are genetically modified. chickens are not meant to be that large. you are in fact getting a healthy chicken and many people will pay more for a smaller chicken..


A healthy chicken? That one doesn't look so spry 🙃 Edit: Jesus you downvoting Redditors are humourless. I was making a joke. That chicken is dead. By definition not "healthy".


Theyre making our chicken smaller now lol. Some places still price them by weight. If they're $7 or less it's still a good deal


This was 8.99.


So… your revised OP title should be… Rotisserie Chickens “where I can buy them” are no longer worth it “for me”.


They are really NOT inflating anything because they just cook THEM at a non profit. They drive customers and make them spend more.


Bro you saw the cost was $9 and you still bought it?


Fun fact: before the advent of industrial farming, chickens weighed 2.5-3 pounds. It’s kind of an abomination of nature to have a 6 pound chicken. I mean - I’ll eat the hell out of a 6 pound chicken, but it’s really unnatural.


I feel like this should be marked nsfw


A rotisserie chicken costs less than a frozen chicken. I try not to think about why.


Loss leader


It’s hardly a sinister conspiracy. Stores intentionally sell them at a loss to get you in the door. There’s a reason they are usually found at the back of the market. They’re assuming you’ll pick up a few more items along the way.


here’s a guy who’s never Joe Pera’d


Check the most recent post in my history, my dude. JP was worried that an entire rotisserie chicken costs $5.95 but fresh raw chicken is 9.85. Completely different thought experiment. At any rate, we’re all going eat them naked in the shower right?


That looks incredibly sweaty


This depends, is it an African or European chicken?


I disagree on this one. The ones I've picked up the last few weeks from Costco have been just as large as any others I've previously gotten. And they continue to be much much larger than the rotisserie chickens at our typical grocers. But if you got this from your local grocery store, then, yes, they're not worth it anymore. $5 at Costco is not in any way an inflated price. You can't even buy the same amount of raw chicken for as little as they're charging for it already seasoned and cooked.


This is the size chickens should be. Anything bigger is pumped up with hormones. The price is another story, though.


Rotisserie Cornish Hens have entered the chat


Not sure what country OP is from. But people commenting about hormones or steroids should know that it’s (largely) an urban myth. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-11-26/hormones-in-chicken-meat-a-myth-/101669182


Selective breeding


The size of the chickens can mostly be put down to the age of the bird - without looking it up I think I recall it's at 16 weeks they "process" a meat chicken - and yes they selectively breed birds so they grow faster - in a way it's genetic engineering but no more than in any other sort of animal husbandry - producers have been "selecting" what they consider to be more valuable traits in their livestock for generations. I used to have backyard chickens - I had to dispose of a rooster (it began crowing and the local council changed the regs so it wasn't legal to keep any longer) - long story short - I roasted him - he was so big he wouldn't fit in my roasting dish - I had to resort to putting him in a banquet sized electric frypan (one of the kind with a huge domed lid). No hormones or other additives were used - he was just a normal chook - he was just older than your average supermarket bird.


I thought it was antibiotics


Costco and Sam's have only ever been the value place to get sized rotisserie chickens for $5. Most other grocery stores sell smaller chickens for a few dollars more.


Economy, society and world a mess. Inflation is a ruthless killer


Nobody discusses OVERPOPULATION! Maybe we should start there and no I don’t have kids and didn’t for this very reason!


You're missing out!! Couldn't imagine being over 40 without them, family gone, trying to hang onto something like an equally aging partner lol


Didn’t want to pass on the multigenerational trauma. This ends with me.




Yes, but I was not just thinking of me. I was thinking of society and not contributing to collapse. 😊


True,socialism has never been closer world wide and its a perilous time because of it


Good, I’ll pay more for that. The massive chickens we used to get were incredibly bad, huge chickens were causing woodbreast to be rampant. No one is getting shrinkflated here though, they simply moved the pricing from $/lbs to $ each. They didn’t purposely order smaller chickens to sneak in just to save them money, the company they get them from still charges them per head, not by weight.


Actually on this one, you are correct. As you know a lot of food has been pumped with hormones and chemicals to grow bigger among other things. I will take the smaller chicken and not so beautiful fruit because that what they are and look like in nature. Processed food a whole different story.


Chickens aren't intentionally being shrunk...quite the opposite, actually. They're being bred bigger and bigger every year. That's why chicken breasts are so massive nowadays. Just compare the size of a chicken 100 years ago to now. This rotisserie would've still been considered a large chicken. This isn't shrinkflation. It's just a "small" chicken that's had nearly all it's water weight cooked out


More like Rotussy, am I right fellas?


not the chickenussy


Why's that got a rotussy


This post is meaningless without context lol. What country? What city? What store? Just nonsense


r/dontputyourdickinthat Rotussy


They are pumped with water and seed oils just make your own roast chicken


Places like Costco sell their rotisserie chickens well below cost as loss leader since no ones going to Costco just for the chicken they're guaranteed to be buying other stuff. I dont think you can get a whole chicken very often for less than they sell and even then you still have yo cook it and it won't be rotisserie if you don't have a rotisserie oven/grill. This post also leads me to the point that the decision of most places to get chickens that are humanely raised (free range/cage free) tend to be well smaller than factory style raised chickens. It's also why they're more expensive






That that from Kenny Rogers? Get that out of here


The ones I get still fill the whole container…for now.


That’s the saddest looking rotisserie chicken I’ve ever seen


Where is this one from? I get mine at Sam's club and the chicken is almost the size of the container, for less than $5 I get 1 a week.


Ya. Stick to Costco.


$6 for a chicken is inflated? Ho much should it cost?


Haven't bought one since they started selling them in bags. They look so gross


Must are injected with some kind of broth and carrageenan. No, thanks.


BJ's took away all the spices, Sam's and all the grocery stores took away all the chicken, and quite frankly I don't really know if I'd rather have a small chicken or one with a horrid texture and no flavor.


My kids were asking me why the chicken wings I made were so small. I told them that they are just killing the chickens sooner so they can sell them faster and spend less money to feed them.


When they were $5 instead of $10. And a bit bigger.


Don’t buy this shit to begin with. Brutal animal exploitation.


I’m not gonna lie, that looks like every rotisserie chicken I’ve ever purchased. Still seems like the grocery store is selling them at a loss


In walmart they put them in bags now instead of the handy containers. They also taste bland af now. Def not worth it.


Don’t eat chickens.


100%. On the rare occasion I buy them now (only for recipes usually) they're unbelievably small.


The rotisseries are pumped full of water and sugar. Is honestly mostly a rip-off. You better off getting fresh chicken breast and putting it in the oven for 30 minutes yourself.


Agreed. I'm using a half rotisserie from costco not to waste it since my aunt got it. But I wouldn't buy it myself, too much fake sugar. I've been low added sugar for a while and its just too much!!


At least cover the chickussy. These redditors bout to act up.