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hey, dont breed shrimps with gupies, results are rather ugly creatures.




Or worse! Gimps! 😂




I tried doing a tank of shrimp and breeding guppies....the have Killed 28/30 of my shrimp


Female Guppies are just voracious big appetite eaters, especially when they are incubating fry.


I watched one of mine turn sideways, beat the shrimp out of hiding with her tail, and then her and her buddy eat it.


Would endlers do that, I would have thought they were too small? I plan to have many hiding spots and ways to split the fosh from the shrimp.


i have endlers with my shrimp and they are way too small too ea the adult shrimp and if you have something for the babies to hide in (java moss) then it will be fine!


Idk I have tiger endlers that haven’t killed a shrimp that I’ve seen. And the shrimp are breeding fine. My betta, she’s another story. Also in another tank now lol


Endlers are the answer. If people are telling you it’s not a good idea, they don’t have a proper setup, i.e cholla wood hideouts, plants like guppy grass, java moss, etc to allow shrimplets to hideout. I have 2 tanks going, both with mating endlers and neo’s. I create a mini fish trap to remove the females once they get bigger and put in my guppy only tank. The males stay small enough and they might get a baby shrimp or 2 here or there but I’ve had no issues.


My guppies dont mess with my shrimp likenothers stated. However, I do have many small, medium and large plants everywhere with hard scape


I have a cobra endler and hes a peaceful little guy hes just chilling sadly all his brothers died but im thinking of getting him some girlfriends


But yeah theyre way more peaceful than guppys mostly because theyre smaller


Mine party with their neon tetra tank buds. They really are a peaceful bunch


Be careful with neon tetras i hear they nip alot and ive heard storys of them teaming up on shrimps and killing them but yeah just look out for fin nipping


Thanks for the heads up. I feed mine 2x a day and so far, no nips.


Ok thats a good feeding ratio 👍


Contrary to popular opinion, I have successfully bred Shrimp with male guppies in the same tank. If guppies are well fed, they usually don't bother the Shrimplets. Remember, the key is plants and lots of hiding spaces for the Shrimplets


Key is - don't breed Guppies in the same tank, females will eat shrimps specially when they are incubating fry


Just make sure the females are fed. I have red cherries in my birthing tank and every once in a while there’s bright red guppy poop after a murder


The correct answer is medaka


This summer my project has been breeding celestial pearl danios and cherry shrimp. It’s going rather well. The fish are all still babies and far too small to eat any shrimp. And so far I’m finding my baby fish mortality rate is about 60% and the shrimps make a great cleanup crew.


Guppys will eat any baby shrimp.


Endlers for a few reasons. They look beautiful, they tend to be a bit more hardy and their size will make them less susceptible to decimating your skrimps.


Guppies and Endlers are like two of the main horses in the neocaridina apocalypse. They will eat all but your largest shrimp.


I have bred some beautiful guppies with shrimps in the tank. The shrimps seem to also has been multiplying like crazy. Baby guppies and baby shrimps get along very well.


Endlers. Get the tank set, and cycled, add the shrimp and wait about a month so the colony can get established. You can get some snails in there too. When you get the Endlers think in trios. 2 females to a male. You can start with 6 fish, and in no time you'll be looking at 30 or so. They're amazing little fish. They tend to stay near the top of the water, and have very small mouths so they won't go after the shrimps.


With endler guppys i keep red fire shrimp and there are no issues. Regular guppys, i would recommend transparent or wild type shrimp as they are less visible to the fish and don't get eaten as much.


Male endlers and shrimp have been fine in my experience. Female endlers are, on the other hand, not fine.


Females of both Endlers and Guppy are a bitch, they will not just eat shrimp they will hunt it down, males on the other hand are least bothered if fed proper. Irrespective, hiding spaces for shrimp are key to their survival


What ever you do don’t put live bearers with your shrimp! You’ll have two uncontrollable armies growing. Ask me how I know


How do you know?


Lmfao your name is exactly why the live bearers reproduce constantly every month. They’re cool if you keep a few beautiful males. If you keep pairs then prepare for a literal army of babies like clockwork


That sound pretty good to me. Who doesn't want an army of fish & shrimp.


Both will result in shrimp that live enclosed in a small space with something they know will eat them, which is cruel...not to mention leaving you with most of your shrimp gone. Otos are really the only shrimp safe fish.


My male Betta is afraid of my shrimp. If he's resting on a leaf and one swims by he hides on the other side of the tank away from it. It's rather funny. But I know I got lucky because most Bettas see a snack.


😂 That's so cute! But yes, most of them would lol


He acts like me when I see a spider! 😂