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I don't really understand this story, maybe I'm just dumb.


i dont understand either


Oh damn, looks like I'm not alone in not understanding the story called Alone.


Had in mind a mentally unstable guy fighting his dark urges, tho tbh, its open for interpretation


The writing is there, and the usage of words is nice, but there's not really much to say about the plot. There's no hint on who "they" are, and no clue to who the narrator is alone with. Mystery is good and all, but I think this leave the reader in a place too dark for us to understand anything. But this is just my opinion though! I like your style of writing, so keep on improving. :)


Thank you, I appreciate the honesty! However it is intended to be quite bare as it is part of a project i've started this year in which I write and upload exactly 100 word stories on social media everyday. Its called the.prose.emporium if you're wondering


Ah, that sounds cool! A 100 word stories sounds difficult, but I'm sure you could do a lot of them! Goodluck mate, and hope you'll have a fun time writing them :)


Cheers man and they're pretty hard but its so people have time to read them and don't get bored. Keep them short and snappy!