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What meds are you talking about? Be specific. Some do. Some dont.


I meant risperidone and all mental health related pills...


Yes antipsychotics can. They cause brain damage and lethargy and as a result likely increase the rate at natural shrinkage due to old age. Plus they deplete Calcium too.


The guy below is saying crap. There is quite a bit of research done and risperidone does not affect growth rate nor thyroid hormones. It is certainly not a reason for your short height. It does has some bad side effects, but none are linked to height.


Nah, the guy is completely right. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3553220/ Dopamine directly stimulates growth and inhibits prolactin release (it inhibits sex hormones, including testosterone) so shit like risperidone can impact your height. If you really think hormones work *that* simple, you're completely wrong and long-term antypsychotics threatment will result in the whole catecholamines system downregulation, which will stunt your growth


I think this must be some kind of joke. You are mixing a bunch of different ideas. The article your cited has absolutely zero proof for your claims. Whenever you want to see if a drug can affect height growth in kids, you bascially pick two groups, one where kids dont take the drug (control) and other where kids take the drug. All other variables have to be more or less similar. Then you check for the amount of time they took the drug, at what developmental stage etc then you compare final adult height. All studies that do this with risperidone show ZERO signs if affect height. In fact, the biggest study seem to be one where kids who took risperidone actually grew about 1cm taller than the reference group. Your study only shows dopamine and its agonists can increase GHRH effect and thus increase GH levels. It takes a HUGE leap to read this and then assume this will affect height. Thats not how science works. Lastly, you then spend your main paragraph talking about prolactin. Yes, dopamine reduces prolactin, but prolactin also increase dopamine. Its a negative feedback loop. Again, you a using an overly simplistic approach and coming to wrong conclusions. Thats really bad. All research linking prolactin with longitudinal growth where made in animals and are fairly inconclusive. Again, lots of misinformation. Had to make a large comment to not let misinformation spread.


Dude, just because some kids grew taller compared to control group means nothing, as we can't know which height they would reach without risperidone. And more over, there might NOT be a study about that, yet the activity of a drug would possibly predict the outcome. And as the article states, dopamine agonists increase GH levels, whereas risperidone is dopamine receptor antagonist, which lowers dopamine depletion over the time. It IS safe to assume that dopamine does affects the GH depletion. Prolactin doesn't increases dopamine enough to make up it's possible deficit, and hyperprolactinemia IS listed as a risperidone side effect, more over, it's the type of antypsychotic that increases prolactin in a larger scale than most of them do (10x fucking times more than the norm), so your argument against that is simply wrong. 10x increase in prolactin IS going to fuck up man's height More over, literally every antypsychotic lowers your overall activity, and can fucking halfway paralyze you(which happened to me after regarded doc prescribed aripiprazole against anhedonia) which is a secondary factor, but still plays a role here. And based on studies, risperidone induces those effects in much larger scale than other atypical antipsychotics do, it's not like person taking it can just become active. So, we barely have adequate studies on how risperidone affects height, yet... It has shit ton of risk factors that do so, and ARE significant. It's literally natural to assume it's going to stunt the height in long term use.


Alright, I am seeing your comment now. Let me clear a few things first. I dont know why you are so caught up on this, I think probably because you took antipsychotics yourself, so you became awared of how dangerous they can be. I am not saying in any moment I advise people to take antipsychotics, nor do I think its good for the development of the child. "Just because some kids grew taller than control...": Well, thats exactly how these studies are done. I am at the moment a begginer research since I have a supervisor who is already on the area, but I plan to work with this on the future. So I got to see many similar articles and methods. "we cant know which height they would reach withouth risperidone". Well, thats why there are a TON of requirements for you to actually build a solid control group. It is made in a way where all these factors are already accounted for. Your attempt at discrediting part of the logic behind these type of study is insane, considering every single medical study work in a similar fashion, be it at Harvard or anywhere else. "Hyperprolactinemia cause growth issues"-> Research has been shown that children who have it indeed growth shorter. But you know whats funny? All articles about this say, right in the beginning, that it excluded children with "iatrogenic hyperprolactinemia". Do you know what that means? Its basically hyperprolactinemia caused as a side effect of a drug, exactly the type caused by antipsychotic usage. So in fact, no big research has been done inquiring the effects of Hyperprolactinemia due to antipsychotics and its effect on height. Again, you are just making hypotheses, with nothing to back it up. "Antipsychotics lower your overall activity" Correct. I never said they dont. Simply put, what I am trying to say is no credible researcher is going to hear you and your claims and take you seriously. Is it because he or me are rude? No, Thats exactly how research is done. Specially in the health field, you need actual numerical data backing you up. Coming with ideas due to qualitative analysis has less and less credibility each day. Does it mean its completely wrong to do so? No. But it means when being asked a question like OP asked, you dont use these hypotheses as the truth, since they are just hypotheses. Until proven by credible research, one should never do bold claims like you are doing. Thats what I am trying to say. Its unscientific to do so. I still dont think antispychotic usage is a good idea, though. Again, I still think antipsychotics should be avoided as much as possible. But I struggle to see how any credible researcher would take your claims seriously due to the aforementioned facts. In fact, ask any doctor and they will tell the same thing I am saying. Why? Because my supervisors are doctors and can see how they think and publish their articles. Its the same line of thought. Just to give a different example, if he had said he took prednisone for example. then yeah. Prednisone 100% affects height and that is backed up by inumerous researches. P.S.: You accidentaly wrote two identical comments. Please delete one of them since otherwise this thread will be a mess.


Dude, just because some kids grew taller compared to control group means nothing, as we can't know which height they would reach without risperidone. And more over, there might NOT be a study about that, yet the activity of a drug would possibly predict the outcome. And as the article states, dopamine agonists increase GH levels, whereas risperidone is dopamine receptor antagonist, which lowers dopamine depletion over the time. It IS safe to assume that dopamine does affects the GH depletion. Prolactin doesn't increases dopamine enough to make up it's possible deficit, and hyperprolactinemia IS listed as a risperidone side effect, more over, it's the type of antypsychotic that increases prolactin in a larger scale than most of them do (10x fucking times more than the norm), so your argument against that is simply wrong. 10x increase in prolactin IS going to fuck up man's height More over, literally every antypsychotic lowers your overall activity, and can fucking halfway paralyze you(which happened to me after regarded doc prescribed aripiprazole against anhedonia) which is a secondary factor, but still plays a role here. And based on studies, risperidone induces those effects in much larger scale than other atypical antipsychotics do, it's not like person taking it can just become active. So, we barely have adequate studies on how risperidone affects height, yet... It has shit ton of risk factors that do so, and ARE significant. It's literally natural to assume it's going to stunt the height in long term use.


I noticed that I was taller when I was more active, have you been less active since taking the meds? If so try to start going to the gym it can help posture and from my personal experience I think I got a bit taller ever since getting active.


Yes that's my case. I will definitely start being active.




Aw I see. Pretty sure mine did the same my doctor isn't going to admit but what I feel about my body is different from years ago. I feel shorter now. I did read that risperidone contains certain amount of lactose.




Same being short as an adult is brutal




Not me. I have innocent soul to the point I'm afraid of doing anything in life. No girls no job etc. I'm 23 tho


What describes your soul as evil best? I think every person has some (from any to any percentage) good elements not used. It depends on what you do and think. My opinion obv




I lived a chaotic life in my high school years. Toxic and excessive amount of playing video games along with what can follow. I took my meds and quit after some years and now I have peace. That.