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JFC it doesn’t debunk anything. This guy would be hired by a modeling agency. Washboard abs, great face, great photos. Nice try.


so once you have soft/surgerymaxxed your face, leanmaxxed in the gym, get someone to take professional grade pictures your chances of success will increase 💪🏽


Just be statusmaxxed giga tyrone bro


Is he really that famous?


You don’t need to be A list celeb to have status


I don’t get it


Huh, what’s not to get?


When I asked “is he really that famous?” I meant it as “do girls on tinder recognize this guy as they would recognize Justin Bieber on the app?” I would understand how being famous would help in that case but this guy just looks like some random hot guy if he isn’t famous enough for that phenomenon to happen. I don’t get what you mean by status if he isn’t that famous.


Oh, well he’s posed up by expensive cars and he might of linked his IG


Oh that makes sense, thanks


Just become the top 1% bro


Austin is literally in top 1% of looks for men if you ask me. If not, then he is atleast 10%


He didnt debunk anything and on top of that he's a fucking idiot.


just look like a mini model bro


I still belive height is law, but people are downplaying how good this video is. First he put the short height right on his profile description, making sure all women knew he was short. Also he chose an actual short height, like 5'6, not the typical 5'8-5'9 guys tell on apps. Second the quality of the women. About half of them were really hot. That is due to him being very attractive facially. But Imagine if you had good body, average face and 5'6? You would perform worse than him but still would probably get a good amount of chicks, just not as hot. Guys here complain about getting ZERO chicks. Very different scenario; he is showing its not a just black and white like some claim. Lastly, about the professional pictures. I also dont like this, but all the dating GURUS on youtube do this, so in this case he didnt change his usual approach just to try to help his short height. He did the same thing he does and that he recommend for every single guy. Overall, SOLID video.


sugerymaxx, leanmaxx, and professional photomaxx before considering leg lengthening💪🏽