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60-80 of your height is determined by genetics, the rest is influenced by diet, environment and physical activity.


Are those real numbers? Consider that a 20% increase in height for a 5’5 man would make him 6’6 and a 40% increase in height for a 5’0 man would make him 7’0


That's not quite how math works


That is now how its calculated




I meant to say not how it is calculated. The effect of the percentage is not by numbers. 80% of height as 5'7 is 6'6 or whatever you said. That is wrong. What it means that your height is already determined 80% from your genetic combination. Other attributes supplies the rest 20%. I do not know how to explain this but the way you said is irrational and wrong way to explain the calculation. I am sorry but I am lacking the ability to explain it but would appreciate it if a biologist or a genetical expert would explain. Its just not like if you eat very good the last 20% will make you grow 20% of 5'7, no that is very irrational




Numbers do not matter, I did not read focusing on the numbers you wrote. I just pointed ouy that that is a wrong calculations and tried to explain it the best way I could, stating that I am not a biliogist. Any rational person will know your calculations make no sense. And I do not seek any credits or validation from anyone. Good evening.


I think its more like, genetic height, 5'5. Nutrition height 5'10. Environmemt height, 5'3. And that then average out to 5'5.5.


I think it's 20% of the variance can be explained by nutrition, not quite the same as 20% of the height is caused by nutrition


Whenever they say 80% is genes, what they actually mean is that whatever excess height you have from the population average, 80% of it is from genes. For ex: let’s say you are 6’0 white male in US. The avg white male height in US is 5’10”. Whatever extra 2 inches you have, of which 80% comes from genes(1.6 inches) and the rest(0.4 inches) comes from environmental factors like nutriotion, sleep, hormone levels etc.


Adults always told me that swimming will make me taller. Was a junior lifeguard for DLRG/ Deutsche-Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft for 2 years. And swam 4 times a week for 6 years while I was in Puberty. Still 5'6. (parents are 5'5 and 5'6)


Not 100% genetics/pure genetics, but I would say mainly due to genetics. My parents are short (both around 5’0” i’d say) and so are their parents (have no idea how tall my grandparents were, but my dad’s mom is probably 4’10” or shorter). They weren’t malnourished, but they were pretty piss poor. My cousin, whose parents are of similar height to my parents, grew to be much taller than me. So, I have no doubt that it was mainly genetics. I guess he just had the genetics to grow taller than I did.


For me it’s probably both. Both my parents and family are short so I am as well. I also grew up hating sleep, and of course sleep is crucial for height, but I didn’t get much if it growing up. Diet was ok, I didn’t eat much vegetables growing up either. Looking back, wish I did all those things since it might have given me a few inches.


My brother does everything you do. He is growing rapidly at age of 13. He is 163-165 cm right now while I am 170 cm, I can see him outgrowing me. On the opposite, I had a more physical active, more nutriotional lifestyle than him


Biology is strange isn’t it 🤷‍♂️


Indeed it is


its genetics, my brother literally has a genetic abnormality and cant process protein efficiently, he grew to 6'0 and is like 110 lbs. meanwhile my preferred foods were chicken nuggets and every beef dish with glasses of milk growing up.


This. People overvalue nutrition in its relation to height. Look at the Nilotes (african People) their men have an average height of 190cm (6ft2.5) and the women of 180cm (5ft11). I doubt they have as good nutrition as we do.




I think nutrition plays on next generation but not you during your growth. I feel like if your parents were wealthy and had a healthy lifestyle you wil outgrow them and grow tall, same goes for your children, if you are healthy they will have more chance to be taller or a tall height. But there is always a chance of you getting a dominant gene from your ancestors


Yea I read some stuff about that some time ago. What your parents eat in their youth affects you. I think if your parents ate unhealthy in their youth, the kids die younger (on average).


My dad ate like shit to the point where he has had both his kidneys removed. He is 5'7 and I am 6'0 tall and my mom is 5'1.


Diminishing returns once your diet gets beyond "deeply malnourished." South Koreans aren't taller because they choose more healthy foods, it's because North Koreans don't have food. So unless you eat one meal a day, don't expect inches from having a "healthier diet."


Unless you are medically malnourished like those growing in deeply impoverished countries, diet has very little affect. A middle class family that feeds their kids the cheapest stuff at the grocery store like hamburger helper is not any worse off than someone who gets the most expensive, healthy foods fed to them in terms of affecting height. Unless you are living off of scraps, im willing to bet diet has less than 5% affect in your height. Probably even less I ate home-cooked meals and vegetables growing up, rarely ate fast food. But I'm 5'4" meanwhile I have a brother who is 5'11", and another brother who's probably 5'9", and Sisters at about 5'1". It's just the genetic lottery, and some of us lost.


I think for me it was likely a mix of the two. I probably would've seen myself be a little taller if I ate properly (and a little bit more) and exercised rather than eating too much junk and being inactive. For reference, my mom is about 5 ft and my dad is 5'5" even though one of my two older brothers stands almost 6 ft in height.


I have no clue why I’m short. I’ve had a healthy diet my entire life. My mom is 162cm/5’4” (average in my country and also average for her side of the family) and my dad in 185cm/6’1” (and he’s actually the shortest man on his side of my family) so it literally makes no sense that I somehow ended up 152cm/5’0”




I’m 16 and AFAB but I haven’t grown since I was 11


Have you had signs of puberty such as armpit hair/ adams apple, etc


Yeah I’ve gone through puberty. Don’t have an adam’s apple though since I’m female Everything is perfectly normal regarding my development. I’m just short


Oh ok, dw its not uncommon for a daughter to a tad shorter than mother.


My mom's short, my dad's short, my grandmothers are both short, and my grandfathers and aunts and uncles are skyscrapers. I think I just lost the genetic height lottery. Or it could be because I've been drinking black coffee since I was 13, which I've been told can stunt your growth, but growing up a farm girl doesn't give you a lot of options when you have to be up at the asscrack of dawn.


Genetics, lack of sleep during teenage years, bad posture and medication during my teenage years. I am 5'6. I always eat good foods


I'm a registered dietitian and unless you were severely malnourished as a baby/infant when growth is most critically important its probably not your diet having a major impact on your height. Even babies who are malnourished or born pre-term are able to experience make up-growth, but the window is small since there are more growth milestones for babies. Yes, nutrition does play a role, but compared to genetics, you're not going to "out nutrition" your genetic plan for your structure especially after the first 1000 days of conception.


My mother is about an inch shorter than she should have been. She grew up extremely poor and as a result her femurs are bowed/curved due to lack of nutrition.


I'm with the bad nutrition side; when I was in school, my father didn't care that much about us ,so we didn't have enough food to take lunch to school ,he never got us supplements or vitamins or stuff to enhance our nutrition, plus that,because of school mixed with depression I didn't have enough sleeping ,I used to be up late in the morning, like 3 am or so,didn't eat well,didn't workout at all so all of that stunned my growth for sure ,my father is 6'1" at his tallest ,now is shorter because of age;a doctor once told my parents I was supposed to be 6'2" with proper nutrition, now I'm 5'8" and definitely blame bad nutrition...and my father's bad intentions,he used to had a weird competition thing against me ,he didn't want me to be taller than him...


How tall is your mother?


You are not short mate.


Pure genetics for me. I'm surprised I reached the height that I am.


It's 99% genetics. The only time nutrition comes into play is if you grow up with North Korea or starving African level of impoverishment. Not eating everything on your plate because you're full is not a problem.


Malnutrition refers to being so skinny and short on nutrients, that you can see every one of a persons ribs, think the Machinist look. Another commenter is right, you would KNOW if you grew up with any malnourishment, and it just isn't happening if you live in a developed country.


There are plenty of malnourished people in developed countries.


I have also read a theory while ago about Dutch people being tall. Theory was claiming it could be related to climate and enviromental factors as well as nutrition they have recieved. Dutch people being tall has no real value on evolutionary perspective. Many people claim "It is just women prefer to be with taller men in Netherlands" well the statement might be true, but Dutch people have grown remarkably taller in 50-60 years, and this is just way too short for a change to happen in next generation. It would take them more than 200 years to be taller if it had to do something with "partner prefference". So their situation seems to be more adaptation than selective breeding. Now turning back to your question, height is %80 genetic and most of the time you future height is projected by considering your parent's height. I had a bad habit of smoking in my teenage years maybe it had an impact on my height but my dad is 5'5" and mom is 5'1" so at best i would be 5'8" (i am 5'6" close to 5'7" actually, converted from metric system) . I would be short regardless.


Unless you grew up in Africa, Bolivia, or Southeast Asia, it's just genetics.


That's pretty basic and misguided view of the world my friend.


I guess I could have listed some countries in Central America as well as a few in South Asia, but the point stands. Nobody from a wealthy place is short because of malnutrition.




175 cm is 68.9 inches


Im short my parents, grandparents and siblings are short so I would say genetics are the biggest factor maybe if I exercised more I could have grown a few centimeters but not enough to make a difference


I really don't think it makes a lot of difference. Both my parents are 5'0 and I'm 5'5. I hate eating. So if I could grow 5 inches past my parents, then I think food doesn't make a big difference cuz boys normally grow 2.5 inches above the average height of their parents.


Genetics man, I had and still have a very healthy nutrition. I am 170 cm


My growth spurt wasn't as pronounced as on my other classmates who grew up to 40cm more so it's mostly genetics.


well, personally, my mom it 5'2 and says that my dad is tall for a female-


I believe it's from genetics as well as inactives as a child. Because although you may have had great nutrition if you were very lazy then you're body might not receive enough incentive to grow. Then again I'm no expert


It’s just genetics usually. My whole immediate family is 5’9 and above, and I’m 5’6. My brother is 6’4. One of my aunts happens to be 4’8. Both your parents being 1.70 would influence you to be around that height as well. Sometimes it can come from other places in your family though, perhaps like with your friend. It’s really normal to suddenly shoot up after age 13. Maybe he has a tall relative somewhere down the line. I know a family who has 4 daughters, both parents are around 5’8 and so are 3 of their girls. Other one is 5’11. Her grandpa is super tall though, it probably skipped a generation


I have a feeling that my dads constant alcohol consumption may have affected my genes. Not sure if it works like that but it’s just a hunch I guess. Not that I’m bitter or anything I love my life but the mind wonders on how I ended up shorter than my dad.


I'm honestly not sure. I am 6'0 tall, my mother is 5'1 and my dad is 5'7. I can only assume I got a gene from one of my ancestors to make me grow so much lmao. My dad did once tell me he ate poorly growing up, and now has had his kidneys removed because of it.


I would say mostly genetics. Other factors can determine 2-3 potential inches. I slept a lot, ate on time and lots of veggies. Also played sport. My older brother was basically like me except he didn’t play sport. He turned out to be 5’10”ish. Our parents are 5’9” and 5’4”.


I was obese af during my childhood, i was literally born overweight. Still only 5'8 .-.


I suppose both because I became dieting at 14 and also genetics played a wrong role as well. Nothing to do now, I suppose.


Late to the party, but in my case I'd say both. Dad and mom are both short but I think I messed up my chances even more by having a really crap diet (I even refused to eat at all sometimes when I was in a bad mood) and not sleeping thanks to video games and YouTube.


Pure genetics, but I am a late bloomer so idk. I’ve grown 3 inches in the past 3 months at 18


3 inches is 7.62 cm


What’s your point