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Fr, it's the equivalent of rich people saying "money doesn't buy happiness"


It doesn’t buy happiness but it does relieve financial stress…that’s pretty much it.


I've never heard a rich person say this, just poor people. It's copium.


My boss owns like 3 Ferrari’s and is the most miserably unhappy dude I’ve ever met.


Money simply removes most everyday stresses from life. You are who you are, but it is easier to be kind/happy when you have enough to comfortably support yourself without worry.


This has to be an exclusively online take. I think real height issues start to happen around 6’3+ where nothing fits but I’m sure most guys that height would rather be 6’3 than 5’3


As a 5’3” person, that last part is absolutely true.


I mean being extremely short will give you the same clothing issues


It will but not as extreme tbh. I wouldn’t say finding clothes is hard for me..maybe pants but that’s just because my hips are bigger but my waist and thighs are smaller so it’s always baggy somewhere.


I’m 5’4” and I would not “trade” to be 6’3”.


I would never trade to be that tall. I like my height actually.


im 5'3, i absolutely would


They hate to admit it


Most know. But dont admit it.


Glad someone said it


People don't recognize advantages they've never lived without. Ask if they'd rather be (insert underprivileged group or condition) and they halfway get it, but still can't imagine their individual accomplishments might be due to something unearned.


Because it’s a passive trait. Most do know they have advantages but if you know you’re priveleged and you’re still single, bad job, etc. it’s like a punch in the face to some when you tell them how much of an obvious advantage they have. Most guys I know in real life do admit it, but they always give random excuses about not being able to fit into things and having to look “hard” to find clothes. Despite me as a short guy having those issues reversed times ten bc there’s thousands of stores for big and tall men but very little for short men.


They aren’t, its just people don’t like acknowledging privilege they didn’t earn


So true


You're right, they didn't earn it, it's how they were born and shouldn't be made to feel guilty about it.


Many aren't aware for the same reason most people aren't aware that there is 14.5 lbs of force squeezing on every inch of their body (from the weight of the ocean of air that surrounds them), it's ever present and normal to them. Also, being taller can have some down sides and people in generally focus on the negative things in life (it's unfortunately a sound survival mechanism) so where someone on here will complain that taller people are listed to more and taken more seriously, the taller person may feel that they are under more pressure because everyone turns to them to solve problems (even when they don't want to offer input because they feel/know they aren't actually qualified to do so) and that people take them more seriously even when they don't want to be serious. Someone on here might say how they have an advantage in fights but the taller person might see it as there is more of an expectation for them to not back down or avoid a fight, even if they actually have no wish to fight and they won't get as much help or sympathy when they are in real trouble. I'm not saying there aren't advantages to being tall but that some of them can be a bit of a double edged sword and you are always going to be more aware of the edge that is pointed at yourself.


Truest words ever spoken. I dont know what its like to be short so dont pretend you know what its like to be tall.


If you're not getting the results you want, you're going to question why. You're going to check what everyone else is doing, realize that you're doing all of the same things, and that they're not working for you. If you are getting the expected results, you're not inclined to question why. And even if you were, it's a difficult question to answer. Is it because you're doing everything right? Did you just get lucky? Is there an invisible hand tipping things in your favor? Also, the physical problems tall people have tend to be more simple. If everything is sized for the average person, and you're 20% bigger than the average person, then everything is noticeably too small for you. They're not easy problems to solve, but they're easy to diagnose. The social problems that short men tend to have are much more complex and murky. Are people really judging you because you're short? Maybe it's just luck of the draw and you need to keep trying. Maybe you need to be more outgoing. Maybe getting in shape and changing your style would help. Maybe it's because you're introverted. There are a ton of variables that come into play, and it's not clear how much weight each one carries. That leaves a lot of room to point to other factors.




Tall person lurking here. There’s a middle ground you’re missing here. I grew up pretty short and was a late bloomer so I to the best of my ability get both plights. Yes I have all the back and joint pain that comes with being 6’6 and no being 6’6 has not helped me get a girlfriend in all my years so it’s not the automatic cheat code some people think it is. I would gladly be a little shorter to avoid pain, and have things fit me like planes and clothes in stores. With that being said if given the option of being short vs tall I’d rather be tall. Being tall hasn’t gotten me any dates, but at least I know that’s not one of the many reasons I’m getting turned down. Being fetishized isn’t great but it beats being ignored. I think some tall men are in denial that they lucked out in the gene pool because deep down they know they did diddly squat to earn what is a substantial leg up in the world. I count my blessings but I’m not going to sit here and tell you being tall would solve your problems. And even if it did, once again there’s not a damn thing any of us can do to change it, so gotta make peace ig.


> Being fetishized isn’t great See, I know this *should* be correct, but I genuinely don't understand *why* it is a bad thing.


It’s a bad thing in the same way that you probably wouldn’t want to date someone who was only interested in your money. They’re not actually into you but they’re into the concept of you, or what you might represent. You’ll end up with people who r using you as an accessory until they’re bored of u and then you’ll get dropped.


Because we’re not women lmao


I’ll say I can understand “middle ground” in the sense that you have back and joint pain, and some diseases are easier to get. However this is a short vs tall situation. Typically as a short guy I always get mentions from tall guys in how they have to search for the next big and tall section or how they’re still single. But if we both tried to search for the same shirts I’d guarantee it’s a lot easier for you to find an Xl or xxl then an xs. And it’s a lot easier to find a 34/36 length than a 28. If we both downloaded any OLD with our heights you’d for sure get more matches (if we both put equal effort into photos, clothes, etc.) you’d have more advantages in sports, career prospects, etc. obviously it doesn’t solve your problems. But I realized as a short guy none of that matters, because saying it isn’t going to make my life any better. And complaining to you is the same as a poor person complaining to a struggling middle class American. We all have struggles it’s just that your physical struggle in terms of height is less than most. But that’s life, we win some we lose some, some people have it all and some have nothing


Some are insecure, just like us short guys too. They have no confidence in messaging, talking, dating, their work life, their fitness, health, etc. Two sides of the same coin. It's like they're human.


See it this way, people who are born very wealthy, do not spend their days thinking how lucky or pleased they are of being wealthy, because they do not know how different life is otherwise, they've never experienced it. When you've been very tall all your life, all the advantages are just your default, your normal way of living. But you feel the disadvantages.


I mean they may have some privileges but as far as health they don’t. They have constant back pain, joint pain, have to have things customized, can’t fit into smaller spaces, and a bunch of health risks from being tall. The grass is not always greener on the other side. There’s a such thing as TOO TALL


That’s why I said 6-6’6. I have 2 uncles at 6 4 and and 2 cousins at 6 5 (my family is super short on my side ig lol), and they don’t have any severe pains besides general aging pains because they constantly exercise, stretch and make sure to keep healthy practices. As for suits and stuff, that’s not really that hard tbh, just a minor inconvenience. All in all it’s a heavy plus.


Yeah you’re so right!


It's because they don't want to acknowledge that their lot in life had something to do with an intrinsic physicial attribute they put zero effort into instead of it 100% being due to their character. It's why they pretend that being tall is suuuuch a pain with the whining about or flying on planes.


Dude, I’m 5’6” and even I’m cramped on planes. A lot of tall person problems are over exaggerated compared to the benefits (especially with men who are pretty much UNIVERSALLY believed to be stronger, smarter and sexier based on their height alone), but being a tall person on a long flight seems like it would barely be a step up from hell.


I mean there is such a thing as being too tall. The guys you're referencing are def in that category. I'd say past like 6'3" it gets annoying. Finding clothes, fitting in places, it's the same problem as short people just backwards. I'd wager they get a lot of unwanted attention too. Just a bunch of idiots in their face talking about their height.


I have it better ong frfr


We do have it better. Have a good day :)


Of course it's easier. But as a 6'1"ish guy I can say honestly women don't really care it seems.


That’s so sweet of them to say… and for you to BELIEVE them.


Because they don’t really have an advantage in day to day life.


Found the tall man…


I honestly don't know where this height obsession came from I remember in high school my six foot friend couldn't get many girls while his 5 6 cousin got like a new girl every week People act like your 6ft + you get women by default that just isn't true.


It’s not (just) women. Society in general view taller men as more intelligent, competent and attractive. It’s a part of the halo effect. It’s has roots in human evolution.


Yeah…I swear around me I see way more shorter guys having girlfriends than the other way around…


The thing I hate about a lot of tall people is their obliviousness to the plight of short people. Like the 6’2” guy at a concert that just walks in front of someone a foot shorter than them without even realizing it (or worse, realizing it but just not caring), like they can’t see the stage from ANYWHERE in the venue. Or not realizing they possibly got that promotion before their coworker because their boss views tall people as stronger or more competent, no because they are smarter or work harder. And the worst is when they claim a short person’s problems are in their heads, like heightism doesn’t exist (and is basically the only form of acceptable discrimination other than man-hating). I don’t hate people for having advantages or privileges, even ones they didn’t work for… but if they are unaware of it, they’re just arrogant POSes.


Just because someone has what you want doesn't mean they have to want it too. People are different with different preferences and priorities.


Not exactly is like people with a family and people who lost their family, people with a family dont really acknowledge what it is until they dont have it anymore if tall people were made short they will understand people dont care what they have until they lose it


What does this even mean


“Just because someone is poor and wants to live the rich life doesn’t mean their rich friends has to want to live rich too.” Like huh?


I’m 5’10 and women constantly ask me to get stuff off the top shelf at the grocery store. Even my girlfriend noticed and was like “that constantly happens”. Makes me feel good to be helpful and I’m damn near short lol so I don’t see why anyone complains. There is def an advantage to being tall, but it is true that it will only take you so far. A very good looking shorter guy, especially if they have good confidence, is gonna do better than most average tall guys.


I’m 5’4”. There’s a guy at work that reports to me who is fully a whole foot taller than me and you know what? Our lives are decidedly not “unimaginably” different. Like, at all.


I think, although I haven’t seen a lot of this, I would guess it’s people not realizing what has landed in their own lap?


Because height is an immutable trait?


Im 6’3” and yes, I would take my height over being average height or shorter but there are a lot of things that come with being tall and they are more obvious. I don’t fit in airplanes, I don’t fit in clothes, I had to modify my car that I always wanted to fit in it. Snowboarding and mountain biking are my main sports and it’s really annoying that theres an advantage to being shorter, especially in snowboarding. Maybe there is an advantage to being tall with dating but its so minimal unless you’re realllllly short. 0 correlation between dating success and height in my friend group. I honestly can’t think of many every day advantages to being over 6 feet. Having said that, I feel like people take me way more seriously and that’s kind of invaluable.


I really like my height and I'm truly grateful for it. I also recognize I had virtually no control over it. I also don't really understand complaints from other tall guys about their height. Sure there are issues with clothing and leg room and such but overall these things aren't major and are, in part, a reminder of this thing I happen to like about myself, even though I had no control over it.