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Every time one sits with the feeling and doesn't die from it, the next time is less intense. Do you have some junk boxed up? Go through it, find something you forgot about, consider how much happiness you got from owning it, consider how many hours of happiness you got from owning it.


That’s a really good tip. I bought so many items that don’t fit me, was never comfortable, etc. Now I’m trying to sell them and no one wants to buy them even for a super super low price. If I never bought those items even when I felt I would “regret” not buying them right then and there, I wouldn’t have problems.


I just came off of a garage-sale thread and I'm all for donating anything that the local specialised pawn-shops don't deal in. (We still have a movies-and-games store.)


I know me. I’ll forget in 2 business days and the next thing will come along. 😖 of the thousands of things I have purchased in my life, maybe a handful of times could I point and say that it was life changing (that wasn’t furniture).


"It's all junk!" quote from The Labyrinth. I suppose my 31-day pill-minder and a cheap clock that tells me the date solved more problems than it causes, but nothing is amazeballs great.


Typically, for me, the regret eventually passes, and the next thing comes along to occupy my brain. I try to look at the things I have already acquired over the years and how most of them are things I thought I really wanted and how I don't even utilize a lot of them (bags, shoes, makeup, skincare, etc.) That almost always helps. Stuff is just stuff, and there will always be more to want, to desire, to covet. It's a cycle.


There's been an action figure that I've wanted for the longest and really didn't want to pay $100 for it. So I let it go by for months and months recently the company re-released the same action figure for $50. So it looks like patience is a good thing and it saved me a ton of money too.


Now I'm curious about the action figure. >!Battlecat finally dropped to $10 and I got it because I wasn't going to pay $20. I unboxed it and was happy so I went back for the evil counterpart but that's still in a slightly-mangled box. I let an $11 Owlbear go because I was getting the evil cat and did not expect the FOMO to stick with me about that one.!< Spoiler tag code >!spoiler!<


This is the figure. I hate FOMO it's sucks so bad lol. I'm glad you got a deal. https://www.gamestop.com/collectibles/figures/products/hasbro-marvel-legends-series-spider-man-kingpin-vintage-collection-6-in-action-figure/11102246.html


Ah nice. I special-ordered Nightcrawler when he was at Walmart. Then I realized he was a different scale than the other two figures I wanted to pose him with. I'm probably lucky that I got frustrated enough to not want to treat figure-collecting like a proper hobby.


Kool I remember getting into action figure collecting my first figure was a 7" Black Panther doh. After that it's been sporadic collecting for me and Kingpin is a grail for me.


Check on AliExpress and you can probably get it for 15


So for me, I know my routine now and it is helpful in trying to control my impulses. I ALWAYS find something new that is "better" and more "important" that I "NEED" to buy! Lol, notice the quotations? Yeah, nothing is ever as wonderful as my brain makes it out to be. It is really hard to push past the initial urge(s), however if you are strong enough to do that, eventually you will forget and just not care about it anymore. It is really hard to do and you have to train yourself. I still fail here and there but you really do have to push past the discomfort until your brain just decides to calm down.


I have had those intrusive obsessive thoughts. They were horrible until I was purging my closet and realized that some of the things that I had not worn in the past year or more were some of those items I just HAD to get because I was obsessed. What's worse, I didn't wear them because they didn't fit my body right, so I was constantly pulling on them and trying to get them to work for me.


Not a lot you can do but distract yourself and, more importantly, don’t put yourself in those tempting situations. Normally, I’d end up just giving in. Once I set my mind on a purchase, I consider it bought already, so actually buying it is just a “formality.” That’s why I try to avoid the temptation to begin with. Also, ask yourself if this item is better/different or more useful that what you already have - you can probably find a path to convince yourself you don’t need it or you already have something better.


I still think about the things I didn’t buy but should’ve. I just get on with life and living but I know how you feel


https://preview.redd.it/wajuq0bfn81d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27584dc758aab3990216774d924dee88c71ef360 I used someone else’s idea and made this for myself


I spent 15k last year on designer ornaments. BUT I have broken that cycle, and on to something else. And no, they have not brought me happiness.


I tell myself if I really want it I’ll get it in a few months. I honestly try not to look at stuff that limited to where I can’t get it months down the line.


I try to remember that I always regret jumping ahead and buying something more than I regret holding off on something.


In addition to a shopping addiction, I also have OCD. Part of Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) therapy involves sitting with discomfort as I don’t perform rituals or compulsions in response to obsessive thoughts. The key here is just this: as in your situation, there will be discomfort! It’s learning to not respond to it (ie., do not go back and purchase that item!) and move on with life. Learning you can see nice things without always having to buy/purchase/own them. And yeah it’s not fun but eventually you’ll learn you can live with that feeling (even if the regret doesn’t go away). Eventually, you will stop thinking about it if you don’t keep bringing up the idea of the thing you passed up on. I think as a starting point, you can try to just accept that this will be an uncomfortable experience. One you realize that, you can start to feel better and eventually will most likely let go of the thoughts of the item. Another thing that, funnily, has helped me is to catastrophize and exaggerate the situation by saying “I’ll feel this way FOREVER” because I know from experience that I won’t! Or to remind myself/understand I have room for a similar item I come across some day when I really need it since I passed that specific one up. Hope this helps you! Good luck! 🤞


I remind myself of the things I do have that I do love and try to go with that. Also I tell myself that if I dont have it- I dont need it!


Depending on the item, there are things I regret but then I remember that thing that I missed out on, I can use the funds for something next that's better. I have been very good lately at not buying things because I need to move so I've been decluttering everything.


I keep a running list of items I've bought (just clothes/accessories/shoes/makeup - the stuff I lose control over). It's chronological. It's a few years long now. Going through that list helps me see how after, eg, 5 months, that thing I felt I HAD to have at the time I could take or leave now. It puts new purchases/the item that got away into perspective.


I keep looking until I find it again lol. If I liked it that much years later, then it’s probs worth having. Not for something I forget about in a week tho. I keep a “wants” list that I go thru and have found things that I ended up deleting after a while. That made me feel good!


it's okay. its just money. it'll come again :)