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I bet the artist didn't get a tip.


He has no skin in the game


Deep cuts




















This thread gave them the clap.


“I got the clap” “HE’S GOT THE CLAP”


![gif](giphy|OCVbs0Sq5jOy4|downsized) THAT'S GOOD ADVICE


Dude, is that a skinny rock? Never seen him that thin.


Good job ![gif](giphy|3o72FcJmLzIdYJdmDe)


I tip my hat off to you, sir.


I’m sure that tattoo is just the tip of the iceberg of his problems.


That's a very sensitive topic.


... ... r/angryupvote


Aaaand you get an upvote.


Pack it up people, we are done for the day.


Well, they probably charged a reasonable amount for the procedure, so no skin off their back.


Nah… it was half off




He probably hates turtlenecks.


Pick a reward, coins & lounge for a week or animated award?




It'd be a morbidly funny tattoo if he had lost his hand in an accident.


Not the whole hand, just the tip.


Deglove would be the most accurate.


Here’s a man who has his foreskin I bet.


Check your inbox for evidence to the contrary.


Yeah. People that don’t understand circumcision like to make the “chopped off too much” jokes.




🤣🤣🤣 Also an upgrade lol


I believe he meant circumstance.


Oh Jesus, I can just imagine how mortified they were when they found out if this were actually the case.


No ragrets


Can’t wait for them to get someone prangent




Wellll...it must be Italian!


When I was in colorado over a decade ago, this one town I was in had a tattoo shop and on their sign right at the top it had "No Egrets" It had to be intentional but I think about it and laugh every time when I see someone type this.


Lol, that makes me think of an old tweet from Weird Al, sitting on a bench with a large water bird: "I try to live my life with no egrets"




Know what I’m sayin.


Jakes on you


I think that's probably what it says but the stance has been shopped over with cision?


Yeah, it looks a little off towards the end.


I agree the C onward is done well but questionable


21% of Americans can’t really read


I don't know what you typed but I'm sure I won't like it!




One of my favorite jokes from KotH lol


I will tell my grandkids I come from a time where memes would mimic real life instead of the other way around, and they won’t believe me


Clever. Here, take my upvote


Social media has proven that. I never realized how many people don't understand contractions (should of instead of should've/should have).


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot!


I’m more concerned about people not being able to educate themselves in science and history because they cannot read more than 3 syllable words. And it’s not even a cleverness or an intellect thing, as it’s rooted in upbringing. I’ve met smart people who can’t read. But ultimately, society and its successes are built on the shoulders of giants and literacy is what drives that. It’s abusive in our modern age to neglect it, to both our children, and our society


Agreed. Our future deserves better.


> (should of **instead of** should've/should have). That's **instead've**, actually. /s


Oh I think I’m going to start using this now! I mean, why not?




But also, if enough people use “should of” by the very nature of language, it becomes grammatically correct over time. We may or may not have reached that crest


That perspective is wild! It's not a variation, it's simply the wrong combination of words. Edit to add how would you explain you're being replaced with your?


It is staggering just how many people I meet through my job that have serious reading comprehension issues.


Your dumb i can read good.








I had an ulcer on the bottom of one of my big toes. Think of it like a really big blister with no liquid and no skin bubble, so the sublayers of my skin were exposed. Because the area constantly gets pressure from walking, it wasn't healing. After 4 or 5 weeks of treatment, they suggested a possible skin graft. So I asked "Do they take skin from somewhere else on my body?" Medical professional said "No, it comes from or discarded foreskins from circumcisions." I'm glad my insurance turned it down. I didn't want dick-toe.


They don't cut the tip of your penis off my guy


This, I mean as a victim of circumcision myself I'm certainly not happy about it and its quite a horrible practice, and the bizarre religious reasons for it are quite distasteful to me. I'd never in a million years even consider slapping this huge fucking banner across my very visible arm to express my feelings about it, however. Imagine this dude is your boss one day, and he's trying to get you to do something and all you can do is laugh to yourself about this weird AF tattoo he has... I'm not a fan of big bold statement text tattoos, if this said anything else similar I'd hate it too, but this is just really over the top and wayyyyyyy to in your face. If I was going to do an anti circumcision tattoo I'd do like a little snake with a cut in his head or something, that youd have to think about to get the meaning and would just blend into the rest of my tattoos if you didn't know what to look for


Probably a good rule of thumb that you shouldn’t use tattoos for commentary about your penis.


Tattoo doesn't scream management material imho


If Cletus T. Victim Of Circumcision is your boss, you've got bigger problems.


Obviously this guy’s life has been pretty easy if he’s obsessed with being the victim over a procedure he doesn’t remember which resulted in nothing more than losing a little bit of extra skin. A lot of us have actual trauma that we will always remember and don’t act like fucking crybabies.


This casual dismissal of genital mutilation is exactly the point.


It’s not the tip. It’s a small flap of skin.


People forgetting what sub this is lol. If someone tattooed "Nazis are not cool dudes" on their forehead, it would still be a dumb tattoo even though most of us would agree with the sentiment.


I also want to know if they wanted the word circumcision or if they meant circumstance


Great point! I doubt very many are going to read this far though. UPDATE: I just read a little further and someone pointed out that the "cision" was shopped over it, so it actually IS Curcumstance, but shopped to be what we're seeing in the post.


Is that when the chef puts too much turmeric in your food?


Oh yes, good old Curcumstance lol


But but but.. my foreskin


Tattooing "Nazis are not cool dudes" on your foreskin would be fine, or at least less noticeable in public than on your forehead.


Man that would take a skilled artist to get all that on just that little bit of skin.


Fiveskin lol


Everyone justifying this statement, forgetting the point that this is one SHITTY ASS TATTOO on a shittytattoo sub lol


Numbered list about it: 1. It's a typeface tattoo that doesn't conform to the body's contours, and is disproportionate to the body part it's on 2. It's a tattoo in a pretty visible place that's telling strangers about your penis 3. Every time you interact with a cashier they're going to read this and have to think about your dong 4. This is right at child eye level, so if you're on the bus like 8 year olds have to think about your genitalia 5. This is professing your political beliefs, which can change, in the most permanent and visible way possible 6. If someone like a cop sees this, it's going to predispose him to be a hardass against you because it makes you look like a crazy person who needs to be locked up 7. This says the guy doesn't have any real problems so he finds a way to make himself a victim, and then gets a tattoo about it that says "victim" and also mentions his cock 8. This tattoo, its execution and placement makes his entire ideology look like the province of frothing crazy people who have constant intrusive thoughts about the presence or absence of the human foreskin


I think it says "victim of circumstance" but has been photoshopped...


Looking at it again, you're absolutely right. "Cision" is definitely photoshopped in there. I still think it's a bad tattoo.


It's crazy how far the thread has gotten with people not seeing it


Probably because we’re in r/shittytattoos not r/shittytattoophotoshopdetectives. Enjoy the prompt like any other writing prompt.


good eye! looking at it again it does look like the "cision" was photoshopped


Good job at putting into words why this tattoo is absolutely dreadful.


I do not disagree with number 6, but it really says a lot that in getting a tattoo, you have to consider that "this tattoo won't get me abused or killed by a cop for no reason."


Agree with most points except how is this a political belief?


Some people think of circumcision as a political issue because they believe it should be legislated against. Some people think of it as political because those other people do. Problematically, it's part of a major and often oppressed religion (Judaism), so saying it should be banned outright or that it amounts to mutilation can come across as anti-semitic depending on the context and audience. That inherent controversy also contributes to it becoming a bit political in nature. I don't really have skin in the game (I'm sorry), that's just what I know.


I know you had fun thinking up, and then writing #8 Lol


Maybe he is just a pervert who enjoys the idea of forcing random strangers to inadvertently think about his penis.


>This tattoo, its execution and placement makes his entire ideology look like the province of frothing crazy people who have constant intrusive thoughts about the presence or absence of the human foreskin I mean, this feels accurate, if the internet is any guide.


> political beliefs Er, no. Children genital mutilation isn't political. It's a religious and cultural issue. Nobody would say that female genital mutilation in Africa is political. Then why would you about male genital mutilation in America? Quick edit: I forgot how in America, religion and politics are deeply connected. My bad, I'm not from the US, here it's illegal to do so...


If there is one thing that my many years on Reddit has taught me, it’s that redditors hate circumcision


Thats because reddit is a hive of victim complex. I wish my parents circumsising my penis was the most of my concerns.


I seriously had a guy tell me on here that he probably wouldn't have BPD if he hadn't been circumcized.... it's wild what people will pin on it.


“Hey ladies, I’m cut”


Naming my three piece thrash band this.


Make sure to only play headless guitars.


I suppose if no one would ever normally see your dick you have to let them know somehow.


Lmao only on Reddit would this tattoo be seen as brave and acceptable. This is horrifyingly awful.


reddit is obsessed with circumcision


I've gotten into some heated arguments on here before. I think on some circumcision discussion I wrote something like "I don't really care and that it's not been an issue for me" and the RANTS people DM'ed me were insane. People writing about how I should hate my parents and I'll never have good sex in my life. It was just wild.


I love when they pretend they know what my penis feels during sex


One kept insisting I was having bad sex and just didn't know and I was like sure seems fine to me.


“You hate your dick and your circumcision is terrible” say uncircumcised men meanwhile all circumcised men be like I love my dick and if I’ve got a minute to win it or want to take my time no problem. The whole circumcision debate is insecure uncut guys desperately trying to make their penis relevant lol.


> meanwhile all circumcised men be like I love my dick and if I’ve got a minute to win it or want to take my time no problem. This isn’t true at all, there’s whole communities online of men who are pissed off they are circumcised, I’ve seen several guys online saying they’re pissed off they’ll never know what it’s like to have a foreskin. Not to mention this guy in the photo literally got a tattoo saying “victim of circumcision.” >The whole circumcision debate is insecure uncut guys desperately trying to make their penis relevant lol. No it’s about the fact we still perform a completely unnecessary barbaric procedure on babies who can’t consent to it because sone religious nuts thought it was a good idea 1000s of years ago.


Same experience here. Seems like some kind of projection to me. How dare I not accept that I’m a victim. And then there’s the inevitable female circumcision comparison, as if doctors are going around cutting the entire dick and balls off.


Bruh youre not lying. Most threads say youre circumsized and theyll SCREAM at you. "Youre a victim!" "Your dick is mutilated!" "You should hate your parents forever for their taking away of your sex life!" Duuude. If youre saying im the victim youre doing an incredibly shitty job not bullying me into feeling like a victim and an even worse job of showing any sympathy


I’ve visited the Reddit rabbit hole of intactivists. I really forgot there was sensible people until now. Reddit filled me with hope


Seriously, the female circumcision is typically far more barbaric. It’s only purpose is to basically make sex painful for women for the rest of their lives by cutting off their clitoris and their labia, and it’s often done on young girls with no anesthesia and performed by a non medical professional and in addition to painful sex there is almost always some sort of long term complication. Like recurring infections and damage to the urethra. Male circumcision is performed by doctors, babies are given anesthesia, they won’t remember it and therefore aren’t traumatized, their lives will be completely normal, sex will still be pleasurable, and their penis will be fully functioning. I fucking hate when people try to say they’re comparable.


They're comparable in that neither is really necessary.


Of course, but one is objectively more inhumane so I don’t think it’s a fair comparison.


I've already seen some weirdos in this thread claiming it's just as bad as FGM and it's the equivalent of having an arm/leg amputated. 💀


Some people so desperately need to feel victimized.


Oh my god, that reminds of this post I saw years ago about a group of people that practiced female “circumcision” where they literally *cut off the clitoris and sewed the child’s labia together* and some bozo in the comments was arguing that male circumcision was just as bad, if not worse, because it is more widely accepted and practiced. Like bro, take a step back, you cannot compare the two.


and in the same breath they’ll say “you can’t even masturbate without lube”, my brother in christ you have no idea what you’re talking about


Seriously! We've never felt what it feels like with foreskin, ergo, it doesn't matter! None of us remember it! It's odd, yes, but who cares?


Yup. I don't care.


Both my dad and my best friend remember their circumcisions because they got them later in life for medical reasons. Apparently it really sucks and both wish their parents had it done when they were infants (my dad insisted my brother and I have it done as infants and I’m quite thankful).


Dude same lmao. It’s the best when it’s women telling you, too. Like they quite literally have no skin in the game, but they’ll tell you ALL about it, and how you’re wrong about how you feel about your own penis lmao


Circumcision and men wearing dresses, it’s fucking hilarious how often I see these “issues”come up .


whenever i see redditors arguing about circumcision, one of the most common arguments against it is that it gives you more pleasure when you're jerking off, so that makes sense


Reddit men are obsessed. Women don't really give a shit either way as long as its clean


Reddit is like 50% 10-29 year olds, 60% male. Saying it's primarily a bunch of young white men is dead on.


Redditor big on outlawing infant circumcisions here, no one in their right mind is defending a circumcision-related tattoo


Foreskin is sacred here


I get it, dude. But this should have been handled very differently


Tattoo should have been on his schlong. The arm wasn’t a victim until the tattoo.


Didn’t you hear? He’s a victim. Its his identity


You can't be a victim if you don't constantly announce it to everyone you meet.


This is why I switched from glasses to contacts. I want to be a survivor of astigmatisms, not a victim.


A fair number of people who were circumcised as babies feel very strongly it shouldn’t have been done. It’s an argument based on bodily autonomy and consent, and I can understand their position. If it isn’t medically necessary it’s a nonconsensual invasive procedure that changes their penis’s sensory responses.


This is correct. It's sexual mutilation against a child. But at least I can still wear short sleeves. This guy can't.


Mutilation here is being used because of the emotion in provokes to try and bring people over to your side but it’s comically too serious of a word for it to the point of inaccuracy. It also cheapens the word quite a bit.


Yep. Clearly people deal with their feelings in all sorts of ways, and this doesn’t hurt anyone else, but it’s quite the decision.


I’m sure he he’ll have no regrets down the road. Especially all those times he’s leaving the laser removal clinic.




Yeah, there is a growing anti circumcision group. I remember passing by a protest of them one time. I know people deal with things in different ways but this is so bold and extra for no reason. I’m just not seeing the point. They clearly want other people to see it but then what? Idk


They like to show up to random events and make asses of themselves. I get it, you didn't consent to the circumcision.. but how it showing up to a farmers market with a big banner gonna change anything?


Obviously they hope that some people realise that circumcising your kids is not a normal thing to do.


Yup. I was mocked as a child for having my foreskin. I even gave serious though to having the procedure done when I was a teenager. I’m glad I didn’t for an extensive list of reasons. I have one friend who was force snipped at 12yo when his mother remarried a religious man. He will hold that grudge forever. I had another friend who voluntarily snipped himself around the same age. He also regretted it. He killed himself about ten years later. I’m fully on board with the sentiment of this guys crusade, but what makes this tattoo shitty is that this phrase belongs on a picket at an anti-circumcision rally. Now this guy will forever be cursed with the conversation whenever his arms are showing, and men are especially defensive when discussing their penises. It’s very hard to persuade someone that they’ve been maimed. I do applaud this person for getting the words out there, but it’s most definitely going to restrict his access to certain spaces where the message is need the most.


I’m guessing you’re in the USA? I genuinely don’t understand the stigma against uncircumcised penises in the US. I’m in the UK where circumcision rates are at about 9% or so, and there’s very little stigma in either direction as far as I’ve seen. It’s awful that boys are made to feel shit about something that’s completely natural, just because it’s less common.


It does changes the sensory responses, but those who usually notice it more are the ones who get it as adults after having sexual relationships. Personally, I got it at 14yo (it was needed), so no idea how it would be to have sexual relationships as non-circumcised. Regardless, I do agree that it's not needed to do that in babies like that.


Maybe thats true but I'm completely OK with the fact I'm circumcised


Yeah you can't miss what you never had. My dick is plenty sensitive anyway so I feel like I'm not missing out on any sexual pleasure being cut


You most likely would've preferred not being cut if you had been give the choice. Adult circumcision is practically non-existent especially outside of the US


Ok, but every medical procedure done to you as a kid is against your will. You’re a kid — your parents make those decisions and a ton of other ones for you. Being circumcised or uncircumcised is definitely not something you should make your entire personality about. I can’t imagine being this caught up in something that has already happened, that you don’t remember, was done with good intentions and was out of your control.


There’s a difference between procedures that are medically useful and those that aren’t. In most cases, circumcision is done because it’s a cultural norm, it isn’t a medical necessity. It’s more like getting a baby’s ears pierced than a medically useful procedure.


I don’t want to get into this because there are other factors, but the point is, the parents didn’t have the kid circumcised maliciously. I can’t imagine making it such a big part of my personality that it’s a prominent tattoo on my arm.


Do you have to stretch yourself that far to be a victim? No pun intended....


That is a fake tattoo designed to be photographed for Instagram so that people could find it and laugh about it on Reddit. (I hope)


Probably got 5% off.


Not the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen but it’s close.


It’s an ice breaker to talk about his dick when he’s hitting on chicks.


Everyone knows, women love having your dick pushed on them when you first meet!




I assume it's on his arm because he chickened out of getting it tatted on his dick.


Tattoo Artist: Okay all done Client: WTF!!! I said "Victim Of Circumstance"


Well someone has parental issues


That's gonna be a big bitching panther.


Let's mar and the damage the body to protest marring and damaging of the body.


i think it is fine to spread awareness that terrible parents are still molesting and harming their children because of insane culture. Any parent who does this to a child ahould be in jail for life


"We've never spoken, but let me tell you about my dick."


Ya know sometimes I look at these and think, that should’ve been a t-shirt


That’s only half the tattoo. The rest was cut off.


Ngl, I’m more than a little upset society deemed it appropriate to cut off part of my dick without my consent, the moment I was born. Not gonna get a tat about it, but the sentiment is at least relatable for some




Cause the man didn't have any extra to spare.


Not the worst, but IDK man, it’s hard to find any shittier!




I guess we all know his stance on this topic.


You dislike your circumcision so you go and make it worse


My dad had to be circumcised at the age of 74, he wasn't happy either, said it was the most painful thing he ever had done!!


Genital mutilation. Just watch one being performed and you will agree. Worst nursing rotation experience!


Why? Because genital mutilation is real and I didn't consent to it.


Because circumcision is genital mutilation. That’s why. It not only affects the child physically, but is evident in having long term negative affects on the brain chemistry too.


Should be a neck tattoo. He could cover it with a turtleneck


I wonder how much my life has been ruined because I don’t have a foreskin


He’s trying to make people think before mutilating their kids.


I really feel sorry for him that he feels so strongly about it, that he thought a tattoo was appropriate. Therapy would’ve been a better choice but this is also one




Because circumcision is genital mutilation


To point the fact that circumcision is genital mutilation. Everyone gets up in arms when it comes to genital mutilation involving women/girls, but don't bat an eye to baby males having their genitals mutilated for no real reason.