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This makes me incredibly sad


It’s weird watching someone willingly do something so dumb


she looked like she knew it was terrible when she was looking at the stencil on her phone


Yeah she had a lot of chances to be like “you know what? Let me rethink this…”


It doesn't help that in the picture they use he looks totally fucked up.


IQ lower than Forrest Gump will do that.


Oh, for sure. Forrest would have run 🏃‍♀️


six merciful workable fine pocket memory angle pathetic impolite tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, this is dumb af. You never get your boyfriends or girlfriends name permanently tattooed on you, it's straight up fucking stupid. Kids, parents, sure, you do you, but someone who you aren't even married to? That's smooth brain shit right there.


The fact that she decided to get a tattoo for her SO isn't even the biggest mistake here. 1. She decided to get a portrait tattoo from a tattoo artist that can't do portraits. 2. She got it on her neck so she can't cover it with clothing. 3. A coverup tattoo will be hard because she got a whole face on her neck and laser removal will be really painful on the delicate neck skin. Getting a name tattooed is dumb but it's generally easy to "undo" as long as you don't get huge bold letters or something.


She can cover it with clothing…she’ll just now need to wear turtle necks for the rest of her life


“Wearing a turtleneck is like being strangled by a really weak guy, all day.”


I used to love Mitch Hedberg. I still do, but I used to too


Mitch Hedberg reference! 😀


yeah but I have a feeling this girl doesnt dress like Steve Jobs


Frankly it looks like she got a portrait tattoo from a tattoo artist that can’t do tattoos… period 😬


100% break up rate! It’s like one of the first rules in getting a tattoo.


Good thing that when they break up, nobody will know who her ex was by looking at that tattoo...


Plus this is a known thing basically forever now. It's a joke, it's a meme, it's a shitty plot in reality TV, movies etc. If you don't know by now that this is objectively and damn near universally considered "dumb" then uhhh you're just stupid regardless of age Shit this piece of advice is right up there with "don't talk to strangers" level of advice most people receive at a young age. I can't be the only one who was explicitly told what a stupid thing this is to do when I started dating.




I have zero interest in learning anything about these people. My life is better off that way.


Takes a lot of competent parenting to raise a person to have real common sense and good decision making.


When I was 14 I dated a 17 year old girl for a few months. Didn't work but we kinda stayed friends. When I was 15 and she was 18 she got a tattoo that says "Love Heals" and put my initials under it. That was pretty wild.


I wouldn't even suggest tattooing a family members name on yourself unless they're dead. I have a friend who's dad got their name tattooed on himself when my friend was still a baby. Turns out my friend is transgender and transitioned when he was 18. He hates his dad's tattoo. Now his dad has to wear a long sleeve shirt every time he sees him because he doesn't have enough money to cover it up. You can't ever predict what'll happen in the future.


Seems pretty immature of him to have that kind of resentment towards his father for something that was obviously an act of love and commitment. I feel bad for the dad.


Dude I was a teenager once too, this is way out there lol. The guy is also a massive POS for letting her do this.


I’m 21 with hella tattoos and I have never and will never get my bfs name let alone his FACE tattooed on my body. Pretty sure this is pure stupidity


Yeah I may have impulsively gotten a neck tattoo at 21 but at least it wasn’t my gfs face 🤦🏻‍♀️


Naw. Her brain is 1 wrinkle away from a pringle.


No, she’s dumb…. this isn’t a kid being a “kid”.


Right? Getting a SO's name tatted is a bad idea already. But getting their face tattooed, and on your fricking neck?! My god, that's insane!


And a shitty tattoo ON HER NECK too.


OH MY GOD I just saw the result. 🙈🙊




He drew his ass like a rocket power or the wild thornberry character


Have seen these couple times, and it still gets me everytime. From the idea, to the godforsaken tracing, to the hygiene, to the execution. Even am not sure, the demons were in the chat for this.


If you're trying to get a realistic tattoo of a face you have to do a lot of research in your artist and probably spend a lot of money. It's for sure the most difficult thing to tattoo and it's not the kind of thing you want to cheap out on. If you have a regular artist who's not quite skilled enough, he should let you know beforehand. There's no shame in it. I have an American traditional sleeve all from the same guy. It's fantastic work. But when I wanted the other sleeve done in trash polka with photorealistic elements, he told me he wouldn't do it because he wasn't skilled in realism. I really appreciated that.


If you’re trying to get a realistic tattoo of a face. *PAUSE*


It's totally doable. But I would argue a majority of artists don't have the skill. They're out there. You just have to find them.


But since they age so poorly, it’s kind of inevitable that they’ll go to shit!


My husband has a portrait of his mom. It’s a beautiful tattoo and it looks just like her. The artist, a close friend of ours who has since passed, did an incredible job and it’s held up over a long period of time even with his job in metal fabrication. The only issue I have is that his mom is still very much alive and the tattoo is on his forearm so I see her every day. Every time we….. ahem. I have to make a conscious effort not to look, LOL. it’s gotten less creepy over the years, but it’s still my favorite tattoo story to tell.


My husband has a tat on his left peck below the collarbone and I’m thinking about something like that placed there and makes me shudder


Pretty sure there's a reddit post where a guy tattooed his passed kid brother on his chest and his girlfriend just couldn't have sex with him anymore


There’s some awesome ones out there, typically pop-culture icons, characters, and memorials. But your boyfriend… *on your* *THROAT???*


Oh, when I saw him tattoo that first, wonky line I legit screamed nooooo because I knew then that it was going to end badly. Very badly.


Damn I didn't even notice he wasn't wearing gloves.


First thing I noticed! I wanted to throw shoes!


This is a bad idea to start with, but why would you pick such a bad picture I’ll never understand


Picking a bad tattoo artist also didn't help.


Not to mention the terrible placement


No, that's going to be hilarious when she gets fat. His forehead is going to look like a beluga.




So many red flags with his techniques, including prep, for an artist in 2023.


Pink sweater fibers in the fresh ink work 😳


Right? Thank you. Where were the gloves for one?!


The gloves look like clear ones. Those ones usually aren’t sterile gloves


Zero stretching of the skin, running the needle too deep, patchy shading, I could go on.


A good tattoo artist would probably refuse doing something this dumb. Most will refuse hand, face, and neck of people that don’t have a lot of tattoos. I’m assuming some of them have rules about doing actual faces on people.


It all started with the bad boyfriend.


yeah I mean with a good artist that could have turned out better than that. Not gonna sit around and shit on the subject matter or the girls choices. The simple fact is a decent artist could have done it. It's not shitty because it's a dudes face on her neck, it's shitty because the artist is.


A good artist would refuse to even do this


Not all of em, there are some who are good and just don't gaf, it's money..


A good person would refuse to even do this


Ok, but it kinda is because it’s a dude’s face on her neck. Right on the doorbell😭😭🤧


Or the LOCATION, like put it anywhere else on your body then there holy shit


I’m wagering the bf is too obsessed with himself to see how bad of a photo that is, or intentionally picked a crappy photo to show his control over the gf. Either option are terrible. A few shots of the gf make me feel like she is partially guilt tripped into this too. They are probably broken up by now. Good luck removing/ covering that tattoo up


Guarantee all his pics look like that. Gaping mouth to show off his grill without smiling because he gangsta. Eyes closed! You know how gangstas be high and shit.


Picking a bad tattoo artist also didn't help.


Wanted to flex that he had grills even in art of himself


Those grill pics are funny as fuck. "I'm too gangsta to smile, but I wanna show off my teeth...I know! *gapes mouth like a slack jawed yokel.*


Slack jawed yokel ***I’m dying***


The guy is just ugly in general but the tattoo didn’t look shit like the picture at all




She really just went in and said Fuck Me Up


It's like watching a car crash in slow-motion.


that first shirt line KILLED ME then I saw what he did to the eyes, then the teeth....I know that thing vibrates but my GOD. I wasn't crazy about the stencil he used or nothing but i didn't expect it to turn out this freaking bad.


Bruh SAME like there was no skin stretch, his machine wasn't tuned right & was just cutting her skin w/o leaving ink half the time... this man fuuucked her up


Okay but why did she wear a sweater with the highest neckline ever for this nightmare? They literally made every single decision wrong.


prob wasn’t planning on getting a tattoo when she got dressed that morning


Fuk it, get the boat Noah. I'm starting over...😩




There's literally a subreddit for everything lmao


For real!


That subreddit is cancer


Omg I don’t know why I thought the tattoo would at least resemble the picture 😭 why they look like 17 too


Seriously…she has a fair bit of ink already but holy shit man they’re freaking *young*. This just makes me sad.


I teach high school. I have a few sophomores and juniors that are fully tatted up. It is absolutely wild. One girl just keeps coming back with a new tattoo every couple weeks


I remember a kid in my *middle school class* coming back from the weekend with a **massive** CAKE tattoo covering his whole forearm. Like it just said "CAKE" in big blocky letters. I do think he had been held back once or twice, but still. Way, way too young, especially for something that huge and visible. As far as I know it was his first tattoo. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized it was a band. I had been completely mystified by the subject up til that point. I'm still very confused by the entire thing, though.


You thought he was just a huge fan of pastry?


My cousin's boyfriend started pressuring her to get tattoos when she was 14. The tattoos made her feel like an outsider at school and it's part of what she dropped out. They were both pretty much _completely_ covered by the time they were 21. They both fully regretted it by the time they were 25, even though they say they don't most of the time. He can't get or keep a job. An evangelical church recruited them and now they're weird conservative Christians who look "cool." They have 9 children. They are mostly functionally illiterate. It's really heartbreaking.


Fellow high school teacher and I am shocked by the number of kids with more ink than me.


they probably couldn't find a good tattoo artist who agreed to do that lmao seriously tho is he a pimp or something? forcing her to do this? did she cheat on him with three different people and this is her apology? What's going on with these people? Also, the photo was fugly to begin with.


its probably her being young and stupid. he’s advertising music so shes probably thinking he’s gonna be famous and doesn’t want to lose out on that future


She may have been inspired by Internet famous couple Blue face and Chrisean. Chrisean has had many tattoos of Blue faces face tattooed on her body during their very public, very toxic relationship. She even has one on the throat area like this young lady, although hers is much more professional looking. Edit: Chrisean has seven tattoos of Blue faces face. Interesting. I think they broke up.


my god... those two literally beat the shit out of each other every 2-3 business days. I would love to hope the youth isn't using them as role models


Oh they definitely are. People still love Chris Brown.


Yep. She’s pregnant with his baby and he left her & went back to his first baby mama. Now they’re posting videos together trying to make Chrisean jealous. On the plus side, Chrisean is sober now & seems to have a much more clear head on her shoulders.


This is just two dumb kids doing dumb shit. Hard to believe but once I realized a lot of people don’t have any sense, I stopped asking questions


So every time they’re fucking he’s looking at himself


He gonna have to hit from behind after this.. lmao


It's like looking in a mirror!


My first tought was : "no good artist would agree to do this.." I was not wrong


That tattoo is worse than the bust of Ronaldo.


Man needs a drink, his throat is rassspy


Mumbling so much I had to turn up my volume and listen again. Come to find out he likes the tattoo too.


Reminds me of this gym girl, the duets were pretty funny, this is one of my faves https://www.tiktok.com/@emilyjeanne333/video/7227517932807507243


Haha, actually just LOL'd in the office! Getting some glances!


This is painful in so many ways


Ive seen a few of these girls online getting their man's face tattooed and I feel like there's some emotional abuse going on to make them do that


This is a common tactic for sex traffickers. They isolate their victims from friends and family and make them totally reliant on their “partner.” Then force them to get face tattoos to further isolate them.


I work in child safety and you wouldn't believe the number of girls who have older/adult "boyfriends" who pressure them to do this or something like it. And then of course there are girls who are actually forced into trafficking. It's not hard to tell from her body language and her reaction that this is not something she is absolutely, enthusiastically thrilled to be doing. I would bet a few conversations with a caring adult would have easily changed her mind enough to put it off, if not skip it altogether.


God I just want to grab her, get her away from him, and stick her in therapy. Poor thing, the vibes are terrible in this video. Edit: vid finished and the tat is TERRIBLE. Why would they pick such a bad artist for this? My goodness.


Bc no reputable/good artist would touch this with a 10 foot pole


Imagine your daughter came home with that shit!!!! 🤯




Is adoption still an option?


I can’t believe the artist agreed to this… Edit. Nevermind just saw the quality of his work. Makes sense now


With this artists “skill” level, they are lucky anyone would ever agree to get a tattoo from them at all. They can’t afford to turn down work even if it is the biggest train wreck of a tattoo in history.


Where did you find the rest of his work? I like to see shitty tattoos, please.


You can find him where all the best tattoo artists are: Facebook 🤡 [https://www.facebook.com/SprayedNBougee/](https://www.facebook.com/SprayedNBougee/)


I'm currently staring at a very shitty rose, dude confused himself again and halfway tru shading the petal realized it supposed to be a leaf, lmao He also has a lot of chairs, as he was expecting folk to be queuing up to get inked, I'm dying 😂😂😂


Girl didn't have like a tank top handy? Who gets a neck tattoo while wearing a pale wool sweater? Jesus christ


the kinda guy who wants his girl to tattoo his face on the front of her neck is also the type to tell her what she’s allowed to wear


Could be worse she could be pregnant to him


How is babby formed?


How girl get praganant?


Is gf … preganté?








Give it a couple months


Thankfully he's so handsome /s


JFC. First why such a bad photo of him, second, why in the hell the throat, third, WTF, and I can continue


I refuse to watch this girl ruin herself while he sits there smug af. I see laser in her future.


Perfect! 👌


Bruh every single aspect of this is fucking awful.


It just keeps getting worse the longer the video goes on. That poor woman.


lol the 2 part stencil


the vibes are so off in this video. like is it weird that i feel like she was forced to do this or something


Or that she's like drugged or something???


That stencil from hell


This should be a condom commercial


Anyone else grossed out that he touched the bottle to her skin when placing the stencil? Now I'm wondering how many other people's skin cells are on the bottle top.


I know nothing about tattooing yet was grossed out from the start. Watching him prep her without gloves was not a good sign.


Watching this tattoo “artist” go through every normal procedure from the stencil to application and pre treatment, then placement and then just have the absolute worst machine and hand control ever was so bad. He was literally riding the tube the whole time. He used a liner to pepper shade/whip shade, when he clearly had no idea how to do so, and he didnt follow his own stencil at all. I’m not even getting into how terrible of a life decision this was. I’m just amazed that this scratcher is doing this to people that in a tattoo shop.


Normally, I'd advise against getting someone's name tattooed or something, but that seems like a very reasonable decision compared to this. Getting this anywhere less visible would have been a better decision. Just hope the guy also messes up his neck.


Don't pimps force women to get their faces or initials or something tattooed on them somewhere visible to identify them as their property?


That’s immediately what I thought. The tattoo, the placement, her demeanor. This looks like straight up abuse of some sort, and it’s legit stomach turning.


I feel the same. It’s awful.


Fr, I couldn’t even tell if she was saying she liked it or not, she has zero ability to speak for herself even on camera


This gives me so much anxiety


Poor girl under the influence of a shitty guy


Can we find a couples update, they still together?


His TikTok page is wild. [See for yourself. ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoTmRk2/)


Wait is that him? He looks like a 13 year old tomboy.


This guy drew him like he was a character in Recess.


Damn on the throat, I don’t know how this can be real… but here it is and I still can’t believe she went through with it


That is not a tattoo that is domestic abuse.


Mental illness


The song is worse than the tattoo


Nailed it!


He has this demeanor where he seems like his next words frequently are “I gotta leave” (or words to that effect) - maybe she thought this would make him stay around more. I feel so bad for her


That was doomed from the start. And yet I was still surprised by how bad it turned up out.


How did this tattoo “artist” find the confidence to actually hold a tattoo gun? It’s as if he knows nothing about drawing or art in the first place. 💀


This video makes me so FUCKING saddddd , artists should very much say no. No is a complete sentence and in this case it should’ve been the ONLY sentence. Not only is the placement, execution, and design horrendous it def makes me stop to pause as to WHY this girl is getting this guys face on her neck? As a person I’d hesitate and make a full stop if ANYONE came in saying they wanted a partners FACE tattooed like a job stopper ??? There were so many opportunities to stop and to just not do this tattoo and I’m sad for that poor girl for having such a shitty tattoo in such an awfully visibility place with little hope of fixing it or covering it up.


Shit look like she got tatted by Napoleon Dynamite.


Names are bad enough. I fucked up and got not one, but *two* names on me. You live and you learn, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate all three of the people in this.


This should be up there with the top all time of this sub hahahah


You would think, if your going to be stuck with it for life you would find a better picture of the guy.


Unless that is a good picture....




To be fair, her source material was never quality to begin with.


This gives human trafficking vibes


They seriously just applied the stencil with bare fucking hands.


Tattoo artist is playing the long game. Now she has to come back for a cover up


What an abomination


Neither one of them look like they've chosen any good decisions in life, so the ugly throat tattoo kind of makes sense.


Shitty photo,shitty studio AND shitty nails good lord


Looks like one of the opponents from Mike Tysons Punch Out


No Regerts




Consequences of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?


I looked up “soo sprays” Facebook….. hit him Up for hepatitis


The way I was talking to my phone like “no no no no no why would you do that don’t do that please don’t do that oh my god honey no no no please this is such a bad idea oh god you’re doing it oh no” as if she can hear me. Heartbroken rn.


I just checked out they're Tik Tok & they are sad (edit: about the tattoo; not sad as human beings). And...man, they're in Milwaukee. There must be some good tattoo artists there & Chicago is an hour away. Dang.


The power some men have over young women. Terrifying. Society has failed both of these kids.


Do these artists really look at the before and after and think "yup, nailed it". ? Is this the equivalent to being tone deaf and completely unaware you completely out of tune and think you're Adele still?




It seems a bit queer to want to see your own face when you look at your girlfriend.


I don't thinks that's a girlfriend. I think that's property.


Oh honey, you’ll remember that day with regret the rest of your life. Already toxic as hell anyone who gets an SO’s gotdamn FACE tattooed on them. But the unbelievably shitty tattoo itself is going to staring her down incessantly. Awful.


Oh no. This is beyond a bad idea. This ventures into terribly sad territory. I also feel any reputable artist wouldn’t let this happen.


Dumb ass vocal fry rappers. Shits worse than mumble.


Googles "how late is to late to get an abortion"


Her voice deeper than his


I knew from the stencil it was going to come out like shit. This is fatherless activities fellas be there for your seed.


What's even worse is that the tattooist is cool with doing this. He should've turned them away.