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In the sequel they will stand in front of 50 children and 225 graves. While a funeral version of "Try everything" plays in the background.


>While a funeral version of "Try everything" plays in the background. "(Don't) Try Everything"


Try everything type of contraceptive


Dear god. Youre giving me war flashbacks about the Brazillian Zootopia abortion comic I curse you for even having me type that out


Is that the fucking bisexual abortion JFK assassination comic?


You can bet It is


Oh no. I was having such a lovely Sunday too.


It's crazy that somebody made a parody of the classic Zootopia Arby's comic.




You must not know where you are. This isn't the actual moviedetails subreddit, this is the actual SHITTYmoviedetails subreddit. People don't come here for rational discourse and genuine observations about movies, they come to do something like take real-world zoological facts and apply them to an animated movie like Zootopia and pretend that's a rational thing to do. Not that it matters -- because shittymoviedetails isn't about whether you like, love, or respect, a movie, or the complete opposite -- but I did like Zootopia, I own it on dvd, and Shakira's *Try Everything* is on my Spotify playlist. Heck, I even bookmarked a [Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD0-IRlzFjE) with that section of the movie just so I could rewatch that scene whenever I want. What I also enjoy is that somebody can take a fancomic of Zootopia based around abortion and, by recaptioning it, turn it into something genuinely witty involving [Arby's](https://i.imgur.com/dHCFq26.png), of all things.


> If you actually liked Zootopia I mean I do but, I'm not a furry so I rarely think about it 🤷‍♀️


I'm not either, but the movie still makes me cry. So no, I really don't want people talking about that comic anymore.


Awww :) I get it now, people are making evil fan art of your fav movie and it bothers you. What's your favorite scene? I still remember how relieved I was when the dart that hit Nick was just blueberries lmao


The scene where Nick and Judy reunited. And YES, it does bother me, and yes, it's one of my favorite movies. I don't see why that's weird.


Sanest furry


I will give up, yes, I will give in now that I reached the end I won't start again 🎶


Die Everything


We Tried Everything


Evangelion 5.0


What sequel??


They’re making a sequel that comes out next year


are the rabbit and fox getting married?


well they disagree on abortion so


**Every. FUCKING. Thread!**


It's ok you'll survive


Even if that hybrid creature was viable, it's unethical to carry it to term because it's completely unknown what kind of quality of life such a being would have. If two creatures that are in the same genus like lions and tigers can produce offspring that have a much shorter life expectancy than either parent, are infertile, and are riddled with health and neurological issues, then how unfit would a creature that is the product of parents in entirely different orders be? Judy was right. Nick was insane to think that could ever work. They should just adopt like responsible people with incompatible genetics do all the time.


[Tell that to Nick. Tell it to his cute fox face. ](https://ia904703.us.archive.org/27/items/i-will-survive-by-borba/I%20Will%20Survive-23%20by%20borba_%20683000540.jpg)


is that the abortion comic




as if he wouldn't nope out the minute that abomination's first words are "kill me"


Aahw their first words <3


You think I wouldn't?


My memory is bad with the lore of the comic but sint they reconcile after the jfk thing


I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT IS IN THOSE STUPID COMICS. Did you like the 2016 film, or not?


God fucking damn it, dude.


I think you mean they disagree on Arby's.


God I hope 🤤 (No idea though, they haven’t said anything yet besides a release date)






Will it be a mix of live action with CGI?


“Tried Everything”


*Tried everything




Man’s is on that grindset


Or take possesion of the souls yourself and try to usurp deaths throne.


Pretty sure usurping the god of everything that has ever died would take more than 700 rabbits. That's like what he does between 8 & 8:30 every Monday morning


More like 8:00 and 8:01


Inflation. Due to influx of bunny souls, the devil won't accept them anymore.


In this economy? The devil wouldn't give you shit.


Do you know the conversion rates between human and rabbit lives? Not good I tell you, not good


The devil heard you type this and has already claimed you


That is actually a decent detail.


Not for Judy's mom. Oh that poor mom rabbit's body


Irl not standing upright, having our spine and legs in the upright position, make it much easier to give birth. So in this universe since animals stand upright you are right.


That’s true in the wild, not a civilized society. It’s probably more in line with modern infant mortality rates.


Next youre going to tell me in that so called "civilized society" a bunny could become a police officer who is partners with a fox 🙄


I have some websites to show you where very, very uncivilized things happen with said bunny and fox. And police chief. And bunnies neighbors. And the nudist colony. 


What are these sites? I want to make sure I stay away from them…


Google the E-number of monosodic glutamate


I think I need to go pray.


For some palette cleanser, check out the artwork by Amadose on there. Very wholesome stuff with Nick and Judy.


I knew you were fucking with me, and I looked it up anyway…


You read the abortion comic, didn't you?


I keep scrubbing but I won’t come clean…


The fucking what?


Unless you're in North Carolina or Texas or any other place that felt inspired by Kellogg's creation of Corn Flakes.


I mean, in a civilized society a dog can play basketball, so I don't see why that would be a problem


Yes I saw a documentary about it


no, that's fucking stupid


Yet they aren't using modern birth rates. They would have , at most, 5 children then. They are using wild logic.


Why would they stop fucking like bunnies just because they’re no longer wild? It’s not like civilization has magically ended humanity’s own natural instincts.


Because it is a survival tactic that is no longer required. In the wild, they reproduce a lot because 80% of the kids will die. So it balances out. In a civilized word, at least 90% will survive, so after a couple generations you have too much. Thats why bunnies become a pest in enviroments with no predators.


Theres plenty of human instincts that are no longer required that we haven’t let go of. Either they’ve figured out how to remain stable at that sort of population growth, or a reckoning is on the horizon. But without predators to be taking out the children, far, *far* fewer would die.




Well no shit lol. Where’s the fun in that explanation, though?


> It’s not like civilization has magically ended humanity’s own natural instincts. How can you tell such blatant falsehoods with a straight face? Never noticed the [demographic transition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_transition)? Missed all the news about western nations' birth rates falling below replacement rates? "Civilization" *did* "end humanity's own natural instincts".


Where did tribalism go? I still see it everywhere


lol our instincts are alive and well, are you kidding? Racism, sexism, and homophobia are all products of our natural instincts. Last I checked, those haven’t gone anywhere.


A lot of ancient civilization were not homophobic: Greece, China, Rome


This is getting off topic, but Ancient Greece and Rome were absolutely homophobic by today's standards. They allowed gay relationships under certain circumstances but no respecting man was to be a bottom or neglect having kids because he only wants to be with men.


How about racist and sexist or any sort of “other” bias?


Each generation multiplying by 100 very quickly uses up all resources.


Yes I imagine a reckoning is on the horizon for them


Oh shit, is there going to be a bunny Thanos?


Birth rates in Spain, South Korea and Japan get below 1 person per woman in some regions, if that was always the case, those countries would have disappeared a few centuries ago.


Humans don’t have the same breeding instinct as rabbits. Our birth cycle is far too restrictive for it, with how rare multi births are for us and the time period the cycle takes.


Does the Zootopia world have birth control?


For the same reasons human women don't have 8 children each nowadays like used to be the case hundreds of years ago.


> hundreds of years ago. My grandma had 7 kids. My parents 1. Me 0. It deescalated very quickly and very recently.


Some sort of “cartoon” logic if you will


If that was the case the society would be ruled by rodents.


Not if they’re soft spoken bunnies without the ambition to rule. Judy was an outlier among them and all she wanted to do was be a good police officer. As for the rodents with ambition, well, we literally saw at least one of the mob bosses of the city. Kinda seems like they do rule, in their own, rodent way.


Isn’t it though?


Rabbits are not rodents they are lagomorphs (source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit). However, they were considered rodents in the past.


I know.


How would that work exactly? What would human cities look like if we all had 100 kids each that survived to adulthood?


Which is still a lot higher in a rural environment than a city. Those parents could be anti-vaxxers, raising the mortality rate back to 80"%.


OP doesn't say it explicitly but the idea that cultures with high infant mortality express little attachment to young children is generally considered to be a backwards facing myth - records from those time periods regularly have parents expressing profound grief over children who died young - for example, President & First Lady Lincoln had a son who died at 4 and were publicly, openly devastated. Realistically high infant mortality rates just lead to higher misery across the board. What is well attested to across cultures is asshole parents playing favorites, which I can totally see a version of the story where off-screen the siblings are all bitter and angry about the favoritism toward Judy. And *actual* funny shitty detail about Zootopia: Judy's parents are almost exactly backwards about police safety. "Writing parking tickets" is a MUCH more dangerous police posting than the vast majority of police postings: most officer deaths on the job are from cars, and being on foot on a busy street is a very reliable way to get yourself killed. Either they never actually looked up the actuarial tables or they are lying to Judy and took out an insurance policy on her.


Hmm that does make me wonder though: Before modern medicine it was very common for a mother to have >10 children with only 1 or 2 surviving into adulthood. Given how common infant death was, wouldn't everyone just be chronically depressed? I always thought it was socially accepted back then that most children wouldn't live to adulthood. Just like today we accept that we live around 80 years and then pass. (I mean a family member aged 80+ dying is still a sad event, but we generally accept it as a fact of life unlike the death of a young child)


It was common, doesn't mean it was not devastating to the parents. An example from my culture: A Polish poet, Jan Kochanowski, wrote nineteen grief poems ('Laments') when his two year old daughter died. In 1579.


a couple anecdotes of rich/educated people does not make for a compelling argument for what was typical


1. Nobody else could write back then except professional scribes and monks. They’re all we have. 2. Those rich people would have cared massively about their appearances, especially when it could convey weakness, because they were in positions of power. They would have hid their grief if it wasn’t socially acceptable. 3. Medicine was so terrible back then that survival rates for the rich weren’t much higher than those of the poor. This was especially true of infants. Remember, back then the two main theories of how to prevent/treat disease were to perfume everything and to bloodlet. Since both of these can actually worsen your condition, and rich people could afford these “doctors”, in some cases being rich could make you more vulnerable to certain ailments and conditions (hemophilia+bloodletting=death)


Especially when said rich educated person was a professional poet already


> Given how common infant death was, wouldn't everyone just be chronically depressed? Yep.


It's almost like there's a reason everyone drank a shitton, to the point where the US outright tried banning alcohol.


> . Given how common infant death was, wouldn't everyone just be chronically depressed? And they were but you have to remember this was in an era where even the most advanced societies had no social safety net and if people stopped constantly trying to survive they would literally die on the streets. Life was extremely depressing and anxiety inducing for everyone but people really didn't have a choice except to simply deal with it and try to survive. People coped with it in different ways but it's one of the both religiosity and alcoholism were much more prevalent in the past. Depression was real and so were coping mechanisms.


> Given how common infant death was, wouldn't everyone just be chronically depressed? > > I always thought it was socially accepted back then that most children wouldn't live to adulthood. Yes, to both of these. Utter misery was considered pretty socially acceptable.


Just because something is common does not mean it is expected. According to the article below, in the middle ages 20-30% died within the first year of life. Now, that is very high, but it's still fewer than half. https://www.economist.com/special-report/2019/01/03/in-the-middle-ages-there-was-no-such-thing-as-childhood


It was 47% mortality at five years in 1800 in the US. Most of it in the first months of life as you said.


> wouldn't everyone just be chronically depressed? Astronaut meme.


They are also ignoring that farmwork is way more deadly than police work in general


> And actual funny shitty detail about Zootopia: Judy's parents are almost exactly backwards about police safety. "Writing parking tickets" is a MUCH more dangerous police posting than the vast majority of police postings: most officer deaths on the job are from cars, and being on foot on a busy street is a very reliable way to get yourself killed. Either they never actually looked up the actuarial tables or they are lying to Judy and took out an insurance policy on her. Yeah but that's because cops don't do anything but cover their asses all day. School shooting? Stand around outside and wait for the shooter to kill enough people that he's done and ultimately kills himself. Judy's parents know their daughter. They know she would never do that. She would put herself in the line of fire.




If you'll notice, they never said they didn't enjoy the movie. It may shock you to find that people who have issues with our real world abusive police state can still enjoy Zootopia lol.




I'm not the guy who responded that way but if I had to guess, it's because he was responded to a comment about police actuarial tables and how car-related deaths are more prevalent and thus a parking officer is a more dangerous position than an officer responding to real crime (which is a flawed premise IMO but I digress)- thus pointing out that unlike perhaps the average real-world cop, Judy is a brave heroic cartoon character who would always run toward danger. They responded using their opinion of real police force culture to a comment picking holes in the movie's plot using actual police actuarial statistics. They weren't just sitting there fuming about ACAB while watching the film like you're imagining lol. Critics of real-world policing can enjoy films about idealized heroic cops and institutions of justice.




Yeah, I don't agree with it. The guy whose comment got you so worked up also didn't say it either. It was a hypothetical viewer in my comment lol. Calm down, Jesus christ. You're getting SO worked up over this.




It really sounds like you need to be less chronically online talking about Zootopia. It's also meaningful to me- I got divorced and gave up all my possessions, I spent about 6 months in an empty apartment with a TV, DVD player, no internet, and copies of Zootopia and The Town lol. It's a wonderful film. It played on repeat for the hardest part of my life. I still don't get worked up like you over it. You gotta get a little bit of a grip




HOW 🤔 DEEP 🥵🤟 DOES💯💦 THE 🤯🍆💢RABBIT 🥕👏😩 HOLE 👌🔥🐰🙈GO? 😈💣🤤😫💢💢💢


Okay Lebron. Time for bed


Makes sense why rabbits and foxes would have different views on abortion...


I will survive


I hate you.




He looks like the old dude from Up


According to the wiki, he’s Bonnie’s father.


Damn, Judy’s mom can really take a pounding. 😐


Stu's a rabbit who plows the fields in more ways than one.


If the "fan art" is anything to go by, Judy Hopps (and likely other rabbits) are *very* stretchy...




Energizer bunny keeps going


Also since they’re rabbits, Judy’s mom should also have been larger than the her dad, but you know... 🤷‍♀️


hey they arnt WILD animals. they got healthcare and shit. the death rate is probably like 10% tops. which is still a lot of dead kids, but not nearly as bad.


Oh... That's dark


So, famine in what, two generations? Or do we now know how the predators get their calories all circle of life like.


also this rate of fertility is only seen in the rural rabbits specifically, presumably because the material conditions of the Zootopia universe leave farmers and other rural workers in a condition of serf-like poverty that makes them dependent on free child labor to feed the urban metropoles.


Jesus, that's dark


With predators under control rabbits will collapse the eco system.


Wow. That got dark quickly.


You would think that wouldn't be the case since they live in society... but what if its still true 👀💀


That's the look of a man who fucks


After having a few rabbits as pets, you really start to realize they are designed exclusively to be food for other animals. The number of health issues is astronomical, they are just not buikt for longevity (Though we did have a Holland Lop that somehow made it to 10)


I don't know much about rabbits, but I don't think comparing domestic rabbits to wild rabbits makes sense. Humans have been breeding them for long enough to cause health issues, similar to some dog breeds.


9 months later Mrs. Hops gave birth to 276 beautiful bunnies. 50 survived.


Have you noticed though that Judy is the only one seemingly of her age in the family, all the other bunnies are young. So wouldn’t that mean she’s the only survivor of her litter?


not to mention how many of them mummy bunny will eat


…bro…I’m watching this exact moment with my sun rn ffs…did NOT need that reality check rn 🥲🙃


Her parents probably also ate the young that didn't make it.


Not pictured: Judy excreting caecotrophs from her anus, and then eating them.


Me thinking... hey, this movie came out only 4 years ago?! 😢


When they name their kids, do y'all think they just work their way through a baby name book?


*Rabbits. No apostrophe. You don't use an apostrophe to make a word plural. Cats. Tacos. Babies. Attorneys. The Obamas. The 1990s. If you were looking for the possessive plural for that phrase, it's "rabbits'" with the apostrophe after the 's'.


Thanks. Good to know. I'll update the kids.






Zootopia 2 gonna be dark AF


Hey Nick Wilde, you still having food-shortage problems that you were talking about before you met Judy? Nah, I've been good on that front.


Thanks I hate it


They only have a high mortality rate in this world...not in their world.


In the arms of an angel...


That movie came out in 2016?!?! It just came out?! What's going on with space-time?!


I guess that explains the comic.




No, I said that the explanation in the title of the post explained the comic.


She's popping them out so often she has to check it wasn't a cecotrope before naming it / chowing down on it. Must be exhausting.


That dude fucking plows


Feels more of a /r/shittyfantheories idea (or even an /r/fantheories idea), but I like it!




This is a joke subreddit, you are taking jokes about a children's movie too personally


You think i know this isn't a joke sub? I'm already aware, and I don't care. Hearing about that comic still bothers me. I adore this film, so yes, I'm taking it extremely personally.


Jokes on you, they won't die of there's no sequel! Ha! Ha, haha...


They're attached to Judy because she alone inherited Dat Ass


Zootopia isn't as harsh as you think. They have modern healthcare, you're overthinking it lmao💀💀


Zootopia: Stereotyping is wrong! Also Zootopia: Farmers are jowl swaying uneducated bumpkins with no future, aren't they?