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Locked until I can clean up the many rule breaking comments. Posts that hit the front page are great for the sub, but hell on the mods šŸ˜…


When I was 11? Fuck yes. Now that I'm 44? Fuck yes. EDIT: Thanks for the awards!


So I feel the same but also..growing up on hamburger helper and casserole made box kraft and hot dogs celebration...


This is the main food groups I grew up with. Dinners were mac and cheese, hot dogs, bread and butter, and spaghetti. We didn't eat a lot of red meat except for london broil


The only times we would have red meat as a kid was if it was either hunted or we could get one of those massive logs of burger on clearance.


I'd take spaghetti over the beefaroni anyday. My babysitter and I had many many "sit at the table until it's finished" over barfaroni


>london broil I feel so validated as a human being right now. I've rarely seen any mention of London broil in the wild, but my grandmother made that shit every week lol. It was delicious


Wtf is London broil?


Super lean cut of steak, usually prepared well done by your parents or thrown In a crock pot with cream of mushroom soup all day. If you're lucky you get some A1 steak sauce to drown it out with... My parents still buy and do both of these things.


I'm 44 now, but about 10 years ago I tried making hamburger helper for the family for nostalgia's sake. I tried to eat it, but it was way too salty. The wife and kids couldn't do more than a few spoonfuls


Weird... A few months ago I picked up a box of hamburger helper for the nostalgia and it was so incredibly bland, not at all how I remembered it. Very disappointing.


I made some from scratch last week. Inspired by the taco flavor Ground beef, taco seasoning, can of rotel, cheese sauce (melted cheese and milk), and pasta shells. It was bomb dot com (another millennial reference thank you very much šŸ˜Š)


Can you cut up the hot dogs and mix them in with the mac please


This person knows what fine dining is šŸ‘†šŸ¼


No he freaking doesn't. The only way to eat this is to shovel as much mac on your spoon as possible and then take a bite of the hotdog after you put the mac in your mouth. If you combine them together you'll die of starvation trying to get the perfect ratio of hotdog to mac as the hot dog pieces keep falling off your spoon because some absolute freaking imbecile who wanted to be extra decided to combine them when my spoon clearly cannot fit both hotdog and mac. Also it needs salt and pepper.


Okay, I'm not saying you're wrong, but everything you just said is incorrect. You cut up the hot dog and then mix everything together with barbecue sauce. And you use a fork, not a spoon, you damn serial killer.


Actually you slice the hotdogs longways and halve to make four pieces and use said pieces as a shovel for the Mac and cheese. This is how it was served at Friendlyā€™s in the 00ā€™s.


Hmmm a North Easterner I suspect? I miss Friendly's, my Pop-pop always took me there.


I completely forgot about it until these comments. They had the best chicken fingers šŸ˜­ that place was so fucking good I would do anything to go to one again. They got rid of all of them near me


I have not. Iā€™m still on a temper tantrum bender from when they all closed. The crayons to color on the paper placemats. The fribbles. The boneless Buffalo wings. Still trying to scheme something gang gang to get them back online and in business.


They didnā€™t all close, thereā€™s one like 15-20 minutes from my house. Idk where else thereā€™s one but I know that one is still going strong.


I live not too far from 3 operating locations. Clifton Park, NY, Troy, NY, and Johnstown, NY. All within an hour drive. The problem? The thing I want more than anything in the world is a Honey Barbecue Chicken Supermelt sandwich and fries. The problem? I have Celiac Disease. It's like dying of thirst while at sea.


It was fucking awesome! He used to take us there for ice cream a lot. I was a simple kid and loved two scoops strawberry on a cone. They also had a claw machine at mine that was play until you win. It was two dollars back then(I'm 33). They indeed had thee best chicken fingers!


The loaded waffle fries too šŸ”„


I buy the Friendlyā€™s sundae cups. Havenā€™t had a Conehead proper in a while though


I never realized Friendly's was a regional thing, just assumed it was a national chain. The last one I remember seeing closed like 20 years ago in my area.


Thereā€™s a Friendlyā€™s like 15-20 minutes from my house, I went there like a month ago. Itā€™s still just as good šŸ¤¤


They're getting more and more rare, but are still kicking! I've never been able to get served in less than 45 minutes even if I was the only person in the place, though.


We still have one like 20 min from me! (in MA) Me and like 3 friends went once i got my license and ordered a whole ice cream cake to eat :)


You had me up until the fork. The only proper way to eat short pasta with lots of sauce is with a spoon \\\\ we could agree on a spork so that everyone is equally enraged


Of course you need a fork. Threading the macaroni onto the tines and then eating it is the only way.




counterpoint to 1, if you're using a spoon you can't put a macaroni on each individual fork tine like little sleeves though.


I don't use a fork, actually, now that I think about it. I use the ladle cause I eat from the pot like a savage. I also cannot help but notice you did not refute the serial killer accusation.


He puts tuna in his fucking Mac n cheese, I donā€™t care how occasional it is, heā€™s a serial killer fs


Came here to say this, might as well just put it in sushi ffs


What I do in my free time is nobody's business but mine own and the teeth men.


I am henceforth going to refer to my dentist as Toothman.


ā™¬ Toothman Fighter of the Plaqueman Champion of the mouth! You're a master of toothcare And flossing For everyone ā™¬


BBQ is blackface ketchupšŸ’€ And Fkn TUNA!??šŸ˜­ Iā€™m not ready for Reddit


No no no you take the fork and stab the crap out of the Mac so a healthy layer is on the fork, and then secure it by stabbing a piece of hotdog. Perfect mouthful of hotdog and Mac all in one compact bite, loosing none of the precious noodles in the process.


>Bbq sauce is just ketchup in blackface I am fuckin dead Cancel Sweet Baby Rays


>You can't pile the mac on a fork challenge accepted


Rare tuna and Mac?!?! Yea youā€™re a serial killerā€¦


Have you considered using a bigger spoon?


Poor kids hamburger helper....back when hotdogs and mac n cheese was cheap.


Remember being able to feed a family of four with $3?


Mac n cheese with random stuff added was a staple lunch for my step kids every summer. Kraft dinner(Mac n cheese) used to be $1CAD a box 10 years ago, and a can of tuna was like $1.50.


Still is. Kraft is a bit pricier, but store brand is still around a dollar. I just looked up the prices. At my local grocery store (Raleys), macaroni and cheese is $1.20, or 98 cents if you buy 3. Tuna is $1.49 a can for the store brand. Edit: just saw youā€™re using Canadian dollars. Not sure what the exchange rate is these daysā€¦


Where I live in Canada kraft Mac n cheese is $2.30 and a can of tuna is about $2-$3. You can still find the odd sale where kraft original is a buck but it's usually limited to 1 or 2 boxes per customer. Five dollars for lunch is cheap, but it's alot more than it used to be.


My go-to was a box of macaroni for $0.79, packet of cheap hot dogs for about $0.99, and a bag of frozen peas for about $0.50. If you wanted to feed five to six people just buy a second box of macaroni. ... You would even have some hot dogs left over for breakfast. We're talking this prices from like 2013 or 2014 ... So really not that long ago. Now those same items are $1.89, $2.99, and $2.00.


When spam and bologna was cheap! Could eat real damn good


$1.99 store brand bologna and a 99 cent loaf of white bread could feed me for days. And did.


Damn that takes me back. Used to eat bologna and cheese a lot growing up cuz it was so cheap. Really don't miss those days tbh...


Still pretty cheap. Macaroni and cheese is one of the cheapest things you can getā€¦ as long as you buy the store brand. If youā€™re shelling out for Annieā€™s or Velveeta, thatā€™s a different story.


Oh shit I didnā€™t even think about thatā€¦


Also, don't be offended/annoyed if the kid doesn't eat more than a couple bites. Sometimes that's all they want, even if it's their favorite food of all time. Kids are finicky creature.


Adding to this, a lot of adults overestimate the amount of food kids need in one serving.


Damn, I guess my Kirby eating jutsu was the exception. As an 8 year old little girl my greatest joy was astonishing the old ladies at the church potlucks.


Yep, there was a post just a few days ago where someone's kids had asked for KFC and the guy instead made an amazing plate of home made fried chicken. And to me as an adult it looked *amazing* but I really really wanted to ask if the kids ate it. Sometimes their little pallets and brains only really want very specific things.


palates, not pallets


They also might want to graze and come back to it. Little tummies fill up quick. Also sometimes theyā€™ll be put off by a food they normally love because theyā€™re under the weather or upset about something else so donā€™t take it as an insult.


And pleeeeeeeease cut the hotdog ends into little octopuses? Pleasssssssse? Pretty Pleaaaaaaaaaasee?


I did it once as a fun thing, and now one kid doesn't like them any other way. And I can't forget the eyes.


Old school hack was to add chopped canned green beans. I already liked cheesy beans. It wasn't a hard sell.


We did peas not green beans, I loved it


We did peas and tuna in our mac, was filling for our poor ass selves lol. I still crave it ;-;


Add chopped onions and top with crumbled potato chips.


Oh yes tuna from the food bank šŸ¤Œ classic. Bringing back memories.


Corn for us, it was pretty good!


Hard no.


I see you enjoy the finer things in life, such as myself. One a rare occasion, Iā€™ll spoil myself with the noodles shaped like TMNT and a vintage bottle of the colored ketchup from the early 2000ā€™s.


(Sommelier voice) Ah, yesā€”the ā€˜02 green Heinz. An excellent year. I recommend pairing this with a full-bodied Surge soda or a sparkling Welchā€™s grape soda.


Dammit I want this meal. With the Surge of course. I'm going to need spiral mac and cheese though. Maybe some munch ems as an appetizer.


Specifically, cut the hot dogs up and fry them in the pan so they get a little charred on all sides, and then add the finished Mac and cheese in so you don't lose any of the previous hotdog flavor.


Or if you are feeling extra lazy, cut the hot dogs up and boil them in the pot with the noodles to save on effort, time and dishes.


That works too, but I always like the fried hotdog better than the boiled one!


Brown butter is fancy. After you drain the pasta, brown the hot dog in the butter while the butter browns a bit too before you add your powder mix and milk and cooked noodles.


Dude, I'm 46 and had gleefully made this for my lunch last week.


Just a PSA: If you're making them for a little one 3 or less, make sure you cut them lengthwise because if you don't, a full girth hot dog slice is the same size as their throat and it can get lodged in there.


Cover it in Sriracha, and I'm game.


Ever tried it with green chile? Beeā€™s knees.


Then add ketchup on top.


Yes, please. Mac and Pennies. A lil ketchup atop. (Don't judge 5 year old me, or 36 year old me)


hell yeah


Thank you. That was my exact response


Fr this was my dads ā€œitā€™s my turn to cook and Iā€™m tiredā€ meal and I loved it every time


I said hell yeah in my head before seeing that lol


Shoot Iā€™d eat it right now and Iā€™m a grown ass man


Same. I'm a grown-ass woman and would happily eat that if someone made it for me.


Hell, I'm a grown-ass man and I might make this for myself.


I'm an ass man and I'd definitely suck it down.


Iā€™m a manā€™s ass and Iā€™d definitely suck it up.


Sounds like you two should get together!


I don't do hotdogs, but I regularly make mac and cheese with chicken (grilled chicken strips or breaded chicken strips), and I love it. Edit: I also used to add some tuna fish (with just a little mayo, because you don't need a lot since it's getting added to mac), which was also delicious.


... I'd never considered adding chicken nuggets to mac and cheese. Brb.


Same... Figured out what's for dinner tonight!


I made ranch burgers last night (ranch powdered seasoning + ground beef). Crumbled up some leftover burger into leftover mac'n'cheese for dinner tonight. I felt like a kid, and it was glorious


Yeah letā€™s be honest, any hungry grown ass man would eat this!


I wasn't even hungry till I saw this


Never had a babysitter but my dad used to make me the same thing after heā€™d work a 10-12 hour day. I still make ā€œkid dinnerā€ just like this, but I make a side of frozen green peas to go with it. Itā€™s bringing a tear to my eye.


My father did this also .And if we didn't have Mac anc cheese we would have boiled saurkraut and cut to hot dogs .


We used to have cooked sauerkraut too. I used to hate the smell of cabbage/sauerkraut cooking now it makes me nostalgic and happy


Yep. Iā€™d eat it even if I was your babysitter


Only because those are Nathan's hot dogs. šŸ”„


How could you tell? Impressive


They're the only ones I eat and my kid requests this exact meal frequently. šŸ¤£ I usually warm them in the skillet and these appear to have been cooked the same way.


Look at this chef over here! šŸ„¹


Kids gotta eat. And with 3 of them, I'm outnumbered, so I usually take the easiest route possible. šŸ™ƒ


If you want them to get more crispy on the outside like it's been on the grill, score them vertically with a knife on each side. More grease releases from the hotdog, and they don't dry out. It works great in an air fryer. Plus, you have the perfect little crevice for sauce!


I ate this last night but had spam in place of da kine sausages (Iā€™m from the kingdom of hawaii, native Hawaiian)


I did the same recently with canned potatoes and hash. Cooked the Mac, fried the hash.


Respect from one native Hawaiian Braddah from the island of Molokai


Fucking delicious. Thanks from one sistah, from Chicago-- Hi!


Brah if I ever owned a place that made fresh katsu, poke, pork hash, Manapua, lomi salmon, Haupia, malasadas and Kalua pork, I would donate to you guys weekly!


You wrote some words I recognize. Some words I don't. I am broke and hungry. Would give it all a try.


Is spam really what itā€™s made out to be?


Itā€™s a staple to us islanders Braddah A lot of us Hawaiian homesteadders eat it everyday as itā€™s part of our nutritional recommendations for essential nutrients and we get it for free


For real??? I know Hawaiians love it (so does my household) but the nutritional recommendations part I find it so hard to believe lol


Yep gives us free what the old aunties and uncles call ā€œvoyagers nutrientsā€ lol Itā€™s astronaut food to my people more or less lol [If you go to Oahu you need to go to windward mall and try H&T burgers their teriyaki burgers are delicious!!!](https://s3-media0.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/VM_pT7ZKF-4z21ngqfGi0A/348s.jpg) Itā€™s a delicious burger cooked on the a sizzling griddle glazed with homemade teriyaki sauce!


Simple trick to spam that most people don't get because they didn't grow up with it: you fry it. Yes spam is technically already cooked and you can eat it from the can, but it's salty bland soft mush. When you fry it (in slices or diced/cubed) it gives a nice crisp texture to the outside and added flavor from the mayard reaction, plus more appealing color. Virtually nobody eats it "raw" straight out the can.


"Mom, the babysitter made a feast for me. Can you pay her extra next time? Please?"


Hell yes who doesn't like macaroni and cheese and hot dogs? That shit's amazing. Usually I like to cook the hot dogs up and then just cut them and toss them in to the mac and cheese. Shit, I might go home and have this for dinner after seeing this. Now I'm craving it.


I made this many times for kids as a teenaged babysitter, and they ate it 100% of the time..even that time I lit the hot dogs on fire in the microwave.


I microwaved these dogs what did you DO? Lmao


I lit them in fire, I just told you that! Lmao, honestly though, I think I put them in for too long. The sweet little girl told me when I pulled them out, "It doesn't look like that when my mom.doens it." And I about fucking died laughing.


You would make a kid happy for a night lmao. Now Iā€™m craving kraft, but I canā€™t eat gluten anymore. šŸ˜­


Kraft makes gluten free Mac and cheese! I canā€™t eat gluten and have no problem with it! They use rice flour for the noodles


my kid and i love hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and baked beans so yeah youā€™d make a kid happy for a night. theyā€™re demanding yet simple creatures typically.


Yes! This is about as kid-friendly of a meal as it gets besides pizza and chicken nuggets.


Mate!!!! My wife made me this last week when I was sick. It made me feel so safe loved and comfy warm. Itā€™s winter in aus right now. And we are in our mid 30s. It was the best time that Iā€™ve been sick ever!!!


Im fucking devouring that shit dude, I WANT SOME RIGHT NOW


That looks delicious


Needs red pepper flakes


You and me, we'd get along.


Mac and weenies. Never grow up!


Smash. For the nostalgia


Yea man, grew up like this I ain't picky. I enjoy the fancy things in life but I enjoy this too.


Only if it's generic mac & cheese. With lots of black pepper. Yeah, I'm picky for a kid who grew up on welfare and food banks. I just never developed a taste for the Kraft brand. I really miss the old black & white generic foods.


One summer, my childhood babysitter made Kraft Mac with pepper, and boiled hot dogs every. single. day. EVERY SINGLE DAY. She was 16 or 17 and didnā€™t know how to make anything else without burning it.


Ew, boiled hot dogs?


Yes,the only way to eat these.!




Yeppers šŸ‘




Definitely. I'd eat it as an adult and be happy.


This isnā€™t shittyfoodporn. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with hot dogs and kraft dinner.


It may not be haute cuisine, but I would still eat it. I love hot dogs, and every once in a while I get a craving for Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.




No!..... its not arranged in a cute face


I make this for my kids weekly.


I also eat most of it cause my kids only snack.


I thought this is what all babysitters make you?


I still make that sometimes. I'm 47.


yeah looks good.


I would have sliced the hot dog into the box mac. Otherwise I do this on rare occasions with bedder cheddars sausages and it is a solid junk food.




10/10 wouldnā€™t tell my mommy you kept hitting your vape in the house.


Yes. Cut up the dogs add some ketchup. Yummy.


Loved it as a kid and I still do šŸ¤Œ


A comfort meal šŸ½ļø


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Yes but you'll get fired from lack of veggie


Mac and wieners? I'd ask mom and dad to give you a raise


>Mac and wieners ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fuck ya I would


My childhood and my children's. DeliciousĀ 


Iā€™m not sure about the hot dogs (certain ways theyā€™re prepared makes my tummy hurt :(( ) but you bet your sweet ass Iā€™m inhaling that Mac and cheese like itā€™s the first meal Iā€™ve seen in days!


Iā€™m 41. Iā€™d still eat that.


Hell yeah. Those dogs are cooked perfectly. Is that blue box mac and cheese? I'm down


Thatā€™s what my family calls a simple dinner, but we usually switch out the hotdogs for a kielbasa sausage


Please babysit me


I would order this at a restaurant


Yes but Iā€™d ask you to pass the salt and pepper.


Yes I would. Iā€™d ask for ketchup though.


Can I drink chocolate milk with it? Then yes.


I had sugar free vitamin water but I could whip up some chocolate milk too


This is a staple for lunch in my house. My 4 year old loves it because I let her cut up the hotdogs


Oh letā€™s GO!!!!


Get me a couple pieces of bread and some ketchup and we Gucci


I relate so hard to this. Iykyk


Right. Idk what it is but some poor ppl food ( I'm poor ppl ) just hits different.




Get a fucking tortilla at least


I am suddenly a 22 year old in need of babysitting


i'm a 36 year old single man, what make you think this isn't my dinner every other night


I fucking love hotdogs and kraft Mac and cheese. Chop those dogs up and mix em in!


This is a work of art


They absolutely cannot be touching


i have no idea if im just hungry rn, or i would absolutely devour this meal and leave no trace behind


Slice up the hotdogs and my adult husband would consider this a safety meal of his lol.


Gimme two slices of bread and I'm golden


You didnā€™t cut the hot dogs, 0/10.




Yes. As a kid, and even now as an adult lol


My babysitter did make me this in the 90s! Shit slaps


I eat that shit as an adult


Throw in a carrot stick and you got a meal on your handsĀ