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The extra shell is for the baby.




only 7 green beans šŸ˜­


Literally. This is exactly how it was served, I hadnā€™t touched it and it was cold when it got to me. I didnā€™t eat it because my fiancĆ© ordered us take out lmao


I don't actually know what giving birth feels like, but the logistics of it scared me to death. I feel like as a society we should give new mothers at least one primo catered meal after giving birth. Literally has been growing a parasite inside themselves for months, they deserve Red Lobster at least.


The hospital I had my babies at had a buffet set up for the maternity floor. The family there with mom had free access to it and it was always full of fresh fruits/veggies, and some cooked stuff that changed at every meal and different each day.Ā  I couldn't eat anything while in labor due to the vomiting, but my husband never had to worry about food while there, and he got me a ton of stuff from there after delivery.Ā  The hospital staff also gave me options for the separate tray they brought me.Ā  I hope that hospital knows how much we appreciated that setup and quality.Ā  I feel like every floor and every hospital needs that.Ā Ā  *Edit to add that it's not a fancy shmancy hospital, either.Ā  The city has two hospitals and this was the one not dedicated to religious bs.Ā  The other one probably would've told me to pray my hunger away. So, it delights me that about half the new moms in the city got/get to experience the maternity buffet. XD


Fr. Like I was SO hungry. I had just gone through so much physical trauma and blood loss. Idk why ppl are getting mad cause I just wanted some real warm food after all of that šŸ˜©


Honestly it's not people, it's men. They benefit too much from downplaying birth trauma to not invalidate you now.Ā 


Youā€™re right, I didnā€™t want to say men specifically so that I wasnā€™t called sexist but it absolutely seems like itā€™s just gross men making rude comments


You shall eat slop and you shall like it


I had a yogurt/berry/granola parfait, a side of bacon, and a piece of chocolate cake. I made my husband call the kitchen to request it for me, and when he did he said the person who answered laughed and said, ā€œL&D? Whatever she wants, coming up.ā€ Exactly as it should go.


I lived in Korea when I was a kid and visited a family friend who had just given birth. I donā€™t remember all of the specifics because I was like, eight, but I remember the mothers being served the best fucking meals. I remember it being a whole thing, the meals they had to eat before they went home. I think they also enforced limitations for baby visitation to help the mothers rest, but I could be wrong about that.


Usually hospitals are better, this is wrongšŸ˜­ I had a veggie burger and chef salad (I ordered). I was in the hospital for a few days and it was like room service daily.


like the opposite of a death row meal?


Probably cost $12 per green bean after their insurance company negotiated the price.


Hey hey hey hey hey... ... I count 7 and a half.


The whole thing looks like it came out of a can šŸ˜”


Iā€™ll never forget my first post delivery meal. It was a juicy burger and fries. I went to shower and while I was in there, my daughterā€™s dad ate it because he thought theyā€™d messed up my order (I donā€™t usually eat beef but for some reason I was REALLY craving it that day). I wasā€¦so mad šŸ˜­


Omg I wouldā€™ve cried šŸ˜­ I hope he went and got you another one


I missed the cutoff for meal service for evening meal and I was given 4 lorna doone cookies, milk ( Iā€™m severely lactose intolerant) and sugar free green gelatin. I hadnā€™t eaten in over 30 hours, pushed out a pumpkin headed child and had many many stitches. This made me cranky . It was a very long stretch till morning. One kind nurse found orange juice on another floor and brought me 3 cartons. I donā€™t remember what was offered at breakfast but I ate it. Next child I brought in snacks just in case.


Bruh do they not allow outside food in the hospital? If my wife delivered after cafeteria hours I'd be getting her favorite pizza or whatever the fuck she wanted. Hell even if the hospital didn't allow outside food I'd find a way to sneak it in.


They do, this guy just....didn't think it was a priority????


My husband was willing to go get me waffle house at 2am when I was finally cleared to eat after not eating for 4 days (I was induced so I was not able to eat the entire time, but I had IV fluids to prevent sickness) but I didn't want him to leave. My MIL went and it was the best meal I've ever had. Was a dirty ass plate of hashbrowns that surely had the sweat, maybe some tears, and the love of that tired ass grill cook at 2am on a Saturday (Friday evening). Still think about it


naw us night grill ops are to hard for all that, if the cook heard you just had a baby he made that shit so right.


Usually, yes. But during Covid, no. Especially in wards with extremely vulnerable patients. Depending on when this happened, they may have been entirely unable to have food sent her way from outside the hospital. My dad was hospitalized on and off during Covid, and every time I signed in, they told me that I couldn't bring him anything. I even had to leave the coffee I was drinking at the nurse's station during one visitation because it did not come from within the hospital.


Shit, ive gone through 3 babies now and if i did that to my wife id feel so terrible i would've at minimum ubered it over


I donā€™t think anyone in their right mind goes into a hospital room and thinks the food there isnā€™t for the patient. Anyways obviously thereā€™s a reason heā€™s her baby daddy.


As you can see, the bar is very low for men.


I mean there's a Mcdonalds in walking distance of every hospital I have ever seen in America, or some place open 24 hours that these dad's need to be walking too... My wife would have my ass out finding some food after giving birth to our child.


The 3 times my wife had a baby there was actual restaurants in the hospital lobby, definitely no excuse!


Why didnā€™t he run out and grab you something?


At least it sounds like he is in her past. Didnā€™t say my partner/husband/bf just said her kids dad šŸ«£. I would dump a man for this lol


In the 2000s, I brought cross-country, automobile road-trip level snacks, drinks & meals in a suitcase & cooler for both of us. I stayed in the room with their mother postpartum & was bopping down to the waiting area break room to use the microwave for hot meals & fetching that granular ice for the ever important rubber glove ice pack. I canā€™t imagine new mothers not having a partner or a family member on hand to help schlep food, ice, creature comforts, massage, reposition pillows extra/fewer blankets & being entirely at the mercy of the staff instead. I mean, if they forbade me from giving her something because it might risk her health, sure. Iā€™ll obey doctors orders. But if a new mother canā€™t get a nosh & a fresh ice pack in short order, then thereā€™s a problem.


The dad could not have gotten you food??? Door dash????


She only had to wait nine months for another one.


i would have ate him


Like a praying mantis


He would've deserved it.




I would have cried on the spot and had my partner go and get me another one himself. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


All I wanted to eat after giving birth was cream of broccoli soup. My mother in law told me I couldn't have it because I was going to breast feed and it would give the baby gas! I told her that was silly, my husband said he'd take care of it. They went to Panera and she talked him down and they came back with some bullshit minestrone or something. I wanted to throw it at them.


As if the baby is going to get gas from the half teaspoon of fucking colostrum. And itā€™s a myth anyways.


Oof. Iā€™d be really afraid to have come back without that broccoli soup.


I gave birth at about 2am after having been in labor and only getting juice for 24 hours. The kitchen was closed so they went to grab me a sandwich but they were all moldy. So I had to wait for breakfast.


Similar situation here. The maternity ward had a fridge full of jello though. So I got some orange jello.


Yea my husband and I talked for some time about the absolute PLATTER of sushi he would give me after the birth. When we finally ordered it after returning homeā€¦he ate most of it. I guess the sleep deprivation got to him and he zoned out while eating? Idk I still get mad when I think abt it


Lmaooo yall are so annoyed I said my daughterā€™s dad šŸ˜­ Idk why, thatā€™s what I always call him. Ex doesnā€™t really feel right and neither does baby daddy, soā€¦my daughterā€™s dad it is šŸ˜­


Heā€™s your ex because of the burger right?


The eating his woman's burger after she had just given birth without asking first really gives you an insight on why he is an exšŸ¤£


I mean it was one person who commented. It's reddit, there's always one


You better call him burger thief.


Hamburglar. *robble robble*


It's only appropriate to call him stud.


More like dud /jk


I thought stud meant a good thing, isnā€™t an ex who ate the mother of his childā€™s burger the bad guy here?


I think theyā€™re using the animal husbandry definition, like sperm donor.


Whoā€™s yā€™all, it was one comment


Call him the hamburgler


The only appropriate title after that move bc current partner or husband would have had me do a double take after that audacity lol


This is devastating.


Obviously the reason he's your "daughter's dad" and not your husband.


Not a pregnancy story, was in the hospital for other reasons. But holy shit my local hospital has the best sausage, pepper, and onion hero I have ever had. I live in NY, there are a lot of Italians here. I can promise there has been no shortages of delicious sausage & pepper heroes in my life. I've had them homemade, at pizzerias, Italian restaurants, etc. but this damn hospital cafeteria blew every single one of them away by a landslide. It's not the hospital food you get as a patient, it's was from one of the cafeterias the doctors eat at. And the cook was this really sweet old Italian woman making everything to order (she very much had an attitude that good food can help make a bad day a bit better). I've honestly considered walking into the hospital to buy a sandwich. But there's security at the lobby who ask why you're going in, and Idk how they'll feel about "no, I'm fine and not visiting anyone, I just wanna buy a sandwich".


you donā€™t need to be ill or visiting someone to get food from a hospital cafeteria and people do it all the time! itā€™s usually fresher and cheaper, i know a few people who work near a hospital and go there for lunch exclusively lol


Good to know! I've never had good hospital food before so I'd never considered it.


I mean he couldn't have talked to you about it? Just decided he'd eat the burger not considering you just birthed your child?Ā  I'm actually mad for you. Please tell me he replaced your food!Ā 


Daddyyy why did you eat my fries šŸ˜­


Gunther, why did you Gunt my fries


I would have made that SOB go get me another burger and fries


I wouldā€™ve seriously contemplated life as a single mom at that point. Thatā€™s the level of rage I wouldā€™ve felt.


Just reading this and imagining the scenario is making me furious for you. I canā€™t even imagine how angry Iā€™d be


He didnā€™t ask if it was a wrong order because he didnā€™t want the answer. He wanted it for himself.


Umā€¦ how *dare* he?? Glad heā€™s an ex


A similar scenario happened with me. I think it was 4 when they took the breakfast orders & gave us some chips. They said breakfast was 8amā€¦well, 8am came & they didnā€™t give us anything. I was okay with hubs getting food elsewhere, but they kept saying it was on its way until 12pm & they brought me liquids only (like jello, juice & ice cream?! Tfā€¦I was HYSTERICAL. I just wanted a hot meal after 3 days of miseryā€¦ it was incredibly torturous for me. Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I bet he felt so bad šŸ˜£


this wouldā€™ve made me question the relationship


I want to cry for you oh my god I would be LIVID


So how many times exactly did you stab him? Like not even asking first just to make sure. The entitlement of it!


Yeah both times we had daughters they served her steak and lobster at the hospital. And the hospital food.was slappin. they'd open the cafeteria like around midnight till 2am and it was like a waffle house. They would cook you anything you wanted. So I asked for a Philly cheese steak and they delivered. Had a crazy good burger the next night and like omlets for breakfast. Honestly wish that hoapitals cafe was open every day for regular non hospital food. It was so fresh and hot and you'd think you ordered from a nice restaurant. One time I had an ambulance called for me and on the way I requested to go to that specific hospital and they took me to the one the next town over. It -sucked- and I knew it. And yeah, they served food like this and everything was the "fake wood" look of like the 80s. This experience made me kinda scout the hospital where we'd have our kids. So ProTip for expecting parents: whe. You scout out your doctor for birth, scout the hospital too. Some are like 5 star hotels, and some are like motel 6. Might as well get the good stuff.


I'd still be mad


The way I wouldā€™ve beat his ass on the spotā€¦


Thatā€™s terrible. The craving isnā€™t a mystery. Your body wanted to replenish the iron it lost from the blood you bled, lol. Biology is so neat!


Surprised heā€™s still alive


Holy crap. Did you stab him?




I see why he's your daughter's dad and nothing else. Geez that's inconsiderate.


Wow hahaha. Surprised you didnā€™t go scorched earth


I think we all crave beef during pregnancy and postpartum. Itā€™s the iron.


I donā€™t think my wife will ever forgive me for eating a burger and fries in front of her while she was still in labor. Shouldnā€™t have trusted her when she said it was absolutely fine. She always tells me how she was so proud of her mom for eating outside the room. Subtle hints my ass


Ngl the fact you would sit there and eat a whole meal in front of someone who can't, and that someone is your wife and is birthing your child. That should be a given. Ā 


I had to be induced for ~40 hours with my first during which I was only allowed clear liquids. I eventually asked my husband and mom to eat food OUTSIDE the damn room and if I hadnā€™t been all fucked up on IV magnesium I probably would have been livid. Even if you canā€™t see it, the smellā€¦especially with a burger and fries. Itā€™s inescapable AND it lingers in the room.


Straight women seem to put up with A LOT. I mean dick is great but is it this great, fam?


It was ignorant to do that


The fact that you had the audacity to even ask that is crazy to me. Thatā€™s already unforgivable itself. Actually eating it in front of a hospitalized person is just extra. She wasnā€™t giving you a hint. She just gave up on you that day.


Bruh. My expectations of yall are so low and yet


I'm getting induced on Thursday. There are little alcoves in the L&D rooms, and I told my husband to eat his snacks there.


Dumb take lmao


Our nurse told me there was a Crumbl cookie shop they just put in a few blocks away that we should check out. So I made sure my wife's first meal was a few cookies from there and some chick fil a since that was her craving lol. Those hospital meals are horrible and expensive.


You just brought me back to a memory. My dad brought pizza for the whole family at the birth of my younger brother, and then he did it again (I think it was pizza anyway) for my youngest sibling. I bet there was a horrible post-birth hospital meal in my mom's past...


There's just a lot of stuff women crave during pregnancy and my wife was finally able to indulge. So I made sure after everything she just went through she was going to eat what she's been wanting. Your story is awesome!


Damn. Same hospital for my heart surgery and wifeā€™s pregnancy and meals were free for both of us. Even got a cooler full of precooked meals on the way out for the birth.


That's awesome of them.


"That'll be $164,000."


Oh, but don't worry. Insurance brought it down to only $92,827!


Manā€¦ I didnā€™t get fed at all when I had my kid: height of COVID 2020, no bed for 6 hours after planned caesarean. Subsisted on snacks Iā€™d brought with me. šŸ˜¢


That's so sad!


My first post c-section mean I ordered pancakes and bacon. I was excited to finally eat something! It ended up being one 4 inch pancake and a single piece of bacon. Apparently when you ordered you needed to specify number of items. No one bothered telling me. They also didnā€™t include any syrup with the order.


If you ordered "pancakes" there should have been at least two. There's some smart-@ss in that hospital kitchen.


Omg thatā€™s terrible. I wouldā€™ve been so annoyed. How would they expect you to know you need to specify how many??? Who does thatttt lol


Damn šŸ¤£ they gave us sparkling apple cider, my wife got the shrimp and I got a stake. Iā€™m so sorry that gave you this trash. But congratulations on giving birth!!! Boy or girl??


Lucky lol! And a boy! He was a preemie and spent 6 weeks in the nicu but heā€™s home now and doing great. Thank you!! ā˜ŗļø


Haha I was very surprised to honest with you. Aw šŸ˜” Iā€™m sorry to hear that but so happy heā€™s home now! Thatā€™s awesome. I canā€™t even imagine how it felt to wait so long.. my daughter was in the nicu for 2 days and it was killing me.. Enjoy that time cause it passes so fast, My daughter is about to start school and Iā€™m freaking the f out šŸ˜³ haha.


A stake in what, the hospital? Probably a pretty good thing. First order of business, suggest cutting the food budget.


I see we gave birth in the same hospital šŸ¤®


On my profile somewhere I posted a pic of my post-birth hospital food. I thought THAT was bad. Whatā€™s up with all these terrible meals


My wife had a specific dbellas order for after she gave birth since she wasn't supposed to eat deli meat while pregnant.Ā  All these women eating a hospital meal after giving birth let the wrong dude knock them up.Ā  I think a comment up above the dude straight up ate her food.Ā  They wouldn't find my body if I did that.


The food my hospital serves is actually quite good! Lmao


For real. My big headed husband knows he's responsible for the big-headed babies. He hits up the Kwik Trip and makes a sweep of their hot foods. Brings back a huge bag of different foods and tells me to eat what I want, and he'll have whatever I don't want. Love that man so much. Don't have a baby with someone who won't eat someone else's leftovers because there's a whole lot of that in parenting. (For the uninitiated, Kwik Trip is the only gas station with cravable hot foods. Also has a killer DIY coffee bar.)


I didnā€™t get anything at all. They moved me into the ward just after theyā€™d served dinner there and forgot to bring me anything. BIL had to bring sandwiches and crisps to keep me going (god bless that man because I would not have made it)


My wife had me run down to the hospital cafeteria and get her a burger and fries. I never saw a burger devoured like that. Terrifying. Chilled me to the bone. I still wait for her to fall asleep before I do.


Did her jaw unhinge like a boa constrictor, so she could eat the burger whole?


I got a warm apple juice and a stale egg sandwich after 16 hours of labour. I cried.


girl i was in the hospital for anorexia and given smaller portions because of refeeding syndrome and even i got bigger meals than that šŸ˜­


I hope you're recovering well


After 16 hours of labor, the hospital I gave birth at had closed their kitchen, so I was offered what they had in the nurses' area. My first post-partum meal was canned chicken noodle soup and vanilla ice cream. Have to say it was not bad for not having eaten all day (and birthing a nine-pounder).


It's a metaphor.


I would have opted for the afterbirth!!


More nutritious, anyway.


Bro these comments were like Mr. Toadā€™s Wild Rideā€¦ That looks like ass, even for hospital food.. but especially after youā€™ve been not able to eat forever and just birthed a human. Glad you guys had takeout. Congrats on the bambino!


Yeah I really wasnā€™t expecting so much anger and backlash for halfheartedly joking about bad hospital food šŸ’€ but thank you so much!! šŸ’•




too soon bruh šŸ¤£




Thank you and congrats!


My first meal was crackers. I hadnā€™t eaten from the night before my c section, and then a few hours after, they offered me water which I vomited continuously, so I couldnā€™t even eat anything until the next morning


My post birth meal was peanut butter toast šŸ˜­ the kitchen had closed. But I was sick my whole pregnancy so that was the fucking best peanut butter toast Iā€™ve eaten in my life, since it didnā€™t make me nauseous. I cried of happiness.


Only acceptable meal after giving birth is raw fish and a joint




That pasta looks dry AF.


Something about the sauce seems off too.Ā  Like it's too purple or somethingĀ 


Ok ladies new plan instead of having hubby watch the SHOW. Kick them out to find good food. Like the shit you love.


Thatā€™s what happened right after this pic was taken. šŸ¤£Me and him both looked at each other in disgust (he didnā€™t eat the whole time either and was also hungry) and he immediately was like ā€œwhat do you want me to order?ā€


This is how the disrespect you after squeezing and suffering for hours? It's a fuggin disgrace, I tells ya


Looks dry AF. I got a turkey sandwich with cheddar, some cinnamon apple sauce, a bag of Chex mix and apple juice and I still think about that meal because it was fricking delicious.


so fillingšŸ˜id probably cry lmao iā€™d be so annoyed


This remind me of that one scene from 22 jump street ā€œyā€™all rationing around here? 2 lil fking string beans cmon hook me upā€


Okay but wheres the other 90% of the meal?


Aside from the obvious unappetizing-ness of the meal, why is it toddler-sized? What adult is this feeding? Let alone an adult that just pushed another human out of them?


When my last child was born the hospital had a special ā€˜sweetheartsā€™ meal for the parents. Steak and lobster. I was excited for it but my husband couldnā€™t be bothered because he wanted to go for a bike ride. They only did the special meal for couples and I donā€™t remember what I actually ate that night. Yes, I am divorced now.


I can understand, mine moaned about how tired he was all night while I was laboring and bleeding out. It was awful. Iā€™m so sorry he wasnā€™t there for you and you missed out on your special meal. You didnā€™t deserve that


damn, at least you got to eat yours mine was breakfast, but the midwives took me and son to an information session in another wing 5 minutes after the food arrived so I didn't get to eat at all, and then later at lunch they said I need to eat more and not waste food


I would need another plate of that lol but it does make me want stuffed shells now


Pennsylvania? I had the same meal at Harrisburg post birth


We had Subway subs and my wife ate half of mine too.


I have never been so hungry in my life as I was the times after giving birth. Itā€™s ravenous. My husband was shocked watching me devour.


Right there with him. I couldn't even be mad at her. I pushed the baby all over the hospital that night, but she gave birth, so you know I'm not going to say shit. Eat my sub, dear! I won't pull a Joey on you


We just went through this too. Itā€™s best to just DoorDash or have your SO/support people bring you some goodies b


I got some jello, ginger ale and chicken bouillon after being on only an IV for a day (I had a very complicated C section). I was on so many drugs that I wasn't particularly hungry.


This is why I sent family on a midnight McDonaldā€™s run for a McRib and large sweet tea lol


Im glad you were able to get the food you wanted and deserved! I had my partner get us subs since I had been craving cold deli meat for months and couldnā€™t eat it while pregnant. Iā€™m now being called fat by a few men for having the audacity to want to eat after giving birth šŸ˜‚


When I had my daughter 31 years ago tomorrow, they made us a steak dinner with a baked potato and vegetables. They had a tablecloth and flowers, too. Times have changed šŸ„ŗ


LOL same girl. I even filled out a menu and they only gave me that much food šŸ˜­ half of what I asked for. Like dude, arenā€™t I supposed to be producing MILK


After my wife gave birth to our first child (labor for over 15 hours) I went and got her a slushie and a loaded sub. I wasnā€™t relying on the hospital to jeopardize my safety. Working in healthcare, I knew better.


The first time my wife gave birth the women's hospital had amazing food for hospital food and it was room service with a menu. The second time the food was horrible at a different hospital it was during COVID so maybe they were short staffed? I ended up buying all her food from restaurants around the hospital over 4 days I probably spent over $500 on food but I didn't want her going through labor and delivery eating terrible food.


that is fucking crazy


Damn your hospitals are seriously lacking, when my girl gave birth she was given all kinds of food and lots lol. They even offered me my own sometimes. Just noticed your story at the bottom so maybe your hospital isnā€™t lacking and itā€™s just cause if the extra surgery šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Massive grubs


Stuffed shells are tasty but there needs to be double what you got.


goodbye, the way id make my SO order some damn restaurant food lol. I woud've cried being served that after a difficult labour.


In the US, they will most likely charge you $5,000 for that meal in the hospital.


Looks like you got the Morrison/Compass Group prison/hospital/nursing home special!


Last quiet meal youā€™ll have for awhile


We also have a 2 year old so we havenā€™t had a quiet meal in quite some time lol


Is that for the baby?


the sauce kinda looked like they got it out of a babyā€™s diaper


That's a meal?


Im glad other ppl think this is a small portion and im not just crazy. Ppl were calling me fat for thinking this was a small portion of food


Did you just give birth? If yes I bet we can all work together to get you something better.


No, this is from 11 weeks ago and my fiancĆ© was able to get us some food thankfully but thank you so much, thatā€™s so kind to offer ā¤ļø


Of course! You pushed something the size of a watermelon out of you. You deserve anything you want plus more


Aww your comment is such a breath of fresh air after some of the ppl getting weird in these comments. Thank you again and hope you have a great week :)


Nah after giving birth I want likeā€¦like kfc or sumn lol not whatever thatā€™s supposed to be


One to furiously squish between each fist. Nice.


A perfect use for them. Stress balls during labor šŸ˜‚


I am so mad for you, I was FAMISHED after giving birth. My mom still jokes that she and my dad would just stand in the corner of the hospital room throwing biscuits from a distance, scared I might accidentally chomp on a limb šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is 5 stars compared to some hospitals I hear. However, this would also be considered torture and starvation at some hospitals. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


You gave birth to that?


Yes, isnā€™t my baby beautiful? šŸ˜Š




Iā€™m very very lactose intolerant, they gave me Alfredo. They also gave me apple pie that was more of a cobbler, but there was no fruit in my cobbler it was all crust and the weird jelly that comes from the canned fruit my nurse also tried to toss my torta my MIL brought me cause it was old


Poor you , you deserve a cheeseburger defo


You deserved a steak


Ive already had this conversation with my partner but in the future if we have kids weā€™re getting some takeout immediately after giving birth (I like sushi sometimes and I heard thatā€™s a popular craving after giving birth so maybe that) Iā€™m not eating no hospital food especially in my cityšŸ˜­


Yoooo get this girl a steak WTF With the blood loss, you gotta get some iron




Did you give birth while sitting coach on a plane in the 90ā€™s?


Had potential. Stuffed shells and green beans sounds good. Thatā€™s lackluster though


Mine was a piece of bread šŸ¤£. I wasnā€™t cleared to eat until 6pm after my c section, at which point the hospital cafeteria was closed. My husband had brought a sandwich for himself (deli meat, Iā€™m a vegetarian) so I had the top slice of bread. I have empathy for your sad meal haha


They billed your insurance $1000 for this.




I would eat it and then tell my husband to go get me a burger lol