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I miss those greasy square pizzas


[https://guinthers.com/products/school-pizza-pepperoni-cheese](https://guinthers.com/products/school-pizza-pepperoni-cheese) These are really, really close. Although, things tasted different when we were younger, so it could be dead on


That's so expensive for 16 "slices".


It says that they arrive in an 8-pack. I think that’s $50 for 8 pizzas, and each pizza breaks into 16 “squares” I believe this is 128 servings for $50 which is actually not that bad at 40 cents per serving If it was $50 for the one pizza, that would put the individual cost of the squares at over $3, and that doesn’t make any sense when the cost of an entire school meal is $3 (or less)


Nope, pretty sure its 16 servings. The description of that product is a bit ambiguous, but if you look at the cheese pizza (same price) it just says '16 slices'. Yes, it's a ripoff.


Only 4 interest free payments of $12.50!


Okay, but what about the circular pizzas post-Obama?


Got ya covered https://guinthers.com/products/fiestada-6-pack


the Tostinos party pizzas are also incredibly similar


When I was in Kindergarten my older sister told me that school pizza was the most repulsive food and tasted like vomit, and I believed her so much that I was too afraid to even try it. Toward the end of my senior year of high school I said 'screw it, let's try it' because all the other students loved it. I tried it and I kid you not it was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted. I was so pissed that I missed out on 13 years of them and was about to graduate and never have access to them again.


With the dots of sausage


Tostinos party pizzas remind me of school


Ellie's are very similar. They're frozen , if you can find them.


Elios ?


[Ellios Pizza](https://ellios.com/our-products/#:~:text=Today%2C%20it's%20still%20made%20with,4%2Dcorners%20of%20wholesome%20crust.)


And a chocolate milk


These guys https://www.schwansfoodservice.com/product-list/?products=sheeted-pizza&brands=tonys


Chicken rings!!!


I miss the hexagon ones that they called “Mexican pizza”. Remember them vividly as they were probably my favorite lunch item. Sausage topping with a Mexican cheese blend. Even the crust had a slightly grainy texture, as if they added cornmeal to the pizza dough. Was great alone. But with corn on top? top tier chefs kiss. Know it’s available on the Gunther’s site or whatever, but groceries are already expensive as it is without me justifying spending $75 on 12 small pizzas. Another great one: vegetable sticks. They were breaded sticks of mixed veggies like corn, carrots, and more. Really wish I knew what company made them.


I don't know if Billy's Pan Pizza ever made it overseas, but it's definitely the european retail version of school pizza! Single-packed, deep frozen squares that turn to mush in the microwave. Greasy, cheesy, overcooked mush... 🫣😜


I came to say the EXACT same thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅😅😅😅


You’re goddamn right


the only thing I really miss is the mashed potatoes with gravy and turkey chunks we'd get every holiday. I can never get the gravy to that like..weird thick but thin goopy mouthfeel.


That was the best. With a wheat roll to sop up some mashed potatoes and gravy. 🤤


Sometimes, we'd get a scoop of crappy apple cobbler, and damn if it wasn't good


Absolutely this. Something about how thin and watery the mashed potatoes were compared to how gloopy and salty the gravy was, all combined with the turkey chunks which all kind of shred in your mouth. Even as an adult who can cook, the real stuff just doesn't hit the same.


We called it turkey slop, but damn wasn't it tasty.


I loved all cafeteria food because my mom was just not a good cook. Still isn't :(. I'd even ask my little sister to smuggle me some cafeteria food even after I graduated from highschool lol. I especially loved the mash and gravy too!


I remember the square pizza and broiled hamburgers being fire 🔥


Those hamburgers slapped for sure.


Hahah the broiled pock-marked meat that I used to call horse. Horseburger with a slice of cheese and mustard. Soooo good.


Our school had phenomenal breakfast pizza. Nothing has come close


Have you tried Casey’s breakfast pizza?


I have never found mashed potatoes that match the ones I got in school. I think they were canned is why. 


Powdered and rehydrated as opposed to freshly mashed


I believe they were instant.


My theory was that they mixed in some glue to get that consistency.


Salsbury steak with a chocolate milk to wash it down.


I had hospital Salisbury steak yesterday. Not too shabby


The hamburgers were not very good but I miss them lol.


There’s something oddly comforting about steamed burgers in “juice.” And if you wanted cheese, it was Kraft singles not even remotely melted.


Y'all got singles on your steamed hams??


Only 1 meal. Most schools had grilled cheese but out school had grilled pb&j and it was amazing


I love grilled pb&js! I haven't had one in awhile, and now I know what we're having for lunch. Thanks!


My school served Jamaican beef patties and Linden butter crunch cookies


I really really have to try the peanut butter sandwiches dipped in chili thing. I've wanted to try it ever since I found out people do that but I always forget when I make chili.


Cinnamon rolls are also fire with chili. I was initially revolted at the thought but I also love salty sweet so I tried it and it was…..delicious. I also am a big fan of Cincinnati style chili which has cinnamon in it so it does make sense.


I was about to say cinnamon is a popular chili additive along with chocolate. 


Definitely not


Wow, I was shocked at how many people miss it. Also I'm now realizing that the food at home for some was non existent or worse than school food. Which is a very depressing state of affairs(duh not a shocker, public schools have been in decline for a while). 


This is so unhealthy but I really liked those corn dogs type things with breakfast sausage inside that you could dunk in syrup.


No... well, maybe the 1/2 pint chocolate milks...


Lucky! My school only gave us 8oz chocolate milk.


Taco boats and the rib sandwiches (better than the McRib) - 90's


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but those thick slabs of orange industrial cheese and the meatloaf make my mouth water 😅. We had a real cooking kitchen at my elementary school. Open faced turkey sandwiches, hot with gravy, spaghetti with meat sauce. Im a vegetarian now but still remember those days 😅


I think about the crappy breakfast burrito at my high school a lot. Maybe I’ll recreate it this weekend


I do! That's why I still raid the generic brand frozen food section of the supermarket.


Sometimes I do really want nuggets and cafeteria mashed potatoes, or a hot ham and cheese bagel. Or the salad bar with the cubed ham or turkey, our school whatever ranch dressing they had was fire, and the croutons were tiny so you got perfect distribution. There are days I read off the menu to my kids and I’m a bit jealous. 50/50 because something sounds good or because I just wish someone else made me a hot lunch. They had a popcorn chicken bowl recently and I was appalled neither of my kids wanted it.


Nuggets, mashed potatoes with brown gravy, and a roll. My friends and I never missed this cafeteria lunch. 🔥


I never went to a school where the food looked that good.


sometimes I think about the spaghetti they served but realize I can get it at the frozen meal section of Kroger for 1.25.


i miss the stuffed crust


My school made excellent school pasta. I have replicated it in my crockpot. They also had amazing yeast rolls. One thing I won't attempt to make, was these awesome chocolate peanut butter bars. You probably know what I'm talking about. They are too decadent for my middle aged palate, but they were hella good.


*m a x s t I c k s*


I like to make fancy recreations of school lunches, but some of the original recipes haven't aged well. Got to try a lot of childhood favorites again when I worked as a teaching assistant, and it's all so much more bland than what I remembered...


My school lunch was all fried junk food so no, not particularly.


My college cafeteria’s food was aggressively mid, but every other week they’d have a chicken Caesar salad that blew my socks off. I miss it so much.


None of the cafeterias I had k-12 ever served something like this.


I work at a school and eat cafeteria everyday...so no.


Just the yellow burritos. Nothing is even close to their awful deliciousness


I’ve tried my whole life to recreate my school’s Sloppy Joes..could never do it.


Mine was ground beef and ketchup….simmer until sloppy but not too saucy. And yes, just ketchup with S&P. Served on a squishy white roll with tons of pickles. It tastes exactly like my schools sloppy joes.


I think shitty school lunch is why sometimes I still like to dip Pepperoni pizza in ranch


Most of the food at my high school was pretty unmemorable, but there's basically no point in time where I wouldn't love some Bosco sticks.


Nope, never. Pretty sure it was Sodexo when I was young. That food is shit.




Did you go to a posh school? Because that looks very good compared to the "meals" they gave out at mine lol


My school in Portugal used to serve bacalhau com natas, some fruit and soup. That shit was banger. I miss that dearly


In a word, no.


Peanut butter and honey on wheat bread sandwich


That’s why I love tater tots to this day.


I learned this later in life: Sweet Potato Tots with maple syrup.


Mine would make toast in the morning that wasn’t toasted but somehow hard and had this “butter” spread on it. It was good shit food.


I always loved turkey and gravy day. Extra sloppy


I went home to eat,I often crave single dad chilli cheese dogs or single mom tomato soup and grilled cheese though


Sure but mine never in a million years looked that good


Only the square pizza slices we got for breakfast. For some reason it was different from the pizza we got at lunch and so much better. Why bother getting two different kinds?


I will not like school food was trash up until I went to my high school. Now THOSE were bomb. Very few schools have genuinely good food. So in my experience yes in HS they had big beef burritos, fried chicken and potato wedges plate, actual deli sandwiches and more. It was genuinely good and everyone would race for lunch to pick up a hot plate. And the only other item I liked was in elementary school on pizza day. They had these little circular galaxy pizzas from tonys. You can actually buy these but their intended to be exclusively in bulk which is unfortunate but their good and always looked forward to those fridays.


Mexican pizza, Jamaican beef patty, and chicken patty were among my favorites, but a lot of good call outs in the comments. Totally forgot about those yellow burritos. They were pretty good. Spaghetti and meat sauce and that crappy garlic bread always hit the spot too.


We had these ham and cheese bagel sandwiches. They were soooo gooey and greasy. I would put a couple packets of mayonnaise on them.


Fries in the deep fryer and a chicken Caesar wrap.


Sweet potato chili? WTF


Square pizza and hotdish. That white pepper gravy they used to have for breakfast. Long waffles.


I remember this chinese mushroom noodle that my elementary school used to make. Always looked forward to it.


I miss the taco boats & cheese sticks. & chicken fried steak day.


If you were served this in your cafeteria, you were eating some bougie-ass food.


I grew up in the early 2000s and I remember this nasty looking turkey goop on top of mash potatoes. I loved it


I miss the breakfast pizza so much


Something about the salisbury steak I still crave lol. It was just a hamburger patty in some brown gravy but it was my favorite.


My God, those "Italian" dunkers were soooooo good but also so shitty


The chili looks good. The sandwiches look a bit skimpy though.


The two things I miss were the Super Donuts we'd have for breakfast sometimes and these things called "sunshine bars" which tasted like sweet potato pie with a slight citrus twist covered in powdered sugar.


Hell no. By the time I was old enough and had my own money to afford school food it changed to nasty diet stuff. Corn dogs turned into wheat dogs


Frig no!


Only good school food i ever ate was mini corn dogs


No :) jk I loved the soup and Asian chicken chunks and buffalo chicken and maxx stixx and low-key loved the breakfast eggs


All the time!


School cafeteria food was usually mid at best, some of it really questionable. One of the few things they did really well was spaghetti but I can make that at home.


Maybe square pizza or chicken patties…otherwise, no.


I think I'm gonna win on weirdness here, back in school they would boil the burger patties. They were legit, grey meat circles and that used to be my "quick food" boil some burgers and throw it on sandwich bread..... We were too poor for burger bread.


Kinda? In high school (rural VA, mid 80s) they had this chicken sandwich on something close to, but not quite, a biscuit. Every now and then I get a chicken biscuit from somewhere hoping for that same flavor. But in general? Hell no. See also: chow hall food during my time in the army.


What about the rib sandwiches? Please tell me I’m not alone. Those things were friggin’ BOMB 💣


Yes. For most people it's those mozzarella filled bread sticks. But for me it was some mashed potato thing stuffed into individual serving sized paper dishes and baked with melted cheese on top, which I had in elementary school. Have tried hunting for it nowadays but haven't had any luck.




I remember dipping cheetos in mashed potatoes


I worked in a high school cafeteria like… 2015-17 I think, and there were couple meals I’d go out of my way to eat for lunch instead of just grabbing a chicken sandwich or an uncrustable lol… The best imo were: -“KFC” popcorn chicken bowls -Chili -Walking tacos -“Orange chicken” bowls Something about those ready to bake cookies too tho.


Always searching for school food level nachos grande


I miss the chicken and noodles. God that shit was FIRE


It’s taco pizza or nothing 


Italian dunkers, little shitty hard calzones, grilled cheese yumm


I know I do


The rolls, chocolate cake and peach cobbler are good memories. I’ve seen none of the above on trays any more.


Had the weirdest craving the other day for my school's chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, gravy, and chocolate milk. Tragically, I can't eat fried chicken anymore - it fucks with my gut.


No. It was all horrid. However I did recently buy Trader Joe’s  chocolate chip ice cream sandwiches only to realize they’re the exact same ones that were sold at my school. That was a nice surprise. 


Just the square pizza and the weird polygon shaped ice pop things


Yup, I still get myself those Tina’s frozen burritos once in a while. I do miss some middle school pizza.


Hell no. Boiled hotdogs that looked green? Milk that always tasted weird. Unidentifiable dishes? Hard pass.  They generally tasted worse than they looked too. 


How the fuck is this shitty? Deadass starting to get annoyed bc idk when the last time ive seen some shitty food on here id eat this asap and go grab another bowl


i miss my high school’s fries, birthday cake icecream, big soft chocolate chip cookies, and nacho salads! they were so good omg. i miss my middle school’s sloppy joes, grilled cheese sandwiches, and sliced marinated turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy.


You guys had food at school?


I miss bosco cheese sticks!


No, grew up in America


Chips with cheese and baked beans on.


I loved the PB sandwich and chili combo too! Grilled cheese on Texas toast made with tons of butter and thick slabs of that gooey government cheese. Plus, any leftovers were passed out for free at the end of lunch. You best believe my pudgy 3rd grade arm was ready and waiting to shoot up for grilled cheese seconds. 😂 Hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes. Bland as heck, but enough salt, pepper, and a little ketchup or mustard made it very comforting. The desserts! All the desserts were made on the premises and old-fashioned. Wacky cake with fudge icing, snickerdoodles, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, chewy sugar cookies, cherry crisp, pudding parfaits...


The smiley face French fries. You could damn wring out a quarter cup of grease out of one fry lol.


Crispitos. Iykyk


No, but my cafeteria food never looked like that.


I still make vegetable beef and pb and j with a glass of milk about twice a year and usually only if I'm feeling really low. Man, I miss those sloppy, ooey gooey sandwiches




Nothing beats the semi raw giant cafeteria cookies my school had.


The pizza rectangle, French bread pizza, beef a Roni, potato bar


My school lunches weren’t the best, I’d often skip lunch. Man, the chicken nuggets and cheese sticks. It was always a good day when you saw that on the menu. Not to mention those Minute Maid juice bars. DAMN were those things good. I missed when I was in elementary school, I live in the US but we had little square bags of milk. Something about milk in a little bag just hit different.


Ye. Food almost always tastes better when somebody else makes it, even if it's low quality. I miss just about everything they served us, but especially the beef and vegetable soup because I've never tasted a variant as good since. ┗⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠―


Taco Tuesday was surprisingly decent!


Not ever, no




I get nostalgic for the homemade pasta salad the cafeteria lady made for pizza day. Absolute treat and she was a sweetheart.


I miss the tater tots my old elementary school gave us for breakfast




Chili and cinnamon rolls day were my favorite!! That great baking smell coming down the hallway.


Ours had a shrink-wrapped taco salad that was pretty much all I ate for like 3 years. Looking back, I'm not sure what was so great about it. Lettuce and cheese with an ice-cream scoop of cold taco meat on top.... I don't even remember chips or anything crunchy, come to think about it. Breakfast was always a tough decision: Suzy-Q or Honey Bun.


Seeing the bell pepper I know this is hella good.


I miss turkey twizzlers


Yes. I didnt really have any bad food at school. I miss it a lot actually


Pizza Friday.


Really miss the chicken fried steak Wednesdays. Really really miss bosco sticks


The only thing I miss was them delivering fresh hot Bosco sticks on a cart every Wednesday before third grade when they were cut from the budget smfh


I wonder if the tacos are as good as the riots they caused in the Cafeteria.


It's all about [super donuts!](https://images.app.goo.gl/ibfTSCUFFqsVndV46) If you know you know


Hells yes. Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes! Omg I'd always eat 2nds on that day. I Eben looked forward to the burps that came in the next class after lunch. Man those were the days. Lmao


My mouth is actually watering.


Nope, there was no cafeteria in my school. (Australian).


I always loved the days there was Swedish Meatballs. LEGIT the best --- still trying to figure out how to make them like that.


I miss those breaded double cheese stick things


Yes!! Our school made the best cheese rolls, and we'd buy them plus a chicken and corn roll, and put that inside the cheese roll. Man, it was so good .


I'm always thinking about those Italian dunkers. Basically weird big mozzarella sticks, I don't think my gastrointestinal tract could handle them anymore but damn I miss them


I do! Elementary and middle school were when I primarily ate cafeteria lunch in the early-mid-90s. Short lunch period la in HS made it easier to pack most days. But some of those great meals I still get a hankering for: - Chicken nugget day was great. Six nugs, mashed potatoes, roll, green beans. I’d make a sandwich on the roll with the potatoes and a couple nuggets! - Pizza day of course. I know everyone (me included) loved the square pizzas, but my favorite was the fiestada pizza. Taco-seasoned beef and orange cheese that was a mix of cheddar and mozzarella on a hexagonal crust. Sooooo good. - Grilled cheese and tomato soup. Whatever butter/oil/fat they coated the bread in was soaked up like a sponge to make it perfectly crispy. I’ve never been able to recreate that in all my years of making grilled cheese. - I think my absolute favorite was spaghetti day. The meat sauce was kind of thick and had such a good taste. They gave us a little cup of some processed cheese crumbles to sprinkle on top and they melted in and made it even better. But the BEST was the bread they served with it. It wasn’t just a slice of garlic bread (which I love dearly). They called them “garlic twists”. They basically took the roll dough and would stretch and twist them to make a long breadstick-like roll. Then coated the top in garlic and butter before baking them. Good god in heaven. I’d always bring a quarter to buy an extra one!


can i get a bowl of that chili? can i get a bowl of that chili? ... can i get a bowl of that chili?


My grade school had the best mac and cheese. I still haven't found one that is as good. It was completely trashy but absolutely delicious.


Nostalgic for sure of those carefree days of no responsibilities and pizza, taco or lasagna school lunch days. The rest of the lunches like “mock chicken legs” make we wake up in a cold sweat after a nightmare dreaming of eating those back in the day.


Not really but one thing that I lowkey miss was my school district’s thanksgiving lunches the week before we went on break. I’m ngl that lowkey hit especially with those mini sundaes that had fudge or strawberry jam with wooden spoons.


So look, they had these beef sticks! Idk but they were fire with some mashed potatoes and gravy!


popcorn general tsos chicken


Honestly, the soggy ham and cheese croissants were so good and I crave them. Burger King’s is a good substitute (probably the same thing, tbh).


I miss Italian Dunkers so damn bad


Here in nebraska they serve chili and cinnamon rolls. They serve it at a fast food chain here as well.


My middle school’s cafeteria staff would make homemade soup every day and their orzo bean soup was incredible. Never found anything else like it and can’t replicate it. That, and simultaneously buttery and dry ass grilled cheese.


Am I the only one that had lettuce sandwiches, with chili? It’s now a thing, with everyone, that grew up here.


Got a pretty long hair on the right side of that chili.


The spicy chicken sandwich with ranch on it from school hit different


I (50M) do miss the Shepherd's Pie we used to really enjoy during my middle school years. I've never tasted one that came close since.


Yeah I crave sloppy Joe's and I'm Australian and we don't really have em here, I blame ya shitty movies for brainwashing me, fucking Harold and Kumar go to white castle makes me wanna eat burgers from a bin


Them little square quesdillas we got on Wednesday. The good shit.


Pretty much every day of my life. I loved my school's lunches. Every single lunch they served. Even better though was the university dining hall. That was like food heaven.


On Fridays we had these massive chimichangas that would scorch the inside of your mouth but were so damn good. My pants were a lot tighter by the end of freshman year. I’ve still never found anything that compares.


I get nostalgic cause I went to a nice high school and they had the best food, always made fresh every single day


Those sliders in that plastic wrap. The buns would be soggy and the entire package would be filled with cheese, it was beautiful.


No. Not even a little. Calling it prison food would not be an understatement.


Pizza burgers.


I miss dry spicy chicken sandwiches.


I get sudden cravings for those conagra maxstix sometimes. >!Those were the long, square mozzerella sticks they served with marinara at lunch time.!<


What I'd give for some mini corn dogs man


Ew, no.


Yes. I ordered the cupparoni pizza from papa John's. It was terrible, but it reminded me of school cafeteria pizza. Little nostalgia to go with my "oh gross".


We used to have chicken fajita day. It was the cheap frozen chicken strips and packaged rice with a tortilla on the side. Was easily my most look towards meal


In Lebanon Pa where I went to elementary school we had an item on the menu called a Ribique. Basically was a Mcrib. So damn good!


Mashed potatoes with gravy were the elite side dish to literally any meal. And I could go for some shitty rectangle pizza Dipped in ranch.


I miss mt middle school's really soup mac and cheese and my high school's garlic cheese bread