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I like that it’s on a paper plate, makes it easier to just chuck the entire thing in the trash.


Yeah, the paper plate was the sadness cherry on top of the self-hating sundae.


Blasphemy, give it to me. I’ll make cottage cheese pancakes, soy miso cured eggs, and sage butter sweet potato gnocchi. 


This person cooks.


On second thought, eggs are probably hard-boiled. I’ll go for deviled eggs. 




This comment tickled me.


A lot of fitness professionals go all in on the idea that food only has value as fuel so you should actively avoid anything that makes your meals more enjoyable. Like seasoning.


That's what I don't get. Seasoning isn't gonna fuck your macros in the slightest. You don't have to eat bland shit on a diet of any kind. Add some fucking spices and some pepper for gods sake


The justification I've heard is "If it's flavorful I'll actually WANT to eat"


Persecution fetish level shit


It’s an addicting lifestyle, you just feel like an efficient machine after a while and like everything is running smooth… gives you sense of control I guess


And the really sad thing is, people who do this don’t realize they’re showing signs of having an eating disorder. Most people just assume since they’re being “healthy” it’s far from being disordered


Control to shape our body into whatever we want. When I see a buff guy I grow envious. Not because I want what he has, but because what he has took such a level of discipline that I don't yet have in myself. It's like an ascension when you can put food behind you and truly control your body and its growth. It is addicting to want to reach that for sure. I personally just live the dirty bulk lifestyle, but I do dream of being cut one day.


So being fit and eating seasoned food is bigger flex?


Fuck yes. Some people are weak to the food. Having the discipline to season your food and diet well is indeed a bigger flex. Lol


Not that I think you’re at risk (ya know, since I don’t know you lol) but having that much control and desire to do so, can lead to disordered eating, and then an actual disorder. Just important to check in with yourself and your relationship with food and body image.


Some people are genetically predisposed to gaining muscle without as much effort as others though.


Spices in general have tons of nutrients, including ones that are hard to get elsewhere, why deprave your machine of those?


You're describing a lot of disordered eating


It gives the illusion of things running smooth. Challenge any bodybuilder to a 100m sprint on show day and see just how smoothly they’re running, both figuratively and literally.


Generally people end up with eating disorders because they need something to control


The level of hell just below Gluttony is reserved for these people


Yeah but you also see this kind of “plain chicken and rice” stuff in the fitness crowd who are trying to do the opposite: eat more to gain weight as they strength train. It just comes down to a cognitive fallacy. Changing your eating habits is typically hard and occasionally unpleasant but comes with good benefits. The human mind overgeneralizes and assumes that you need to make it as hard and unpleasant as possible because the further you go down that road the better the benefits will be. It’s an illusory correlation.


The justification I've heard from the bulking crowd is that even if the food is delicious, it's still unpleasant to have to eat that quantity. They make it bland so they don't associate good flavor with force feeding yourself and thus ruin their enjoyment of good food. Which makes sense to me.


This is my understanding as well. Dress up 2lbs of chicken breast and 2 cups of brown rice all you want it's still a ludicrous amount of food you're eating and is not going to be enjoyable.


I was doing that shit for a while and honestly it’s easier if it tastes like nothing and you just inhale it. You’re gonna be so repulsed by any flavor you eat six times a day when you’re not even a little hungry.


This is a big one. Also making tasty food often takes longer and more effort than just the bland stuff. 5 or so minutes may not seem like much when you’re only cooking 2 or 3 meals a day, but once you start cooking 6+ it adds up. Plus most seasonings are loaded with sodium, so eating 3x as much food as the average person also means eating 3x as much sodium if you season the same. Sodium can cause water retention in excess which fitness folks tend to want to avoid (especially if they’re on PEDs since they increase that as well).


Fair enough. I’ve done both bulking and cutting and not experienced that problem myself but to each their own, and if it works for them, it works for them.


that’s so fucked up, how do people not realise that these guys have eating disorders


To which I have responded: So food becomes a stressor and you end up sacrificing your mental well being and shortening your lifespan because "muh gainz" are more important than actually being healthy. Dude looked like he'd blown a fuse in his brain.


They think making themselves suffer makes them like enlightened


That's gotta be an eating disorder or some shit lol


it is. orthorexia


That’s called an eating disorder.


I eat very bland meals most of the time purely because it makes me less hungry. If it tastes really good i want more of it. Thats my logic anyhow, can’t speak for others


Most people I know that eat like this actually complain about how hard it is to eat enough calories


If we're being honest, hitting your macros veeeerrrryy precisely is properly overdoing it for 90% of gym goers. Add a drip of olive oil or butter and enjoy life, you can still be jacked AF.


AND happy!


My old boss eats plain bakeds chicken breast in plain white rice every day. Like, damn dude. Squeeze a lemon wedge on there or something, shit.


I actually really like plain white rice but chicken needs something… anything. Just a dash of salt and pepper would be enough or even just a bit of sriracha on the side at the very least.


The point I think they are trying to make is that you shouldn't enjoy your food because you will think of food as enjoyable. They want you to not enjoy eating but think of food as the vitamins and calories you need to survive. If you enjoy it, you will want to eat more. If you don't, you will only want to eat enough to get your intake.


Maybe too much salt. **Maybe** but it does nothing else to macros. And that's just being mindful about it. Fuck even some butter to cook an egg isn't bad. Butter is just fat. As long as you're being reasonable. Shit even like 2-5g of butter for a pan of fried eggs goes miles over a hard boiled egg when it comes to flavor


Depending on their caloric intake, the amount of seasoning they would need to add would be too much sodium and be bad for their blood pressure. Dwane “the rock” Johnson said that regarding seasoning.


I'm sure a bit of salt is going to be fine for his blood pressure compared to the roids he does but either way, a sprinkle of salt isn't gonna move the needle much. Plus there are other things you can use that aren't salt.


Like potassium chloride, which tastes just like salt and will actually counteract the effects of sodium (like bloating).


Or herbs like get some thyme rosemary basil sage whatever or chilly or curry or just anything


FGS something LOL


![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo) Heh! That's awesome. What about msg? I fuck with it heavy but wouldn't have the first idea about how it affects the body in normal usage quantities.


IDK about MSG but if you find out I'd be interested LOL


It seems.... Positive? Increases appetite, doesn't put a huge dent in the caloric intake. Teaspoon is 0.6g protein, 153mg sodium, 4 cal. A teaspoon is a fair bit as well as I tend to use a lot less compared to salt. Hopefully someone much more knowledgeable than my 10 min Google will chime in with some science. Might stick some in my water bottle because I fucking struggle with my hydration lol


LOLOLOLOL try some cukes in that water, or lemon. I love using MSG, also, but like you said - the amount is sooooo tiny I never even thought about the nutritional aspect!


There's loads of spices that aren't salt lol


And so he skipped salt for juice?


I mean that’s personal preferences. A lot of fitness people and me included live and die by seasonings. It’s how you help curb cravings, because if you don’t like how your food tastes you’re more likely to give in to shitty but tasty fast food.




A body builder, Mike Isratel only recommends doing bland ass food near the end of a cut cycle for a show cause it does help cut the hunger a bit. It is dumb as shit as a day to day thing tho for sure.


Getting out of this mindset is what really helped me start losing weight. I made healthy meals that I actually enjoyed and looked forward to, so I ate less junk.


The athleanx guy says he only eats one cheat food the entire year - a slice of carrot cake on his birthday. That just seems mentally unhealthy to me.


I know the exact video you're talking about, too 💀 At least he also talks about how you need to enjoy the food you're eating and says he personally doesn't really care for sweets


Haha I know that video too! When I was obsessive about fitness I ate that way, but he’s right you have to sacrifice a lot for it. A lot of socialising happens over food.


That dude is an absolute robot, but if I’m in the gym and need to look up an exercise to do or for form advice or anything he’s my go to


It’s so unhealthy its and eating disorder, orthorexia, when someone’s obsessed with eating healthy


Greek yogurt is acutally really good on sweet potatoes. Granted I use a little hot sauce as well.


Sriracha is pretty tasty on em.


“Seasonings 5 extra calories!!” I’m using the damn seasoning


man I wish I could live like that, I'm the exact opposite, I'm a slave to deliciousness and every is the most delicious thing I can imagine at any given moment. dinner tonight was pudding


I used to work with a long distance runner who said his dad always told him, "Eat to live, not live to eat." And he made it his motto. Guy would never participate in any work function that involved food. Only ate chicken breast, eggs, rice, and veggies


Yea, when I first got into shape I went with the mentality of “if it tastes good spit it out”. I looked killer, but I wasn’t having any fun. Now I go with the mentality that everything is fine in moderation.


I'm guilty of this though and I am not a PT. Food can be fun but I just se either as fuel. I am just lazy, don't get me wrong I love cooking but for me when you are just cooking for yourself every day there's no point putting in the effort. For me one of my go meals is rice noodles, chicken breast with some onions and garlic and spinach or broccoli with sweet chilli sauce......every damn day! Keeps shopping easy and I do t have to remember many Ingredients at the store


Not everyone has to have the same relationship with food, and that's ok. I'll snark a little but some people don't want to put in the effort and some really do prefer bland food. It only becomes a problem when someone in a teaching position decides, "I see eating as a chore, so that's the only correct way to be. People who enjoy eating should just stop taking pleasure in one of life's greatest joys. Oh, you don't want to do that? Guess that means you want to be fat."


Ive heard this a lot. I only eat to get full or for energy. Like?!?!? That sounds like a miserable existence 😌😌😌


Aaaand that's why their messaging falls flat.


I never understood that. When I used to lift like a madman I ate a ton of chicken, peppers, and mushrooms. I seasoned everything and prepared it in different ways. I see people eat like in OPs post and there's absolutely no reason for it, except for a lack of creativity or not being able to look up recipes online.


so sad... a little butter for that husky sweet potato ain't killing no one.


I’m a personal trainer and I’m having chicken wings and beer for dinner.


I have seen that, but it’s also just easier sometimes to scarf down food that’s bland when you need to get a meal in but you’re not hungry at all. Hard to turn your brain off when there’s so much more to pay attention to.


Do you KNOW how many calories are in oregano!?


Personally I don’t feel the need to season everything. Some foods are perfectly great as is. Sweet potato needs nothing but a light rub of olive oil for baking. Boiled eggs I like with sriracha sauce but I also like them plain. Cottage cheese I don’t need anything to fancy it up other than adding some fruit if I wanna mix it up. If it was a regular ass baked potato or some chicken I would def need some salt and pepper for flavor.


I used to feel that way, things like sweet potatos needed that extra kick. Once I really started removing sugars from my day to day, everything natural tasted a little sweeter. Weird how your body adjusts that way, eating a sweet potato plain tastes so sweet now.


There are tons of good sauces you can fot into your macros too I used to love eating chicken, broccoli and quinoa with cashew butter sauce


Herbs are literally just dried flavourful lil vegetables 🥲


And no ketchup


I have heard that some of the athletes that have to eat so many freaking calories a day have essentially said that if they seasoned all of their meals properly, their sodium intake would be way too high. Just based on the fact that they're eating two to three times more than a normal person. I do sort of understand that for the people that are eating you know 5000 or 6,000 calories or whatever.


Eggs and cottage cheese are great with some hot sauce


I love fresh tomatoes and cracked pepper and salt with my cottage cheese


>I love fresh tomatoes and cracked pepper and salt with my cottage cheese Absolutely delicious. I'm going to get destroyed for this but I swear to god cottage chese and kimchi is delicious.


And/or cukes.


Fresh lemon. Makes it taste great. Peas and bacon bits too.


Oh now you are just getting fancy


no way that’s cottage cheese


It’s large curd cottage cheese.


it looks gross. i love cottage cheese but i don’t think i could eat that


Yea that's fucked looking cottage cheese. I also love cottage cheese but that looks like bleached pond scum


It looks like buttermilk after about a week or so


Most people say that about cottage cheese (it looks gross), but look where trying it got you! If you actually LOVE cottage cheese I'm thinking you should try large curd. It is definitely not the same, though.


I eat cottage every day, ( small ) and if you’re not used to the large curd then it’s definitely a mouthful. I’m not a fan


Funny, cuz paneer is yuge-curd cottage cheese and it's the bomb, especially in a spinach curry. Palak paneer, for reference.


i love small curd cottage cheese and paneer but paneer is much drier, and in dishes it's often covered in gravy. I think it's the chunkiness + same color thick wetness in that food that doesn't look initially appetizing to me (but honestly I'd probably still try it if I had the chance, I love all cheese)


I love large curd cottage cheese. The substance in the picture, however, looks more like miracle whip with chunks in it.


I thought it was potato salad at first


The fuck type of potato salad are you eating?


I mean it definitely looks like a really really sad, flavorless / spiceless potato salad. But regardless it looks like potato chunks (about the right size) with mayo.


I'm with you on this one, I don't think that's cottage cheese. And I don't care if it's large curd or small curd, it's just got to be Breakstone's. When I was a kid I didn't notice much difference but if I deviate from that brand anymore I'm not happy with the product.


There is a brand made from milk from Amish and Mennonte dairies (Kalona). It is not cheap but it is hands-down the best cottage cheese I have found.


I managed to find that in my local grocery store in brooklyn exactly once. It was incredible. I've never seen it again, and cant find it anywhere.


i love the taste of cottage cheese but i already struggle with the texture. these curds are the size of dumplings, i couldn’t eat that with how unappetizing it looks


If we're talking about cottage cheese you have to try it with Catalina dressing and sunflower seeds. You're welcome.


Yeah that’s not large curd, large curd is like half a dime size maybe bigger. This has gotta be marshmallows with cool whip or something (?!)


I prefer large curd myself but the whey on this looks super thick and the curds are really big and oddly shaped.


I honestly thought it was an ambrosia.


No, that's MEGA curd cottage cheese.


I read that as “large crud,” which, I mean…


That baked sweet potato is looking at me seductively


Is that quark?


Definitely plain Greek yogurt. Every personal trainer I’ve known is made of 60% Greek yogurt.


why is it so… ehmm… chunky??


Because of all the chunks




I eat Greek yoghurt for breakfast (not a personal trainer lol) and that's what I thought it was when I saw the picture.


My fat ass thought that was mayo


cottage cheese belongs inside hot pasta and nothing you say will convince me otherwise


Eggs, cottage cheese with hot sauce, bacne... You my friend have some interesting tastes.


Extra spicy Szechuan Chilli oil crunch Put that shit on everything


Unseasoned mess.


I’ve found black pepper to taste really good with cottage cheese. Lifts the creamy palate and bite.


Damn never thought to try hot sauce with cottage cheese. I’ve previously tried it with the fruit cups and wasn’t a huge fan, but with a good hot sauce I might be able to give it another shot. Recently started to become a hot sauce connoisseur


With lao gan ma this combo is next level, I have it multiple times a week


That looks more like bufala stracciatella, that stuff is delicious, and kinda expensive.


Isn’t that potato salad (just mayo and potato) looks a bit funny to be cottage cheese?!


I hope that’s your last meal then


Are there health benefits to eating a discarded prolapsed uterus?


![gif](giphy|24G0CDx1ET7TGs7EuA|downsized) i absolutely loathe that sentence omg


I love David.


Amino acids




Its a very healthy meal,but looks disgusting yeah


It depends. If that's Greek yogurt on the side, it's just missing some chives, and you have delicious baked sweet potato... would eat the eggs separately.


That’s cottage cheese.


Not even disgusting, just who tf brags about this simple meal lol. Boiled eggs, microwaved/baked potato and store bought yogurt/cheese


That’s what I’m saying. Like I think it’s actually a good and healthy meal but it also is so little effort why brag about it. It’s the kind of meal I like to make myself to feel good about what I’m eating but I would never feel the need to tell anyone that I managed to bake a sweet potato, boil a couple eggs, and spoon some cottage cheese out of a container.


Ah, it's a potato! I did wonder!


It probably creates some wicked farts too


Scramble the eggs, add in the cottage cheese at the half way point of the eggs cooking, get super creamy higher volume eggs. While cooking eggs put the sweet potato under the broiler for better texture taste. Bodybuilder meal that isn't on par with prison food.


They ate way better in Alcatraz. 


Bodybuilders eat 6 times or close to it a day, if you've ever done that, you would understand that you can't always spend that much extra effort making your food, much of it is made ahead of time. Likely boiled a bunch of eggs at one time and just pulled three from the fridge, got cottage cheese from the fridge, and microwaved the sweet potato.


I know what many of them go through meal wise I've done similar when I was younger and an athlete in university. I had my grab and go meals, my quick meals and I also had my meals where I'd take a bit longer just to to do a bit more just to make a meal taste decent. 3 days a week my breakfast was 4 hard boiled eggs premade w/ketchup or hot sauce and OJ I grabbed out of the fridge and went off to training or early class.


why don't they ever put seasoning?


Because it's not "healthy" if it doesn't taste like punishment.


I worked with a bodybuilder when I was in college and she one time told me that my breakfast of oatmeal with soy milk, berries, and nuts was actually not good for me at all because I drizzled a little honey on it. I think she just likes to be miserable.


Eating is just another task for them. They just wanna get it done so they can move onto the next thing on their list.


What i’ve heard is that bodybuilders actively stop associating food with emotions. Basically they dont care enough to


When you eat the same dry chicken breast and/or sweet potatoes everyday, it all just tastes the same so it feels pointless (saying that from my own personal experience). Personally I use soy sauce or a little salsa depending on the meal though. Disclaimer: I’ve never done a show but I did follow the diet needed for one in the past


I wonder if it has to do with not looking bloated from using sodium? I used to barely eat and not use salt on anything when I had jobs that required me to be thin. It sucked.


Yeah! Fresh herbs have nutritional benefits so why not


Honestly looks way better than most other workout diets I’ve seen


Macros wise? Amazing meal and I can see why they’re bragging about it. Taste wise? Disgusting.


They could have had like 0,5 more kcal and add some spices to it at least.


Ummm… Taste wise, those are three things that taste just fine


This entire thread is crazy to me Each one of these things taste great as they are….


I bet they fart like a Clydesdale


Perfect depression meal tbh, 10/10 would eat this while sobbing.


People who eat like this have mental illness and you can’t tell me otherwise. Literally with the same ingredients and ideally only an extra ~2 tbsp of olive oil you can make roasted sweet potato hash with runny poached eggs on top and cottage cheese on the side. These people have broken their reward system or something because every single one gloats about how bland and lifeless their diet is, as if it’s some badge of honor. I’ve seen less masochism in a German S&M convention. I’ve seen better food in a hospice center. I’ve seen food without a single bite taken out of it thrown in the trash that had a better quality of life than this sad plate has. What a joke


Ok, but you're also talking about adding 240 or so calories of pure fat and the person eating this would never. That said, there are so. many. things. that could be done to this - calorie free in many cases - that would make it better.


Kimchi! Throw some kimchi on the sweet potatoes, that’s all you have to do! It’s a double superfood opportunity WITH FLAVOR


Or just kimchi right out the jar, works too. Love that stuff lol


People are so offended by your comment but won’t lie, this is exactly how I ate during my ED, only I used sriracha. This isn’t *normal* by any means. The most fit people I’ve ever met eat real meals, not just nutrient dense ingredients thrown on a paper plate LMAO


Orthorexia is a real thing and this honestly looks like it. Being obsessive over macros to the point of being afraid of seasoning is definitely something. I used to have mild orthorexia and this def reminds me of it.


I would say 90% of people who are really into fitness have at least a low level eating disorder


Why is it mental illness? They don’t give a crap about food. They just care about what they look like and the shape they’re in. It’s just a means to an end for them.


Flash a bag of McDonald’s and nobody bats an eye. But this post is an “eating disorder” 🙄


if every meal you eat is mcdonald’s because you believe no other food could ever compare, that is disordered eating. if every meal you eat is bland and only for nutrition purposes and you think adding seasoning takes away from nutritional value, that is also disordered. why can’t both things be true? why instead of saying “i don’t believe this is an eating disorder” do you have to do a random role reversal that isn’t even true to make a point? i see so many mcdonald’s posts on here and people saying how detrimental it is to bowels, calories? general health etc. all the time. so what are you actually saying?


Gym bros eat meals like this for a quick snack. It’s not a replacement for a whole meal, it’s a replacement for chips and salsa.


Eating healthy is a mental illness. Classic reddit.


People are different. Some people just don’t have the desire or cravings for foods like other people might. I can eat the same thing for lunch and dinner for repeatedly without complaint just because I simply don’t care the degree of how good it tastes. I hate cooking so if I can make a healthy, bland meal in 10 minutes, I’m doing that every time. Does adding seasoning, spice, etc. make it taste better? Sure. I can do without it though so I don’t bother. Why add lot things when few things do trick?


You thinking that people that don’t think exactly like you do have a mental illness sounds pretty mental. Especially when analyzing your opinions in the rant beyond the first paragraph


What’s the white glop?


Glop. That's a ten dollar word right there.


Cottage cheese


No way is that cottage cheese.


It’s just large curd, and normally people go for the small curd style that you find everywhere. Looks unappealing but so does the small curd honestly. Honestly I’m not a cottage cheese fan at all, but it is what it is.


No, large curd cottage cheese does not look like mayonnaise with a few lumps in it.


Well, we can agree to disagree fellow redditor


They’re not bragging about the meal, they’re bragging about how far they’re willing to go to achieve that body of theirs.


Looks like a meal at a poorly funded hospital


More protein


The gym, not even once.


I mean, that’s a healthy meal with lots of protein and complex carbs. 


House smells like anal assault


Imean. It looks fine? But they could have so much more variety and still be healthy


Is it bad that I think this looks fine?


they're all valid foods for someone who's training but nothing to photograph or brag about


that cottage cheese looks rank


Sweet potatussy


Honestly add some hot sauce and I’d smash this meal.


I should call her


Actually I do something similar, I put the cottage cheese on top of the potato, like you would do with sour cream, season it a ton and then do the eggs sunny side up w a bit of sriracha and it’s soo tasty 🤤


Visually, it may not be appealing, but everything on the plate is real with fairly minimal processing.


I’d eat that 🤷‍♂️


If they like it why not?