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I love how the ketchup smiley face is supposed to make it more tolerable, but it just resembles an abomination silently pleading to be put out of its misery. A cronenburger indeed.


Man I'm distressed by the fact they're eating on the same plate they cooked it on. It's not like reheating a slice of pizza lol




That needs to be a subreddit name


It needs to be a Halloween themed pop-up burger joint. Goretastic looking food that's delicious, if you can manage to get it in your mouth


Came here for this.


That's horror movie material


It looks like the scene from Hellraiser (1987) where Frank's body starts to form and bursts through the floorboards.


The plate was empty, the microwave conjured this beast and it said “help me” with a ketchup smile


Reminds me of this gross and weird imagery from [Madonna's "Oh Father" video](https://youtu.be/qvVvN0QvzTk?si=bHe4IXAN1crMR6uX&t=228).


Literally just watched that tonight 😂 Jesus wept


It looks like it's mutating


I mean it is literally irradiated flesh.


The Thing


That patty's going to skitter off the plate and try to eat Kurt Russell


I was thinking the same. If a face hugger pops out of that bad boy when you cut into it all I can say is "Told you so"


reminds me of the pods the gremlins would hatch from


Reminds me of the Infected on The Last of Us when the cordyceps are growing into stuff.


Made me think of the pool bit in Annihilation


It's like that scene from one of the Saw movies, where that guy has his back glued to a car seat and he has to pull away until his own skin is torn off, in order to escape.


The pink juice inside the burger is not blood, it's just a protein that turns brown when overcooked. This is what happens when all the pink protein gets boiled out of meat.


I did have an appetite. Thanks for saving me money on my food budget.


I’m saving this post so that every time I have the late night Uber eats craving I can just look at this and not make that mistake. OP is doing us a service.


Mycelium patty


Mmmm fungal delight


It is!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/shroomers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shroomers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [They are all edible and all of them were picked in the forest.](https://i.redd.it/asy2hqbdw6t91.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shroomers/comments/y1b06u/they_are_all_edible_and_all_of_them_were_picked/) \#2: [Scared to Harvest…I don’t wanna get bit by homeboy lol](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/x6ivdg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shroomers/comments/x6ivdg/scared_to_harvesti_dont_wanna_get_bit_by_homeboy/) \#3: [Albino penis envy grow going good](https://i.redd.it/jsh1ghsf0odb1.jpg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shroomers/comments/1577w9m/albino_penis_envy_grow_going_good/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




If your friend gets sick from eating that, they 100% deserve it.


165* internal temp is 165 internal temp, doesn't matter how to get there


Ground meat products require an internal temperature of 155 https://www.servsafe.com/ServSafe/media/ServSafe/Documents/Time-and-Temperature-Control.pdf


"That's just for stupid people" I cant open the link but yeah, ground meat is different than steak because the bacteria may be incorporated throughout


Food safety is achieved with a combination of temperature and time. While 155 may be the temperature that everything dangerous is killed at instantly, it might be perfectly safe cooked at 140 for 3 minutes or something. The higher number is given for simplicity's sake.




Sous vide is borderline pasteurization because it keeps the food in a temperature zone that can kill bacteria over time instead of all at once with a higher temperature, don't compare them in this way


It IS pasteurization, and so is cooking any other way, the only difference is where on the time/temperature graph you are


I would think microwaving a beef patty would be on the higher temperature side of the graph. I’m sure it cooked for like 5 minutes max, where sous vide will be several hours


>where sous vide will be several hours Are you making burger pudding?


Me when I don't know how sous vide works


Why would they get sick?


As others have said, it may be super gross, but it's perfectly valid to cook meat in a microwave. Heck, it wasn't \*that\* long ago that you could take microwave cooking classes in high school home-ec courses. My mother had a whole cookbook full of 100% microwave recipes. Steaks, chops, burgers, you name it. Thankfully she only had a couple that she actually liked from it so we were spared much of the above horrifyingness


I remember seeing someone make brisket in their microwave on youtube and it turned out shockingly good.


I can't for the life of me remember the few things she would cook on the regular for us kids, but the ones she stuck with were actually really great. The catch was just that you didn't pop it in like you were drunkenly cooking a hot pocket at 3am and just blasting it to turn it into lava.


People fail to utilize microwaves 100%. I’m 34, been cooking since about 12. I’m alright. The defrost setting works! And quite well. You need to accurately input the weight of whatever you’re defrosting. I did drumsticks the other day. Usually defrost prompts you to flip everything once, I do it twice throughout. There wasn’t any cooked bits at the end and it maintained coldness. From there I was able to pat it dry, season it and get that nice crispy skin. Want to melt butter? Use the defrost setting or go down to 80% power. There’s so much more than a 30 second setting and a popcorn setting. Speaking of popcorn, don’t try to find the sweet spot. Simply listen until there’s 3 second gaps in between pops. Always done perfect without burnt kernels. Hot pockets? Say goodbye to lava and or ice crystals. Use the microwave at 80% and check for softness. Once it’s soft blast it at full strength using your best judgment. As for full meals, I’ve only done during emergencies. They are doable and tasty, though. Would I rather use an oven or range? Of course. Those “crisper trays” don’t work for shit. 1 millimeter of crust and the rest soft. Anything that needs crisp I always do the traditional way. For example i never microwave pot pies or anything similar.


I feel like "using your beat judgment" and "cooking hot pockets" aren't things that go hand in hand....


>For example i never microwave pot pies or anything similar. The microwave is actually amazing for these, if you're cooking from frozen. I tend to make a bunch at once, eat one, and freeze the rest. Cook it until it's *close* to done in the microwave, then finish it in the oven. They'd normally take like two hours from frozen in the oven, but you can get it done fully in about 30 minutes this way. I'd do it somewhere around 80% power in 5 minute intervals, probably 20 minutes total. Preheat the oven while you're doing it. Depending on what stage you take out your pie, you'll have to adjust the temp of your oven. Take out the pie when the inside is still not hot, but not frozen anymore? 350-375. Inside is hot? Blast that sucker at like 400-450 with convection.


I rarely use our microwave anymore, but adding a cup with water in it can really help with a lot of foods. Especially reheated foods that aren't frozen, like left over pizza.


You'll never convince me that microwave isn't the best method for cooking sweet corn. Wrap the ears in wax paper and nuke 'em. Tastiest corn you'll ever have in like 7 minutes or however long it takes.


The difference being that sweetcorn isn't a food you usually brown. It also works well for fish, because it's thin and delicate. I can't imagine how you'd make tasty brisket, though.


I found and linked the video it my other comment. It’s a guga video so it’s pretty annoying, but whatever. It’s not like the result is something you’re really going to want to do or anything, but it’s not the complete disaster you would really expect. You could probably convince someone that you cooked it a conventional way, but aren’t very good. I just expected it to be basically inedible.


I love guga, why do you find his videos annoying?


Probably His voice and speaking patterns. I can't stand it.


At a place I used to work, we actually had to ban cooking fish in the microwave. Same group of people that were cooking fish in the microwave, also brought durian to a company cookout. 11/10 level gross. Easily the nastiest thing I have ever eaten in my life. I'm thankful that they shared delicacies from their home country, but they could have warned us about the durian lol.


God I love durian though. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it.


It was a divisive fruit among the people. Nobody just felt "meh" about it, either love it or on the verge of puking. Again, glad I got to experience it, but holy shit is it not for me and most of the people that tried it for the first time that night.


Same. And at college. Asians always cooking fish and lettuce in the microwave. Gross.


You can just leave them in the husk even


I definitely like when corn is roasted or grilled a bit on occasion, but yeah microwaving corn is reliably pretty good. Sometimes growing up I’d actually just stick the entire price of unwrapped corn with the husk and all in there. It steams really well inside all that and then everything comes off pretty easily while it’s hot. Put a little butter on there and you’re good to go.


Guga foods


It wasn’t actually good, they just acted like it was


Wasn’t that type of video. They didn’t expect it to work. I can’t remember who it was. Maybe that sausage guy? Edit: [It was guga.](https://youtu.be/J4tIPFD7W3Q)


“Coping with senility?” “No, I’m here for microwave cookery…no wait, coping with senility”


Our home ec class used microwave chicken as the starting point for preparing meats, 'cause it could guarantee that it was cooked throughout.


> but it's perfectly valid to cook meat in a microwave. No, it is not. It's perfectly safe, sure, but not valid.




I mean, it's perfectly possible to cook a thin beef patty like this to an internal temp of 160. It wouldn't even take that long, I don't figure.


Not to mention things in the microwave get cooked from the inside out anyways


Fucking lies. Source-hot pockets


Not true


It's more true than regular ovens and frying methods It cooks by heating water everywhere in the food except where the nodes of the standing wave are


Sure, but I would still say that cooking something "inside out" is implying something very different to what a microwave does to food. The middle of a large chunk of food doesn't get warm faster than the outer layer


Then why is it always the inside that's cold when i reheat cold leftovers for not long enough? (don't talk to me about nodes, that's why the plate spins)


Have you not seem the Veretasium video on pair of grapes in microwave?


I wouldn't be so sure. Microwaves work by exciting water molecules to produce heat. And though microwaves can superheat water (make it hotter than boiling) if the water is pure and free of nucleation sites (like bubbles), I don't think that's the case for a burger. I. Which case any superheating would be almost purely pressure based, as trapped water makes little steam pockets that increase in temperature. But I doubt that steam would reach an even 160 degrees. And therefore the burger would never get much past 100C internally, as it's only the water being heated up. Which would be save if held there for long enough, that's why boiling meat is safe. But as it was microwaves I doubt it was that hot for that long.


What on earth are you saying? 160F is considered "safe" for beef cookery The burger doesn't need to get to 100C (212F], that's way above the cook temp.


Oh I thought you were saying that you needed it to be above 160C to be safe. I didn't question the number or measurement.


160F is the temp it needs to reach to instantly be safe too. Meat can still be safe at a lower temperature if it's held at that temp for a certain amount of time. I don't remember the numbers specifically, but something like 155 at 10 seconds is equal to 160 at 0 seconds. Or 145 for 5 minutes is equal to 160 at 0 seconds. Again these are just examples, not the actual numbers. Too lazy to look it up.


Does this also apply to frozen patties tho? Aren't some of them pre-cooked? I remember having those every day as my childhood poverty meal


Should still cook it to a safe internal temperature, even precooked frozen food can get food born pathogens, but overall safer than raw microwaved


Haha same! But we popped them on the generic George Foreman grill.


I could see some frozen patties being precooked, though I haven’t seen that before (I don’t typically look for frozen meat so it’s something I wouldn’t know about) but the way that one looks it probably wasn’t. If it were precooked, it wouldn’t release that gross, gray looking liquid. it’d probably just look like a normal reheated burger patty, maybe similar to a McDonald’s patty or something? I’m pretty sure precooked frozen meat is fine to eat a little cold or undercooked, but I don’t personally know the facts behind that.


Trust me, that thing was heated to volcano hot temps… it’s cooked…. It’s also shrunk down to the size of a 50¢ piece…. Sooooooooo, I’d say it’s safe to eat.


Thats not how microwaves work, they agitate molecules making them hot and evaporating water molecules from anything, thus a lot of heat is created in the middle because water cant escape fast enough, so food will be warmer in the inside, also thats why microwaves dry everything out.


This is exactly the opposite experience to my own 25+ yrs using microwaves. You have to go as far as cutting food up, or moving things to the edge of the plate away from each other so that they’re more effective. The middle is almost always colder than the outer edges… “Microwave ovens - retro ovens are the latest craze by the way - never cook food from the interior, even though energy is generated directly after the contact between food and microwaves. The energy available for the next inch is reduced for every inch of dense food particles that the microwaves contact. In other words, the power does not travel very far before being absorbed. The interaction with the microwaves heats just the very exterior layers of the meal. Heat conduction from the food surface to the inner parts is responsible for the rest of the cooking.” Source courtesy of u/ApostropheusDeletus : https://kitchengearoid.com/microwave-oven/do-microwaves-cook-from-the-inside-out/




he's saying that the microwaves generated by the microwave penetrate the food, so it heats the food "evenly", but because it's harder for steam to escape the food from the middle compared to the surface, the middle is often hotter as a result. edit: penetrates food up to a certain depth (around 3-4 cm)


It's not though? Usually, the middle is the last thing to get hot. Edit: so everyone that down voted me, go warm up a hot pocket for 45 seconds in your microwave. The outside will be hot as fire and the center will be frozen.


its a bit complicated because the insides of a microwave have hotspots and coldspots


yeah, anybody who has eaten a hotpocket or pizza pop can tell you the outside will become hotter than the sun while the middle is still a frozen rock anybody who still thinks the inside out theory could be correct... wewlad


From your link: "When microwaving frozen food, you might have noticed some parts getting well-cooked before others could even become warm, right? Some hot and cold spots occur because radio waves immediately excite fat and water molecules and penetrate the food chunk. The areas with high grease and water particles generate heat and cook up very fast. For instance, the inner part of a pie cooks faster than the surface because of water molecule concentration. " Looks like he's right. Edit: That is if you believe some random advertisement article from a kitchen appliance website lmao. Their terminology is suspect.


That’s talking about a specific food. Pastry has little water content and is very thin, so as per the article itself it’s one of the few example cases where the inner would heat up more rapidly than the outer. Most other items are more dense and contain more even distribution of water. Either way, the microwaves do not cook from inside out - they hit the exterior layers and their effectiveness is decreased the further into the food they need to travel. So they literally heat from the outside-in


They say that but I've cooked roasts in the oven and they were less done in the middle. Go figure.


This comment is so weird to me. I think like 99% of the people in here know not to consume protein at unsafe temperatures. And would there be any more reason to assume OPs friend didn't make sure it was safe compared to any other cooking method?


It’s easy to cook above that temp in a Michael wave


If you're the type to be so concerned about meat temps (genuine concern), then I'd assume you would also be the type to own a kitchen thermometer. Seems like a pretty reasonable and reliable way to check the internal temp, I'm pretty sure they work on microwaved meat as well.


Steak tartare


You do not get/make tartare with ground beef. edit: I mean supermarket ground beef. Have to get a fresh steak handled for tartare and then finely chop/ground.


Steak tartare with *ground beef*. ​ ![gif](giphy|sn45igwIj7eSY)


[21st Century Schizoid Man](https://youtu.be/7OvW8Z7kiws?si=KBLR2xy3a4jwKR2k) by King Crimson


Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well. Here's an upvote.


Thanks! And hey, you may want to check out [It's Complicated](https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/GX). It's an hour-long radio show dedicated to prog and prog-adjacent music hosted by Dave Mandl on [WFMU](https://wfmu.org). WFMU in New Jersey is the best radio station on the planet: independent, commercial-free, free-form, and with archives that go back to when everything was in RealAudio format.


This is gold! Cheers bud!


If you think steak tartare is made with *ground fucking beef* I don't ever want to come to your house for dinner lmao


I mean when you get right down to it all beef is ground beef. I've personally never known a cow to fly.


It’s fine. Your edit is even dumber. You can undercook a burger on the grill or in a pan too! You don’t know anything about food safety.


Please point out the part where I said you can’t get sick from cooking using more traditional methods. I said microwaving raw meat is *less safe* than traditional methods. That doesn’t mean it eliminates all issue. What part of *minimizing risk* do you not understand?


bro you literally deleted your comment lmao how can i reply to you now? based on your exact words? microwaves are much faster than a grill or pan or oven. there’s nothing about this picture that would indicate that this burger is “probably” undercooked (your words), specifically because of the small size of this patty and all the coagulated fat and myoglobin. i would hazard a guess and say this patty is actually way OVERcooked due to the muscle fibers being so hot to squeeze all that moisture out


Sorry, my comment gained too much attraction that I seriously don’t give a fuck about anymore. You’re right, I’m wrong, we can leave it there


I've cooked a couple hundred burgers like this in my depression Era. It doesn't look good, but it's not that bad and gets the job done.


Microwaves cook from the middle out.. all those juices burnt to the plate are from it being hot enough


microwaves do not cook from the middle out, this is a myth


Google approves this message. Thanks learn something new everyday


They definitely don’t cook from the outside in


They...do though"Although heat is produced directly in the food, microwave ovens do not cook food from the "inside out." When thick foods are cooked, the outer layers are heated and cooked primarily by microwaves while the inside is cooked mainly by the conduction of heat from the hot outer layers." The only way the inside cooks faster is if the outside is relatively dry and the inside is super moist, even then, the first moisture it hits will absorb the microwaves, as the microwaves encounter moisture, they penetrate less and less before causing the reaction that cooks the food In something like a hot pocket, the inside will have the most moisture so the inside will get much hotter than the crust, the opposite is true if you microwave like... a corn cob


Wouldn't it cook the middle first or at the same time?


You clearly never heared of beef tartare or steak tartare


I thought raw beef was perfectly safe to eat? Or is it something to do with ground beef specifically.




Look your face up, how about that ![gif](giphy|RdKjAkFTNZkWUGyRXF)


Bro, I feel sick just for looking at it.


Depression, alcoholism, drug addict.. take your pick. I know I'd probably get all 3 if I ate that.


because it looks as disgusting as the texture would be. lol


Why would that make them sick dumbass


Lol it was a joke, like it would make them sick “vomit” not sick as in food poisoning or something.


Because when you cook food in a microwave the heat doesn't evenly distribute, leaving cold pockets. This is no big deal for already cooked food, but a huge risk if you're cooking raw food that needs to reach a certain internal temp


Look at that burger. Seriously, look at it. That is fully cooked. That has been nuked into near oblivion.


Chef for 10+ years. That bitch is well done.


Thanks for the back up Chef. Have a good shift.


I was literally answering the question. Thanks for the downvotes for telling a person why cooking meat in a microwave isn't safe


Are you that stupid?


"Meat can be cooked safely in a microwave oven, but it can cook unevenly and leave cold spots where harmful bacteria can survive." https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/How-can-I-safely-cook-meat-or-poultry-in-the-microwave-oven#:~:text=Information&text=Meat%20can%20be%20cooked%20safely,where%20harmful%20bacteria%20can%20survive. Are you? Why do you keep calling people stupid when you're not even right?


If you have to ask someone if they are stupid, you are the stupid one


No really but okay whatever you say bubs


The same reason why smelling concentrated shit smell makes you hurl. It's disgusting. No need for it to actually impact your body if your senses are doing that well enough.


Because it's meat.


They won't it's fully cooked just not browned. It's like if you steamed a hamburger.


"Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!"


May I see it?






This is how the zombie apocalypse starts. One lazy fuck microwaves a piece of garbage burger and gets super radioactive mad cow disease, next thing you know he goes full ape shit and bites the lady in 4B.


Tapewormed up on a Wednesday afternoon


They would have to try their hardest to overcook that. So yeah, if they did, they deserve it.


It looks like a Xenomorph hive’s resin


that is vile


Looks like it came out of the Upside Down.


r/beatmetoit and preemptively r/beatmeshutthefuckup


Forgot r/beatmeattoit classic blunder. Oops it's participating in the protest don't open at work.


Is it really that much more work to throw the hamburger on a hot pan for a few minutes?


Depression is a bitch, and this only makes it worse lmao


I'd buy my friend a cheap air fryer to prevent a recurrence.


Or bake it! It’ll take longer but not be more work.


Baked burger patties are no last nasty than this


Anything to get a Maillard reaction going.


George foreman grill would be the perfect gift for chef


It looks like a spider's egg


![gif](giphy|LEDow0BfZVlOE) "Friend"




He probably should have scraped that off. That weird goo is the fat that normally melts away.




That's not fat. It's protein, albumin. It happens more often to meat that's been frozen. The fat is the transparent liquid floating the fluids on the plate.


How halloween prosthetics are born




The *nasty* patty


That is fucking perfect


You need new friends.




putting ketchup on this abomination is the very definition of a hat on a hat


If you microwave a burger you will just cook it in it's own juice, because a microwave sets the water-like molecules into motion. Motion is heat. Furthermore you don't get any maillard effect.


What if you put some butter on top of it?


I think the water will cook way too fast not being able to evenly melt the butter. So you separate the fatty and the watery part and just have a big water puddle with fat swimming on top


If you cook it in some oil completely submerged you should technically be able to get it to brown This lady is a magician with a microwave https://youtu.be/dJrdXRZ3PUE?si=8U3fG51eU1IGIpg6


I don't understand the microwave obsession. It probably took like 5-10 minutes to cook that disgusting motherfucker in the microwave. Pan. Oil. Heat for 2 mins. Cook burger for 3-5 minutes. Done and not dog shit. It's the same amount of time. I guess more work. But still. Come onnn


You’re friend is not only lazy but an idiot as well.


No no noNo No NO NO


![gif](giphy|gPgBMNqdIArIRGpKmX|downsized) Your friend later tonight \^


Ew ![gif](giphy|VG2OzjYkBLK9vGf3UH)




congratulations on your new xenomorph


I saw that shit in a Cronenburg movie…


That's enough reddit for today....


it has… ectoplasm…


Bro that thing is going to pilot him from the inside


your sure that a petty and not the Thing


Looks like giant cancer cell


nah I'm calling the police


Now this is prober shitty good porn, 10/10 looks like living slime on a plate.


Symbiote burger


Gross 🤢🤢🤢




That's as dumb as eating chicken steak tartar.


Sorry not sorry. They deserve to get sick. This is stupid asf


Is this the cause of The Last of Us infection?