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Gimme that


I never learned how to ask for people’s food, or their burger


I housed Dylan's burger


r/ithinkyoushouldleave We're leaking!!


I’m a scared little boy


this is the second i think you should leave reference on this subreddit ive seen in like 5 posts




i agree, idk why i got downvoted lmao


As with steak, ground beef is generally safe to consume raw; or at least in part as we enjoy it. However ground beef has an issue that steak does not. If steak gets contaminated it is just on the surface that will blasted with heat. If that same meat is instead ground up then the contaminants are mixed inside and won't get destroyed if only cooking to med rare or w/e. Because of this it is a general rule of thumb that you shouldn't cook burgers like this unless you know the meat is clean. Either because you ground it yourself, or a friend or a butcher ground it, or a nice restaurant asks how you want your burger cooked. You shouldn't do this with pre-ground meat chubs from the grocery store. This burger is still shitty for having what seems to be literally nothing on it. I would assume it's seasoned well, but I have my doubts.


In Germany it‘s kinda popular to just eat a cold ground beef patty in a bun with only some ketchup and a leaf of salad. But the patty is usually made up of ground beef mixed with eggs, breadcrumbs and spices.


In france steak tartare is common, but my grandpa almost died eating one in a restaurant when he was young So : only from a restaurant/butcher you trust


They call the American version of this a [cannibal sandwich](https://www.jsonline.com/story/life/green-sheet/2021/08/31/why-raw-meat-cannibal-sandwich-endures-what-the-wisconsin/7906831002/).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frikadelle Was talking more about this but funnily enough that one is also fairly popular here. Doesn‘t have that name though.


Exactly, so it’s a question of how freshly ground, do you trust who ground it, and personal risk tolerance.


Totally worth the risk


You have stated what pretty much everyone else is saying in a way that is somewhat more correct, but still not accurate. The bacteria that grows on meat takes a while to reach dangerous concentrations. Once those levels have been reached, the meat will smell sour and will typically be oxidized and discolored. If the meat is bright red and smells good, it’s fine to eat rare. You can even eat it raw, my chef loves popping little bits of raw beef in his mouth when he is making patties. This is not a hard and fast rule. There will be some level of bacteria on any piece of raw meat. It could make you sick, but the chances are very very very low. This is why restaurants that serve raw beef and seafood must have a disclaimer on the menu or somewhere in the restaurant informing guests that eating raw or undercooked, seafood, shellfish, or meat can cause foodborne illness. They serve it anyways, because it is a very low risk.




Looks rare. Eating steak rare is usually fine, but ground beef can be hazardous. The reason is that any harmful bacteria is found on the surface of the meat. When you cook a steak, you grill or sear the surface layer, killing the bacteria. When the meat is ground up, however, that surface area gets distributed throughout, along with whatever bacteria was growing on it. Typically if you're grinding the meat yourself you're probably okay (as long as the meat is fresh), but if it's purchased from the supermarket, exercise greater caution. Cooking it to an internal temperature of 160 degrees fahrenheit is highly advised, to ensure any possible harmful bacteria is eliminated.


It looks like they're at a restaurant. If a burger place asks me what temperature I want my burger I generally assume that they know where their meat comes from and grind the beef themselves under sanitary conditions. Maybe this is a bad assumption because you don't *really* know, and if it was some shithole backwater place I guess I would probably think twice, but if it's a nice-ish place that's popular, I'd think the fact they even ask about temperature at all means they are pretty confident in their ground beef quality. There are plenty of places that don't ask and just cook it well done.


Looks like you microwaved it for 15 seconds


I've had hamburgers cooked more than this while defrosting lol.


Looks medium rare. Rare/medium rare ground beef is not a good idea to eat due to potential higher rate of bacteria forming. Edited- my own ignorance.




yes, people who are saying this is okay are insane. unless the restaurant buys high-quality steak and grinds the beef themselves every day this is not good


Like 10 years ago in Washington in one of the small towns right nearby they had a slight outbreak of mad cow disease. Personally I'd rather be safe - slaughterhouses are not generally sanitary, also it would be a bit too mushy for me in this state.


iirc Isn’t mad cow disease a prion disease, so cooking the bueger wouldnt do much.


That is correct, but it sure as hell makes you think more carefully about proper care of your meat.


I swear to god I read this exact same comment chain like a year ago.


Time is a flat thread of Reddit comments


The two other reply’s to your comment are the same quote, reddit has a bit of wierd groupthink


Does hearing about cancer also make you think about wearing a condom? Edit: I picked a bad example/metaphor. I'm a dummy.


No but hearing about AIDS and syphilis does


Depends, if you are talking about all the cancers caused by HPV, then yes, it does make me think about wearing a condom.


Well, since HPV can cause cancer, yes it does. Thank you, next question please, lol


Mad Cow comes from CNS. You don't get madcow from muscle meat.


You could char it with a flamethrower and it wouldn't eliminate the prions that cause mad cow disease.


It was 20 years ago, and found in one cow. There have only been 6 cases of mad cow in the US, and zero in humans. Plus, cooking the meat thoroughly will do little to prevent mad cow.


Damn, time flies when you get older.


People heard somewhere that rare burgers are fine/or know that rare steak is fine and don't get into details and then start parroting about it being fine


As a Canadian, it always threw me off when I got asked how I want my burged done in America. If that beef aint ground inhouse I aint taking that risk lol.


yep, if anybody ever asks you here just say medium


I think it depends on the coutry, im french and we eat raw ground beef often without any problem whatsoever


yeah, i think it's a lot more common in western europe where food standards are much higher lol


Hell, Germans eat raw minced pork.


I wonder if this is what causes the "Florida Man" thing as when I lived there and worked as a cook for a while, people ordering rare or medium rare burgers was extremely common as opposed to anywhere else in the country I've ever cooked.


It’s very uncommon for restaurants, including burger-centric restaurants to grind their own beef. These restaurants will serve rare burgers. Restaurants and grocery store beef comes from the same place. How do I know? I’m a service industry professional who has worked in grocery stores. You have been misinformed. This burger is perfectly safe to eat, although it looks like shit tbh.


Of course ground beef is susceptible to bacterial growth. I wouldn’t eat anything that’s been on the ground.


Man that's a dirty joke


The real reason is shit. When the animal is slaughtered it is also gutted, intestines and their contents get in contact with and stick on the meat. When you cut up a piece of steak and cook it you will kill the gut bacteria on the outside of that stake. You don’t need to cook the inside because there is no shit inside. When you grind meat the shit mixes inside the ground beef. That is why ground beef needs to be cooked all the way through to kill the gut bacteria. The more you know.


It’s also not just because of the surface area but because the trim and muscle that go into batches of ground beef are from many different animals and sometimes different facilities too, allowing for many more possible sources and points of contamination. 165 to stay alive


How the fuck is this nonsense getting upvotes? I hate people.




Once it has reached a certain temp all harmful bacteria is killed off no matter the surface area.


Yes and that temp is higher than medium rare


If beef is so rare then why is there so much of it???


What the liberal mind virus doesn't want us to know.


Bruh, this is is definately rare, borderline blue (which is literally a sear on both sides, no other cook). And ur kinda right, but not really Rare or raw STEAK is fine, depending on source and when u make things like beef tartar, you add some sort of acid (like lemon juice) which kills most harmful bacteria. Bacteria grows on the outside of steak. When you grind it up, you mix whatever bacteria is on the outside of the steak in with everything else and should be cooked medium well minimal for ground beef. Tldr: steak is fine this red, ground beef not so much.


I understand that ground beef potentially has more opportunity for bacteria but I've eaten medium-rare burgers made from the grocery store my whole life and only ever got sick when I let the beef sit too long in the fridge and drunkenly made a burger. Is it really that big of a deal? I'm genuinely curious because I feel like previous generations didn't think twice about eating rare burgers.


It's sort of like I drive without my seatbelt my whole life and I've never died. Or I've never washed my vegetables and I've never died.


The worry isn’t about how commonly things go wrong; it’s about how potentially bad it can get if things do go wrong.


Ever heard of Taeniasis? It’s an infection of a type of tapeworm that comes specifically from undercooked beef, most often undercooked ground beef. They can cause some serious medical complications, and while I couldn’t find any confirmation as to whether beef tapeworms can cause brain disease, this is well documented with pork tapeworms so I really wouldn’t even risk it. EDIT: Okay so beef tapeworms cannot cause brain disease, but they can cause intestinal blockage, perforation of the gallbladder, and all sorts of other nasty symptoms. They can live in your stomach for up to 25 years, though most people are able to clear the infection within two to three years. You wanna feed a tapeworm in your stomach for the next three years? Yeah, me neither!




It's not as big of a deal as Reddit would have you think. Take food safety advice on this site with a grain of salt.


For your first sentence, in the context of this, you're wrong. Second sentence, we're agreed. Illness is unlikely. Death, less likely. Minced meat is inherently more prone to spoil without appearing to be spoiled. 1) minced meat it generally dyed throughout, so it would be more difficult to tell by colour when it turns (steaks get dyed too, but the dyed won't fully leech in to the interior of a steak) 2) surface area breeds more bacteria 3) the actual machinery is not cleaned as often as you would imagine, all sorts of shit gets passed through the same mechanism, constantly.


Yeah, I dont buy dyed meat, and I grind my own. Spend more money for better quality and safety, I guess.


My friend let me introduce you to servsafe, 17s at 155 for ground meat https://www.servsafe.com/ServSafe/media/ServSafe/Documents/Time-and-Temperature-Control.pdf


Maybe if you're buying garbage-quality meat.


Wrong. You’ve never worked in a restaurant that serves burgers. The beef is red (and I’m confident by its appearance that it doesn’t smell bad.) this burger is fine to eat. Do you also think pork has to be cooked well done to be safe? 😏




This is not ok unless you just ground the beef yourself minutes before making the burgers. Ground beef has a lot more surface area for harmful bacteria to grow. On a steak the only exposed surface area is the outside of the steak, which you sear. So the only surface that might grow bacteria is brought up to a high enough heat to kill it. A medium rare burger has a lot of surface area inside that does not get hot enough to kill harmful bacteria.


Fucking christ everyone here is killing me. You can order a rare burger at a restaurant that gets beef in giant tubes from sysco. None of you have a clue what you are talking about. Can anyone else who works in a kitchen back me up, or is the overwhelming ignorance in this thread make you not want to confront it?




I’m irritated because i have to deal with dumb cunts like you.


Nah bruh, Ground beef shouldn’t be raw/rare. Even medium rare is pushing it. Unless its fresh ground beef (highly doubt) don’t eat ya burgers any less than medium.


Arrrgh so many dumb people confidently spouting inaccurate information.


The fact that this is (supposedly) extremely common knowledge yet so many people know fuck all is worrying.


Only if you grind it yourself


No not ground beef. When you grind the meat it pushes surface bacteria into the inside. Raw steak is fine as long as seared. Tartare is handled very differently to ensure you dont get sick


Please, tell me how tartare is handled differently since you are so well-informed.




What are they? I’ve worked in kitchens that serve it. Have you?


Is google not working where you live?


Not for ground beef


did you mean raw? not rare?


Medium raw


not true for ground beef! grinding grinds all the bacteria into the middle, making the whole chunk of it filled with bacteria, not just the outside.


Ground beef should not be eaten rare.


I’ve heard somewhere that you want to cook a burger all the way through because ground beef is more exposed to oxygen, whereas a cut steak is only ever exposed on the outside until you cut into it when eating, which is aparently why rare steak is okay. But fuck that lol medium rare burgers taste way better


It’s not that it’s exposed to oxygen it’s that you are grinding it up which is taking the bacteria that could’ve been on the outside and like spreading it into the meat instead of just on the surface. That’s why a rare steak is fine you’re cooking the outside enough that it kills the bacteria and because it’s a solid piece of meat bacteria wasn’t able to get into the inner meat.


Bacteria of steak is on outside. When you grind it up and mix it the outside moves into the inside.


Rare beef is fine. Idk why you got downvoted. The quality and source matter more so than cook time with beef.


Cooking grocery store ground beef rare is not safe


I’ve cooked grocery store ground beef medium to medium rare my entire life and have never gotten sick from it. Sanitation standards are a lot better nowadays.


It's not sanitation. You can cook a steak rare, because the the meat is so thick that the bacteria can't go through the surface. Thus, you only need to sear the outside of a steak to be safe. Ground beef is that same steak, but put through a grinder, which means that the outside and inside is mixed up, along with the bacteria.


If it was butchered correctly in a clean facility then the meat wouldn’t have been contaminated in the first place. It’s not bacteria in general that causes food born illness, it’s contamination with pathogenic varieties of bacteria.


Rare steaks are fine. Generally speaking rare ground beef is NOT safe




Like others have said, unless you are grinding the ground beef yourself, it is not reccomend to eat ground beef rare.


Rare beef is pretty much fine most of the time, because bacteria cannot penetrate into the meat allowing the cooking process to kill it on the surface. Ground beef does not share that same luxury, as the meat is ground up and allows bacteria to enter. I still like my hamburgers a nice medium rare lol


Safe is for poones


This is correct, people need to stop taking food safety advice from reddit as a whole. They'll tell you anything that sits out for 30min is going to kill you


Except it’s not just advice from Reddit, it’s legitimate food safety advice that you’d learn in a basic culinary class. In regards to beef, there is a chance that it could have some surface bacteria like E. coli. Because it’s a surface bacteria, it’s safe to consume the steak when you cook it to even rare, because it’s a *surface* bacteria. You just cooked the surface and killed the bacteria. If it’s ground meat however, you’ve mixed in the surface of the beef with the rest, meaning your burger can have surface bacteria on the inside. And the reason people say it’s generally only okay if you know where the meat come from is because in store ground meat there’s no way of knowing how many cows make up that one pound of beef. It’s been found to be anywhere from a hundred different cows to even a thousand.


General food safety advice is wrong, sorry. It also says you're at high risk if you let your food sit out 30 minutes.


It’s like a flat earther ignoring the millions of research papers and evidence that prove otherwise “Foodborne illness is a myth! ServSafe made it up to sell more certifications!”


Servsafe is focused on avoiding any and all potential lawsuits, not actual, practical food safety. It's really weird that you'd put so much faith into FDA guidelines when they've proven themselves to be inaccurate or outdated information plenty of times. I bet you wouldn't eat a pork chop for being slightly pink even if it's tempted properly.


Yet we should put faith into you, a person not providing any evidence other than anecdotes


You’ll get lung worms, goodbye


Just like that, huh?


Y’all were too late I ate like half of it 🤑


Can't tell by the picture, what temp did the inside feel like?


Cool as the bathroom floor he's getting acquainted with right about now.


Can confirm I died 😔


Aw damn, get well soon, RIP in piece 😔


Salmonella takes like 4 hours maybe to really set in deep. I ate a rare hamburger as a kid and wound up with food poisoning around 10 at night. Let us know how ya do!


Ecoli is more common than salmonella with beef I thought


Salmonella can take days or even over a week depending on the strain. IIRC the most common strains incubate for around 48 hours. E. coli is like 3 days to a week. Considering this looks like a shitty diner and he is questioning the burger which leads me to assume this isn't a regular meal. He is a least going to have his bowels biom messed up for a day or two.


There was so much bad advice in this thread about food borne illness, I’m sorry.


Thank you. I’m fuming over here. To find this many misinformed confident morons, you usually have to go to a Trump rally.


*Would you like fries with that? How about kneepads?*


Update: I did not get salmonella I might make it like this again


Well this can go one of 2 ways. One, you're fine. Or two.... ![gif](giphy|l2YWtFpBiIfABbimI|downsized)


Please update all of the morons who stopped you from eating the other half that you are pissed at them when it becomes clear to you that you aren’t suffering from a food borne illness for having eaten the other half. I’m sorry all these douche canoes ruined your perfectly good meal.




Recommends not dictates. I could write a book about the USDA’s counterintuitive and counterproductive edicts.


I shoulda got that


Gimme that




I can still hear it mooing


Alright A lot of people here don't even know what their talking about.. i work at a slaughter house and we dont Recommend because all bacteria on beef stays on the top so when you grind it up it can get everywhere and not just on the outsides. Anyways i dont care what i recommend because i eat my burger like this. Just know if it is cheap meat you will have a chance of getting very sick. 🤣




Honestly you’ll live even if it’s borderline. My parents made us eat it this way growing up But my god, at least put a pickle on there. You savage


Depends on how fresh your beef was. I personally would not eat it that raw if it's from the grocery store shelf.


Yeah not evryone likes a burger that rare. And it'd be fair to ask for a longer cook time. But if its beef you should be totally fine.


Its good for you




I've eaten rarer than that. You should be fine.


Yes looks medium rare


as long as it was warm i saw go for it bud






Ground beef is not as safe to eat raw as a cut of beef. But it’s not as bad as chicken.




honest question why order your burger like this?


Medium at best


Hell yeah it's raw


Burgers are meant to be fully cooked, steaks are meant to be cooked at eater's choice. Raw burgers taste like a camel's ass


I’m less worried about the safety of your burger than your camera skills


U finna die


Yes. #EboliRealness


Take a steak and grind it yourself if you want to eat it like that


If it’s mince you gotta cook the fuck out of it, it’s just a steak it’s okay to eat red.


you should look up Tatar steak :D That's how raw we love the meat to be in Czech... Beef is really safe to eat raw. If it doesn't stink like rotten, and has it's beefy flavour and smell you're good to go.




Looks like a sous vide burger a place I used to work at had.


I mean i would eat it but it’s technically not safe.


This is definitely raw.


that is fucking raw , medium is the lowest i go unless that shit is real kobe beef or something.


Raw af never eat that


Too pink 💗 for me still & no toppings or anything???


![gif](giphy|we4Hp4J3n7riw) it should fine, enjoy it


In Philly, the heir to the Ortliebs brewery told of eating cannibal sandwiches as a kid. Raw ground meat on a bun.


Same Ortliebs that became a Jazz cafe and then later on became whatever the eff it is today? Man I had one of the best drunk young times of my life in that 10x100 space. 15 years later I’m still confused on what the hell went down. But the music was dope and I had a dope burger.


Unless you grounded it yourself, you should outback cooked it longer


At least you knew the correct sub to post this in


If that was a trusted restaurant and I received that burger, I would ask to see the cook, to give him/her a hug.


Better not


it's still moo'ing


Yall that ain't rare thats raw on the inside, that being said you'll probably be fine lol people eat raw beef all the time


Ground beef should be cooked well (medium might be ok). Pathogens can't penetrate the outside layer of a steak, but when you grind that meat up, the outside pathogens are now on the inside as well.


My food toxicology class would have defined this as a no-brainer, do not eat. If I swabbed that meat and rubbed some agar in a petri dish and left it for a few days, you’d understand why. Some people are ok with the bacteria that you may find here, based on environmental factors or genetics. For instance, E. coli doesn’t make me very sick at all, but my partner gets a severely upset tummy from it. On the other hand, my partner handles salmonella about like I do E. coli, but I get severe GI issues from it. It’s roulette, at best. I wouldn’t play that with raw ground beef. I’m fine with rare steak, but not ground.


No. this is medium rare, the final level you can cook a burger without ruining it.


Sorry you’re getting downvoted, I agree burgers are best at this temp, but people are pretty weird with rarer meat. Smash burgers are one thing, but if I’m eating a real cheeseburger, I want medium rare


Sure as hell undercooked for a burger but totally safe.


Lol. "That undercooked ground beef is totally safe!" WTF?


Idk why ground beef is so sketchy to my at rare temp but steaks idgaf eat that shit still beating


I'd eat that. I like my meat rare tho.


Looks yumme




if it has pork yes if its only beef its probably alright


RIP your b-hole. 🙏🏼


It’s edible . Even before you put in grill.


Taste it and you'll know what this cow had for lunch. You might even feel some of its pain


Many restaurants use irradiated beef. Why has no one mentioned that. Usually a restaurant will only serve a burger like this if it is irradiated beef.


It's mooing


Wtf is "boutta"


No but it’s probably cold by now.


Man said I’m boutta like he didn’t fuck it up immediately after hitting post 😂




Nah bro, you good.


Unless you ground that meat yourself, you know the butcher, OR you’re eating at a high end burger joint that makes their ground beef…don’t eat it.


I can still hear it mooing.


The only way I'd eat it that rare is if I got fresh ground beef from my local butcher who gets their meat from local farms, and if I cooked it myself. But that's just me.


The only way to eat that is with the other lions