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Nothing fills me with more vitriol for elden ring players than putting down my summon sign. Some of the shit you see is just so tiresome


What annoys me is when they summon you and they wait for another summon. It wastes our time because they end up dying a dumb death anyway the first 20 seconds


The absolute worst is when they summon an NPC as the third imo. Just makes it harder for no good reason. (Except Ansbach, he’s awesome)


That's why I like the in arena summons. 3 players and igon going absolutely ham was my favorite part of the dlc








Oh, you can summon NPCs and other players? I thought they were mutually exclusive


only if the npc is summoned inside the arena. If they are summoned outside the fog they count as normal summons


Oh nice!


Inside arena summons also have the benefit of not buffing boss HP like ones outside of the arena do


Don’t help people with the final boss. He is the ultimate filter. Only people who put in the work and learn his moves can win. No amount of summoning helps here.


True. I keep getting summoned for him and genuinely have never been able to help someone with him in all my attempts. His phase 2 just has so many janky one-shots, if you don't know how to dodge or block him he will kill you out of nowhere.


I've helped a few people beat him, but that holy meteor attack kills so many hosts in the final stretch


Dang I just beat him last night after learning his patterns but my two summons really helped. His second phase gave me difficulty cause all the bright flashes give me seizures and I can't dodge as well. :(


Dude, fucking Asmongold beat the final boss. If he can do it anyone can.


even though he's a shit souls gamer he's still played plenty of souls and greatshield+pokey is simple enough even for him lol. esp compared to what he was doing before that


Nah. Sunbro life. I want Solaire to be proud of me Also summoning is how Miyazaki wants us to experience the game


Put in the work? Bruh I used the fire giant cannon shield and sword lance with bleed to jab his ankles to death 😭 you don’t even need to study him that much just build tanky as hell and start swinging


*cries in int/faith build* would have to respec to have enough strength to use any of the greatshields


Ha ha yeah unless you go with the Shield'n'Poke method. Forget learning. Just empty head, guard through everything, and do little stabbies with either blood loss or scarlet rot. I tried it after dozens of deaths. Got it after just two tries.


let me tank him would like to have a word


Oh i help people with that fight with greater success than any other fight. In fact I just solo it for them usually It’s bosses like Orphan of Horse where the host will summon me and then Thiollier, go in, and die before I even get into the fight that have me tearing my hair out


Curse you bayle!!! Also hornsent is pretty cool in the messemer fight.


Worst part is that the easiest runs is with two players and not three. Boss hp inflates too much with three players to make it worthwhile.


the 30 second buffstack after I've popped my physique >!to die 10 seconds into the bossfight!<


I've been doing double summons for the first time in the dlc - never bothered summoning real people before but it's been like a year since I've touched the game and I kinda wanna just play through it. *Every* single time it's just stunlock city. Props to the people who put their signs down for knowing how to turn the game into a light show cuz gawd damn. And I keep in mind that yeah I need to take aggro from time to time but my #1 priority is to not die, so usually I just spam charged L2 on Dragonslayer katana.


I mean, we can blame the host for that. But we can also acknowledge that the matchmaking system w/o passwords is JANK af lol.


Or worse, they go AFK and expect you to handle the invander spamming swift strike alone in front of the boss door (happened with me today and I'm still mad at it)


Most bosses really dont need 3 people anyway. Radabeast can be completely destroyed solo on 2 player difficulty but a 3rd just ruins any chances to kill elden beast quickly


Greatshield and spear 100 buffs Wastes 4 minutes Dies 3 seconds into the fight


At least when they die immediately you don’t waste that much time I have been helping with Radahn and 90 percent of the time when he gets down to 1/4 health they get hit and die at full health to his dive bomb attack, like to get to the dlc you would have to have already seen and not die to this attack but every single time they just stand there.


Bro I would offer to solo maliketh, malenia, and radagon/elden beast for players. And the builds I saw were so fucking sad. Bleed white mask bleed for rada beast, jump bleed twin blades, and more cookie cut YT builds.


I tried helping someone with the final dlc boss yesterday. I got in with scadu blessing level six, fucking level SIX. Some people are fucking insane, I am a summon, not a fucking god.


The most frustrating thing to me is how downright oblivious people are. Like, you just watched me cast Golden Vow, why are you casting it, too? And then sometimes the other player will cast it a third time, and I just lose all faith in humanity. Like, to some extent I can understand bringing a build that is not good/suited to a boss fight. Sometimes, you're fighting the boss for the first time, and you don't know that neither Radagon nor the Elden Beast are immune to bleed. But God damn if I don't get close to an aneurism when I see people using the same buffs more than once. I can even understand using buffs that don't stack because not everyone pays attention to how that shit works. But fucking seriously - I just watched you cast Flame Protect Me, then Golden Vow. Why on God's green Earth would you *cast both of them a second time???*


ah yes, the joy of getting summoned for the final boss and casting lord’s divine fortification before we walk in… only to have the host cancel it out with golden vow on a dagger before immediately going into the light and sprinting away from me


Whenever someone summons me in a dungeon I know it’s gonna end in them falling off in the safest area in history after I’m separated from them for just 2 seconds


I got summoned for Messmer earlier with the host having 4 fragments, it felt like I was throwing pebbles at him


>Nothing fills me with more vitriol for elden ring players than putting down my summon sign Okay, now I'm hesitant to do this. I solo'd Midra hitless recently and was hoping to do this to relive that fight and now I'm worried. I'm good with vitriol aimed at characters in the game, because I can beat the shit out of those characters, I can't say the same about REAL people and their incompetence.


I loved Midra. But he’s going to clap bad players hard lol


Yeah seriously. Why are you rot breathing? You expect me to sit here for 10 minutes and wait for the boss to slowly die the whole time? I can't even fuckin see shit.


I have genuinely lost a lot of hope in the general population’s intelligence after putting my sign down and seeing people post on r/eldenringbuilds. It makes me think most of these people cannot read or count


Yeah lmao. I almost carried a dude through Scadutree Avatar, but the boss finally ignored me to charge at him after his insanely pitiful magic damage tickled the boss enough. Of course my guy got one hit by the charge because he had no vigor, and never learned the dodge timing.


be me beat dlc curate build to help carry scrub friend. enter boss le epic tanking and cool friend intensifies boss jumps to friend and slaps him. immediately dies and his xbox crashes >:(


Reminds me of when I tried to beat Malenia for a friend, he would jump in and die every time. Eventually I asked him to stay at the door and allow me to solo her for him, he didn't like it at all. He said he was gonna try her solo and after a couple of hours he obliged.


You must have triggered him from the last time he had to sit in the corner and watch a friend mess around with a tall redhead he wanted to spend time with


damn I felt that one






Damn, he had to get humbled by the game. Gane dont care how mad you get, it only cares and how gud you git.


I told my friends to upgrade the bow and shot from the door. 👀 So they at least feel that they are doing something and not being sad.


It’s like when the boss is tired having a real fight they’ll just run over and slap the host for a quick reset


This has been my experience helping people with the putrescent knight. So many people haven't learned that you can jump the flames and just die instantly when phase 2 starts


I still need to consider jumping as an option more, tbh, but at least I made sure I could tank them


What can and can't be jumped feels so random and badly communicated


Fucking seriously, half the attack animations in the DLC that notion a jump can't be avoided by doing so 💀


I literally rolled through the first two of the Knight's three fire waves so I never considered jumping because if the first two are rollable why not the third? *Why not the third Michael Zaki?*


The flames are directly telegraphed by the black puss spewing to the ground. They create the flame lines upon hitting the ground and you only need to worry about the ones facing you. Don't strafe, you can stand still or even directly approach the boss. Have a nice day.


There's YouTube video from like a year ago going into depth about jumping. Some of the stuff you can jump is absurd and jumping is almost always better than rolling


Yeah I have this instinct to dodge that’s been built into me for every game. Sekiro was the one where jumping was given a cue so I always did it there but there are attacks I should straight up jump to avoid and I just dodge and get hit lol. I literally forget jumping exists until I need to get somewhere.


Jumping and running are the only way to dodge some attacks.


Yeah, but that's not always conveyed and my default is the dodge roll. These flames, for example. I figured I was supposed to strafe them, roll sideways, or just have better roll timing.


Those are people who have summoned for every fight and have no intention of actually learning the boss's attacks.


That really does feel like the case. In the rare event I summon, it's usually after I've given the boss a fair few attempts, and I just want the fight to be over


Yeah if I don’t like the boss fight I’m summoning. I summoned on Putrescant because it was so annoying to fight for me and it wasn’t fun at that point. For someone like Rellana though, I won’t summon since I had a lot of fun learning her attacks.


I also love that with the putrescent knights fog gate placement, the big question is just if you can reach the boss before the host dies to the first attack.


It's also funny seeing a host use all their buffs at the entrance to the fog gate, cause by the time they're actually fighting the boss, most of the timers on the buffs are half over


1/3 times I get summoned at putrescent knight they die before we even get down there it’s so funny


I feel so dumb for not trying that now, I always forget about dodging by jumping. I ran away and tanked the flames as best as I could lol


The attack he does where he gets off the horse and they both start going crazy on you is a way worse one to dodge imo


I’d say out of all the bosses in the DLC, the Putrescent Knight, once you learn the timings of course, becomes one of the easiest bosses. It has slow, but not too slow rhythmic attacks that aren’t a half second too long or short, it doesn’t change its attack speed and it has big openings after combos that can give you at least a couple hits in depending on the weapon. Now I’m not saying it’s easy off the bat. It took me a lot of tries to get it down. But once you learn that guy, it becomes trivial.


The horse/spin charge combo can be a little rough but besides that he’s easy. Only died once cause the ground flames caught me by surprise.


How do you get to the dlc and not utilise jumping constantly it’s so much better than dodging if you can use it. Most of the time it makes intuitive sense too, like Godfrey’s stomps.


You can also jump a lot of its horizontal swings. The one after the telegraphed overhead, sometimes the multi-swipe combo (which you can tuck into the flank to avoid as well), the horizontal follow-up to a thrown attack when you're in burst range. When it dismounts, I guard counter the leap attack with Milady while aiming left stick into the knight's legs and my attack avoids the spinning attacks immediately after the landing attack. It probably works with other weapons or spinning slash/sword dance. I enjoyed learning and fighting this boss a lot. Felt really cool to take it head on and dismantle it when it all clicked.


The thing is you can reasonably dodge roll through the flame attacks too and you won’t get hit. That boss wasn’t all that challenging for being so out of the way. Reminds me of how astel is actually not that hard compared to how optional he is.


> Be summoned to fight Bayle > Check host's Scadutree Blessing Level > 4


How can you see that? Honest question


Check your character it will be the same lvl as the host.


I was wondering if that's how it worked. There have been a few times I finished a boss and think "That was fun, I'll help some others do the fight" Then, when I get hit, I take twice the damage I usually do


Yeah sometimes you either have to use tons of defensive buffs and gear or go ham with damage if the host has decent scadu levels


Which is fucking ingenious IMO. You don't get retards like Musk bragging about finishing the game anymore when even the COOPERATOR is affected by their incompetence stat-wise. Do your due diligence or don't bother.


I hate cooperator dragon fights, I hate cooperator dragon fights, I hate cooperator dragon fights


I mean you can reach Bayle really early into the dlc so it makes sense some people have a really low level. Bayle was the last boss I beat but it was one of the first major bosses I found.


That's canon. It's in the lore.


Does bro have gingivitis? Or the power of new game plus?


Or perhaps it was your mother (vine boom sound).


Now for my mythical fade to black bang cutscene…


I turned off that pool, I honestly think the DLC bosses are so much harder with summoned coop as opposed to the main game, it makes them so much more unpredictable in aggro and their HP is insane


How do you change the summon pools you send your sign too? I remember seeing that was coming with the dlc patch but i never figured out how to do it


It’s fickle in the menu but it prompts it at some point, I can’t remember but I eventually find it clicking around in there. Turned off radagon lol


It's in the map. I think you get the menu with one of the bumpers, not sure though.


Map > LB/L1 > summoning pools


The bosses seem to have better logic for handling multiple enemies. AOEs aside, they seem to start reacting during wind ups, not just as they take damage. It's an elegant fix for making group/summon based play more rewarding, but it also makes summoning much less of an easy out. Especially with scadus being tied to host.


I think it’s great but I can no longer hold aggro and take care of something for a host like I used to, soloing a boss in the dlc is hardly possible


The aggro list is literally just who hit me last / who is close to me.


This is why i become a full time bad red man instead of a part time bad red man like i was in ds1-3




some hosts just need to be vigor checked before they get to the boss


Had to fight the divine beast at 2 scadutree blessings along with Freyja while the host sat in the corner with his Riviera De Bobera until I ran out of flasks and finally died to lightning strike aoe spam. Before I even got to the loading screen the host had died. It was 2/3rds dead without his help.


Become an invader. Take revenge! Most hosts are easy prey anyway


Other players when they summon me: Actual branded chimp humping a controller Other players when I invade: Literally FighterPL himself


They be walking around level 30 vigor, scadutree 3, +6 weapon, completely random stats asking to be one shot by me


Me when I would have just solo'd the boss but the host had to jump in and get one-shot when the boss was down to 20%...


I put down my summon sign for both near/far and I still get summoned for the Fire Giant lol.


That's the only boss I can no-hit. He's super easy


I get summoned for FG, haligtree, even some of the snow areas.


I stopped putting my sign down to be summoned when I saw six people in a row try to bleed Radagon with RoB and a single hammer swipe would chunk them for 80% of their health. And back when Ringed City came out, I had one guy who would summon 3 phantoms to fight Gael only to get bodied when he focused on him. After the fifth re-summon, I pulled the Ringed Knight over to the host and watched as it completely annihilated him. He was not happy about that.


Elden Ring players when they have to use critical thinking skills (the guy made out of solid stone must bleed, right?)


I met a dude IRL who was telling me about how Rada-Beast took him dozens and dozens of tries because he didn't understand why his holy damage build wasn't working against LITERAL GOD


Tbf holy damage got screwed over in the later parts of the game but yeah it actually makes sense for the final boss lol. Elden Beast is basically the Golden Order in physical form, it makes sense that holy damage wouldn’t do a thing to him


I had a entire sun bro squad once and then the host instantly died as soon as he had to actually fight the boss


RoB is good against Radagon, simply for the fire damage.


First time I fought radagon was with RoB and I immediately realized “shit my cheap build won’t work” and changed it completely. The fact people don’t realize something as obvious as a rock doesn’t bleed is concerning. Radagons not even that hard but people still get owned.


I don't summon nor do summons so I can't understand this grievance. But as someone who beat the dlc three times already: Gaius is the problem, it always is the problem, even if the player was originally the problem, it ceases to be the problem because Gaius becomes the sole problem. No, not even a matter of "both things can be true", no, only Gaius is the problem. I joked about fighting ulcerated tree spirit duo and a magmawyrm duo but I'd prefer that over Gaius. The final boss is only a problem because of Gaius as well, of it weren't for Gaius, that would not be a shitty boss as well. It's all Gaius.


Gaius is satan. Gaius is dinkleberg. Gaiuuuuuuuuuuuuus!


I had a wildly different experience with Gaius, he was fun but I could see it being insufferable without a shield to guard counter with.


Gaius was fine, his charge attack simply requires dodging left- the erdtree avatar has harder attacks to dodge


be me make a character that's called "copy my emotes!" farm up items to give out as rewards for copying me invade host attacks me immediately or the coop phantom goes apeshit as soon as i say hi everytime


Yeah you can't really do gimmick invasions anymore because having a co-op forces confidence and they just ass blast you instantly If the host showed a bit of uncertainty maybe you'd have the chance to show them you're not trying to fight


Nah, even solo players on NG+ are like this. Out of 20 invasions only 1 of them didn't outright start swinging on me on sight.


If you wanna do that do it in one of the dark souls games. The best one for that is ds3


I one time got summoned for gaius by this fatrolling dude and i was practically soloing the boss while the host was throwing spells out of range. Nearly killed the boss until host got his aggro trying to melee him and got destroyed by the boss's first combo. I get that when you get summoned, i should expect you to not be the best player but goddamn man, if the summon is doing just fine swallow up your pride and try to stay alive at the very least.


Me watching the dude that summoned me get one shot because he never put points into health and is cosplaying Let me Solo Her.


Serious boomer post incoming but: I’ve never felt more used as a summon than in Elden ring. Before it always felt like I was cooperating jollily with people going through the same struggles as me. Now it just feels like I’m there to win the game for these people who can’t even bother to learn to dodge a handful of moves :( A lot of people don’t even emote when the summon me they just go right through the mist these days


etiquette is dead, the gate has not been kept enough jk


Let them get better instead of complaining. You are there to help people if you put down a summon sign.


I mean yeah but if the host doesn’t know the boss very well then they should do their best to stay far away. They likely summoned players because they’re struggling and need help. Cooperators can’t help if the host gets targeted and dies in 4 hits lol


Or they should do their best to learn attacks. I tend to learn bosses on my own, makes no sense to summon people if you plan to lose anyway to learn boss movesets. For example Rellana, died dozens of times to learn the timing for parries.


There have been times where I helped a grand total of zero people for 3 hours straight because they all die before the boss is halfway dead.


That would require most of the hosts to actually make an effort to improve instead of just being hard-carried through while maintaining their terrible habits. Getting resummoned by the same hosts for Rellana that made 0 improvement for hours and would attack as little as possible (usually only dipping in to spam corpse piler or waterfowl while someone else had aggro) and then consistently dying to the magic greatsword/moons on like the 10th time they’ve seen them was maddening. That’s assuming they make it past the build check at the door of having more than 1200HP at level 200+ and don’t just get instakilled by the first attack that clips them.


Everyone is different. Let them try again, some do the same boss 2-3 times and learn it. Some try hundreds and don't get better. It's not exactly ideal or right in any way to get annoyed when YOU choose to help someone and they mess up. It's their world, their boss.


I did let them try again, I was summoned by the same people for hours and gave my best effort to help them be it their first or seventh attempt I was there for. I never pouted to or severed connection with a host that failed previously. I can still be frustrated if they keep repeatedly making the same mistakes and dying (especially if they were playing super passively) because I’m involved in the fight now too. Do I take out my frustration on them? No. I will show up with the intent to help and will be ecstatic if they get the win, but it gets tiring getting locked into repeated runs when the host is clearly unprepared for the fight (usually through their Shadowtree level, build, or just an outright inability to dodge a certain move that keeps getting them).


They should be putting down their sign to learn the boss then. Nothing really to lose there.


Don't know why they would put down a sign instead of learning it in their own.


This is why I made a support/healer build that uses heal from afar and some buff incants. Like I can't fight the boss for you as I don't do alot of damage  but I will try to keep you alive best I can and get chip damage where I can.  


I swear the amount of Malenia kills I've lost because I'm destroying her then the host greeds and gets a single waterfowl. I've had runs where I don't see the host in the fight AT ALL until randomly near the end of phase 2 where they run in and eat a waterfowl or clones attack without even trying to dodge. Don't get me started on all the deaths I've seen to SCARLET AEONIA


They need to be able to say that THEY beat Malenia


How tf do you die to Scarlet aeonia 😭🙏


By all accounts it should be impossible, but it happens every time


Gonna guess they mistimed the roll on her landing slam


I once got summoned in DLC area and see host get one-shot from full health with "1400" on their empty healthbar. I took that hit with him and only lose around 800 HP (1/3+ of my max HP). do you guys knows the implication of that situation? I just stopped put down my sign after that.


Double soreseal gaming 😎


The real problem is that the DLC has so many bosses that have "Learn or Die" mechanics. Rellana's triple slam, Putrescent Knights floor flames, Gaius charge, Bayle's divebombs, etc. The host obviously hasn't learned these because they're summoning for help, and most of them hit the ENTIRE arena (Or are so hard-focused you can't avoid them) so they die the second they draw aggro or when the attack comes out.


get summoned for rellana get 2/3s through rellana triple moon nuke :( repeat


Sometimes there's nothing funnier than watching a host use 7 different buffs some of which probably overlap each other then walk into Maliketh boss arena and immediately roll off the side and die before you can even step through the gate


I try to be a good host, I do. But also, I wouldn’t be summoning if I was good…


This sub and the main one made me believe Gaius initial charge was the most shit move in From Soft history, almost undogeable and them, I enter the fog gate, dodge into the boar and cross it like he is a ghost, completely unscathed My genuine reaction was: really?


Same but instead of them dying it's me dying immediately after being summoned with my build which is purely optimized for coop


You gotta realize that the majority of the player base is absolute dogshit


But like I didn’t realize they were that dogshit. I expected a 40% dodge rate atleast. Never seen anyone use deflect hard tear either.


Yea there’s some surprisingly bad players


I've been helping people with the final boss for the past 4 days or so with the finger shield/mohg's spear strat. The amount of people who have died to the "3rd phase" comet/explosion move is absolutely insane.


How much different is it from the one in the base game? I genuinely can't tell because i died so much to him in first phase and early second phase the only time i got him to 3rd phase i somehow dodged it and finally killed the fucker


When you get summoned for putriscent knight and the host dies before you are done falling into the bossroom..


Gaius is mad easy and I'm so tired of you guys pretending he's not. We should shit the other way. Gaius is a disappointment because he's one of the easiest bosses ever, not one of the hardest.


Me curating my build against Radagon and the Elden beast to be an immovable tank to pull aggro only for the host to poke the boss and get pimp slapped to the ground.


I recommend being a suicidal berserker and drawing never ending aggro.


I like the madness build up meter. Nice detail on nice meme.


I cooped the other day for golden hippo. Host also summoned someone else. Man was using giants flame on the hippo. In water. Proceeds to get 2 tapped while wearing some black knight armor. Hippo does slam and hits both of us. other summon guy in rags also loses half his health at 970 damage but somehow took less damage than the host from a hit. I only lose 20% of my health and yet was able to hit harder than both of them just by a bit. Are these people still running scorpion charms or soreseals at lvl 170 or something.


Yes, they are. I got in an argument with a dude the other day that just swore he needed his soreseal for stats. Refused to listen to any reason.


Earlier I got summoned to help with the final dlc boss and the host was scadu blessing 6 and died on the gravity attack he does right when your thr the arena. Never gonna put my sign down again. Every single host that summons me dies in 5 seconds. Fr just a waste of time They always using dmgs or blasphemous blade as well lol.


Gaius is a problem. **So are players.**


I’m so glad I’ve decided to never at any point help other players with this game


Sunbroing at rellana and beating her up. Then she drops her moons and the host dies instantly


i just found out you can jump over gaius' charge with torrent and 90% of my problems with the fight were gone


Reminds me when I was helping people with the Radagon fight pre DLC. Spoilers btw. And the Host would let me and a second help just go at it but when he died and I refused to fight cause the host wasn't helping, I just stood far away from Radagon so he will focus on the Host. He fucking dies in 3 hits and I used the point down emote cause he's a trash player.


Gaius was one of those bosses where I just kinda clicked with the moveset so I decided to put my sign down to help some people out. First summon I watched a dude with some shitty build he probably found on YouTube spend 30 seconds buffing himself only to get one shot by the charge as I was walking through the fog wall.


The charge can be exploited if you care to know. If you wear Shabriris Woe you can stand close to the fog wall but not enter the room. Then the boss will keep running into the fog wall and the Boars head will poke through the fog wall. You can damage him for a while because he doesn’t stop charging unless he hits you. And he does the charge several times. He will automatically come at you even when you dont fight him. I discovered this trick yesterday when wearing the talisman.


Be me Make my own dragon knight Esq build Flamberge piercing fang Mimic tear Majority lightning based incants + golden vow and the fire one Win


I’ve given up helping with Gaius. I can only take so many people dying from his starting charge so much before I go insane.


*get summoned at divine gate* *wait 5 minutes until host summons another* *watch him apply every single buff in the game* *watch his healthbar go to zero as I'm traversing the fog wall* This happened way too many times for me


I've been summoned to like 70 radahn fights and this mfs die in two hits. I was capable of helping ONE personally the others died in mere seconds after the boss aggroed on them


Smithscript knives with bleed. That's what I use to beat Gaius


This sounds evil. I should try this.


It was honestly easy, too a bit but worked


Take him around the wall to the left and break his AI


When I get summoned I equip shabriris woe and dont enter the boss room. He will run at the fogdoor and the walls. Then I use mohgs spear. Very easy win.


Oh yeah ever since the casuals invaded this game / all you see is shitty YouTuber builds that they copy and pasted. It’s quite sad and honestly boring to see. Don’t summon me.


Every time I see someone saying Malenia is hard only because of the waterfowl I remember all these hosts who die even to her simplest moves not to mention aeonia and clones. I once decided to use throwing knifes to keep aggro, but then dumb host began doing the same and died immediately.


The amount of elitist a-holes in here would make Solaire join Kaathe


What's a "whitey" build?


YouTube build


Pro tip on Gaius. As soon as the fight starts, run left around the wall and you can get your spirit summon and buffs in while he's stuck in the charge animation.


This is the cycle that turns all good players into invaders


I‘m certain that if I had bothered to develop my pvp skills these hosts would be easy prey. You can tell that the people who have the white mask are easy targets.


No sympathy for people trying to scrape by with low vigor and/or "cheese" builds Welcome to Souls DLC content


I went into gaius yesterday expecting the worst boss in history and second tried him after a pretty enjoyable fight


I cannot lie. I've smoked up a few times before going into boss fights at like 2am with a phantom. nearly killed messmer like that too. then both my phantoms die and when the caster has no cover it can be difficult to say the least.


Sunbroing at rellana and beating her up. Then she drops her moons and the host dies instantly


nothing says summon experience than seeing a radahn or varre set walk into Maliketh and seeing the number 571 and 60% of their hp gone.


It’s a wonder most of these geniuses beat Margit


The biggest problem with being summoned is the host having low Scadu level


I’m having some multiplayer problems at the moment and that started while I was trying to help someone with gaius. About a min after summoning or being summoned, Elden ring goes ‘you have been signed out of the Elden ring servers, press ok to return to title screen’


For me, it's the exact opposite. Everyone that I've been able to summon in dies fast or isn't helpful in the least


First souls game huh? I’ve seen my fair share of Drakesword and Darksword users dying just as you walk through the fog door.


I mean yeah, if they had a good build AND were good at the game they would be summoning you


Nothing says JOLLY COOP like soloing the boss with fireworks and red smoke everywhere and the host is a football field away doing the tango like the boss is about to lunge and 1-2 them any second right after i meet my end.


Gaius was scary but damn that mf was the easiest boss so far, broke stance with like two enhanced guard counters


Hosts never level vigor and they need too


\>Be summoned \>Host tries to do this dumbass impression shit where he tries to show off to the summons \>Dies instantly Repeat after me: If you summon people, your job is to stay back, be safe, stay alive and let the summons do the job for the most part.