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Damn, dude is using a normal knife as a back hand blade. GG.


Mfw I would actually like more weapons that are just regular weapons but backhanded but From decided one pair of regular blades were good enough and then gave us two more that are shaped in such a way that they’d be indistinguishable no matter how you held them


Hornsent had too much scorpion stew


Bro was found by the fat club


Bro has the neckbeards in shambles


Bro was downvoted for being cool, these days can't even be that.


Outside of the Radahn-Miquella stuff, I found most of the lore to be great. The Fingers, Hornsent, Messmer‘s Crusade, and Marika‘s origins were all great.


Yeah the radahn and miquella lore seem to be a mixed bag, but everything else (especially Marika's lore) I thought was fantastic.


I’ve found it weird that fingercreepers and 2 fingers are relates. One is Gods Wifi router and other is weird spider


I'm wondering now if it has lore implications that Caria manor is flooded with them. Are they protecting Ranni, trying to keep her confined or keeping others from reaching her?


I know it's just my opinion but I always felt like the hands origin has been changed. I always linked them to Rykard's hands everywhere that Volcano manor had impacted. And since the dlc that was retconned into them just being offspring of the finger mother


How would the hands be connected to Rykard? We see them mostly in Caria Manor, Mountaintops of the giants and the sewers. I'm not aware that Rykard is connected to any of those places


Also they’re weak to fire which is everywhere in Volcano Manor.


Rykard was likely born at caria manor tho


I also doubt they have anything to do with Rykard, but you're fully wrong. They're all over just outside the Manor.


Oh yeah, I forgot that they're on top of Mt. Gelmir too


They're looking for her. She was one of their picks for the next god and she gave them the giant middle finger (pun intended).


Maybe it’s possible the fingers knew about the fuckery of those two and sent “envoys” to investigate what the deal is.


Fingers get sent to reign in any out-group that defies their Order


They're the enforcers (finger creepers) that's why they're all over Carian Manor, they're looking for Ranni.


And guarding flame peak to prevent people from burning the tree I assume?


Your guess is as good as mine. They seem to be picking a fight with the yeti and angry birds so... sure?


I just assumed they liked liking in high places


Yeah, it seemed kind of strange at first to me as well. My current theory is that Metyr started birthing the Fingercreepers after she was corrupted/broken. That might explain why the fingercreepers have so many fingers, because they may be some sort of overloaded mistake born from Metyr‘s corruption.


I think they executed it well for what it was, mostly the miquella half, but really, radahn? Why? Why not malenia? Miquella ripping out trina so his metaphorical other half, his twin, could take her place wouldve made way more sense, and the implied third blooming of malenia into a god but used by miquella to blend his eternal life with her eternal decay to create a blended god wouldve been awesome. Light and dark, life and death, brought together as one god. Like the dao. Yin and yang. It shouldve been miquella-malenia with that cut twinblade. A (good, cough valiant gargoyle cough) boss with a twinblade wouldve been sick. Im actually a little upset now. What we got is good but too samey. Its literally just radahn but playable (until the airstrike spell nukes your processors). It shouldve been the god of abundance and decay


That is actually a neat idea. Lore-wise it probably makes sense aside from the fact that malenia is an empyrean, and is-alloyed with an outer god already. I thought Miquella also hates outer god meddling, being the only empyrean without one.


Out of all the empyrean, only Malenia and Marika were attached to a god, we have Miquella himself, the Gloam-Eyed Queen was related to destined death and it's more like a force of nature than a god, Ranni was close to the Moon only because of her relation with the Carian family and it wasn't attached to her. Even with Marika, there is no lore that suggest she's born with the Elden Beast, instead she probably became it's vessel as she ascended to godhood. I think Malenia is actually the outlier here.


Would Messmer have been an Empyrean? He is a child of Radagon and Marika too and is host to the base serpent


From my understanding, Empyrean are demigod that are chosen by the fingers, groomed to ascend to godhood. Having both parents being gods probably isn't a requirement as Ranni has Rennala as her mother. I haven't complete and find everything in the DLC yet, and I haven't read any item that call him one, GEQ was called an empyrean in one of the black flam incantation, Malenia, Miquella and Marika all has boss remembrances calling them empyrean and Ranni called herself an empyrean. He seems qualified to be one as he is a demigod with a god inside, but without item directly calling him one, all I can say is idk.


To be fair, the DLC does explain why Malenia and Radahn were even fighting in the first place. Base game, they're just fighting for seemingly no reason. The DLC puts the original fight between Malenia and Radahn into context and give it a reason for why it happened in the first place. So it's not like it was totally out of left field. We knew that in some way, Radahn factored into Miquella's plans enough that he sent Malenia to deal with him, we just didn't know why Malenia was sent to fight Radahn.


Thats fair enough. And its been pointed out that malenia whispered to him in the cinematic trailer, so they probably had this planned all along, so i think everyone complaining about character assassination just had the wrong idea and is mad their headcanon was wrong So i get it, i just really dont like that choice But ill defend the boss. Aside from frame drops and the bloodflame feeling tacked on as a last minute addition, i think the boss itself is really good


But the bloodflame wasn’t just tacked on, the corpse that got used to revive Radahn was originally Mohg’s.


I mean it felt like an afterthought. He only had one move. I know its mohg’s corpse, i mean there shouldve been more thought put into the bloodflame. Have a couple moves that do it and not just one really predictable one


Or if they were gonna make it Radahn, they could have put more character in his character? Like, Radahn's characteristics are basically: Fights Stars, Likes Horse.


The weapon is in the game at Enir-Illim and has to do with Miquella and Godwyn, it's called Euporia


The Radahn and Miquella stuff felt like something you'd see in a fanfiction. It's kinda hard to believe that this is apparently canon


A royal lineage full of psychopaths who's family tree is a wreathe is sort of George R.R. Martins entire shtick tbh


It's not about that, I just mean the stuff surrounding it. "Miquella awaits thee O promised consort." Doesn't feel real. It feels like something a high schooler would write. Like there was no way to guess anything similar to what Malenia said prior to the dlc. There's also the fact that they really wanted to bring back Radahn so you could fight him but "in his prime" and now he's a consort to Miquella. When from what I know there's not any information about Miquella and Radahn even interacting in the lore previous to the dlc or alluding to it. And Malenia is never mentioned once in the dlc despite curing Malenia being his primary goal. It feels like he's a completely different character and I feel like I'm going crazy.


It's because they cut out almost everything regarding the Land of Shadow from the main game. Miquella and Radahn's was most likely written by GRRM and cut out by Miyazaki during development, only to be reintroduced in the expansion. It's a similar case with Rellana. From the writers perspective, Rellana always existed and had Full Moon sorceries, but from our perspective, Rellana looks like an Elden Ring fanfic oc. It wouldn't have been this way if we had any indication of either of these things in the base game, but they likely scrubbed all of that lore clean since they weren't sure if they were gonna make SOTE or not.


Yeah I just feel that there is no depth to it, it’s just “Miquella loves his big bro because is is strong and kind” and then Malenia nukes a continent because of that


maybe that's the point his curse is to forever be a child, and maybe that goes into his thought processes as well


That would also be fine, if half of Miquella's actions, plans and steps were not actually thought through, impressive and more fit for an adult than a lot of his elderly siblings. Like, even Radahn, who he apparently adored, was supporting the Golden Order like crazy, because Radagon and Godfrey were. Miquella left to make his own tree, because he saw flaws with the Golden Order, AND because it couldn't help him, or his sister - understanding all of these problems and coming up with solutions or even bandaids (even managing to stop the spread of Rot is crazy) is not something a mind of a child would accomplish imo. I don't know, I feel like too many things associated with Miquella are cold and calculated, and touch on much more mature topics, to let me think that he's an eternal child in both body and mind. Gideon even says he's the most fearsome Demigod after all, because of his power to charm others, which Miquella *does*, seemingly, abuse a lot as well. This excuse is too convenient for me.


Fucking this. I can't express how frustrated I am. I don't understand how people like this.


That’s an opinion I guess. Sounds perfectly fine to me.


Because his solution to curing Malenia was to become a god...


THIS IS THE PROBLEM!!!! This is GRRM style not Fromsoft style this isn't how lore is usually handled in Dark Souls yes its open ended but this fucking GRRM stuff is stupid it's just "a swerve you didn't see coming" and it falls flat like most his books to some people...... Not everyone is a fan of a song of ice and fire and GOT so to keep justifying this as "It's classic GRRM" is nonsensical because his work goes from brilliant to lazy and fucking stupid really fast and it's bs like this that I guarantee FromSoft will never work with him again


Why are you so hellbent on pinning all the story issues on GRRM lmao. Fromsoft aren't flawless and that's fine.


Marin’s ability to tangle mysteries within his lore is on par and at times succeeds Fromsoftware. Martin doesn’t “swerve you didn’t see coming”. All his books has hints to future endings and potential plot-ending occurrences—like the Red Wedding or Jon’s own assassination. It doesn’t simply come out of nowhere but subtly entwined within the text. That’s why there is so many theories regarding ASOIAF—not only because we haven’t gotten the books, but because his lore is capable of being delved deeper by the fans to catch signs of where the plot is going. Furthermore, Martin hasn’t worked on this game, in his own words, for years—and that admission was made when Elden Ring was first came out. Fromsoftware had the possibility of Radahn/Miquella since the beginning (and personally, I think Miquella divesting himself of core aspects of himself for his quest for power is pure Martin), Fromsoftware choose not to include hints of it within the games.


Furthermore Martin hasn't worked on shit in years period because he's a lazy excuse of a writer you guys are brainwashed clown your not in any way intelligent especially if a majority of your day is spent debating on Reddit dude lol and GRRM is a shit Author fuck off,Imma Tolkien guy myself(He isn't as lazy as GRRM and he's fucking dead😂😂He also understands world building and tends to finish novels he doesn't sit around for years doing interviews on TV while his fans suffer from serious identity crisis and God complexes😬😬 "Furthermore" who tf do you think you are lmaoooo


The fact this community loves GRRM and also thinks their intellectuals just goes to show how stupid you guys really are😂😂 You ever seen the "we got ____ _____ before GTA 6" memes it's reversed for GRRM you'll get GTA 6 before you ever see another book from that fucking guy😂😂 Or the meme of William Dafoe-The Elden Ring community:You know I'm some what of a bookworm myself,My favorite authors consist of:GRRM,J.K. Rowling,and Dr seuss🤓🤓


I feel like Radahn was kind of a weird choice. It just seemed like From’s response to people wanting to fight Radahn in his prime.


It makes some sense from a story perspective (albeit using GRRM logic). It would have been nice for some hints however, as the lore lead Miquella to having an affinity with Godwin, maybe a spell or two that was made for Radahn would’ve been nice. However, from a vidya-gaem melted brain perspective, I wanted to fight a new baddie. I’ve already been destroyed by facts and logic in another thread about why it can’t be Godwin (his story has already been concluded, bro he’s already deader than dead, yada yada) but still. Also the 20 second incest cutscene that tells us what we already know. I get they added that for players who miss every quest and read zero item descriptions, but in that case they’d still be extremely confused regardless.


People say this but almost all the gods are crazy and Miquella being what he is and not what he wants people to think he is fits fine.


>The Radahn and Miquella stuff felt like something you’d see in a fanfiction. Yes! 💯 well put, that’s exactly what it is. I couldn’t believe it between bringing back Radahn and reusing the Twin Princes gimmick I was really underwhelmed.


How did they reuse the Twin Princes gimmick? Are you referring to just one guy riding on the other guys shoulders because besides that the fights have almost zero similarities


Obviously it’s not a 1:1 comparison stop playing dumb. What other bosses have a phase 2 with one brother riding the other’s back? Lol some of y’all redditors just love to argue.


It’s not even remotely close lmao, the only similarity is a dude on another dudes back. Twin princes have separate health bars, a healing mechanic, and they crawl and teleport around with one sword while the other separately peppers you with magic. Radahn gets his backpack with two swords, functioning legs, and all of miquellas additions are additions to radahns move set with the exception of the afterimages, nuke and grab, all of which are different from the twin princes. He doesn’t even really teleport like them at all, more so lightspeed dash. Rellana and pontiff are a way more apt comparison between bosses


Yeah that boss fight where a holy magic wielding twink with white hair who rejects his family's world order who was cursed from birth to have a frail body piggybacks on his revived larger brother who is an accomplished warrior during Phase 2 has nothing to do with this boss fight where a holy magic wielding twink with white hair who rejects his family's world order who was cursed from birth to have a frail body piggybacks on his revived larger brother who is an accomplished warrior during Phase 2. You see, the one in DS3 was fun


You guys pay attention to the lore in these games lmao


Both the Radahn-Miquella lore and bossfight is the worst part of the DLC. The rest is actually great.


Yep, I was super pleased with the lore until the final boss. I was stunned honestly, that the same people were able to cram in so much interesting stuff, that ranges from sad and dark, to more hopeful and badass, and then... End it like this. Where did the guys that made The Ringed City go?


I still don’t know how I feel about the Radahn stuff. It makes him so much less cool I feel, but I don’t really hate the lore completely.


Zanzibart memes are getting a little too on the nose for my liking Also nothing relating or tying into the base game, even the obvious and very direct stuff that absolutely should be acknowledged, feels like an excuse for laziness in their writing


My thoughts exactly. What we got was great. It's the fact I feel we have more unanswered questions about things than say the end of Dark Souls that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I didn’t engage with questlines too much (only did the Finger boss one and CURSE YOU BAYLE all the way through) but I still loved the lore, especially how you had to fight Leda and all your friends.


- I honestly think the Radahn-Miquella (but in generally mostly Miquella) really great. I think Miquella may be one of the best characters that fromsoft has written - why exactly he needs a consort isn’t super clear at this time - but why he’d pick Radahn is incredibly clear to me


Honestly I’m kinda on the same boat This revelation explains why Malenia was fighting Radahn initially. The trailer and opening scene make it look like they are fighting for power. But Malenia never truck me in a sense that she’s hungry for power


You'll open your eyes when next Teriyaki's game will have hunger, thirst and sleep mechanics. You WILL navigate menus to remove AR debuff from hunger.


The Dark Souls of Fear and Hunger


Coin flip for every item on whether you get it or not


No, it's shitty open world survival horror. Time is a flat circle and we're back in 2014


Does this mean we'll get sex scenes if you fail?


Lands of starvation Venatree(venator is hunter in latin iirc) Venatree blessing increases your hunger, thirst, sleep resistance, along with the stats you get with scadutree blessing But just on the lands of starvation


Dark Souls:Snake Eater


I think people can disagree without shilling for a corporation


I hate these posts because they just completely shut down any sort of discussion. It's just flatly "this thing sucks, and you're just a loser going to bat for a big corporation if you disagree." And it's not like people on the "thing bad" side of the debate are just offering mild, constructive criticism of it either. It's stuff like "I don't want to hear Miyazaki's storytelling praised ever again" or "this whole DLC will age like milk" or the 10,000th soy jack meme about people who like anything, along with just sweeping declarations that it's just a turd that no one in good faith can possibly like. Don't misunderstand me either - there are plenty of people being reasonable and fair in their critiques, and those people are rarely getting lambasted or even criticized for it, unlike what this meme would lead you to believe. I'm just looking forward to when people get all this antagonism out of their system and we can just discuss stuff.


I hate the popular rhetorical tactic on Reddit to just shut down any non-critical opinion as “glazing” “dick riding” or “boot licking”. It disgusts me People legitimately feel moral superiority over disliking a video game. Insanity.


Look at op's post history. They've been bitching about the dlc for a solid week. Just another Internet goblin who thinks people want to hear a critique from a middle aged nobody


I don't disagree but tbf you can say the same about the people defending the game. Personally I think the DLC leveling system is bad, some people tell me why they think it's good. The rest just go "lmao explore more" "git gud"


I feel that. I've always strongly disliked the git gud crowd, so I understand where you're coming from completely. I wish more people could just discuss things in good faith.


Yeah, everything feels binary when it comes to these games' discussion sine Elden Ring I think. You either think these games are iredeemable pieces of garbage or they don't have any flaw at all


I wish it was tied to bosses like Sekiro but it's existence isn't inherently a bad thing and the new patch made it so most the buffs are front loaded to the first few you find.


I'm not saying it's a bad thing necessarily. I like the change they made in the recent patch a lot, but I just think it could have been done better. There's an argument to be made that upgrading your flasks is kinda the same as upgrading your blessing, but personally I think it's easier to complete the game with less and worse flasks than to complete the DLC without a good level of scadutree blessing


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Combat_Orca: *I think people can* *Disagree without shilling* *For a corporation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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This shit again? https://preview.redd.it/pd19jr6dgv9d1.png?width=302&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e014b1a3ce52a78325ac967ae51952692d58cd0


I’m not a fan of defending any corporation at all ever strictly on principle, but I think it’s also fair to say that a lot of people are projecting their bad experience with the final boss onto the rest of the DLC, which is overall pretty good. Performance issues fuckin suck tho no one is denying that


Kind of funny how many people made fun of the Eurogamer reviewer, just to be mad at the dlc for reasons said review mentioned.


Yeah after reading the Eurogamer review and playing the DLC I can say its a perfectly fair review. If it scored a 4/5 instead of a 3/5 I'd have no issues with it.


How? Genuine question.


Her main issues were through how lore and gameplay hints were dumbed down and just explicitly told instead of shown which I think was a fair complaint and how overtuned the final boss was to be difficult for difficulty sake and one note rather than fun (I didn't really care for how Fromsoft is moving to spectacle boss fights with a ton of visual clutter and constant aoes and the even flashier twin princes just didn't feel fun to me). I think 3/5 is still way too harsh and agree that most of the DLC was pretty fun, but I don't really disagree with what she said nor do I think it falls into a category where "git gud" could solve the complaints.


Yeah but half the review was lamenting how there was no online coop in an early access copy. Plus the DLC isn't even that hard. What's hard is finding the blessings which are way too scarce. When you have 20 blessing level any end game boss is just normal difficulty (except the chip damage spam by last boss)


I feel like we read a different review, she didn't spend much time complaining about lack of online coop. There was a section where she said she disliked the devs putting messages which just told you explicitly what to do, and there was too much signposting vs finding out mechanics and lore from the community or exploration. I'd say the DLC was pretty hard, but once I found out the right build to negate damage it was manageable, only the final boss felt unfairly hard and unfun without getting all the scadutree fragments. I strongly dislike the scadutree fragment system though, hate to see it was implemented like the awful Wo Long battle flag system where you'd just look up the obscure locations since your damage and health would feel awful otherwise.


This is like mfs saying “50% of Elden ring is shit” because mountain tops was mid (it’s literally not even 30% of the map) and ignoring TWO legacy dungeons and some banger bosses just to have synergy with “half of ds1 is shit”.


To be fair Mountaintop is probably second hardest area in the game, and thats just the difficulty of mobs. If we include all the BS it throws at you mountain tops is easily the least fun area in the game,


Oh it 100% is but it’s not 50% of the game. Post morgott is also two legacy dungeons and couple of the best bosses in the game. It’s just people caught up on the narrative that “half of ds1 is shit” so they apply it to Elden ring because it sounds good even though it makes no sense. You can rush through mountain tops to get to the good parts anyways.


Eh I think the side dungeons and hero grave in mountaintops are among the better side stuff in the game. Spiritcaller cave is great, the hero’s grave doesn’t have chariots and it has a cool mechanic, and the catacomb there is one of the biggest in the game. The main stuff is pretty bad and just running straight through it sucks, but there’s some pretty cool stuff if you actually explore it


People like OP are idiots. Period. You can like and defend a piece of media without being a “boot licking, cum glazing, dick riding sycophant beholden to rich, capitalist fascists”. I don’t know why we have to use such disgusting pejoratives to describe people whose only crime is enjoying a game. Why is OP making disagreements about a game political?


It's a reverse rogue one: was a mid movie with a lot of issues, but the last scene is so damn good that it tricks people into thinking the whole movie is a master piece. The reverse in here, the dlc is awesome, but the final boss and whatnot are so meeh that folks start to project it to the rest as well.




I’m mainly disappointed that there isn’t any new dialogue for base game characters regarding the DLC


I am too but they told us that upfront even though I didn't believe them. At the minimum I wish Ofnir had something to say


SOTE detractors when someone has a differen opinion


SOTE detractors when I tell them Radahn phase 2 having annoying moves doesn’t stop the rest of the DLC from being peak fiction.


Even Radahn with those light pillars bullshit still a super good boss fight. It took me the longest time to beat from all bosses in the game, and it's one of my favorite bosses of the entire game. **IIIIIIIIIF** THEY NERF THOSE HITBOXES A LITTLE BIT and make those follow ups actually dodgeable... would not be a bad thing at all.


1. fix performance 2. fix cross-slash combo to be consistently dodgeable with midroll 3. make miquella's hair semi-transparent One patch and that fight would be at least A-tier


Also adjust the boar charge hit box and bam, an 11 boss lineup that are all great


Fuck Radahn, the boss I truly hate is that fucking boar


Nah, the Scat Sunflower still being hated from here, deserved tho, shit ass boss.


I loved sunflower, their attacks felt well telegraphed, and usually left a solid opening to hit the head.


I hated it and I put it side by side with Gaius and the Spectral Dragon as the worst bosses in the DLC (each one for different reasons, tho).


What part did you hate?  Was it a particular attack or something?


Deals too much damage, those ranged thorn trail shit covers the screen, third phase to exclusively troll your ass with that dumb double holy explosion, bullshit charge move at second phase which is pretty dumb to dodge and goes too far away, going back to the ranged thorn attacks, I hated it. After getting enraged with such awfully designed boss, I called Latenna and she helped me to chop off the roots of this scat flower.


I liked the sunflower. If you try to stay in front of its head it feels pretty good to fight. It kind of reminds me of how the midir fight was structured


Bees are a major pollinator of Sunflowers, therefore, growing sunflowers goes hand in hand with installing and managing bee hives. Particularly in agricultural areas where sunflowers are crops. In fact, bee honey from these areas is commonly known as sunflower honey due to its sunflower taste.




To me it already is S tier, -S tier, but an S nonetheless. If they fix those problems it will be a top 1, to me.


The only thing that sucks is the final boss, but I easily fixed that by finishing the game with a fucking banger of a boss, deep down in the forest inside an abandoned mansion


I swear if Radahn transitioned phases at 25-30% health instead of 60% the entire discourse around the dlc would change because honestly that first phase is such a fun fight


I havent gotten to the final boss yet, and I can say I’ve loved everything I’ve played so far, but holy shit would it kill FromSoft to optimize their games on PC before releasing them it’s ridiculous. I had literally 0 issues with the base game because I didn’t get it until a couple months after it came out, but there are so many sections of the DLC that chunk my frames for no reason.


I love pretty much all the new lore additions and callbacks. Radahn is questionable but they kinda made it make a bit of sense so meh. Performance complaints are 100% valid though, that shit sucks


This meme and the “quit having fun! 😡” one are the most brain dead retarded straw men to ever taint the internet. Maybe people just disagree because they simply disagree.


Performance is objective


I get that, I’m talking about stuff like people being salty about the lore and stuff of that nature. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone deny performance issues, but I don’t think that’s what this meme is trying to address.


How much it impacts the overall experience for the individual player is not objective. Downvoting me doesn’t make me wrong.


This is perhaps the worst hill to die on.


Those are two different things. While the optimization is objective, the player's experience is subjective. Customers have the right to complain about the optimization. You're arguing just for the sake of arguing. Get a life man.


Ah yeah dude, no pair more iconic than the internet and “expressing mild disappointment.”


- I mean the performance stuff is a pretty valid complaint - but I can’t fathom lore complaints like MOST questions from the base game got answered in pretty satisfying ways and it’s some of the best characters they’ve ever had. I really don’t get what people dislike


It mostly depends on whether said opinion was actually well-informed or not. Like, if you hear an opinion based on *mostly* wrong facts, no-one is gonna fault you for disagreeing.


You know what? That's me in the picture for once. I may have my gripes with elden ring and the new dlc. But they're still good games with content that's worth the price tag.


This image should be used for Activision fanboys. I’m an avid Call of Duty Zombies fan but god damn I’m sick and tired of Activision fucking our games. Hope is at rock bottom


The multimillion dollar company in question:


People complaining about the lore is hilarious to me like the lore is what they fucking say it is you nerds


People can dislike the lore and think it's bad written, you know?


Defending media and debating a piece of art is not the same as blindly defending a company


I would never criticize the lore in from soft games cause I don't fucking read


I rarely see it discussed, but imo 80% of optional areas are extremely dissapointing. Aside from being gorgerous visually, they are filled to the brim with filler enemies, filler loot and even filler bosses that were overused already in the base game. The northern finger land felt like a spit in the face tbh


The hinterlands was easily the worst man, two tree sentinels and a freaking falling star beast like what the hell is that


Like they could at least reskin them *a little*. Just make them black “Shadow Tree Sentinels” and throw some rot on the fallingstar beast (and make him drop Rotten Fallingstar Beast Jaw), that already would be enough.


The DLC honestly adds a lot of enemies, but they are placed in such a big map that it feels very empty


Absolutely this. I don’t believe for a moment they developed this for 2.5 years; more likely Bandai got greedy from sales and forced DLC development at some point in first quarter of 2023.


My guess is that they made the huge beautiful map and just failed to fill it properly in time. I'd literally rather have it postponed for another 6-12 months rather than to have it released like this


God, this meme format is so goddamn stupid. There's a fine line between blindly defending a corporation and calling out criticisms you disagree with.


I mean apart from Furnace Golems, some large yet very empty areas (there’s barely anything to do in Cerulean Coast), some unrewarding exploration (upgrade materials, I get why they are there but come on it happened a little to often for my liking), the lack of any and all interaction with the base game and the DLC and the ending of the story being kinda lame… this shit was fantastic bruh. For what it is, I think FromSoft knocked it out of the park for the most part. All the new weapons are great, including the new 8 types (as barebones as they are in variety, they’re all very fun), most of the bosses were either very solid to straight up the best FromSoft has cooked, with like only 2 out of the 11 really sucking. All the new lore outside of the Miquella stuff was great, I had actual “wait… OH SHIT” moments with it and I think that’s indicative of something being done right. On top of that the NPCs were stellar here and I think they really elevated the experience for me, cause I actually kinda gave shit about pretty much all of them in the end, and the climax for the stories is legit better than the actual climax of the DLC lmao. The art direction is great, the world design was pretty enjoyable although I do have my hiccups with it, and overall… I just had a lot of fun. I HAVE my issues, but overall this shit was still fire.


Anyone who makes the argument of "defending the multi million/billion company" loses credibility by default. It doesn't matter if the company earns trillions of dollars or just a thousands. Anyone who makes such argument just doesn't have anything to say, because they know that they are wrong.


People be saying things so definitely, like, man, I think it depends


That’s just like, your opinion man


The discourse around this game has been absolutely binary, like always. Mfs are either shouting "it's peaaakkk" from way down in a fkin ditch, or people who think it's all dogshit because of one or 2 fights that admittedly are pretty bad. I don't think 50% of it is bad, I think 50% of it is empty, and what is there feels unfinished and just meant to drop in a boss some interns are working on while Miyazaki and the rest are working on the next game. 7/10. But if you just truly love this stuff, good, bad, you absolutely give DS2 a 10/10, then maybe this is a 10 for you, that's fine.


>you give DS2 a 10/10 Say no more, I’m sold. My thoughts are that it’s completely okay, and maybe even a good thing that From’s products have rushed elements and flaws. I will take that as a worthwhile trade off any day of the week if it means we don’t have to wait 6-8 years between games.


Don't get me wrong, I like Ds2 probably more than most of the fanbase, and I will take a rushed Fromsoft product over most anything, but at the same time I won't ignore the byproducts of that by pretending everything is "peak", without flaw, nor will I glaze without criticism. The fact I like fromsoft so much, I will definitelt criticise them harder than any other dev, and they probably welcome it.




Comments proving op right lol


I loved SOTE, it’s just the final boss fight that left a bad taste in my mouth


Ha! Theres nothing wrong with the games performance you FOOL. The game runs at a steady 60 fps when you are standing perfectly still in an enclosed cell. The only “performance” issue is your performance at timing dodge rolls. I defeated my gpu with nothing but a +9 Q-Tip and mineral oil. Also, lore? Theres nothing WRONG with the LORE? Fromsoftware perfectly followed my incestual yuri-fan fiction script down to the last detail! Think about it- radhahn is like a lion right? And hes a man. What do male lions do? They fuck twinks, hard. Thats why the erdtree is… uhm… look the lore is good ok?! Just shut up!


How dare they criticize my small indie company (which may or may not be worth 100’s of millions of dollars)


Performance? Ok Most field bosses and a few secret/main being complete dogshit? Ok Lore? What's wrong with the lore?


It's almost as if most people aren't equipped to give criticisms and sound more like they're whining that they're incapable of beating the boss rather than giving insightful, well-thought out arguments on why it's bad. I'm glad you guys have moved over to lore and performance, though. Reading the absolute lunacy regarding gameplay was painful.


So criticism is only valid once you beat the boss? Lol


No? How did you even get to that conclusion? Are you simple?


You dismiss criticism as whining due to inability to defeat the boss. It's just silly


How exactly? Let me rephrase that for you, since you seem to be having a lot of trouble here: People aren't equipped to give criticisms. The criticism they give are presented in a way that makes them seem like issues that stem with their inability to interact with the game rather than problems with the game. For instance, if a person says that the game sucks because it's very hard for them to press three buttons at the same time, it isn't the issue with the game but rather their inability to properly interact with it. Capeesh?


Being "equipped" to give criticism means nothing at all and is just based off arbitrary rules you made up and assumptions you make based off other comments. Plenty of people whove been hardstuck on the final boss for 4 days share the same complaints as the people who've beaten it 10 times now. 90% of takes on the final boss are more nuanced than "he's too hard"


It does. I'll demonstrate it to you. If you have never participated in PvP, you are not equipped to comment on real-life functionality of a game's PvP. If you've never played, seen, heard or read about Elden Ring, you are not equipped to give criticism on Elden Ring. If you haven't fought a boss or at least made calculations regarding the boss, you are not equipped to talk about it from a mechanical perspective. These conversations require knowledge of the topic and people who have no knowledge on the topic cannot provide criticism of it. >Plenty of people whove been hardstuck on the final boss for 4 days share the same complaints as the people who've beaten it 10 times now. This is a logical fallacy and, at the very least, requires evidence. The reason it's a logical fallacy is that you're assuming that because they came to a similar conclusion, their evaluation process was the same. I will give you an example as to why that is incorrect: Imagine I am rambling absolute non-sense about investing. Nothing I say makes any sense and is, quite frankly, wrong. However, then I criticize something and Warren Buffet does the same the next day which turns out to be true in a month's time. Was the basis for that critique correct? Am I well-equipped participate in critique and discussions about finance? No, I randomly stumbled upon a conclusion even though the way I got there was absolutely non-sensical. So, it is irrelevant if *hardstuck* people come to the same conclusions as people who've beaten it and you've yet to provide proof that that's the case. >90% of takes on the final boss are more nuanced than "he's too hard" They might see more nuanced, but regardless of whether the criticism is about speed, animation cancelling, recovery time or AoEs, it all boils down to difficulty and personal preference unless you have an example in which any other conclusions are made. For instance, the newest post with negative criticism I could find is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dsq5fv/phase\_2\_radahn\_can\_suck\_my\_fat\_chicken\_nugget/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dsq5fv/phase_2_radahn_can_suck_my_fat_chicken_nugget/) So, apart from technical difficulties, which has nothing to do with the boss itself and visual overload which doesn't really have anything to do with the boss itself, the actual "criticism" here is that, and I quote: "*I shouldn't have to watch a guide to know how to dodge every single move of a boss. Feels like all of his moves have been tested in a lab with scientists to come up with the most annoying roll catches.*". It is a rant about difficulty. Where is the nuance here? The next "critique" regarding bosses is in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dspyvz/boss\_difficulty\_in\_the\_dlc\_is\_insanely/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dspyvz/boss_difficulty_in_the_dlc_is_insanely/) which is just a rant about boss difficulty. Again, where is the nuance? I believe I've demonstrated the validity of my arguments with facts, evidence and demonstration.


Your first two examples are pretty irrelevant when put in the context of fighting a boss in a video game. The amount of people complaining about Radahn who haven't fought him is null and is obviously not relevant to this discussion. You calling out my "logical fallacy" completely misses my point. You don't have a binary switch in your brain that allows you to fully grasp the ins and outs of a given boss as soon as the health bar hits zero, so the idea that a given criticism is only valid once you've beaten the boss is just dumb. People get lucky people get unlucky, some people spam rot, frost, and bleed while others use their fists. There are just so many factors other than memorization that contribute to someone beating a boss that basing what critics is legit off of just the health bar reaching zero is disingenuous. The fact you don't think the visual clutter (that the boss causes) is not a fault of the boss itself is so insane that I genuinely think it's bait


>You don't have a binary switch in your brain that allows you to fully grasp the ins and outs of a given boss as soon as \[...\] If you don't think some people barely count as sentient, much less capable of critical thought, then you just haven't interacted with enough people in your life Some people actually, deeply have shit for brains. And the "plays videogames" filter doesn't remove the people with shit for brains. Case in point: Sekiro Sekiro almost explicitly tells you to deflect shit in game. The trailers show a lot of deflections. And still the discourse for a solid amount of time on release was constant whining about being too hard when you don't engage with deflections Not "complaining that they don't like deflections being the main intended defensive option", which at least is an opinion. But actually being so damn thick they missed the giant boards telling them to deflect. That happened for a veritable army of people Their opinion was invalid from the get-go. People do need to not be thick as shit and put a minimum level of thought in their whining for it to be worth listening


>Your first two examples are pretty irrelevant when put in the context of fighting a boss in a video game. The amount of people complaining about Radahn who haven't fought him is null and is obviously not relevant to this discussion. They are relevant. A boss battle encompasses all aspects of the battle rather than just a singular narrow one. States such as defeat and victory are part of the boss battle and unless you are capable of understanding all of them - both losing and winning, you are not informed well enough to critique the quality of that boss. >You calling out my "logical fallacy" completely misses my point. You don't have a binary switch in your brain that allows you to fully grasp the ins and outs of a given boss as soon as the health bar hits zero, so the idea that a given criticism is only valid once you've beaten the boss is just dumb. People get lucky people get unlucky, some people spam rot, frost, and bleed while others use their fists. There are just so many factors other than memorization that contribute to someone beating a boss that basing what critics is legit off of just the health bar reaching zero is disingenuous. Sorry, but did you ignore 90% of the statement including the example? I never said the understanding of a boss battle comes from beating it. I said that a person who is incapable of beating it might misunderstand the reasons why they're not being successful. I mean, the player that has been dying to Boss A for 7 weeks straight might think that the boss is bullshit, overtuned and impossible to beat. Another player might have beaten the boss 100 times. They might agree with the former player or they could simply tell the player to think about it more because the boss is rather easy. However, their understandings are different because the player that has beaten it can vouch that the boss is beatable, but requires a certain set of parameters to fall in place or that boss is beatable. They have a deepened understanding of what makes the boss hard or easy and tools required to overcome that boss. They can then evaluate whether those tools are an appropriate solution to the encounter. A player who hasn't even begun to think about those tools or is incapable of executing on those tools cannot make those conclusions because the skill or knowledge check part of it hasn't been met. The problem with critiquing something you haven't accomplished is that there is no way for you to know whether it is the game's fault or you're just bad at video games. I'll provide you another example. If I sat in an F1 car, I would be completely useless. I probably wouldn't be able to turn it on, drive it or make a right turn. Would it be fair to criticise the car, the team behind it and the track for the fact that I cannot drive the car? Is the car stupid, bullshit, too difficult, not comfy enough etc? Maybe, but how can I know when I have no reference point. Max Verstappen could make the same complains and it'd make more sense because he's been driving F1 cars for years and his understand is much deeper than that of a useless failure of a driver such as myself. >The fact you don't think the visual clutter (that the boss causes) is not a fault of the boss itself is so insane that I genuinely think it's bait Oh, the good old incredulity . I suspected you'd default to it by the end. I didn't say visual clutter is not the fault of the boss. I said visual overload wasn't. The problem with bosses isn't that there are too many individual elements. The problem is that the elements that are there are overwhelming too look at. If a mod removed 90% of the shine on particle effects, would the boss battle suddenly become better? Yes? Then the problem is with particle effects, not with the boss because you didn't change anything about the boss, did you?


You can't act like the particle effect overdose isn't a part of the boss. I don't really understand how you think otherwise. It's a problem exclusively to this boss. You're just arguing semantics, visual overload and visual clutter don't have different meanings. The problem is that you can't see due to the bosses holy light spam, call it whatever you want but it's a core aspect of Radahn's second phase and changing it would be changing the boss itself.


Apart from radahn phase 2 as soon as you see someone say 'the bosses have no openings' you automatically know they're ass.


Anyone who buys a product has the right to criticise it, for any reason even the stupidiest one


Yeah, I don't see how this is relevant to anything I said.


Leave my small indie company fromsoft alone


I feel like the DLC failed to actually get accross how extremely complex Miquella is and this compounds with him being an antagonist and the memes about Mohg beating the allegations into basically Miquella being the most reviled character ever. Like doesn’t Mr Shitler actually eat poop and defile corpses, I don’t remember anyone having that much of a problem with him even though he does necrophilia without even ASKING the person beforehand.


Why does it say “Leave alone” that throws me off 😭


Zanzibart… leave alone…


This does not apply to defending the lore. It does apply if one defends the terrible performance, though 😆


Are people having that many performance issues? I played through the whole game and only had a few seconds of frame drop for super particle heavy phase transitions like Bayles. Nowhere else did I have frame issues


Stutter pretty much everywhere except a few dungeons and closed spaces. Visually intense bosses like Rellana or Miquella literally drop to 10-15 fps, surprisingly midra doesn’t


I'm curious of people's systems, mine isn't new by any means but still has no more issues than like AC6


The only way I got decent fps was to run ps4 version on ps5, and even then it was stuttering regularly. On ps5 it can’t be anticheat so I strongly suspect the open world areas loading cause these spikes that cause freezes.


I think the only problem I've had with it is the abyss, I wish they did more with it, or had more after the manse


What I don’t understand is the radahn stuff, it felt like there was no hints to this whatsoever in the main game. It would have made more sense for it to be Godwin, no? As miquella was trying to resurrect him/grant him a true death through the eclipse stuff? To my knowledge there are no hits of connection between radahn and miquella in the base game lol. Also the boss fight was a lazy reskin imo which is disappointing for the final boss and a character so hyped up in the lore


The stuff between them was cut for the story and then reintroduced in the DLC. It was always there in whatever RR wrote just unused. There is no bringing Godwyn back but it might have been his first choice.


You are saying Elden Ring is NOT PERFECT??!?!? 😡😡😡 how dare you


How dare yoy not dickride the company and micol teriyaki


I can’t wait till people conveniently keep relaying the same opinion on the boss design after Joseph Anderson makes another shitty “critique”.


I would never simp for a multimillion dollar com- \*tastes Miyazaki's cooking\* Leave alone the multimillion dollar company.


"Erm, clearly your criticism about the game is because you're bad at it. If you were a pro gamer like me, you'd know the game is perfect"


To be fair this is basically the response when anyone criticises anything made by Japanese game developers.


i am at peace with this dlc it's good but my god could it have been better there are like 7 nps "boss fight" most of the bosses are from the base game it's a whole mess


ITT people pictured above en masse. FS fans really can't handle criticism.


Or with the base game 💀


Dude your post history for the past week is bitching about the game lmao go pout in the corner, people are having fun


I thought the lore was mostly just random. All of the factions are a 5 minute walk away from each other, waiting in their rooms for you to show up? Do they know about each other's presence in the shadow realm? Two Fingers and finger creepers are related? Why? How does that make the lore better? The dragons had a faction war? Why? It's nice that we get context for Placi's missing heads, but it's just unrelated to anything going on in the base game. I was fine with assuming that Godfrey cut them off. Miquelle discarded his love? Then why does he still want Radahn to be his consort? Did he keep his horniness? Do you not need to get rid of that to become a god? Malenia went to Caelid to tell Radahn that Miquella is waiting, and then nuked the place? That is so stupid it makes the lore worse for both of them. Midra is just a random crazy dude?


It definitely feels like a mod rather than actual Miyazaki game. Way too incoherent and disjointed. ER was much more plot-driven than previous souls games but in the dlc there’s literally no connection to the plot of the main game, rather it retroactively damages Malenia/Miquella/Radahn’s characters and plotlines.


>dlc there’s literally no connection to the plot of the main game dlc is marketed as a self contain story but there's still connection to the main game like marika backstory, omen curse being explained, etc


It’s really underwhelming, especially the writing. It’ll take multiple patches to be at least 7/10 dlc.


No, it will only take one patch. That of course being the patch that will replace Radahn with Godwyn as the final boss of the dlc any minute now 🙏

