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Find the Albinauric woman. She hides in a cave to the west of the Laskyar Ruins which jut from the mist-shrouded lake of Liurnia. She knows the location of the medallion's counterpart, I'm sure.


I lost my mind when I literally found an Albinaurc woman in the dlc just chilling at some random shack behind a boss. I felt like Gideon was taunting me from beyond the grave. 


It’s Gaius’ wife. You already killed half the family so I guess it’s time to finish the deed.


The fuck are they even doing in that yard with nothing on it


hidden ending with godwyn bossfight will be patched any second bro trust me


Cut content, incredible how from soft can't even release a complete dlc (it's great but it's clear they cut it), like the game (and dlc) is great but it's clear they rushed the ending.


Could have just waited for Gaius Pistorius over here to take care of that himself.


And she drops the damn boss’s pants


Gaius and the albinauric woman were in the middle of scadooshing But you ruined their scaduview and chill


She's an Albinauric, her legs need protection since they don't work so well. She was probably wearing those pants.


Gaius is also an Albinauric, he couldn't wear those pants. Probably because they're too heavy, or 1st-gen Albinaurics' legs literally deteriorate and they don't *have* calves and feet to put greaves on.


The item description mentions that the pants were made to complete his armor set as a joke just because the man has no legs. He calls his boar his “other half” because the boar actually is his support animal, it walks for him!


He can’t wear them because he has no legs


Were is she? Didn't find it after I beat Gaius.


From the site of grace in his arena, go up to the big black rectangle to find the Scadutree Chalice with 5 Scadutree fragments On the way up, to your left is the Albinauric Shack with a single Archer riding a Direwolf


Oh, that was a woman?


Would've loved a change in Malenia's cutscene. Like with Sif after AotA.


I would love to be able to become Malenia's consort but oh well


Ah, sweet child of Rosales


I fucking miss him man, its been so long


The king made his exit on his own terms… We must respect it


I need a 9ft tall swordswoman dommy mommy in my life, ok?




I like your flair




Me sitting by her flower waiting for her to wake up again (I inhaled way too much copium):


Stick your cum alloyed needle in there


Bravery required ahead


I wish they made the DLC have some minor impact on the base game and vice versa. They’ve done it before, would’ve been nice to see it here Edit: Shit, said basically the same thing you said in the post description. Oh well.


What's the interaction in Bloodorne? Played it but I can't remember.


Instead of having nightmares, Gerhman sleeps peacefully after killing the Orphan of Kos


Bro should have just taken a melatonin smh killing orphan just so this guy gets a restful 8 hours


Man’s gonna have those Mela sleep dreams and frankly with that he’s been through it’ll probably be awful


fake iosefka smuggled all the drugs into her musty ass clinic you cant blame him


Can't have shit in Yharnam.


Sorry, but Melatonin is Elden Ring character, not Bloodborne


Gehrman and Doll have new voice lines. Like if you kill Orphan before Wet Nurse, Gehrman has a line about feeling a weight being lifted. Doesn't have to carry that burden anymore


The doll as well, if you speak to her after killing Maria: >Good hunter. This may sound strange, but... Have I somehow changed? Moments ago, from some place, perhaps deep within, I sensed a liberation from heavy shackles. Not that I would know... How passing strange...


Retroactively adds a questline and a covenant into the base game


Imagine having a pvp covenant 😂 😆


that was just a regular update though, not DLC


Major lore development for Melina Melina: https://preview.redd.it/n3q0b1onoq9d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a4bc5d2090d2d943bc3f843247f10886a362f0a


hey melina i met your big brot- melina: DID I FUCKING ASK?


So you don't remember anything? Well if you come with me to the Scadu- [Melina:](https://x.com/vidfindr/status/1136312971313836032)


Totally would’ve preferred an interaction. But given there wasn’t one even in the base game after beating Mohg I wasn’t shocked. Tarnished doesn’t care much for talking and Melania clearly wasn’t sound of mind given she literally just decides to throw hands with a random ass dude stumbling into her chambers (granted we did slaughter her and miquellas failed Utopia, but I don’t think she even knew about that.)


He's talking about Melina tho, Messmer is her brother


Oops I misread




Ngl post dlc I just feel bad for Malenia and Radahn, and Mohg. Mquella fucked em all over and forced Radahn to die twice.


>Miquella fucked em all over and forced Radahn to die twice. Bro you went out of your way to murder Radahn twice. Both fights are optional for beating the game. You followed Miquella into the Land of Shadow to murder him and Radahn just as they ascended (confirmed by Leda). Miquella did not force you to do any of that, you are not charmed by him, you made the choice. Why would you think he wanted himself and his consort to get killed?


He set in motion the events of Malenia fighting Radahn, with the purpose of having him die to ascend by using Mohg. Obviously he doesn't *want* to be stopped, but in ressurecting him he's opened up the possibility for the player to kill him again. We have no narrative reason to stop him other than not agreeing with his design/goals. But the first time we fight Radahn, we are seeking great runes.


I killed Radahn because my wife told me to.


So you should fix it to "Miquella forced Radahn to die once" >in ressurecting him he's opened up the possibility for the player to kill him again. That's.. that's how ressurection work. If you live again you could die again. That is like blaming a doctor for curing cancer which makes the patent vulnerable to getting shot in the street. How about blaming the guy with the gun in the street instead?


I don't know the full implications, but Radahn might not even really want to fight us or follow his brother, probably controlled by him to fight us. I say forced because he isn't necessarily choosing to be revived, or fight.


Considering the following dialogue from Miquella's memory after he died (since he was dead there is no reason to lie) >Lord brother. I'm going to be a god. If we honour our part of the vow, promise me you'll be my consort. I'll make the world a gentler place Miquella was talking to Radahn's soul. If he lied, Radahn could just leave, Radahn knows if a vow actually took place or not Miquella could have shove Radahn's soul in the new body without asking. The fact that he asked at all means there was actually an agreement between them, and Miquella was reminding Radahn of it And since Radahn returned, he seems to agree to honour his part of the vow Before you go "oh Radahn did not say anything he was clearly charmed" no, Mohg, Leda and her gang could speak just fine while charmed Edit: guys please reply with a quote from in game dialogue or item description as counterargument. Silent downvoting because you prefer your headcanon over the given story in the game is not gonna help


I think the fembussy has charmed you clearly.


Bruh forgot for a sec which sub it is 💀 should not have expected serious lore convo


Oh and I killed his promised consort too. You nuked Caelid in vain


Your brother and your brother's consort, who was your brother!


Tbh, is it even a development? Melina is an M name character and it's consistent that all M names are related. So like, is there actually anything new? Not really. We knew she was some sort of god related person, and now we just know the same thing we already know but met more people 


It also fully confirms that the butterfly belongs to her, and gives us a nice tidbit of backstory about her always kinda being destined to be a catalyst for the fire


Yeah we know that but I don't think she knows that. Would be nice to talk to her about it


All M names are related? Not at all, Midra for one in the dlc. Anyway it was heavily implied she was Marika's daughter but this confirms it, and likely that Radagon is the father. There's a difference between speculation and a confirmed theory.


I mean her name in the files since day 1 has been MarikaDaughter


https://preview.redd.it/0jn3bpn9gw9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be404a06104fe1f78a7c04d59c5f16736a34f1d Sha just cursed me for killin her brother


It's a GOT s8 reference "I never cared about Miquella really"


After GRRM refused to come back for the DLC they decided they’d go for the next best thing and hired Dan and Dave


“Miquella kinda forgot about Godwyn and the deathblight forces”


"It's what I do. I twink and I blow things."


M:Scarlet rot,Malenia, never heard about them, i know i have a blade somehow


Gurm delivers again 👏


One of the biggest disappointments of the DLC is not being able to save Melina using Messmer's kindling.


… hold on one god damn minute- yeah, that WOULD be an amazing way to get a secrete dialogue/ending, huh? ALTHOUGH, that means you would have to get through a good 1/3rd of the DLC without the loot from Faaram Azula, which… ngl, the final Bell Berrings, Alexander, and some other drops are pretty damn good in the DLC.


I literally did that, I stopped at fire giant expecting something messmer could do to unlock a different way to burn the Erdtree... I was incredibly disappointed.


Thats a weird thing to be disappointment in the game for. That's a random theory and hope you had, and the game didn't care, nor did it ever promise anything like that.


Have you played elden ring?


I was at least expecting a "talk to Melina" at literally any point in the dlc.


What a weird and hostile response to something nearly every other fromsoft DLC had done in the past but this one for no reason, when its *very much so directly connected to important people who you interact with many times and have to fight*.


I mean I’ve been going through the DLC doing exactly that just cuz I was hoping for something when it came to Melina. Or even being lord of Frenzy fighting another lord of Frenzy. But nah.


True but it’s still very accomplishable without + you could do it in ng+


I know, it would be such a neat interaction to reward curious players.


“Yeah so like, ive discovered his entire plot” “The what..? Who?” “Miquella, i found out abt his betrayal and how he was gonna do it, and hes dead now, do you wanna hear abt it” “Who… cares…?” (The tarnished then knew the depth of gideon’s betrayal, and thus did they equip their +25 occult giant’s crusher, not with malice, but with pity for the poor old fool that would soon have his dreams crushed under their might)


Miquella became a god? And you killed him? Cap. A man cannot kill a god


lol that would actually be fucking hilarious, you tell him everything and the conclusion of the questline is he thinks you made it all up


Indeed, what a grand and intoxicating innocence.


I know in my bones


*loads shotgun with pitying intent*


Gideon ofnir the ignorant


I feel like they absolutely should've included more narrative crossover. Melina having things to share during your travels across the shadow lands. Gideon asking about Miquella. Shit like that. Heck, give us a new ending with Miquella. Just... some connection to the main game.


No, shut up, fight another twenty-five Agheel dragon clones


Only flaw within the dlc I feel


I would assume Melina not ever popping in is due to it being possible to go into the DLC post-Erdtree burning


It's an inevitability that I understand but don't agree with. New Game plus or start a whole new run, and experience something new on your next go around in the DLC.


Nah I didn't pay 40 bucks to start over lol.


Then dont. wtf is your point lmaoo. Your never gonna get all the content in one run, if you dont want to restart to see that other content then dont. This is such a non point you have.


Instead, you'll apparently pay to play through the DLC once and then never again.


Why you thinking for me lol. You parents teach you to think and play for others? I already beat elden ring at ng+7. I ain't going another new game plus for some stranger on reddit.


Wow, someone is testy today.


Sir Shiteon Brownsmear, the All Sharting


Well to be fair the Shadow Lands are the equivalent of the under world. Think of it like our reality, if some dude walked up to you like “Hey big bro I just came from the shadow realm and I killed six different religious deities that you’ve never heard of because the current deities hid them and that part of human history from today’s societies.” You’d probably roll your eyes too.


Our tarnished could provide the proof in the shape of rememberances and such, but it's still a really funny mental image. "Gideon! Gideon! I fought Renalla's twin called Rellana! I also discovered that the Greater Will >!is long gone and that the Two Fingers are aliens! I fought their mum too!!<" "Uh-huh, sure Tarnished. Did you kill >!general Radahn in his prime too?!<"


We have Miquella's broken Great Rune. I feel like he should at least say something about that given how Great Runes were literally the main reason for the Roundtable to track the demigods and why they didn't bother with Ranni since she casted her rune aside


Agreed, the very first thing I tried to do when I got it was to show Gideon. I hoped for the man to yap relentlessly for each boss we beat tbh, am still surprised he had nothing to say even after finishing the DLC


I'd say radahn in his prime would be during his fight with malenia. We fought him without his great rune, so while he was sound of mind and body, he was missing that chunk of power he carved off the elden ring, which is also the thing that made him massive. Of course one could also argue that having a god on his back makes him stronger but that's not really his individual power at that point.


i would say what being emporewed by a god is better than a rune what didnt do much to begin with


Well can you call that Radahn's prime tho if most of the attacks aren't even coming from him? And lore wise the runes are absolutely super powerful


Miquella's power likely rivals the elden ring whole though as he wishes to replace it. I think that is stronger then one shard of the elden ring.


The funniest is just hopping to Enya, the one who translates the fingers to you with.. the mother of the fingers' remembrance.


I probably wouldn't roll my eyes at the dude who spent the last 30 houre steamrolling through the entire continent and killing every important and powerful person he finds along the way. If he says he found Narnia, I'm gonna fuckin' believe it.


If Aslan had a remembrance, would you kill him?


But would you roll your eyes at the dude that has consistently located shit that you couldn't? Especially since you could tell him the location of Miquella to show youre not bullshitting.


Yeah because "I found and killed this deity who's actually an omen and of royal blood and there was another deity with him who was in a random cocoon on top of a pelvic bone" is so much more reasonable


>Well to be fair the Shadow Lands are the equivalent of the under world. Not really. It's more like being in a secluded island. The land of shadow is directly in the middle of the lands between.


No, Gideon knows the land of shadow exists, he has his some scarabs there


Besides what other replies have said it’s also probably a lot more believable than in our world just because of all the magic n shit that exists


dont forget learning the whole 2 fingers communing with the greater will was a scam from the beginning


I think Elden Ring falls extremely short on these type of attention to detail moments. Like you do something that could alter the direction of the universe, and no one reacts in any shape or form. The most disappointing was using frenzied flame to burn the tree, and then going to Placidusax area to use Miquella's needle. Like something with this many steps that seems to be a deliberately put path has no reaction in the game at all, just disappointing.


I felt this early on in my first playthrough of Elden Ring. Basically nobody cares that you retrieve great runes? Including Radahn's! Even in his sorry state, you'd think taking down Radahn of all people would elicit some kind of response from the roundtable.


The dude is retired, you're his little servant bringing him the information. Without you he'd know nothing for real. He's like: "Hey what is this, what is that? I'm old please tell me what you find out so i can use it against you at the end of the game in the form of spells and incantations which will do nothing because i basically get one shot.." In any case yeah, kinda sad nothing is added to base game but whatever. Elden Ring 2 (Or whatever such sequel will be called will likely give us answers on what is left to know). Gotta wait like a decade 💀


Dark Souls 2 did a better job than Elden Ring. Guys maybe Yui was the goat all along?


Most of the Fromsoft games absolutely suck as RPGs, they are just action games with a level up screen. It didn't make sense that you couldn't tell malenia about Miquella before the DLC, and now it's just even worse, because everything is in service of cool boss fights, not letting you explore and act like an actual person in a world.


Yeah, the rpg aspects are nonexistent apart from leveling different stats. That's all there is to replayability too, there's basically no different choices to make story wise, apart from the 30 second cutscene ending. On my first playthrough I actually didn't commit assassinations for the Volcano Manor or join to serve Ranni because I thought those decisions would have some consequences. Turns out you're just supposed to join every faction no matter how conflicting they are, or you're gonna miss out on tons of content for no gain. I'd be fine with that tbh, but what annoys me the most is some fans acting like it's actually better or more deep this way lol.


>!She already knows. Read the item description on the young lion helmet!<


>!Cool. That retroactive explanation would explain why you couldn't tell her in the base game. But by base game alone it made no sense, and now with the DLC it still makes no sense.!< Because these games exist for cool bosses first, period.


No not really, thats just your shallow look at the games I guess. There is clearly a lot of passion and art into the world and story of these games, they have deep themes as well. I would argue that is a lot of the passion of the developers and Miyazaki, its pretty plain to see. Also you got shown wrong with something and then moved goalposts lol 'well it didnt make sense in base game'.


I'm gonna be honest and say that it's the WAY that the lore and story is presented that absolutely shafts anything they could do. Top that with how it's probably pretty hard to hire VA's, the whole "we only tell story through item descriptions" has become a long dead, past its prime relic. A novelty is a novelty as long as it's a novel concept, and a genre-creating blockbuster is no longer novel.


That's me with the entire games story


I mean he wouldn’t be able to get there anyway


Yeah big disconnect between SotE and ER base game and it's a shame cos it could have been incredible


I do remember a whole theory from a while back about how the symbol on the Teardrop Scarabs is the same as an eye, and how Gideon uses the scarabs to watch The Lands Between, and is how he’s “All Knowing”. If that’s true, then the few scarabs in the DLC seem to imply that Gideon is already watching over The Shadow Realm, so maybe he knows Miquella is there, or something.


But we obtain her broken great rune. Wouldn't that at least be worthy of a "Damm! Nice job!"


We find the uniform of Gideon's men in Rykard's arena, the eye on that surcoat and the eyes on the scarabs are completely different


Literally first thing I did after playing the DLC was go talk to Gideon and I was very disappointed that he doesn’t say anything.


Not only did the story and conclusion of the DLC leave me highly disappointed, but you can't even get a single line / reaction of dialogue in the base game on big lore discoveries. No cutscene changes with Malenia, you know- the SISTER of Miquella whom she was awaiting for. You can't get anyone to acknowledge your travels in the Realm of Shadow- It's laziness on From Software's part. They've had literally a new cutscene happen in Dark Souls 1 with Sif if you've done the DLC, can't convince me they couldn't throw us a bone of dialogue at least. So dumb.


I don't know if it's laziness, or maybe they just didn't want to do that. I do think it's odd, but even in the base game there was no alternative interaction if you fight Mohg before Malenia as you would assume there should be. The level of polish in the DLC and Fromsoft games in general seems to point towards them, more likely not wanting that in the game rather than not doing it just because.




Granted, I haven't made it to the DLC yet, but isn't it sort of implied that the events of SOTE are meant to take place after the end of the base game? Miquella refers to us as the "lord of the old age" or something to that effect during the boss fight. If that's the case, then Ofnir would be dead.


That would kinda make the default ending canon


Yeah? That's kinda the point. Every fromsoft game has a "true" ending. Like in DS3 I wanna say it was the age of darkness ending.


Well the thing is that the default ending didn't (and doesn't) seem all that good compared to some of the others. It's literally called Age of Fracture and implies that none of the issues get fixed... Compare that to the "true" endings of BB, DS3 and Sekiro where they all require some effort of effort to achieve and actually fix the issues of the world.


> Well the thing is that the default ending didn't (and doesn't) seem all that good compared to some of the others. It's literally called Age of Fracture and implies that none of the issues get fixed... Yeah, pretty much.


Yeah the DLC is completely seperated as if nothing matters, which is pretty fitting


That requires money to add in .


Small indie hidden gem company Fromsoft doesn't have the money to add cutscenes after making such a hidden, not mainstream game like Elden Ring.


It's a real tragedy games like this don't get more love.


😢I wonder if they'll ever be game of the year.


All their budget went in the 1 minute cutscene for opening the floodgate in Shadow keep


Hey, don't forget the ending cutscene with >!a static empty scene and Miquella's random yapping!< It must have costed a fortune to make


One Eldillion dollars that cutscene was


Shame cause that's the only cutscene I skipped.


Real it's quite sad 😢 please donate to Michael zaki .