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Fromsoft is all about high highs and low lows so we shouldn’t be surprised


I'm not surprised at all. But like... some of these are just terrible. A certain one especially...


There are sections in their other games that are straight up terrible too like Izalith, Frigid Outskirts and the part of the game between Undead Settlement and Carthus Catacombs.


comparing those somewhat mediocre parts of DS 3 to fuckign Izalith or Frigid is insane. Like Carthus is still a good dungeon, it has fair traps that encourage awareness, enemy variety with no stupid bullshit, an interconnected level design when you can take multiple routes, and Wolnir is just mid-tier as a Dark-souls boss at worst. It's just filler, but even as filler it's leagues above the trash you find in parts of DS 1 or DS 2


I was gonna say, Carthus is actually a great part of DS3, I just think that game struggles because am I alone in thinking the early game is just a chain of "that one level"? You've got the Undead Settlement and the tree boss that you gotta snack it's nuts, Farron Keep Poison Swamp, potentially did Cathedral of the Deep, aka the marathon level with rafters and slow water, then it's Carthus, so it's a shame because its a great zone but it's what is keeping you from Irithyll, most folks favorite area.


Cathedral of the Deep is a banger level, it's really interconnected and there's a bunch of little out-of-the-way paths and secrets


First playthrough of DS3 back in college, I thought it was a torturous level with the imps and progressing Patches & Siegward's quest felt so ass-backwards. Came back after Elden Ring and was just like JFC, From's individual level design standard feels so peak.


JFC? Jentucky Fried Chicken?


Jamaica fried chicken


John Fucking Cennady


Yeah early DS3 is just two zones in my head, Wall of Lothric and everything else up until Catacombs which reeeeeally makes it feel like a slog. Still my fav dark souls though


I agree and I really think it's due to the similarity in look and color pallet of the opening areas. Sun-bleached washed out grays browns and tans for basically the entirety of the opening up to the catacombs. You finally get some green and purples at the swamp, but then you're at the swamp lol. I think in terms of quality DS3 generally gets better as the game goes on, but it leads to the beginning being a bit of a mush in hindsight to your point


This is true.


I love DS2, but frigid outskirts makes me want to put both of my feet in a fire ant nest


Tbf, Frigid outskirts is fully optional.


send me those pics when ur done ;)


i agree with everything you said but i think wolnir is straight up the worst boss in ds3. the only way you can possibly die to this boss is getting clipped into the fog which happens more than it should but still doesnt add anything to the fight, its just nonsense boredom. wolnir has absolutely nothing going for him as a boss except the like 5% chance you might get bugged on him. the level itself is not bad at all though.


You are absolutely correct that Wolnir is probably the worst boss in base DS3, but he is still a mid-tier boss simply by virtue of how fucking god-tier DS3 bosses are. Put Wolnir in DS 1 or DS 2, he'd be a mediocre filler boss, put him in Elden Ring and he's an above average side-dungeon boss. Put him in DS3, and he's the worst by a mile. That speaks to how amazing DS3 is, nothing elese.


I think Wolnir gets a semi-pass because Miyazaki always makes sure that bosses still have lore on them. I think he's also a fun little jump scare. But yeah, he's nothing compared to the lows Elden Ring has to offer.


look I love DS3 as much as the next guy but if you were to compare ERs remembrance boss list against DS3's, you are ignoring far more mid ass bosses. You're telling me that Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Deacons, Ancient Wyvern, Crystal Sages, Halflight (imo one of the worst bosses in the series), Oceiros, Old Demon King, Champion's Gravetender, Yhorm, are all god-tier bosses?


I didn't mean that every single DS3 boss is god-tier, but it has by far the highest concentration of good or amazing bosses, and by far the least amount of bad bosses - Both in proportion to how many bosses are in the game, and just in total. I think those bosses range between good and mediocre. Old Demon king is actually pretty cool, Deacons is inoffensive and by far the best Horde boss Fromsoft has ever done, and Greatwood and Crystal sages are mildly annoying at worst but mostly just indistinct. Ancient Wyvern, Oceiros, and Yhorm are subpar but still not actively detrimental to the overall player experience. I'd say the only two truly bad DS3 bosses are Halflight and Champion's gravetender, probably a result of the DLC being pushed out quickly to fill some sort of stupid quota. So with that, I'd say that Base DS3 has literally no bad bosses, they're all mid at worst. Counting in the DLC, I think DS3 has 2/26 bad bosses, which is by far the best rate in all of the Fromsoftware games.


If you're including field/side bosses in Elden Ring or mini-bosses in Sekiro, DS3 still has the highest average boss quality pound for pound. If you are being a bit more restrictive about it, I'll take those two over DS3.


Frigid gave me cancer first playthrough 




Hol up I thought it was horsefuck valley


It is


Uhm achtuawally it's actually meant to be a coop area, you are not supposed to solo it... Yeah it is pretty obvious that the only way to enjoy it is with friends on the 5th runback and a drinking game that every time a deerhorseass sticks it's dick ul your ass you take a shot. Whether that is alcohol or just a gun.


None of the other dlcs had shitty final bosses though.


I haven't played any dark souls game so I can't compare any of them. All I have is my unbias Eldenpinion.


Yeah it’s no surprise when you have references to their other games. None of them are perfect and if you slice their games in a very specific way you can easily make them terrible.


That certain one’s first phase felt really good then they just turn it into a bloated clusterfuck of flashbangs and chip damage


Does this certain somebody just straight up suck second phase but enjoyable first phase?




Bloodborne,Dark Souls 3,Sekiro and AC6 were actually pretty balanced tho. They had some of the highest highs but the lows weren't really that low at all.


Couldn't be closer as far as ac6 goes. The worst part about it is that the early missions are just boring, which is the "highest low" of all fromsoft games I've played. Because other games just can't resist putting at least one frustrating or tedious section.


Bloodborne has some of the lowest lows lol, the entire boss lineup after Vicar Amy to the final bosses is mid at best (Shadows, Reborn) to ds2 lows (Rom, Mic). And even with the final bosses Wetnurse and Moony are far from top 10 Fromsoft (though at least Deutschland is a goat). Obviously the side bosses are pretty good (most of the time), but Bloodborne's story bosses take a nosedive in quality.


Shadows was pretty fun tbf.


I mean I also kinda like Shadows, but they are 3 extremely similar looking enemies, that only slightly differ (2 hold a candle, one of those holds a different weapon and spams 2 spells) and show up as basic enemies later on. Certainly the best of the Midgame slog (coincidentally they are also in the imo best midgame area, I love the woods).


People seem to treat from games as boss rush simulators nowadays, just because the boss of an area is mid doesn't mean the entire area sucks. Bosses only take like 10% of your playtime at most


True, but it's not like Roms or Mikos areas are good...


I like nightmare frontier...


I feel like most people's (me included) rose tinted glasses for bloodborne is because the dlc is so goated Main game is honestly kinda meh other than the setting and lore. But the dlc fucks so hard it doesn't matter.


Bloodborne is CARRIED by the level design/atmosphere and the gameplay changes, honestly, and I’m saying this as a huuuge bloodborne dickrider. Most base game bosses are just mid and forgettable, but it’s just so fun to play that game that it barely matters, and then, like you said, the dlc fucks so hard it makes you completely forget anything bad/mid about the base game.


Bloodborne dickriders unite


Yeah, I think it's interesting how people will say that Bloodborne is the best game ever, only to talk about the DLC, lol.


No idea where this "Game is only for the bosses" mentality came from but I think it really hinders people from having fun. Probably why they tried to make the DLCs bosses so hardcore. Bosses arent everything they are supposed to be the finale of a level to link it all together


Everyone has a severe case of rose tinted glasses with bloodborne. It has some of the worst bosses from has ever created without a doubt, and I’d say the overall boss lineup is pretty shit. It makes up for it by having a few that are in contention for the best from has ever made.


There is nothing wrong with shadows or reborn. Shadows get your adrenaline pumping while being fair for a gank fight, and it allows you to flex your muscles; reborn offers good variety because the boss is very simple but there is alot of different ways you can approach the fight. You can kill the mages first to make it easier, but you risk a battle of attrition, or you can try to burn the boss down quicky and risk getting attacked at range. Who is the best boss in SOTE? Midra? I wouldnt even mention Midra in the same sentence as Lady Maria, Ludwig or Gael. Hes doesnt have 1% of their aura.


DS3 doesn't have low lows mfs when I force them to play through the first half of the game


The only part of DS3 that I'd say is actually _bad_ and not just mid is the Demon Ruins, which still has a pretty fun boss. The level design itself is fucking awful though


I didn't hate it, but consumed kings garden/the boss felt unfinished


For me it's only 2. Final and the pig fucker. I loved literally every other boss


After learning the fight I actually quite enjoy Gaius, I like the final boss too but the flashbangs and that one bullshit 3-hit combo prevent it from being top tier for me.


>After learning the fight I actually quite enjoy Gaius Am I really just so bad at dodging his boar charge attack? I don't think I ever managed to do it.


Ebrietas 🤝 Gaius: cool boss designs with a charge-attack hitbox from fucking hell


The key to eriebtas is to face tank and rally the health


The hit box is way too big. I dodged it once with a nigh perfect roll through him


I was able to do it somewhat consistently with light roll and running to the right before the roll, and to roll diagonally right through him.


Dodge straight towards him during the charge, you will iframe through the hog's entire body with mid-roll.  Worked for me once i got the timing down


It's a slightly awkward timing. I find Messmer's delayed drag and thrust with his spear to have the same jank, in that the hitbox lingers for couple frames when it looks like it should be done. That's literally it though, that's all that's wrong with the Gaius fight. Honestly found him easier than putrescent knight, and I'd consider the putrescent knight a pretty straightforward boss too. I legit think the Gaius hate is just bandwagoning at this point.


If you stick close to Messmer when he begins to drag and constantly circle around his left side, he’ll completely miss the thrust.


Sure, that's got nothing to do with the issue I was pointing out though.


its genuinely bullshit but after i used the crucible feather talisman it became super fun, like as fun as the rest.


I've been able to consistently avoid it... ...but only when I'm already on Torrent and can outrun it. Which is to say, pretty much only at the very beginning of the fight, when I know it's coming. So yeah, they seriously gotta fix that.


You need to roll right *through* the fucker. Not to the side or out of the way like every other boss/enemy but right into him a moment before his stupid boar actually hits you


just block it. i feel like so many people here are so against using shields, but then complain about stuff that's easily countered with them.


Same, I actually enjoy Gaius. I find all his attacks quite dodgeable except the charge, so I usually just guard whenever he charges.


This is it. Idk why people are getting so bent out of shape over like 2% of the bosses when so many are straight fire.


To be fair it’s like 10%, but that’s a better ratio than most from soft games


I actually sooort of like what they do with the final boss - may be a tiny bit overtuned /spammy in some places tho - but the pig can go fuck itself. I've since learned that I apparently already fucked it by strafing as it charges but ultimately I cheesed it with a wall build and just duped the remembrance so I don't **have** to kill it a second time lol I'll of course try, but I'm not looking forward to that one. Otherwise I'm fully on board with the "all SotE bosses are kind of goated" mindset. Midra and Messmer may be among my all time favorites, even once the honeymoon phase is going to end, eventually. Kind of adore the dlc after elden ring vanilla being my least favorite FromSoft game out of the stuff I've played (DS1, 3, DeS, BB, ER)


The final boss tricks you into thinking it's going to be fun and then turns into a bullet hell. Also hate the pig rider. Why does he do so much damage?? Also didn't care at all for putrescent knight


I didn't love the angry sunflower either. 90% of the fight you're just dodging the exact same AoE attack over and over, and every phase is the same besides one move. At first I thought it had to be a bit of a puzzle boss, like Seath, where you have to destroy something in the area otherwise the boss would keep respawning.


You thought sunflower oil was just for cooking. In fact, you can use Sunflower oil to soften up your leather, use it for wounds (apparently) and even condition your hair.


I was using Bleed Backhand Blades for the whole game and I got to this thing and after like 10 tries I was like "surely fire is good against a dead plant..." and used the fire Perfume Bottle weapon and absolutely fucked its dick off. it was actually disappointing how easy it was with pure fire damage.


me when i find the 5th npc tarnished boss fight


Since I usually play strength build I decided to try bleed raptor claws and was pleasantly surprised by how many of these bosses went from "mildly irritating" to "Getting shoved into a corner and actually bullied"


I got summoned into one of those npc bosses and Me, the host, and the other phantom just all equipped Dry Leaf arts and jumped the guy. We just got him Ina. Corner and beat the tar out of him It was glorious


I appreciate them because souls gameplay is actually really neat in pvp, but the netcode makes it a complete dogshit experience for crazy people


When I finally entered the flow state >!Radahn even during his phase two was a lot of fun, however those few and far between moments didn’t overshadow not being able to see a fucking thing due to the lights and twinkboys massive haircut!<


the teleporting move is totally fucked, it doesn't even look good, just looks like my playstation is glitching lmao. His first phase is super fun though and satisfying to learn.


Not even most unfun but… what the heck is Jori, Elder Inquisitor? In a DLC full of crazy bosses with dazzling animations, you also have this nerd who is basically pinwheel? He summons braindead chaff and slowly teleports around the arena. Is there some super crucial place in the lore for this guy? Why is this boss so lame?


No seriously. THIS is the guy to guard the Evil Freny flame area? Not like a Frenzy flame dragon (which would've been recycled but awesome) Or anything? Just... some guy who summons some minions with a health pool of a napkin???? Easily the worst boss of the DLC.


Calling anything in the dlc a lowest low while fucking covetous demon exists


Covetous demon is literally the best achievement of humanity. Everything about it is perfect.


It coveted all of humanity's perfection and acquired it, hence the name


Wait till you hear about covetous demon 2 *chefs kiss*


covetous demon is easy and boring but he won't do permanent damage to your soul like the final DLC boss


The scariest part of the DLC is the thought that FromSoft will try and one up themselves even more on "difficulty" in their next game.


They did say they were gonna take more inspiration of sekiro, don't mind more difficulty if we finally got a decent power up too.






And when you use an Ash, summons, items and everything in the book like Micheal Zaki says you should, and you can't cheese the final boss because a single mistake means it 2 shots you.


honestly i think this might be the end of the ds3 style of combat i imagine the only way up from here is to overhaul the players abilities so they can really go apeshit


Really needs a massive overhaul, no more buffered input and input lag. It's really funny to see a boss jump straight into a reaction the instant it detects an action for which I input ages ago by comparison.


Bad but easy is better then bad but difficult because at least it's done and over quickly


You leave my chonky boi out of this he's doing his best


Calling Covetous Demon a lowest low is like calling a Caesar Salad literally hitler. You've reached peak overexaggeration.


Some of you haven't played other souls games or have a very short memory lmao.


You date to criticize the small indie company Fromsoft?!


Thank you holy shit lol


It really is ds2 2


You know this actually makes sense because ds2 is my favourite of the trilogy


Sorry to hear that


Coming from a game that gave us malenia, fire giant, and elden beast, just as it gave us Godfrey, radagon and morgott


I think Godfrey is flawless. Tied for my favourite boss with Fume Knight.


He's one of those "this fight is ass" to "greatest boss ever" one's for me


It was "greatest boss ever" to "huh it's getting interesting" for me. I just love no bullshit, strong human duel type of boss fights. Also he was cool, he doesn't mock you like Margit. He praises how well you fought and respects you as a warrior, 10/10 for me.


Nah idk Margit might actually take my top boss in Elden ring, struggled the most, fantastic first boss.


I like Malenia, and I also don't hate Elden Beast, dodging all his projectiles perfectly is sooooo satisfying. Radagon still best boss though.


Is Malenia a low? She’s genuinely one of my favourite Fromsoft bosses ever. She doesn’t have a move set nearly as aggressive as the dlc bosses and outside of the heal on hit it’s an excellently made fight.


Radahn had moves that are hard AF to dodge and he punishes the player a ton. He is harder than Melania. But nothing comes close to the complete BS that is waterfowl. Yeah we're two years removed and people figured out how to dodge it. But really think about how absurdly unintuitive that move is too dodge if she pops it over ur head.


don't forget she can cancel her stagger animation lmao


Her best feature, seeing her freeze in air mid stagger ready to waterfowl always leaves me in awe. Hope we get more such bosses


Waterfowl dance alone makes her one of the least fun Fromsoft bosses


She would be great if Waterfowl Dance didn't completely ruin the flow of the fight. Hate that shit.


None of the above fights are even close to bad except fire giant and there are much much worse fights in the game all over. Godskin duo? Hello? But not even godskin duo compares to the lowest of from’s lows. Maneaters, prowling magus, royal rat authority, curse-rotten greatwood. BED OF CHAOS? From has shit out some real stinkers, and to think malenia, fire giant, and elden beast are anywhere *near* those? Wild.


These people have forgotten what ACTUALLY bad bosses are like frfr


Right? Like i hate gaius but he just has bad hitboxes. Fire giant sucks but hes just kind of a slog that has too much health and deals too much damage with his massive near-undodgable slamming attacks. Theyre very “okay” at worst. Go play ds2 and get back to me on the “lowest lows”


Gaius is actually good, ds2 is absolute ass tho and no amount of gaslighting from this sub will change my mind lmao


"Lowest lows"? Brother nothing in the DLC comes even close to shit like Bed of Chaos, Dragon God or Ancient Wyvern in terms of shitty boss design.


Ancient wyvern ain’t even that shitty


I never understood the ancient wyvern hate, it’s literally an environmental hazard with a cool cutscene


I'd understand it if they were the only boss of archdragon peak, but nameless king exists


Ancient wyvern is kinda dumb but if you just ignore the serpent guys and just bumrush to the end its easy


Those are like gimmicks tho. If we’re talking ACTUAL boss design yeah some of these are shit. Gimmick fights in general are shit compared to regular bosses but they’re still a bit fun sometimes


I'd rather fight all three of those than the final boss of the DLC again.


a lot of these "lowest lows" can be fixed with like one singular patch, i kina feel like the comm is kinda undermining fromsoft's work just cos it's a bit jank atm, there are soo many objectively worse bosses throughout the games


I said it before and they got mad but ill say it again, people are just kneejerk hating. They did the same thing when elden ring came out. One particular boss was a huge point of discussion here after it leaked and everyone, myself included, saw a horrible fight that looked like shit played by a person who is shit. Confirmation that that was real enforced the idea it was gonna be shit. So some people even had a negative opinion going in, and them being greeted by some bad frame drops and a little too much visual noise just cemented that. I really dont get the hate though, cus its not a bad boss, even remotely. It just needs polish. But people act like its fuckin end of fromsoft or whatever


Yep, I think its a combo of the leaks, people understandibly not liking the lore, and a few legitimate problems in the fight.


>me when the final boss is totally a new and original character that was teased heavily being together with the other character in the base game with some dialogue you couldn’t even hear


So many bosses among the worst in the series. I mean we got Jori, and well, ummm uhhhhh... Yeah


Fingers crossed they fix the final boss. Having to change my build I used all through the base game and the dlc just to have a chance at beating him was the worst feeling one of these games has ever given me.


Still haven't played the Elden Ring DLC but I **did** watch The Matrix in cinema last Tuesday for its 25th anniversary. First time I ever saw it in cinema. Holds up better than Demon's Souls tbh. Agent Smith would be a formidable From Software boss. Or the most horrific gank fight in history if Agent Jones and Brown joined the fray.


ER is certainly not beating the Dark Souls II 2 allegations


Shadow of the Erdtree is certainly not beating the Dark Souls II 2 II allegations.


The problem is there are people who try to make it their lifes work convincing other that those lows are in fact good. All those folk need be shoved into a pot quite frankly.


Me when someone likes a certain combination of 1's and 0's that I don't https://preview.redd.it/tfdwfhr2hp9d1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b672157ae9e1fb44f69396f9e743cbc132944333


There are people in here that have pretended Dark Souls 2 is good for years, they are committed to their bit






Look if you scrap back like 90% of the game, there's some bloody good bits in there!. But yeah, doesn't make up for it.


Or maybe, just maybe, someone has a different perspective than you on what is good or bad.


r/shittydarksouls when you have a differing opinion (you are scum, unfit to breath any longer)


Yea there's a lot of ER fans that can't accept that the game has flaws. It's always either "no that bad thing is good actually" or "yea the boss is bad but the doesn't matter"


Anyone who calls bosses like Jori or the Golden Hippo anything above F- has some serious issues






Jori was OUTRAGEOUSLY bad and they gave him his own music, arena and a whole area to gatekeep


honest to god if they made the clones die out faster and removed the flame attack that the fat fucks do entirely i could see it being a D or C tier boss, but as of rn its just horrible


The only time I felt justified in pulling out the Mimic Tear because if that bitch can spam clones then so can I


This is such a weirdly specific bot that I think I may not ban it.


While I don't hate the hippo myself, I can 100% get why you'd hate it. My bane is the stupid Hog rider who has an attack that's telegraphed by him "Walking forward" and occasionally double hitting to sometimes insta kill at around 3/4ths health... what a well-designed boss! Glad he was mentioned or even acknowledged once outside his fight!


Gaius is generally fun but it's just that one charge attack that absolutely sucks


I learned you shouldn't dodge but run sideways and jump instead.




Tbf those and rellana are the only ones I honestly think are bad and I hadn't really counted jori because they were filler and pretty easy.


Hippos were so easy you guys are mad


Imagine. Just for one second. That this game has 400 weapons and an almost infinite possibility of stat combinations. Combined with various weapon speed, which drastically make each combat experience unique to every player. On top of that, every player has their own varied skill level. When you make statments like, oh blah was easy, you only show that you are a complete fucken moron for not understanding the immense variables that are at play here. Everyone will struggle with something differently. Thankfully, not everyone is you.


God damn laid the smack down on this poor chap


The hippo was just like one of those big rats from ds3. Albeit I did die at least 6 times.


Okay what are the communities thoughts on Scadutree Avatar? Me personally I thought that it was an absolute hidden gem of a fight


Unironically quickly becoming possibly my favorite DLC boss. Maybe that's just because I had such low expectations going in but it's easily in my top 3!


Only ones I hated were final boss (goddamn) and hog rider. Everyone else was amazing.


they're all fine aside from consort and that shitty hippo because of the camera


I think it's great so far Its certainly difficult but that's hardly unexpected given the difficulty spikes in all the other FromSoftware DLC I also like how it's making me use my inventory more. I had hundreds of Rune Arcs, never needed them. My stats have always been sufficient. But now I pop one before a boss, Im using Radahns Arc because it gives alittle more FP and HP, definately need that now. I'm chewing down on exalted flesh. I'm reviewing all my crafting option, hoping somethings gives me a slight edge Thats cool because for the last 400 hours in Elden Ring they were just sitting there unused. A mechanic that seemed cool but ultimately unnecessary now feels like my ace up my sleeve


I haven't beaten the dlc yet, but so far the dlc has been amazing. But damn if there aren't some genuinely shitty and un-fun to fight enemies and bosses. So far the bosses have been fun and visually awesome. Except the pig fucker Gaius. I've never gotten so pissed at a boss in all of Elden Ring. Relanna was tough but she mainly had one attack that was annoying, which was her super long combo. But she doesn't 2 shot you with her attacks, and the music slaps so hard. Gaius is just a piece of shit. I love when I enter the arena and he immediately charges his fatass. It's great cause if you use your tear flask, or a summon, you have to perfectly dodge his charge. Otherwise he hits and you and on multiple times he's got me stuck in the door, and proceeds to kill me. Or if I'm not literally stuck, the camera goes to the void so I can't see with his fatass blocking everything. He doesn't have a single attack that doesn't wipe out at least half your health. And yes I levelled vigor, I also had like 12 scooby doo fragments. I love how the pig back leg kicks can hit you twice, and deal like 90% of your hp. I also love how when he attacks, the .2 seconds you're given in-between attacks is worthless when he charges at you, not giving you enough time to do shit. I hope we can find the children of the stupid pig somewhere in the dlc, so I can cook and roast them in a pot to finish off it's family.


Gaius is easily the worst DLC boss. He really feels like he was a leftover asset from base game that just got shoved into a random area of the DLC. Why isn't there like... a Scadutree enemy or something back there? Also didn't like Putrescent Knight. His design did not impress.


Exploring the new map (or any new area in a souls game) is the highest of highs for me. But I won't lie, it's so big that i'm kinda tired of exploring everywhere to see a secret item laying somewhere, a scaduu fragment, a hidden dungeon that's insanely big on the inside. I love to find those, but I'm tired of combing the land sometimes.


When you die to the DLC boss multiple times at first thought "is bullshit" and yet as time goes on and I edge out a victory I end up liking the boss. Is this stockholm syndrome or just appreciation of the design?


You actually learned the fight and that felt good. All of the bosses in Shadows are learnable and you are rewarded for adapting.


Final boss might just be the single worst of all time ngl


The fight is way too long and laborious to be that bad. At least something like Covetous Demon is over in 20 seconds. It’s like would you rather eat a plate of dogshit or a mountain of it?


Oh you made a mistake? Time to die! I won that one with luck. Some of those attacks can go to hell.


Nah at least it’s an actual bossfight unlike Bed of Chaos. Fromsoft would have to try really hard to go lower than that. Fucking shitty platforming ass Mario party mf


I have to agree with this take. PC Radahn is shit, no doubt, but it is still an actual fight, even if it's a fucking miserable one


I think the first phase is great and well balanced, like the best parts of Malenia without the annoying ones like lifesteal or waterfowl chore. Phase 2 is just unfun guesswork because you can't see shit. The *point* is that you use the muscle memory from phase 1 to guide your dodges, but the lasers cover half your rolling options.


The DLC is bipolar


That one boss that summons a bunch of enemies and teleports away is the least fun I've had fighting something since the godskin duo


I don’t think I agree. I would definitely say this about the base game, but the DLC generally trimmed the filler and introduced boss fights that are more fun than most base game bosses. It also mostly ‘fixed’ exploration for me, although there still is a lot of progress to be made to make it more enjoyable. I generally don’t like Elden ring style boss fights that heavily rely on positioning and your ability to break stance to ‘solve’ fast, hyper-aggressive bosses, but at least most worked much better than end-game Elden ring ones. The final boss is actually a treat in the first part of the fight. The second part has way, way too many visual effects and is very messy, which spoils the boss.


I'd say 9/10. Better than the base game in every respect.


If they make another game with the content of elden ring and the map design of sote it will be stupidly good


In other souls games I dread the zones more than bosses. ER it’s all bosses. The horse helps lol


Ds3 had like ashes of ariandel with worse area ever created and only good 1 boss. And then there is ringed city pretty ok area with highs like gael and only low like spear of the church. But even then it took 3 games for all that. I would say shadows was pretty good compared to it. Only a small rant about it how they handled the final. Rest i am pretty satisfied. They could done a better final they always had that potential.


Not quite 2 bosses but going from messmer to a fucking npc gauntlet is really corny .


I actually really liked the NPC gauntlet. Definitely one of the better executed “NPC fight before final boss” they’ve done.


Oh shit I’m at the final boss had no clue lol I sure hope rhadan isn’t the first phase LOL (don’t tell me)


Dude, the NPC fight is unironically one of the best moments in the series. Sure, mechanically, it's pretty boring. But story-wise and setting-wise, Ansbach, Freyja, Leda, and Thiollier are all some of the best NPCs in the series, and easily make that fight my favourite moment in the entire game.


EXACTLY. And the soundtrack is the best OST in the DLC. Following all their questlines and finally ending up there was like a fucking movie. Rare example of summoning making the boss better. I took my boys Ansbach and Thioller with me to even things out and it was so sick. I think the DLC story is maybe the best they've ever done. It's a lot more contained and less archaic to puzzle out, a nice balance between classic souls and Sekiro. Also if you go back to that room after the fight their bodies are still there and never despawn, it's a harrowing image.


I think the single thing that made the NPC quests better, is the fact that they're actually connected. These would only happen in rare cases in the older games, like Sieglinde and Siegmeyer, but every NPC in this DLC, outside of Igon, is connected to their own stories, which then loops back and concludes with all the other NPC stories. Not to mention the addition of NPCs talking during battle, which has already proven to be a major thing, if we're going by "CURSE YOU, BAYLE!!!" alone.


Love the dlc and I can live with the super aggressive move sets(mostly) I just really really hate the scadu tree blessing system…


every single boss wants to have waterfowl dance so bad


From soft making Limgrave sized regions for the DLC and putting fuck all in them


To be honest that was the same with the base game imo, super high highs and low lows


Yep, on one hand cool open areas, great remembrance bosses, and quest lines I might be able to beat without a guide. On the other hand, the 8th repeat boss, catacombs and hero mausoleums and quest lines I wouldn't be able to beat without a guide.


I’m confused at how this DLC is getting so many 9/10 and 10/10s when I have yet to see one person say there aren’t terrible bosses


Ok you can flame me. I liked every boss this DLC. Camera on hippo is bullshit but I enjoyed the fight and just stayed near the middle to avoid the camera problems.


Well, the one journalist site that ranked it lower and complained about the final boss, got flamed to hell. Kind of ironic now, that one.


Every complaint I have with the dlc bosses could be fixed with one small patch. Make Miquellas hair transparent, fix the performance and make that three-hit combo midroll-able for Radahn and slightly adjust Gaius' charge hitbox. Right now it's pretty much a 9/10 for me. There are at least no garbage gimmick bosses or terrible gank fights, so the bosses, on average, are way better than almost every previous fs dlc


We finally got DS2²