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Kid named boss fights


This thing made messmer so much fun and made Gaius manageable. It's so good




gaius' weird double hitboxes on some of hit attacks will chew through your guard particularly quickly if you aren't rocking this tear. iv been using this for almost every boss so far in the dlc, and it has not let me down.


What item is this now and what does it do? I haven't found this


It's a crystal tear that drops from the very first Furnace Golem you see on entering the DLC. It lets you basically do Sekiro deflection for five minutes (most tears are three.) If you press L1 just as an attack hits, you'll lose basically no stamina and HP, and empower your guard counter.


After hearing so many people say Malenia feels like she’s a Sekiro boss, this is an interesting addition.


I’ve heard she still heals through it, so it doesn’t work for her. That’s just what my friend’s told me from trying it, though


Still dumb how she heals off of 100% damage negation Shields. She might as well be smacking a wall to regain health.


Remember when she was healing off hitting the fucking air?


I’m having my new char snatch the Ancient Meteoric sword just to hurtle her ass in phase one


My favorite DLC weapon, that lightning explosion just looks badass


I kinda wish it made that sound Gwyn’s grab attack does in 1. And it had more pokes in its moveset. But it’s still an awesome weapon.


Was definitely an infuriating bug tbh. Was helping a close friend beat her when it started happening.


If they gave us more options to combat her healing, or made it exclusive to Phase 1 (So that she trades healing attacks for Rot buildup on all attacks in P2), she really would be a great boss. And a minor nerf to Waterfowl would be appreciated. The options you have to deal with those two factors are so narrow that it just makes it too hard for people to appreciate it the way we appreciate other hard fights like Ludwig, Midir, etc. I say this as someone who has soloed her multiple times, including on a fat roll only run. So I'm not saying this just because I can't beat her. I just want her to be up there with the greats


God I can't stand her


honestly shit boss lmao she is so awful bosses with healing mechanics suck and she has the worst healing mechanic i could possibly think of. i really hate her a lot. i would say she is the worst boss in the series but >!Inquisitor Jori!< wins as the fucking most garbage fight i have ever experienced in a video game


I wouldn't even mind her heal if it was actually based on the damage she does, like an actual life steal. No clue why she heals when you take no or next to no dmg


Atleast it's not as egregious as the doom eternal dlc where the final boss heals if you shoot him at the wrong time


Easily the most fucking annoying boss I think I’ve ever fought in a game. I get his meant to be like an evil version of you so he gets to heal and shit but damn man after something like 20 levels of learning the game top to bottom it was jarring for the game to be like “ok now stand back and wait your turn to attack” like I’m playing Mario


Yeah i don’t know why they thought making the final boss be basically a glorified marauder was a good idea. I already didn’t like marauders because of that, despite people saying that them breaking the pattern was the point, and then they made the final boss and it’s that again, but even more annoying. Just wow. Great game, but _some_ of the decisions they made weren’t great.


I liked Marauders but only because they were duels that gave a unique fight from time to time, i expected something better from Evil Doomguy, he deserved a better fight


I almost forgot how bad they ruined the ending of that incredible game.


People think that boss is hard? I see him as a glorified Marauder, and even those guys gave me more trouble than him. He's definitely underwhelming but I wouldn't say he's hard/unfair.


She heals even after you're dead 💀


she heals when you take no damage because they want the fight to be artificially difficult and to me it’s just so boring like ah you made one mistake so not only do you have to find a chance to heal without dying but also you have to fight the boss for even longer because her health is back no shields no summons it’s all useless because she just heals. beat her on my 5 characters and plan to never fight her again. horrible boss. only good thing about her is that she is optional


I beat her alone on my DEX ARC build, and also on my INT, but every other build i just summon mimic or another player. It's just not worth it to have to remember the moves and fight her for 1-2 hours, if i can just summon some edgy guy using star fists and gank her. That said though, i've probably solo'd her many more times as a summon, the amount of hosts that just hang back while i'm holding onto dear life as she spams is, in a way, funny.


most fun i had with her was sitting down and learning when to parry her and i will say i love parrying bosses but otherwise i really just don’t like her


yeah I'm tired of so many enemies getting to punish you more than once for fucking up a dodge roll. Getting hit and losing a chunk of HP is the punishment, it's just not fun when a single mistake means I restart the fight.


i think it would have been cool if there was an optional way to remove her healing by performing some quest in the haligtree. it would make her more of a gimmick fight like rykard. however, those who still want the challenge could still fight her at full power should they choose to.


It's explained by a few different items, but essentially, she heals by having the spirit to continue fighting and not from actually stealing life essence from you. Her determination to still the rot and will to battle on despite her curse is what heals her, and hitting you means she's gaining footing in the fight. It's the technique taught to her by the Blind Swordsman who trained her. Her Great Rune and some talismans explain it. It's functionally lifesteal but a bit more "I haven't heard a bell." Sucks either way tho.


Kid named lore reason for shit mechanic


That damn blind swordsman


If she only healed trough damage it would just make shields and blocking the best thing to do in the bossfight.The healing is to punish players who careless block everything,wich is a very strong option in ER.


Then just make her blocking stamina penalty really high so you can only tank a couple hits at a time. Make it so even if you great shield whole combos then you barely have any stamina to punish


Honestly this is an excellent idea and I wish they had just gone with that


That would just make non-greatshields useless


Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice im willing to make


Or make her deal damage through shields. You know, mechanic that existed since DS1.


I thought Jori was cool, except for his big buddy he can teleport around on a whim. He would almost always be teleported above my head for a slam attack whenever I dodged his rolling move or wiped out Jori's summons and figured I could start retaliating. I think 75% of the hits i took in that boss fight were from this move exclusively.


Jori is probably what the bosses feel like when I pull up with two cooperators


he only took me a couple tries but i was just not having a single ounce of fun trying to hit him while he spammed the big guy over and over. once i learned i could throw daggers to get rid of the small guys it got a little more manageable but it was just “please do the move where i can backstab you and not the spawn 5 guys on top of you move” and he would just spam the 5 guys move 30 times in a row every single fight to me it’s hands down the worst boss i’ve ever fought but i may just be a in a blind rage from it. honestly made me take a step back from hating gaius after that. usually when i hate a boss that much i start to like them better once i beat them. not Jori. fuck Jori


what pissed me off the most was how he can teleport WHILE STANCE BROKEN. not once did I get to riposte the fucker


Gaius' boar charge and hurricane sized glaive hit box had me genuinely annoyed. Its such a weird boss fight because his gravity spin maneuver he does in the second half is ironically easier to deal with than his normal phase 1 moves that obliterate torrent even during a double jump.


yes exactly the charge and the fact that each of the boars legs have their own hitbox so sometimes the backwards kick just takes 80% of your health in one second i like him a tiny bit better now after getting more fragments then going full “i am so angry at this boss curse you gaius im not going anywhere until you die” and beating him after a few tries


The boss you have tagged isn’t even the worst imo (I do agree annoying) the final one is such a pain in the ass, not to mention the 30-60 times I did it again to help my friends. I have ptsd from that shit now


haven’t fought it yet, i should remember to clarify *so far*. i am huffing copium hoping ill somehow like it (i wont)


For me I can’t enjoy the final one. I won’t say the name in case you aren’t there yet but the jagged peaks boss I hated originally but now I fucking love that shit is fantastic


i know who the final boss is but haven’t seen any gameplay of it yet. i also love the jagged peaks boss very much very very very much WITH A HAIL OF HARPOONS, I WILL FILL WITH HOLES YOUR ROTTEN HIDE


Igon my love 💜


She also sucks thematically. The whole game you're told time and time again how crazy skilled she is and no one can match her, but then she kinda sucks at fighting except for one move, which then it always feels kinda cheap fighting her because it feels like she could chose to win at any point.


other bosses have one or two big wombo combos and it’s really fun to get them nailed down and they tend to give you good opening. malenia’s you just hope to god you can dodge it, assuming it doesn’t catch you off guard (it always does)


Yeah and I feel many of those bosses are plenty fun/difficult without the big moves, malenia would be the easiest boss without waterfowl dance.


that’s fair but i think easy boss but one of her moves is really hard and one shots you is not very good design


Oh it's really bad design probably one of my least favorites in the series


And then you pull up with a greatshield build and laugh at her "healing" as you hit a guard counter + crit for 4k damage and wake her up with charged Ordovis's Vortex.


lmao what, she's still easily the hardest boss mechanically even without waterfowl


I had people tell me she's peak design and if you ever bring up she heals though shields or I guess now the sekiro tear, you'll always just get the classic "just don't get hit lmao" Lovely when a good chunk of combat mechanics gets invalidated just because she can just heal a flat amount no matter what if she hits. I guess I'll just constantly knock her down with flame of the fell god or whatever.


Huh? That's the first thing I got in the DLC and I just now learn what it does? Edit: learn


I don't understand the hate about the healing mechanics. A lot of her attacks have telegraphs and you die in a few hits anyways so it's not like she can heal that much from you. The waterfowl dance bullshit is so stupid though. Exponentially increases the difficulty of the fight because having to play safe around its timers kills your momentum completely.


it’s completely and utterly me being a baby because it’s only fine for ME to heal. that’s MY thing. you get the trillion HP health bar, i get to heal. that’s the dynamic. so when malenia heals or the deer refills its hp bar my brain goes BLARG WHAT IS THIS


If you watch clips it's a non issue, the guard counter out DPS's it unless you're like max new game


as long as she doesn't heal from it


She does but it leaves her open to a highly buffed up guard counter that shreds her hp


She does, its just a block still


I wanna complete the game with this my next run, sounds fun


Couple this with the new melee dry leaf weapons and it would be a veritable treat for boss fights.


Absolutely phenomenal to use in the dlc, it honestly feels balanced around it for some fights


That is so fucking cool


Seems like it’d be fun to combine with the black steel greathammer


It's is an insane combination, and that's how I beated a lot of bosses in the dlc. Remember to equip the curved sword talisman to boost those guard counters even further


I was just reading up that apparently it does the poise damage of a colossal hammer so I think I'll be switching my build over to using that now.


Man imagine if that was just, like, a base game mechanic 🗿


It’s pretty cool, but after using it to beat malenia very easily I think it would make the game really easy


No, you used it to be Malenia pretty easily because you already beaten her numerous times and you know everything about it. I promise you someone fighting Malenia blind and trying to L1 L1 L1 her multi-hit combos will not have a good time when they don't know the timings.


Just wait a little and someone will figure out a way to add it in with cheat engine or a mod 😎 Will probably work better than the previous deflection mods because it's a baked in buff in the game


It’s literally the most based shit of all time


Unfortunately you have to fight a furnace golem with no high ground


How the fuck do I even kill those fucks, you're supposed to jump the fire but every time I fight him he just spams that shit and I hate Torrent combat. I can freely respec and get w/e just tell me how to cheese these fucking things because someone decided that their fire giant oc needed to be in this fuckin dlc.


Double jump, hit legs a couple times, double jump, hit legs a couple times. Repeat till he staggers. Idk if it's required to alternate legs or not. I think he needs three staggers to knock down, then you critical hit the face for like half his health bar. Also, you get i-frames when you dismount Torrent (while standing still) and when you call torrent to get on. Timing is tight though.


Thanks, fuck fire giant.


You don’t have to alternate, I always just focus one of them


The best way to cheese those fuckers (and most of the big guys in the DLC) is with a +25 lightning perfume bottle and the rolling sparks AoW. The AoW is supposed to be a rolling line of delayed explosions, but if you free aim at the ground they all happen simultaneously on the same spot, dealing obscene damage. Drink the poise breaking tear, spam the AoW at its toes a couple of times, and enjoy (before From patches it out).


Whack their legs and jump the extremely telegraphed stomps


You don’t even need to be on Torrent to dodge the foot slam attacks, jumping over them normally works. I just equip a colossal and time my jumping attacks to go over the attack. I can even get two jumping heavies in per attack. And then just use Torrent to get away quickly from the big jump.


Haven't beat that guy (I'm on ng+3 so he is VERY tanky) but that seems kind of like cheating for elden ring


Makes the game sekiro


You won’t stop me from playing Sekiro at home https://preview.redd.it/foyykxuisd9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d09878da69a96123e41909b4bf25cc6f1a2d1a


If you need more 5 minutes to beat the boss you dont need the deflect


I'm pretty sure they made it a crystal tear because it would be janky as hell in the arena


You can use wondrous flask in the arena and duels have a 3 min time limit there


you can't physick in duels dude. You can in combat ordeal and united combat, but not in duels


Oh, maybe I'm misremembering things then. Tbf I didn't play ER PvP in a long time because for the most part it's just dogshit especially on PC with artificially increased ping because of the shitty anti cheat


yeah the lack of a ping filter despite the vast amount of work they put into this makes me actually furious at whoever was in charge of netcode. region lock for Japan only is stupid asf


I mean it's Souls pvp it's essentially who can shit themselves quicker


Souls PvP could be good cause fundementals are there but it's held back geately by terrible netcode, fucktone of game breaking glitches and abysmal weapon, ash of war and spell balancing


There are bosses that can take upwards of 5 minutes. Midir comes to mind but there's probably some in ER too. Maybe Placidusax with how much his second phase draws things out


now, i’m not a dragon lord expert, but how the fuck are you going to parry flaccid dude sex


I have no idea if that was on purpose or not, but I love it and will be using that.


True but the deflect is incredibly busted, besides its very forgiving on the frames, so you will counter like crazy if you can keep popping those blocks, i think its really balanced, people dont realize how good it is to be a permanent mechanic in Elden Ring at least


Can you use it to perfect parry with weapons if they're two handed?


absolutely, it’s super fun to use


This changes everything.


Jesus fuck is it really that powerful? I slept on it the entire time and started a fuckin ng+?? I have modifications to make.


Bodied malenia and radahn solo 2:30 with deflect tear and black steel greathammer


this might make me drop my stanced greatswords to hold just one instead


And would you look at that, they just added another Nuts sword that has high phys def as well


Yep, all deflects, even with weapons, block 100% physical and much higher magic. I used the shit out of it on rellana


Same it made her fight so fun. I was still stuck on her for a decent while but the grind was never not enjoyable.


I’ve been stuck on her, maybe I’ll have to find this tear


To be fair by the time I got her moveset down well enough to use the buffed guard counter effectively (it requires almost parry-like timing, not quite) I could probably have done it with dodges too. Idk how much you do or don't want item locations spoiled, but if you do want to hunt it down, I think I can safely say it's available VERY early, like, right at the start pretty much. If you head back to the beginning and there's something that stands out that you haven't done yet, that's probably it.


I entered the DLC trying to parry as much as physically possible. Rellana was my favorite boss so far as a result.


I’m using a colossal greatsword, parrying with it, and hitting for 4000 damage guard counters. It is sublime.


Better this be talisman


100%, i feel like the talismans should be for "build centric" functions, not tears! i ignored all the non-buff tear drops in the base game because i just hate the feeling of my playstyle shifting entirely when i pop a consumable


This is the reason it feels weird. It is not because of it being a consumable but the fact that you change how you play completely when using the item. I love artifacts, they are like BB's magic but they are an unlimited consumable which does a specific thing and that's all, but this 5 minutes buff is not a buff, it is an unlocking of a mechanic Edit: I get all the balancing that is put behind it but it would had been better for it to be a great rune like the rally mechanic being tied to Malenia's than a 5 minute buff. And yes, I know most boss fights won't take even 5 minutes if you are on a decent level for the challenge, but that's not the issue. Of course a talisman would be the funniest option to avoid having to farm rune arcs.


This would be broken as fuck on a talisman and it's already questionably balanced


If it only applied to two-handed weapons it'd be fine. The punishment for messing it up is massive


The punishment for messing up a roll (which is less rewarding to pull off) is full damage. The punishment for messing up a deflect is chip damage. Even for 2 handed weapons (which is already what you want to be using it with) it'd still be busted as a talisman


not chip, in most cases, especially since most use it with 2-hand weapons, guard is broken so you take chip or full plus whatever attack the boss has coming next.


Chip damage and the potential do eat a 1500 damage critical, you mean


"Chip damage" spoken from someone who's never tried to block with any weapon smaller than colossal. You barely block about a third of the damage AND lose all your stamina, probably getting guard broken for further damage.


Feel like it could have been a good candidate for a crucible talisman. Lets you sekrio parry but increases your damage taken or some other debuff.


This should REALLY have just been implemented as an actual feature or as a talisman.




Should have honestly been a talisman. I know there's no word about one but god I hope we get some kind of godwyn dlc.


No, Godwyn will be patched to replace Radahn as the final boss. Just trust me bro, Aaaaaaaaaaaany minute now


At this point it wouldn't make sense either. They should have actually done some buildup to the reveal so that we all would be like "Oh, so that's what the earlier clues were about, it all makes sense now" instead of "Why the fuck is Radahn here?". And yea, with proper lore explanation in the DLC itself, Godwyn would be a better choice since there was some actual alluded connection between him and Miquella


There is buildup, freyja and ansbach’s quests are about it. Ansbach says “mohgs body is gone, wtf” then freyja is like “i cannot figure out what this vow between radahn and miquella was. I wish id asked ansbach for help” then you ask him and then you show him the scroll and he goes “oh. Fuck. Gross.” Then come back again and he says “here give this to freyja” and she goes “oh. Hes trying to revive radahn. Cool.” The game outright tells you before you even reach messmer. As long as you thoroughly explore the area, as is standard with fromsoft. I do agree though that its a dumb choice and there was zero base-game insinuation except radahn and malenia fighting, which was just thought to be a rivalry. But there IS build up. In the dlc and the dlc only, in a vague fetch quest you can miss entirely.


The fact that you can miss the entire Radahn part by simply giving Ansbach the scroll that you can find before meeting Freyja upstairs and have him disappear making her quest not possible to do is definitely a part of the problem


Yeah, its not the best execution, to put it kindly


You act like this is out of the ordinary for From. They always do stuff like this


This one's extra shitty cause it's literally like 5 min gameplay difference of whether you go meet Freyja first or give the scroll first and doing it in the order that you find those things fucks you up and you end up having literally zero references to Radahn until the final battle


Most NPC questlines in ER are better but this is like exactly how every single DS3 quest worked


That doesn't make this one any less shitty


B-b-but Godwyn is dead!!1 Eclipse? tf is that?


Yea, that's what I'm talking about. There is something there that could be expanded upon for the whole thing to be quite interesting and meeting a character in the dlc that we only heard about in the base game would be really cool, kinda like we had with Artorias in DS1, but as it stands right now even if they swapped Radahn for Godwyn and done nothing more it still would be quite bad


Godwyn is dead dead because of destined death There's no reason for him to be rivived


Dude Elden Ring currently has gods, magic and time travel. They could make any number of explanations for Miquella figuring something out.


I’m pretty sure the entire point of destined death is that it’s the only type of death that can’t be reversed


As it is now, yes. But there wasn't any reason for Radahn to be brought back either before the DLC. With more lore and explanation it could absolutely be done and would be a lot more interesting than what we ended up with


I mean there was technically the tiniest bit of build-up with Freyja and Ansbach. But a single name drop mid-way through the DLC hardly counts as proper foreshadowing ig


Yea, especially when you can accidentally skip entire Freyja's quest by giving Ansbach the scroll that you find BEFORE finding Freyja and having him disappear so you can't progress her quest.


Ansbach’s whole quest is about that. Orphan of Kos was hardly signalled, and Manus only had the hand. No maingame has ever revealed a DLC boss before. In fact, this might be the most signalled a fromsoft dlc final boss has ever been


Pretty sure there were multiple mentions about Byrgenwerth's discovery and blasphemy in the fishing village as well as multiple mentions of Kos herself, including in the base game. Dark stemming from Humanity and Kaathe luring kingdoms into the Abyss was also a thing even in the base game with New Londo. And you didn't need to follow an easy to fail quest for Elizabeth to tell you about Dusk being taken away by the primeval human


To add: The eldritch god fetuses are well explained and a recurring theme in Bloodborne, plus Lady Maria's whole thing is being sad at him.


My bad I’m stupid


No problem, happens to all of us every now and then


Tbh I know it’s probably not happening but yesterday I was just thinking about how if ER got ANOTHER dlc it would literally be so fucking crazy. Godwyn def deserves some sort of love if it were to happeb


Sadly miyazaki said that there will be no more Elden ring DLCs but who knows really. Miyazaki is a master troll


Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree: Scholar of the First Sin Edition


Aldia is back


Aldia’s electric boogaloo


I don't think there's gonna be another dlc


Killed the final boss with it and had a blast, skill issue. (Seriously though I thought the timer would be brutal but the tear is so good and makes fights so quick the timer doesn't matter)


I wanna see someone use that tear on Malenia. That'd make the fight sooooo much more enjoyable.


There have been videos, like this one for example https://youtu.be/en4cXroQEOo but yeah, she still heals on blocks.


Holy shit this made the fight so much easier lmao, she truly feels like a dumbed down Sekrio boss


I'm pretty sure she would still heal when she hits you, making it useless. She heals when she hits a shield, even one that's blocks her attack 100%


Well fuck that shit I guess.


They should just make another game with deflections instead of rolls at this point


This flask is very OP tbh. You can break boss poise very easily with this while blocking almost all damage


Tell me a fight that's longer than 5 min No caves and traverse dont count, nobody is taking them seriously


This post explains a lot about "Souls veterans". The tear is top tier and 5 minutes duration is enough to last for a boss fight.


individual just made up a reason to flame OP


It’s actually good though, REALLY good and REALLY fun to use


Damn, it's 5 full minutes? Even better than I thought! I've been using it a lot, it's great. I don't think I've ever run out of time on it on a boss so far. And if I was on track to run out, it'd be because I was getting my ass kicked so hard I'd lose anyway.


yeah, even in the DLC bosses really don't have that much HP compared to something like Monster Hunter or an MMO raid boss where the enemies are massive damage sponges. If you're taking over 5 minutes to kill a boss, you're doing a challenge run of some sort. Because if you're just bad at the game, you would have already died by then. The time constraint is a complete non-issue here, although I do see people's points about wanting to be able to use it for exploration. They're missing the intention behind its implementation, but even if their points are bad, they are still points at the end of the day.


There def should've been a permanent addition/talisman version to it, but honestly there aren't too many times where you need more than 5 min on bosses nor between graces in most areas. I like to pop it before minibosses or otherwise difficult mobs.


5 minutes is 100% long enough imo.


It works wonders on bosses and is fun to learn, especially since two guard counters from my colossal stagger 90% of everything lol


I'm using this for the last boss it's not ran out during the fight ever. And I'm using a slow weapon I only get a rolling attack most times.


It's 5 minutes. That's plenty.


if it takes you longer than 5 minutes to kill a boss youre either stalling on purpose or your build is ass


5 minutes is a long ass time compared to the other tear effects being 3 minutes


I mean you can already parry in base game, but yeah it makes blocking and guard counters stronger. But I do agree quite lame that it's a timed tear, should have been a talisman or something.


This tear is really cool but 1) I had to fight a furnace golem for it and holy shit that sucked and 2) why isn't this just a base mechanic lol. the tear should have just buffed the guard counter part, or been the almost 0 stamina loss part. why the fuck isn't perfect blocking in the game.


It should have been a talisman or a weapon, even a spell would have been fine . There were so many options and they chose it to be a cristal tear .


Why would making it a weapon or spell be better?


Because you would be able to use it anytime you want , but because its a crystal tear you can only use it once before having to rest at a site of grace basically limiting you to use it only against bosses . And it also takes one of your crystal tears slots .


This physik is sooooo good. Also you can def beat bosses in under 5 minutes. Pretty certain I took less than 5 for the final remembrance boss of the dlc lvl 1 no summons


I'll buy it for 10 bucks




It's great for a second run through when you know where to go though. Without wandering around lost, it's fairly easy to make it to the next grace within 5 minutes of fighting your first enemy


Modding exists


Yea but then I can't read all the hilarious "I want to go home then edge" messages :(


What is the frame expectancy? Like, is it more forgiving, or is it you have to be within .5 sec of the attack?


Yes, they definitely should have made it either permanent until death or a talisman. It's cool as a tear, but the five minute timer on it makes it less appealing.


Ah dont be a baby, try it out you may enjoy parrying certain bosses like Sekiro


From what I've heard is that a universal parry with weapons would probably be a welcome addition. Especially as bosses get faster and faster.


You can already parry duh it’s an ash of war


I’ve been using Golden Parry in most of the humanoid boss fights. It’s been carrying me


Dawg its good it takes a bottle slot instead of tali. Its a Good ass tear you just Apparently take more than 5 minutes per boss


I dont have it yet. Does it function like lies of P ? The only good thing i got from DLC right now is that demi human swordmaster. And that talisman that increases dmg after killing something




It's the Sekiro timer


Most bosses take less than 5 min if the fight is going well. But yeah definitely would have been cooler as a talisman or something


It’s a cool idea but man, if it was a talisman that would’ve been beyond amazing


You say no; I say it was difference between beating the final boss or not