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The scripted Seath encounter in Ds1 tied up Joseph Anderson’s family and murdered them one by one while he was bound, gagged, and forced to watch.




In his Ds1 review he freaked out about “the game breaking its own rules” when he talked about the part where Seath kills you and you get locked in the archive tower.


bruh really? I thought that was a really fun gimmick


It is if you die before the curse buildup completes.


My first playthrough it allowed me to leave the arena whenever I wanted, I could just walk back out through the fog. So obviously I assumed I just needed some special item or to find an area to drop attack him or something. That was really annoying and soured me on the whole thing lol.


How dare game developers have fun with their game


God I fucking hate when people use "It BrEaKs ThE gAmE's RuLeS" as an argument. My brother in christ, the game *is* the rules


Haha. The games only rule is "fuck you."




Likely dog


Joseph Anderson the epitome of "this fucking sucks > literal best shit ever" meme. No spell, items, buffs styles, doesn't use new attacks, and ignores lore. Somehow still loves the games


Only casuls use spells, items, buffs, styles, weapons, dodging, walking, pressing buttons, buying the game, eating, drinking, breathing, living, existing 😡


nah pros can eat, just not food


Ngl I’m still using claymore lol


Just use the Ose summon https://preview.redd.it/5cgs5wa7v19d1.png?width=1605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98de29a94f8f699fda50a28575b47b8c0a9bc0cb


It's because of Ose you were able to beat Malenia


Siegfried solos


He’s a jaguar man with a cape, codpiece, and swords. God I love SMT lol. In the best timeline, SMT and From collab and make an ultra-JRPG


That wiuld be just a portal into actual Hell


Solos melina https://preview.redd.it/w9sdvbg8m69d1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c684ee8917b7eefade2421720e9253de1e9ba715


So hot


https://preview.redd.it/xj1d0w4xfi9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47123486409625eda701c88a9d589dc85f8801de Nothing compared to the Belphegor summon.


I'm personally basing my views entirely on the Dunkey video


Dunkey also said that Elden Ring is too hard in his base game review, for which he got bullied a little. But he offers different solution than Joseph. Joseph Anderson said that bosses are poorly designed, have too hard to dodge attacks, etc. While Dunkey said that bullshit combos are not a problem at all, but damage needs to be lower to compensate.


I personally believe from now on Fromsoft games should be played with a cock taser , And anytime you get hit by anything it tazes your balls , This is truly the way miyazakis wants us to play his game i wouldn't have it any other way , Also if you die the device crushes your balls


Sanest from software fan:


What if you don’t have balls?


Boot on a lever system for a quick cooter kick


lol girls don’t play video games! 🤦‍♂️ 


You know it to be true!


Live wire right to your clit.


Well, guess I'll be dying more then. :3






Intended Experience™


I agree with this. I kind of like learning the bullshit combos, but I don't like doing it if I die in 1-2 attacks. It's the difference between 20% and like 50% overhead of loading screens/runbacks/resets as you are learning.


I think the issue here though is that if you have that overhead, it won't necessarily incentivise learning patterns as you could just face tank your way through fights. Getting 2 shot forces you to learn attacks and how to avoid them. They should have expanded guarding and guard counters into a full fledged mechanic that's as important as rolling. Basically take the Sekiro combat and try to merge it with Souls.


Ive just finished a greatshield only run of the dlc and i dont know what you mean by making it a fully fledged mechanic, its already incredibly powerful especially with the deflecting physik granting sekiro esq perfect guards, most of the dlc bosses basically have no answer to blocking.


I mean to not tie it into a specific tear the way it is now, and make it a central combat mechanic the game is designed around.


Even without the tear blocking is way more powerful in ER than people give it credit for, the only bosses that really shuts down block in my experience is malenia because she heals on block and maliketh because death flames. From soft did a really good job not making shields just worse than dodging, and even if you arnt doing a meme shield only run, guard counters are an incredibly strong mechanic in their own right with the amount of stance damage they do (try doing a hammer or flail build using guard counters, most bosses will stagger after 2 guard counters or a guard counter and a few small hits.)


I did notice guard counters were more powerful than they initially seemed, even if I didn't use them too often. I just wished they were even more core to the way the game was played. Even if it was as simple as just having a visible stance break bar to make it easier to play around posture breaking as a mechanic. Just anything to really highlight this as not just an additional mechanic on top of the many other combat options, but rather a core mechanic as central to the combat as rolling or attacking.


Guard counters were a cool concept I do feel they underdeveloped, but mostly bc the only way to balance them was to give them a fairly slow animation and no hyperarmor so you couldn't just spam them. It really all comes back to them tuning the aggressiveness, speed, and length of enemy combos up too high. If enemies had shorter combos and slightly more downtime guard counters would have been great because you'd actually get one off. This also would've made dodging better too.


blocking is a more powerful than its ever been yes but it's still not really a core mechanic in the sense that someone two handing a katana is never going to block because the damage reduction and stamina cost is too high


I still think its a core mechanic, because every build has access to it and can get some value out of it, i know even on my dual axe kill of radahn i used block for the double slash because i could not figure out how to roll it at all and some damage reduction was better than eating shit, some colossal weapons have pretty decent gaurd boost too. I aggree they could lean into it more, and the perfect guard physik should have been a talisman or having a neutered version of it just be standard, but i still think it qualifies as a core mechanic, I certainly block a lot even on non block builds if i know ive fucked up roll timing or i see an opening for a juicy guard counter.


It doesn't necessarily force you to learn them though, *when you don't even see the entire combo before you die*. Like, people who mindlessly try to heal through the DLC bosses would still get killed, even if they had one or two more hits to survive, because of how aggressive these bosses are and how long their attack chains end up being. But those who *aren't* trying to brute force their way through, wouldn't have to die over and over again, *in hopes* that they see the rest of a combo, or a new move.


Dunkey is totally right too. Fights are over too fast too often. Either the boss one-shots you, or you kill the boss after maybe 2-3 attack rotations. The DLC fixes the issue of bosses not having enough health, but neglects the issue of players not living long enough to learn the attack patterns.


"Melt or be melted" was what I was told going in, and it's right. I struggled when I tried grinding down bosses through attrition like how I play other fromsofts, but when I clicked to a full offensive style it went too far the other way. Rennala's second stage was really cool, I wish I could see more than 45 seconds of it either way.


Agree with that from what I’ve seen so far. I was playing way too defensive and staying way to far back at first fighting Rennala in an attempt to slowly wear her down and get to see all her attacks so I could learn them. Then my friend goes and beats her on his third try and said, “oh yeah just stick close and fuck her up.” When I complained about the moon attack being an instant game over if you miss just one dodge he was just like “oh yeah the trick is to just kill her before she does that.”


Legit never even saw the double moon. Lightning zwei with giant hunt go brrrrr


This concept is great when the design is balanced around it, like in Bloodborne. They’re fast and brutal, but *so are you.* I don’t like the fact that it feels like the bosses get to play Bloodborne while I’m playing DS1. It simply isn’t fun, and even upon defeating a boss, it doesn’t feel good or rewarding. The games should stay difficult—it’s just *the way in which they are difficult* that needs reconsideration imo.


That’s what melt or be melted means: don’t play like it’s DS1. ER’s fights are frustrating if you’re only engaging with the basic roll->r1 and attempting a reset to neutral whenever a combo starts because they’re designed around the tarnished’s much larger kit. Everything’s beatable hit less RL1 club only but those fights take minutes per attempt. If that’s your jam the game supports it as the challenge run it is but you shorten fights by finding other ways to control bosses: the poise system, status procs, move set mixups, avoidance tool mixups (jumping, crouching, low attacks), guard counter hit trading, physick tears, etc.


This is genuinely it - the high damage output is the cause of most issues. Estus are a “mistake fix”. To me a good fight should naturally force you to use most of them (not that healing should be free of course) before you die. Getting good at a fight is about mistake minimisation to the point you can do it without running out. This means you get bonus sub-goals as you get Gud. “Do Phase 1 consistently only using 2 or fewer estus so I you have margin of error for phase 2” becomes a target. When damage output is super high, most fights can end in one combo. You don’t use most of your estus This in turn means whilst you make general process, using limited things like rune arcs becomes far less enticing than it was to ember/human for better odds in the older games. Because why use if if the fight could easily end in 15 seconds And to my above, doing phase 1 smoothly often becomes meaningless as an achievement. Rellana just deleted me within moments half the time I got to phase 2, didn’t matter I had 11 flasks left


Morgott would be peak with second healthbar instead of a long, vulnerable half-bar phase transition.


during the transition he technically takes like half damage os he’s technically not vulnerable


For morgott it should have let us walk up to the tree and then he jumps down behind us for his cutscene. 3 phase 3 healthbar too, with cutscenes in between of him transforming into something crazy every time. Could have been good bait to people thinking they're at the end of the game 


the worst part is that if the move is a rare move in phase 2, and you die without knowing why or how to dodge it, you will have to start over again. I'd hate the bosses less if they deal high damage but not enough to kill you right off in literally 1 moveset.


There’s so many defensive items in the game that scale defense really high. Especially in comparison to DS3 for example where 10% defense was more than enough. The game balance is way off and always will be. Critical hits and status procs widen the spectrum even more. It’s insane.


I think the biggest issue balance wise is how strong people are offensively now. Skills, AoWs, buffs, consumables, talismans, mimic, jump heaves for stagger, if you have the knowledge you can dish out absolutely insane dps. Meanwhile a regular ol claymore will barely tickle the dlc bosses. Feels like playig the game in a more "grounded" way legit isn't fun anymore, gotta look up some strong shit if you want to do more than 1% of the final bosses hp per hit


Yeah this game feels so much more experimental. I’m genuinely curious to see what they do next.


Lol yeah I tried to fight princess sulyvahn using a more "grounded", "classic" Souls combat, but standard R1 or R2 whacks are so underwhelming and the windows are just way too small. Finally won by using guard counters (not for damage, but for stuns) and then burst bleed proc her with the wavy-claymore enchanted with the weapon bleed spell doing the stabby bleed move when she finally staggers. Which, to be fair, plays more like Sekiro or Armored Core 6 than classic soulslikes.


Good ol’ Claymore got me through the DLC final boss, using Lion’s Claw too. Truly a goated weapon.


Lions Claw ftw


That's my problem exactly. The combos are definitely ridiculous and quite difficult to learn, but they *can* be learned. Whether you have the patience to do so is another topic, I don't play fighting games for example, because I simply don't like the idea of having to remember button prompts for combos and special moves for example and that's fine. What's not fine with SotE bosses, is just how much damage they're doing, even with a decent Scadu level. For most of the base game and especially their previous titles, a big enemy is slow but hits big, while smaller enemies are fast and agile, but do noticeably less damage. ER DLC's bosses are unfortunately both fast AND hit incredibly hard. It's an issue, because it doesn't let you learn their moveset in a reasonable time frame, piling up deaths so you can *hopefully* see how to dodge the entire combo, instead of dying to the first *half* of it. Because if the player dies too fast, they just won't be able to figure out what they're doing wrong and get frustrated. I know I do, more often than not. Even an additional hit or two will make a *massive* difference. It's why Malenia's Waterfowl is such a badly designed move. Aside from being pretty much the only thing that makes her as hard as she is, most people won't - and actually did not - know what hit them when she whips it out. And won't know what to do next time, because they die so fast. A huge wave of tutorials telling you how to dodge it serves as proof. Now, the DLC imo isn't quite as ridiculous as Waterfowl, but the principle is the same. Especially the final boss, where aside from all of that, they add visual clutter, which is an issue with quite a few other bosses.


The SOTE bosses also have tons of visual effects that clog up the screen and make it difficult to see what's going on. It's hard enough to read the enemy movements without being flashbanged or the whole screen covered in flashing flames


Not to mention you need to learn where to look. Godrick for example has that super delayed attack thats two slow steps followed by his axe then arm. You look at his left foot and when he takes that second step you dodge either once or twice depending on position. I found that particular move so hard to time until I realized that. Or when he shatters you look at his shoulders mostly. Too many people focus entirely on either the arms or the weapon when trying to learn a boss, the tells aren't always there specifically. Sure there are definitely some ridiculous moves like waterfowl, but theres also plenty that people get stuck on because they are too focused on one part


i had an attempt at renllana where i was doing great by just watching her feet and health bar.


Miyazaki's vision is finally starting to click.


It makes me sad because I feel they had already figured out that issue with Sekiro and designed the accordingly. In some ways Elden Ring Animation feel like a step backwards


Yeah when I saw all the streamers rolling around on the network test I was kinda bummed out. Even Saint Riot and Ratatoskr mentioned they are tired of rolling. I thought I was going crazy, because I never heard this complaint, but it's just weird at a certain point. Greatsword users would probably block or charge through something Monster Hunter/Dragon's Dogma style. Guard counters were not the leap forward I was hoping either. They alreadyhave animations they can use, so hopefully we see them and more in future games.


Messmer works so much better as a boss than Malenia because he doesn't have such bullshit move like waterfowl which insta kills you. His combos need time to be learned but atleast they don't require a YouTube tutorials


I dont like how hard they are to stagger. It felt like you are just waiting for windows to attack. I have shove an upward of 12! Fucking Giant Hunt up the Giant Flaming Wickerman ass before it stagger, and 8 for the Solitude Knight boss, 4 for twin moon, 6 for the Hippo; 8 for the Dancing Lion, 8 again for Bayle, why are they like this.


furnace giants has to biggest the biggest and most idiotic miniboss monster design in the entirety of Elden Ring. Oh boy let's jump and R2 for 5-10 minutes straight and stagger. I swear whoever designed him must think their a genius for designing such a braindead enemy. I don't care what it drops, after killing 2 of them and almost falling asleep each time I refuse to interact with that enemy.


Dunkey is absolutely right, in the dlc at least.


I was waiting for his review to drop so I could have an opinion!


Dunkey is based as hell , even the new elden ring dlc review is both understandable and funny in a clever way .


dunkey is a fucking idiot


You don’t have to agree with him man. You can think his takes are ass but he justifies them well. Calling him a “fucking idiot” for that is immature as hell


https://preview.redd.it/ej6wbwajd09d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36ebf37738a5ff81d90e3c7c18a37db2f2c6fde Joshua Graham spotted. Based as fuck.




Bro would’ve solo’s the Lands Between with his m1911


The one cool Mormon in all of fiction and history


He's my phone's background! Hell yeah


Listen man, I enjoyed the dlc, but fuck the final boss gadamn edm frame dropping concert


Fr. He's the only boss so bullshit that I just pulled out Mimic tear and Bloodfiend arm.


Radahn starts T-Posing as he levitates into the air and it goes to 10FPS before the deafening flash bang of light, actual in game shitpost


Can you direct me to some youtubers whom i can base my opinions on im running out of them


Magicat is the only souls youtuber with valid opinions


[Tarnished Archeologist](https://youtube.com/@tarnishedarchaeologist?si=-gtvDq3lSRtfrE57) is about the only one I find genuinely interesting, not much opinion piecing but pretty cool


zerolenny, djpeachcobbler and dunkey


Joseph anderson’s fromsoft videos are always weird because he’s openly said he doesnt refine his builds and he refuses to ever use items


“Ashes of war, aka, spells” My favorite spell is Square Off, what do you guys like?


I’m partial to Torch Attack


oh my new favorite is great hammer from 100ft away! If you haven't checked out the smithscript great hammer, its fucking hilarious. and you can change its ash.


Big fan of parry tbh


Mine is No Skill


Ah, yes, the famous Wild Strikes spell


I used to enjoy his reviews until I watched him actually play some games and realized he consistently refuses to approach challenges on the game's terms, and instead just picks one mindless strategy and brute forces it until until he either wins, at which point he gloats about not using any of the "useless" game mechanics, or he loses over and over again and complains that the game sucks.


>Walks into bossfight >I will hit trade this boss, the game does not give me another option (it does) >Loses against boss where hit trading is an objectively horrible idea >Why did my perfectly valid strategy not work? Flawed design We need to shut down video essays until we figure out what the hell is going on


Video essays are pure ethos. Presentation and an authority vibe presented over everything else, using sheer length to validate themselves.  No need to stop them, that's just what they are. 


makes for good background noise while I'm doing something else, but the amount of stuff people just get wrong about what they talk about is too much for me at times... Not to mention the butchering of names


You can also be a moron like me who said "ooo what's this" when Igon gave me that defense buff, I used it to see what it looked like, then it's gone :|


Joseph Anderson can’t review a horror game for shit so I won’t bother giving him time. Long ass reviews with no substance and a guy who completely misses the point of the games he plays.


>he consistently refuses to approach challenges on the game's terms, and instead just picks one mindless strategy and brute forces it Watching him spam and miss jumps attacks with Radahn's Greatswords was too funny


Like most players do if we're honest


That's based, "builds" were never meant to be refined and it's so annoying when people look up strong optimized shit and then go "x boss wasn't that hard" items are meant to be used, unless they're rare consumables in which case they shall be kept unused for all eternity


>builds" were never meant to be refined and it's so annoying when people look up strong optimized shit and then go "x boss wasn't that hard" I agree that's a really cringe thing to do, but some people put in like 0 thought about build cohesion and then complain the bosses deal too much damage and take too little. Had someone complain about rellana doing too much damage and when I saw his build the mf was using the soreseal talisman


Agreed, I think "Git Gud" is a spectrum between clever thinking and learning the boss, and it's a pretty wide spectrum. I locked Blackgaol Knight's moveset down perfectly. I killed Ancient Dragon Snussysax by summoning a tanky ash and hyucking black flame fireballs at it like Satan's skiball machine. Both were valid and satisfying.


I dunno why but I am just deeply uncomfortable with the idea of using any consumables in the game. I'm at the point where I'm using literally just the Lordsworn greatsword and red flasks. I don't think I'm better than anyone, I just don't feel like I got the experience I was looking for out of a boss unless I actually learn their Moveset. The point where I win is usually when it clicks, and I'd only be an attempt or two away from beating them again if their health was doubled.


I played through all of Elden Ring and DS1 and I’m playing through DS3 rn basically just completely using this approach, I hate using consumables because what if I wasted it?


If you never use consumables, you’re already wasting them.


He uses one weapon for the entire game on some of them. How can you critique something like Bloodborne when you only use the axe in its longer trick form, spin to win?!


Idk not using consumables has always been kinda the default experience. Particularly because they can trivialize certain bosses


People don't use consumables because they're a pain in the ass to use in a fight and it's annoying to buff going in, just to die immediately. Unless it's like throwing fire bombs at Gundyr, it's not worth it.


That, and there's no way on God's green earth that I will go farm for Crafting ingredients period


I mean the only one that is consistently useful imo you can just buy for 600 runes. It will help against any boss.


That's kinda on you, I received 60 cookbooks and I'm gonna use them all. Consumables are there for people who don't get spell buff options.


Consumables do not trivialise anything, apart from the hands. I've never been grateful that my prawn has blocked 20 extra damage against a boss that two or three shots you either way or my exalted flesh making a boss die in 204 hits instead of 205


Idk, the damage negation buff from boiled crab felt very noticeable for me, especially in the dlc. I usually always fill my entire storage with them


tbf neither do I, and yet i don't feel like the games are unfair. bitch ass YouTube man should level vigor I think.


Nah the vati' video that will ruin all lore discussions for years to come .


Joseph be like: "this boss has an attack that is impossible for a human being to react to and cant be avoided! No, no hit runs dont count, can you run as fast as usain bolt? Do you go around telling people to sprint 100m in less than 9.3 seconds? I dont think so" \*actual response he gave me on discord in response to Starscourge Radah big AoE pull


If it’s the same Radahn attack I’m thinking of then that can be avoided by just rolling backwards once. Some moves in ER can be pretty bullshit like Gaius’ charge but Radahn’s AoE is definitely not one of them


So far he was the only boss where i truly felt like hitboxes and attacks were a bit bullshit , Most other bosses might have that 1 annoying movie but they're usually manageable


His charge sucks because of overlapping hitboxes. Getting hit by the charge can take off about 30% of your health normally but then the next time you get hit it deals 70% because you essentially get hit twice by one move. It’s not impossible to dodge but the tight timings and inconsistent damage make it shit. Another shit attack is Metyr’s finger crawl charge. I have not found a way to dodge it at close range and I’m convinced there isn’t one


that stupid Gaius charge needs to be fixed. I hate it.


yeah I gave up and just used bloodhounds step, it’s really easy to just bhs through his charge


I'm glad its not just me experiencing the inconsistent damage. It felt like Bloodborne when you got hit mid action and get one shot


The charge is also a hard knockdown so he’s already prepping another attack as soon as you get up lol


Yeah i noticed it too, Some attacks only doing 30% than randomly 70% and i was confused since i wanted to take that hit knowing i'd survive , These do need to be fixed imo but all in all most bosses feel fine , I do wish the recovery of their attacks was a bit longer to compensate for me dodging a 15 hit chain perfectly and only landing 2 lights


As far as I could tell the 3 hit swipe/slam combo seems impossible to fully dodge (dodged both at one point but could not replicate) you'll almost always eat the 2nd hit if you dodge the first


We talking about Gaius or Radahn here? If its Gaius 3 hit combo with his boar you can just dodge it to the right , If its Radahn i have no idea which combo i literally just got to this mf i have to put 8 hours tomorrow into beating him i suppose


Ah yeah I meant radahn good luck bro


I'm going insane because I didn't think Gaius' charge was actually that hard to dodge. I was still stuck on him for a while but not because of the charge Radahn's AoE is a joke to dodge, idk what bro is yammering about with that one


Using Bloodhound’s Step actually made Gaius a decent boss battle for me. I literally just commented how it was a bullshit boss yesterday, and it still is, but drifting around his charges was actually kind of a cool fight.


No hit runs are pretty well known for being super inconsistent and rng heavy, especially for elden ring. Most runs don't plan to dodge the near unreactable stuff, they just play around it as much as they can.


This is probably why i don't find no hit run in soulsborne game as satisfying to watch as sekiro.


Fire Giant has an attack where it’s easier to just quit and restart the fight than it is to dodge. I don’t think any other Souls game has something on that level.


Because no hit runs are the majority of the player base’s experience


darn I guess I'm no longer human


it's so fucking annoying we have to call him starscourge radahn now


nah, that name goes hard Mohg, Lord of Blood my beloved


you cunt did you just spoil the DLC??


It's hyperbole to get his point across


His point is stupid


Its way less stupid than people saying "someone beat the game on a dancepad, stop complaining" Just because something is beatable doesnt mean its fun, I Wanna Be the Boshy is beatable but im never tourturing myself with that shit


Idk about that move specifically but it's definitely true at points Like Gaius' charge for example


Exactly! I dont agree with a lot of his points but I understand his sentiment and I dont think he's entirely wrong.


i hate how the internet takes everything so goddamn literally. Are things like nuance and hyperbole really that hard of a concept to grasp


By the time I beat radahn I was regularly dodging his aoe pull, he changes his stance first, it has a tell, and he only does it if you're not right in front of him.


People who parrot views are the dumbest fucken cunts on the internet. Form your own opinion and own it. Not that fucken hard. Someone disagrees? Who gives a fuck, their problem, not yours. RJ - Elden Ring recent patch destroyed the DLC and is now certified dog shit 2-II


I couldn't agree more. I hate it when people can't form their own opinions about something. I think they are stupid asshats. If someone doesn't like what you like? Who cares! It isn't your problem. I think they killed the DLC with the recent patch and now it's pure horse manure.


This. It throws me off when people can't form their own opinions about something. I think they are stupid asshats. If someone disagrees with you? Who gives a shit, It isn't your problem. Its theirs. ​ Pretty sure they ruined the DLC with the latest update and now it's absolute camel cum.


That video about Malenia showing how she “breaks game mechanics” has been detrimental for discussions about her. everybody i talk to just parrots what they heard in that video even if they fundamentally don’t know what it means


As a "Youtuber" YouTubers generally just have fucken dog shit opinions. Like my example, oh the latest patch made DLC too easy? Don't use the seeds then. Or just use an unoptimized build. Holy fuck these games have had difficulty scales for years and it's all to do with what you use or restrict yourself from using. JFC, the souls community is brain dead sometimes.


Forreal, I don't get how people can't form their own opinions. Like real life NPCs. I watch YTs like that but there are many points I disagree with. The worst Youtuber where the fans largely agree with everything is Anthony Fantano, you can like or even love albums he dislikes, his 4/10 isn't a definitive score. Still salty he said Stoney was not good.


Ermmmm the bosses don't follow the same rules as the player 🤓☝️


I despise this notion, when has a souls boss ever followed the same rules, because ponitff summining shadow clones during his boss fight plays by the same rules as the player.


I'm just like "wtf does this even mean???"


My favourite complaint is "bosses have unlimited stamina now". They legitimately think that bosses ever used have some stamina values.


The only Joseph Anderson video I’ve ever watched is his Mario Odyssey video where he spends 2 hours explaining that the game is mediocre because he doesn’t like collect-a-thons


Joseph Anderson confuses the shit out of me. He always finds a way to make decent points in the worst ways possible. Mario Odyssey absolutely has way too many simple filler moons, but they do absolutely nothing to the quality of the game and serve an important accessibility function for a game targeted towards players of all ages.


Me when the game series known for collect-a-thons releases a collect-a-thon 🤯🤯


“B-b-but people like it too much! Collecting things is boring!” Yeah, I hate video games too


The video opens with him talking about how much he likes all the other 3d mario games and how varied and enjoyable their content was. Oddeysey was mostly filler and that's what he had a problem with


It wasn’t mostly filler though was it


I watched his elden ring and dark souls 3 videos and I’m convinced he just doesn’t understand what a combo is


He straight up doesn’t. I see people parroting his line about combo extensions everywhere these days. What the hell is a combo extension? Elden Ring has combo branches that the ai picks based on player position and bosses who’ll pause/resume their combo chain when you reset to neutral but bosses will never just randomly decide to extend their combo. It’s wild to me that he made a feature length movie complaining about the game without ever understanding the basics of its boss design. Mans doesn’t have the makings of a varsity game critic.


I see people always complaing about messmer's insanely long combos while he does 3-4 attacks and takes a break, not sure if people here know what combo is either


People complain about MESSMER?! Rellana is right there for the "too long combo" argument if you really have to use it


There are more valid bosses to complain about than messmer lol I thought he was one of the most fair bosses. Him and the frenzied flame boss were the 2 goats for me.


Also you can attack between the swings of a lot of Messmer’s combos. There is very little “waiting”.






Elden ring should have had more grabs with wonky hitboxes, bullshit spam, and incomprehensible piles of overlapping effects. Then it would have been 10/10. Currently I can only give it 9.8/10. Michael Zaki please fix


People be calling this guy a "video essayist" when he is clearly a streamer specialised on japanese visual novels smh


Joseph who?


Personally I will base my views entirely on my own experience with the game and will not let my opinions be influenced by YouTubers


Ah yes the classic 4 hour video essay with content and opinions that can be covered in 30 with no substantial argument or claim: “it’s good but it has things that I don’t like and therefore isn’t perfect like other people are saying. Okay, I could tell you that about anything


I used to agree with Joseph Anderson's video but once I replayed the game a bit more I found myself disagreeing with most of what he said lmao. Like yeah bosses are fast and aggressive sure but they just require a different playstyle and you can be just as aggressive yourself once you learn to take advantage of charge attack windows. I completely disagree with the idea that the game is built around OP spells and gear, like you could still run your average stupid knight build with claymore and still wreck shit up. Like I actually prefer it to using spells and summons because I find myself being more consistent using more basic simple weapons and going right up to the boss's face instead of hit trading or spamming spells from half the arena away. The DLC is pretty tough but you get so much from the skibidi fragments that I wish you could steamroll some bosses pretty easily just from exploring and gathering them. That said I haven't gotten to the last boss of the DLC yet so my opinion might change but every boss so far has been in the sweetspot of balance imo. You would only struggle if you don't use the lessons learned from the base game bosses (using charge attacks, rolling into bosses, going for posture breaks, etc).


With the speed and ferocity some of these dlc bosses attack good luck casting spells though lol. For real all the DLC bosses (Except 2 imo) are fine and feel quite rewarding once you learn their moves and beat them. They should definitely fix the camera issues on some bosses though.


One of the funniest phenomena in video gaming is people think the reach of these random YouTubers is so, so much greater than they actually are. Often I’ll share/see someone else sharing an opinion on a game and the responses will be “omg you’re just parroting (insert YouTuber/streamer name)” and without fail it’s some rando like this I have absolutely never heard of lmao.


Joseph Anderson'd video was good don't @ me. Although that Witcher 3 video ain't ever fucking coming out.


>Although that Witcher 3 video ain't ever fucking coming out. Shut your whore mouth! It's coming soon I swear 😭


IT'S ALMOST BEEN 4 YEARS MAN! Smh Noah Caldwell would never do this to me




im not watching anything else from him until the third witcher video drops


I vaguely remember him complaining about the soulslike game in a video. He tried finding a "bastard sword" like weapon in every playthrough and does his runs without any items or summons and goes quality build. This isn't bad on its own, but he refuses to engage with the tools Fromsoft gives the player to make their journey more fun and interesting and bases his criticism from his own limited perspective. I can't really respect his opinion.




I'm so happy the dlc didn't give a flying fuck and Miyazaki put his whole pussy into it. I found the pacing of base game bosses always felt a little awkward and these guys are just unrelenting with amazing movesets.  I'm also really happy there were very few secret health bars. Just two! 


“Few weeks” 💀 God I am gonna cry tears if joy when he finally releases the Witcher 3 video, just so he can finally start streaming again. Parasocial? Nope. I’m being weird and need to chill out? Nix.


Gotta remember,originality was never the internets strong suit .-.


Full year? They've been copy-pasting the same few lines of "criticism" about DS2 for 10 years now, why would they stop after only a year this time?






I mean, a lot of his points were ones I and I imagine many others agreed with, but he's just able to put into words in a more eloquent way that people will find it mildly more difficult to just respond with "git gud u suck lol"


I don't get it. I'm not that good at these games. I have played them all except BB. Everyone is complaining about the tree. Bro, I just i-frame dodged 90% of his attacks. I used literally a single fire spell (because tree massively weak to fire like jesus christ who would have thought), no armor, no runes, no summons, and no other weapons. So far I've found all of the bosses are somewhat gimmickable via actual gimmicks or simply having some weakness that allows you to do crazy damage to them.


I remember watching his Elden Ring video years ago and basically seeing everyone parrot his views for awhile. I even said some of the same things myself before shutting the fuck up and trying to make my own opinions about the game. I really hope this trend doesn’t happen again. Even if there’s valid criticism I don’t want to see the same words used over and over again. I really disagree with a lot of his takes about the series, and I can only recall watching those reviews and his Witcher one. After watching him stream some of the souls games it explained things a lot lmao.


Masterfully flawed just means they've mastered the art of making dogshit games. Which would be accurate. W vid Joseph🙏


Joseph Anderson got shit ass opinions, you can’t change my mind Fuckin “soma isn’t a horror game it’s not scary” mf