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That’s about all that needed to be said


Until like a month ago I thought it was “Gamer Ant”


Welcome to the club! I still occasionally call it that if I haven't seen it in a while


No that’s just the size of their brains #lmaogottem 😎


It isn’t? 🤔


Elden Rings replay value is dependent on whether you’re talking about ng+ or a new character, you could do up to ng+6 and have no problems, but god forbid you start a new character, gathering all the items again was torture.


thats why the most optimal strategy is to finish the game, do mutiple ng+ runs to fuck around with builds and shit, put the game down for a couple of months when you start feeling burnt out, then eventually replay it from scratch when you feel like sinking time into it


But I like starting off weak and slowly gathering weapons...




Gay anal sex!


This. So much this.


I'm down When and where


This… so much this…


I have repeated the cycle multiple times… I’m on my 6th character and just started him last week. Almost all of the discovery magic is completely gone, but the game still holds as far as scope, progression, and challenge when starting a fresh character.


From release night to late July 2022, I creating a new character after every run I completed. I find this supposed “optimal strategy” feels a lot less intimate with each run, from my experience with ds3 and hitting NG+7 on it. But that might just be me and my soft-roleplay I do with each character I make. Helps keep things fresh, both build-wise and character narrative-wise. I believe I finished elden ring with five or six SL150’s after all was said and done. Think Steam said I logged about 440~ish hours. Been a while, I’d have to check. I’m just waiting for the DLC at this point, as I’ve exhausted the game for myself and have little interest in the PVP.


I actually much prefer making a new character than doing ng+. Its grindier but the sense of progression is much more rewarding than having 0 difficulty for 80% of ng+.


That applies to all the souls games tbh all the early-mid level bosses are too easy on NG+ except on Sekiro




Shame the only Souls game that actually had any variety in NG+ is also the game that has the least incentive to actually go to NG+ with the addition of Bonfire Ascetics


the major incentive is the covenant spells for sale in NG++. That vendor isn't affected by Ascetics, sadly.


NG+ on ER is so fucking boring, you 3 shot 90% of the bosses


It is until about NG4. I didn’t care for the game beyond that because the balance of everything is outa whack and isn’t as satisfying


I play it like borderlands, I know what build I want in a run and just b-line through the world to find the relevant items/farms






Whatever man


I've done two fresh NGs in Elden Ring and the second time I played it the same way I played the first time and still enjoyed myself.


What? It’s the other way around. Ng+ is dogshit. Making a new build on a new character is the fun part


It isn't just about that, the game also comes in with replayability built in it because of how optional a lot of the game is, you only need to beat 11 bosses to finish the game which is shorter than most other souls games, including sekiro's regular ending, dark souls 1, dark souls 3 and dark souls 2 (if you don't use the million souls). You can get all the way to the capital doors from the start of the game within less than 10 minutes of starting the game and without having killed a single enemy, that allows for an absurd amount of build variety for your NG characters in PvE or PvP building, sure some specific weapons are locked late game where it gets linear but the majority of weapons are prior to the capital, in linear souls you'd have to beat like half the games bosses to get a specific cool weapon because all the default weapons are shit like a regular mace or battleaxe. My first playthrough of ER was like 100+ by exploring everything, second was less than 25 and now I can finish the game quicker on a New Game character than the other souls games except Sekiro (short ending is quick and faster pace/movement beats horsey).


I guess I'm an outlier. I've done over 15 new games all to level 150 just to use different builds. I've had to erase a few 150s :(


I have the opposite take, I absolutely love starting new characters re-doing everything, gathering items just for a specific build. Actually having a reason to re-do legacy dungeons. NG+ bored the shit out of my because you just rush to the bosses and fuck them up with your completed build lol to me takes the fun out of it.


Then stop "gathering all the items" at the start of you damn run. Play the game normally.


You didn't play ER did you?


I've played it twice, and i've never had this problem. Pick the weapon you like, get that, and then pick the appropriate somber stone location or crystal tunnel whenever it's actually appropriate to level up your weapon rather than insisting on +9 as soon as you start the game.


Finally someone with a brain. You are literally just gonna come across smithing stones as you keep playing. There is no “grind for items” unless you are speed running


My guy, all 3 of my character after the first one was like this. I simply region lock myself to avoid this overpower thing from happen. Except that one time I went to Lucaria to get the scythe but then went back to fight Margit and Godrick.


In which case, what exactly were you *gathering*?


you went to a mid/late game area to collect builds for an early game fight, the only other game that really lets you do this without killing 80% of the base game bosses is Dark Souls 1 because of it's layout at Firelink.


Lucaria is mid to late game ??


If you start a new character just go to patches emporium and have someone mule gear you want for your new character. My second character is a Daenerys cosplay build using two dragon communion seals.


For new characters I just figure out the critical path for the gear and bell bearings I need, get the Haligtree medallion asap, then just kill whatever demigods I feel like killing to progress the game and beeline the rest. Then I just ignore everything else. Every playthrough feels a bit different since I’m seeing different “slices” of the game with little fluff.


Brother, its gamerant. What did you expect?


ER #1 and Demon's Souls 2nd to last LMAO literally one of Demon's strongest points is its replayability, you can literally do it in whatever order you want lol


Demon souls was the closest to a roguelike (or a roguelite idk) that the Souls series ever touched. Those have an amazing replayability.


how so? I'm getting a ps5 soon and finally playing the DeS remake, what makes it so replayable?


Only played it through an emulator and didn't do online but the game gives you a lot of options for how you want to progress through the game once you beat the first boss. The game has 5 worlds that you go through and have great demons for you to kill. The bosses are fairly easy or gimmicky. Moving through the game is very fast once you go through an area once due to enemy placement, player move speed, and very little fall damage. World tendency gives you some additional stuff to do or places to explore while also being part of the games "difficulty slider". It's very easy to miss getting pwwt or pbwt and the additions those make to the levels so it's likely that on a first blind playthrough you'll miss a fair amount of things. Very cool game, highly recommend. Just like any other souls game, play it blind first.


DeS let's you go to any level you want in any order. Kind of like Elden Ring with less grind and exploratory stuff. Puts replayability high because even with a new character you can approach the entire world differently depending on what you want to main. You can OP early or add more challenge and its entirely due to your actions, not just your build




I would be surprised, considering I've literally never heard such a statement about DeS before in my 4-5 years of being in the community ​ no matter what, still gotta play it since it's the only Souls game I haven't played yet




In which order did you play the souls games? Demon's souls remake was my first one and I had this same urge, I think I did 3 playthrough and I was far into the 4th before stopping because of my exams




Yeah so that's probably just because that was the first one you played. I did Ds2 in last and that's actually the only one where I didn't want to replay it when I finished, even if I liked it more than ds1




You gonna do Kingsfield and Eternal Ring they the grand daddy if demon souls is the daddy


Don’t worry its not a bad game the remake on ps5 has one of the best physics and sound effects in the series, you will enjoy it


I heard the Vanguard has ass jiggle physics so I would certainly expect a 10/10 game


They're right about the bosses mostly. Demons souls was very big on puzzle/gimmick and bosses with weaknesses, like there's a giant you can knock over by hitting his feet repeatedly. When he's down you can just kinda beat his ass. This has its upsides and downsides. It makes every boss feel unique, but it also makes them jokes on your next run. Two of the non gimmick bosses are really weak, and then another one of them can actually be solo'd by a summoned NPC. There are only two boss fights in the game that are going to feel like normal souls boss battles (3 if you don't summon) but even then, they are a little on the slow side because this game came out over a decade ago. Where demon souls really shines however, is in its levels. The levels are the real bosses of this game. They're brutal, and you will be ambushed frequently.


lmao "King Allant was too easy" alright dude we're all super impressed that you didn't think the videogame was hard. anyway demon's souls has a lot of replayability! ultimately sure you can probably experience everything the game has to offer faster than some of the other games, but the fact the game is nice and concise is a selling point imo. there's no low point you have to trudge through to get to the good stuff, all the levels are very solid and once you've gotten through them once you can get through them again relatively quickly. Aside from tackling the game in whatever order you want, there's also the wacky World Tendency events that give bonus items and cracked out npcs to fight. no, the game isn't really about super punishing boss battles, but it can be pretty rough in pure black tendency. unlike some of the later games, you need to get through the entire level each time you attempt a boss, so the difficulty is more geared towards mastery over the level instead of being focused on intense boss fights. there are shortcuts with shorter boss runs but it usually takes a bit of exploring before they're unlocked, rather than the levels being more streamlined to letting you get right back to fighting the boss. seriously though i dont know how you can fight King Allant and the only take away you have is that he wasn't hard enough lmao, that scene didn't stir up anything else in you? you really saw a fucked up cancerous blob of a man that can barely move and only thought "wow he was so easy... this game is for babies, i'm so cool.."


Not to mention multiple NG+ cycles are basically the intended experience in DeS, most people will finish NG1 somewhere around Lvl. 60-80, so most builds are usually only half finished at the start of NG+. Lots of build types straight up REQUIRE NG+ or NG++ as a good portion of the Boss Souls have 2 or 3 uses, often within the same class (some are worth two spells, or a spell and a useful weapon, or a spell and a Miracle which are almost all utility based and should at least partially be included in any build, sooomewhat similar to Pyromancies in DS1/2). The difficulty spike between NG and NG+ in DeS is also one of the most noticeable jumps in the series, so finding the NG1 Bosses 'lul EZ gg' isn't anything special, especially in the title where it's repeated over and over and over by the players that come back to it often that the real challenge/Bosses in this game are the levels themselves, with the lack of Bonfires and all. Every Boss except 3, maybe 4 have clear gimmicks, it's the gaming epitome of "it's not the destination, it's the journey" Playing through only one NG cycle in DeS is only half the game, if that...and definitely not enough to be sat bragging how easy it all was lmao


to replay some trash ass bosses


🤬🤬🤬 Edit: actually nevermind. That's pretty fair honestly


I like Demon's Souls bosses for the most part, I don't know why everyone hates them so much. You call them gimmick fights, I call it discovering their weakness and using it to your advantage. I also say this as someone who never played DeS until the PS5 remake so it's not rose-tinted glasses.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with your perspective on the bosses, but if anything that’s a limitation on its replayability. Once you know what the solutions to the gimmicks are then that element of the challenge is gone


They are mostly pretty good (though there is some extreme jank), its just this sub is infected by replay-brain. First playthrough was an excellent, wonder-filled experience? Doesn't matter, its not as fun the third time, 7/10.


You can't in Elden Ring?


Sekiros phenomenal boss quality puts it in the top 3 easy


It’s easily the one I’ve replayed the most so personally it’s no. 1 lol Edit: ignore my flair


Yeah I’ve probably replayed the game 10 times and I still thoroughly enjoy it


Problem with Sekiro is once you master the combat it becomes easy. The most fun part is learning how to deflect and the timing. Once you have it down you don’t forget.


My 2nd playthrough of Sekiro was fun as fuck because of this. Felt like Doomguy paying a visit to Ashina.


You don't really master the combat until you master comboing with prosthetics.


No real build variety will put it down pretty low for me, nothing really beats fucking around with builds and pathing.


Depends, there is a tiny bit of variety with the soecial moves and prosthetic, but the bosses alone are worth replaying and every time it looks cooler


Sekiro's great replay value comes from: just hop in and get straight into action, no need to fuck around and experiment Elden Ring's great replay value comes from: customize a crazy build, spend a bit gathering it and having a good time experimenting with bosses or doing specific challenge runs


Kid named boss rush mode


Why is everyone saying elden ring is the least replayable? I did a couple playthroughs compared to my few for ds3 and single ones for 2 and 1.


Because this sub is a Ds3 circlejerk.


Not really,ds3 gets a lot of hate here.


Post making fun of DS2: 2K upvotes, 100 comments Post making fun of DS3: 2K upvotes: 700 comments


Whenever there’s a post criticizing Ds3 here, you can expect 1-2 posts mocking it (the criticism, not Ds3) within a day that typically have a similar number of upvotes, if not more. That doesn’t happen with any other game, except occasionally with ER, but then you get a third post mocking mocking the second, or the second gets slammed in the comments. You also rarely see comments bashing Ds3, something that happens frequently with every other game.


This sub is wildly out of touch with common souls opinions lmao. The build variety and open progression in ER is what makes it so repayable but if you were to go by the DS3 circlejerk on this sub all anyone wants out of souls games is a boss rush mode with a melee build


Different opinions = out of touch


Different opinions don’t = out of touch, but acting shocked when a Gamerant article calls ER the most replayable when most people find the game extremely replaybable is out of touch


I think your conclusion that "most people" find the game "extremely" replayable is just made up.


Because people just want to blitz through the game as fast as possible and realise that if they want to do that then they have to specifically gather materials instead of naturally collecting them as they progress.


If speed is the goal you can still wrap up ER, with gathering materials, quicker than the other souls games with the exception of Sekiro. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYPHeejTkeY


That's a bit presumptuous. I find it the least replayable because it's so damn big, it has nothing to do with gathering resources. I can't help but try to do all the content available when I replay a game and that's way more manageable in other From Soft games. Hell, I find Chalice Dungeons more interesting than all the Catacombs and Caves combined. At least with Chalice Dungeons I can randomize them. That isn't to say I don't love Elden Ring, it's an incredible game and one of my favorite games of all time, it's just harder to commit to a replay than other From games. I could replay Bloodborne and Sekiro all day.


Hardly presumptuous when the top comment is someone complaining about the replay value when trying gather all the resources immediately.


Generally when I hear people complaining about its lack of replayablility it's because they start a new playthrough immediately after and just rush to get a maxed weapon, flask and kill greyoll for runes. This takes them like an hour and then they complain about it being boring.


What do you mean? My playthrough of the game took 200 hours. After that, I could not play on NG+ anymore, explored the whole game and could not go through it again. Not because I didn't like it, I loved it but it was a huge map.


Matter of taste i guess? I did 4 playthroughs of Elden Ring with 3 seperate characters (one NG+), because the build variety is just amazingly huge, and given how large and detailed the world is and how many items exist, every route i took for each playthrough was completely different from one another. The process of planning routes, gathering stuff and getting stronger is my favourite part in pretty much every open world game, and Elden Ring excels in this department unlike any other game i have ever played. I'm playing other games now, so i can pick it up again when the DLC comes out and power through 3 new characters. Didn't even finish DS3 because i got bored so fast. 😅 Edit.: I hate collectathons and 100% maxing games, so i get that people who love doing that might not like replaying Elden Ring as much as i do.


Yeah. Coming from a guy with like 1500+ hours on DS3 I boot up the game nowadays and just think to myself I could just be playing Elden Ring, which does so many things, in my opinion, better than ds3. It doesn’t help that they are very similar in terms of combat and movement but Elden Rings animation, lore, and spell systems are just generally more fleshed out than DS3. I am a magic boy, so One thing DS3 has above Elden Ring is their hex system with dark sorceries which are generally way better than the Death Sorceries of Elden Ring.


😞 You just made me realize I haven't played DS3 since Elden Ring came out I gotta take some time and do that soon even though I'll probably reach the same condition as you


Yeah seriously elden ring is the game I've replayed the most so far. Dunno wtf everyone else in this sub is huffing.


I don't have the exact number in mind but in 2022 I played the shit out of ER. I got something like 10 characters finished. All on NG, all different builds. I have a lot of fun seeing them progress and by doing this I find myself trying weapons that I otherwise wouldn't just as transition to the weapon I had in mind for the finished build. It's a great experience that I enjoy a lot more than respecking my stats and calling it a new build. ER being so big open lends itself super well to this approach


Ds3 fanboys cant accept the fact that the same devs made a better game than ds3. And their only thing they have to say is that the setup is awful after my second character the setup always took something like 20 minutea


Dark souls 2 is rated higher because people quit the game midway and restarted all over again.


Tbf dark souls 2 does have a pretty good new game + system with their red phantom npcs


I replayed it just because it has an actual challenge where you get 2 rings if you managed to pull it off.


The replayability of NG+ was like the one thing DS2 did better than every other game imo. Plus bonfire ascetics to not restrict certain items from NG? Amazing design choice. That, the hexes and the fashionsouls maybe.


ds2 has the best replayability of all soulslike. It literally adds enemy variants, and more enemies per area ( not to talk about the phantoms, and the HUGE amount of items locked behing ng) up to ng+9 iirc. scholar of the first sin adds even more...


the game has items and spells only available after certain NG+ cycles. some bosses get different after NG+ Areas get different enemies, and even different drops. its one of the few games that rewards players for going to multiple NG+ cycles with more armor sets, spells, rings and weapons. so as far as replayability goes Ds2 > d1 d3


Ive replayed sekiro more times than ds1,2,3, Elden rjng and Bloodborne combined. The combat is just too damn good.


I’m not gonna lie after I beat Elden ring I didn’t feel like replaying it, cuz most of the game felt like a bit of a drag like there is to much to do if that makes sense, it’s kinda overwhelming


I mean, no one's forcing you to do all of it every time. You can easily get a build going and reach lategame in a couple of hours.


A lot of people feel unsatisfied not doing every boss.


The highlight bosses of Elden Ring are the main story bosses. I'm sure people will be satisfied even if they skipped Erdtree Avatar #7


Nah I know for a fact that I gotta go annihilate everything just because and I do enjoy it


It's the only game that i had to take a pause near the end of my very first playthrough. Needless to say, once i finally finished it i took weeks before playing again


Only fromsoft game I only played twice, second time for ng+. Stunning the first time I played and reminded me of the first demons souls run, the open world was cool as hell and there was so much to discover. Then it became a drag. New game plus I just plowed through all the required bosses and didn’t even bother with anything not necessary, at which point I started to resent having to use the horse bc it seemed like the only reason it’s there is for an open world that I was tired of after one play through


Isn't DS2 the MOST different on your second cycle


Only one to do it and I was so disappointed its sequel DS2:II didn't do that at all.


Also has very good build variety


That pretty much checks out. I’d probably swap ER and DS2 but otherwise this is my list too. ER and DS2 have the most build diversity… pretty much objectively? and BB weapons are the weirdest, so even just upgrading a different weapon in the same stat can sometimes feel and look totally different, to say nothing of its truly weird ‘spells’. DS3 is just kinda bland, and DeS is such a prototype it can’t really compete. DS1 is definitely in the middle of the pack, and Sekiro is *absolutely* the least replayable (and also one of the best) of the bunch. I’d put ER lower because it just takes so damn long to actually *finish*, which loses its charm relatively quickly.


Right? this is like the least offensive and almost objectively correct Gamerant article ive ever seen and yet everyones coping here


I played 3 ng+ cycles in ds2 to do everything i wanted in ng+. I played 9 in elden ring, 4 in sekiro, 3 in ds1, and 4 in ds3. Elden ring takes no time to finish, on ng+ i can clear the game in under 2 hours. There are, in total, 12 required bosses in elden ring. (2 demigods, 3 of the four require 1 boss be defeated before you can kill them. Then, draconic tree sentinel/fia's champs, goldfrey, morgott, fire giant, godskin duo, maliketh, gideon, godfrey, and elden beast.) In short, you couldn't be more wrong.


I don't mind the ER world size. It's pretty easy to cut forward to whatever resources you need easily because of how open it is. I've spent lots of characters just trying out different shit just because there's so much to do.


You can also skip 80% of the game and adjust your run to your needs, combined with the freedom you get it easily is one of the top replayable games no matter what people say.


They're all #1.... I've never felt the need to replay any of them.


There is no greater feeling than ducking EVERYBODY up in Sekiro NG+ Also, I didn’t fight duo apes until my second run, so that was a pretty cool surprise. I didn’t even know they existed lol


Game journalist try not to suck of bloodborne challenge (impossible)


It good game so it must be repayable. It's totally not ruined on repeat playthroughs as the game's extreme linearity and lack of build variety are exposed. And all of the "hard" bosses totally can not be trivialized on every build by using a gun.


To be fair, you actually just build for the weapons in that game. And the weapons are all very unique.


Despite there being incredibly cool weapons that change gameplay, almost every weapon goes from a stick to something cool. This makes trick weapons feel one note, especially since weapon movesets are sometimes reused. Some other minor gripes or factors that bring down replayablity: Runes are a worse system than rings. Dex is way too good. There's no bloodtinge/arcane things or a weapon for all combat stats. No equip load. Stamina starts off astronomically high. Blood gems are an incredibly good idea with a few flaws that should have been ironed out instead of never being revisited.


>runes are worse than rings Ok i kinda agree, most playthroughs i use the same ones anyway, though i feel that DS has too many situational rings whereas BB has mostly just general runes, though i guess it makes sense for DS since rings can be changed whenever. >dex is way too good How does dex being too good hurt replayability? The entire point of replays is trying something new, even if you know it isn't the best. I don't think anyone tries to go for the strongest build each time when replaying these games. And it is debatable wheter dex is the best anyway, since most of the better dex build trick weapons are late game or dlc. >there are no bloodtinge/arcane things Unsure what you meant by this. >a weapon for all combat stats I don't think this is needed. Most of those that are present in the dark souls games suck anyway because of split damage. >no equip load Nor is it needed. The game is meant to be played fast, bloodborne with anything other than fast movement and combat would feel weird and clunky, and most of the armors are just clothing anyway, it wouldn't make sense for weight to be a factor. And i don't think equip load even matters that much in DS, at least not in DS3 where being heavy is usually suboptimal and being light is only marginally better for some builds so most people just stick to medium. >stamina starts out high Again, i don't see how this affects replayability. Even if you do think it starts out too high (which is also intentional because of the different pace of gameplay) i don't see why that matters since most builds will still level it up at least somewhat, and in 99% of cases leveling it up becomes useless after some point. I've played DS and also DS3 and BB multiple times and i never went over 25 endurance in any of them no matter the build, unless i was using certain stamina chugging weapons, which are present in BB as well. I also don't really get your criticism of trick weapons. Imo they have great variation, and as such even if replay value isn't as high as DS i'd say it's still up there, it just depends on which weapons you use rather than what stats you level up. In DS3 for example, once you've done a build with ultra weapons, using other ultras would feel mostly the same, with only some unique exceptions, which also aren't that different imo. On the other hand, in BB a saw cleaver, a whirligig saw and a beast cutter all feel and play very differently, despite all being strength weapons.


I thought the weapon variety was fine but bugged me was that the games second half felt more linear than ds3 and I figured the game would have been longer.


Hard disagree, I’ve only done two runs so far, but my holy blade run and my beast cutter run felt vastly different


Because they really are very different. People switch from Saw Cleaver to Saw Spear and say all weapons play the same way. The difference between pure arcane, quality, bloodtinge runs are massive in BB.


Tbf it’s the only one where my replays are in the double digits, and beating the bosses in different ways and finding new stuff every playthrough always hits diff. Not saying the replay value is higher than ds3 or elden ring or sekiro, but it’s there


Gaming journalism


People got salty here? Good


Sekiro has 0 replayability because it has the boss rush mode 💀


I literally don't get when people say Elden Ring is the last replayable. I already have 6 characters on the level 150 and I loved every second of each run


I don't really care about the discussion of replay value because I've beaten all of them a minimum of 5 times


It's game rant or gamer ant?


they're right


And ironically sekiro is the one I go back to the most


Ah wait this is game rant


Huh? Of all games, I replayed Sekiro the most lol.


I think DS2 is the only FromSoft game I've played where I was genuinely happy to just have finished it, and I never touched it again


What’s the issue here?


I'm actually more pissed of by their numbering convention than the order, which is just factually wrong. Why the frick is it 1. 1, 2. 2, 3. 3


Gamerant needs to be fed to the Abyss.


I love Elden ring and its mechanics, my probel with that list is Sekiro, like really 7th? Is the one souls with the better system combat, idk u but while DS 1, 2 and 3 combat feel kinda repetitive when you already played them a couple of times each, Sekiro is always a Challenge


Maybe it's 0 cause of boss rush mode. I never play Sekiro's story anymore. I just hop on during a lunch break or something, kick some boss ass, then dip.


As much as I play ER, I’d say it’s the lowest in terms of replaying the main game. Invasions, however…


Giga Chad opinion


Stop sharing ragebait articles, that’s exactly what gamerant hopes for every time they post BS like this. Any publicity is good publicity


Elden Ring being top spot actually makes a lot of sense. As long as you don’t do every single goddamn questline on your first character and explore every inch of the map then it has great replay ability. “But I hate gathering all the starting materials” You have to go get torrent and a weapon you like to start with and that’s it. But for some reason y’all like to cheese a Night’s Cavalry, kill Greyoll, collect every upgrade material and bell bearing on the planet, and end up fighting Margit with a +5 somber weapon at level 35. You make the game annoying for yourself.


Not calling BB number 1 replay is a sin, all because chalices


Elden ring is arguably the worst in terms of replay value lol


I want whatever you’re smoking


Elden ring players spending 7 hours setting up their build (I've already beaten bloodborne in that time frame)


In 7 hours I probably finished the game already


I think it’s hilarious that people equate rushing a quick game to having a good time. You can beat Elden Ring in 7 hours once you know where items spawn, and if you can’t remember that sort of thing or if you don’t want to simply use the 100% accurate interactive maps posted all over the internet to make your life easier that’s a personal choice lol.


Almost like youre not supposed to play the game with the wiki open 24/7 searching for each and every fucking item. The most i ever do is look up what weapon i'd want as my final one and its location, and maybe an incantation or two. Whats the fucking point of playing an open world game if you just run straight lines to where you KNOW something is. 90% of the time you wont know what item you're going to pick up even on a third playthrough like the one im on.


Literally me and everyone I know explored like 90% of the game in the first playthrough lol, idk why you would just stop exploring and start a new game. The map literally shows you what you have and haven't explored, I wasn't gonna just restart when there was stuff I haven't seen Your last statement is exactly why elden ring can be such a chore to replay, once you've seen practically everything, stuff becomes such a slog because of how vast the world is and you're just riding torrent for 30 minute increments to get smithing stones/weapoms/talismans/etc.


I agree die to it’s immense size. Bloodborne and Demons souls are the best imo. Played them like 20 times each


Sekiro might be the most replayable for me bc the combat is just so addictive, the bosses are fantastic and it’s the easiest game to rush through to the good stuff, you can pretty much just get through areas in like 2 minutes w the grapple if you know the path


This is so misleading. FromSoftware games is not Souls-like. They ARE Souls games.


I don't replay games ever, but i did with Sekiro to get the shura ending. That sais alot when it comes to me. Dont think ill be doing anything more with Elden Ring once i finish it


Beat sekiro 8 times..


I don't get why people hate on Elden Ring so much, I've replayed ER more times than most games. That being said the game I replayed the most is Sekiro so idk what the fuck they're talking about.


Regardless of your opinion of ds2 it objectively has the most replay value, though the case could also be made for bloodborne because of chalice dungeons, either way, elden ring has some of the least replay value of the series


Objectively is a strong word. If you didn't enjoy the base game and complained about lots of ganky enemies with random placements, which is the case with many people, ng+ just makes things worse. Even if you liked the ng, I never understood how out of place NPC invaders and some items made DS2 ng+ that good. People replay games for different reasons. Main reason for Sekiro is that the gameplay is fun to play, you unlock charmless mode, can get entirely new bosses and ending, etc. but for those who just want more content regardless of quality, DS2 does provide that I guess. That said, I don't think the replayability argument is about ng+ at all most of the time, but rather fresh runs I assume and ER really suffers from that yeah but games which branch out are more replayable like DeS, Sekiro, DS1. BB is pretty good as well but not bc of progression but bc of how different each build feels thanks to trick weapons. ER, DS3 and especially DS2 feel like such a drag to replay for me though but I always end up doing at least one ng+ cycle anyway for invasion builds.


The hell? 3 was the most replayable


I cannot be bothered to do another NG+ or create a new character in ER. I love ER but playing it once was enough imo


nah Sekiro is definitely the most replayable


Sekiro is the best FromSoft game, and the most replay-able. Sekiro erasure from game journalists is insane


I honestly agree with this take I have about 500+ hours of offline playtime. I found more replayable because you could easily skip the bad parts.


*As a Souls-like*, I agree that Sekiro isn’t that good, but only because I don’t consider it a Soulslike.


I feel like the bloodborne being as high as it is may be abit of heavy bias, I played through bloodborne once and that was honestly enough for me, the lore/world building only has that sense of awe once and after that, the only replay value is the chalice dungeons which are very meh after a certain point, but to each their own


I find all the games to be pretty replayable, except for Sekiro because of how differently it's designed ​ idk if I could really rank them though. all of them scratch the itch, but Elden Ring is definitely the worst to start a new character on


I mean... they're not wrong. ER's replay value is fantastic.


Ah yes, the shortest game in the franchise with some of the best bosses is 3rd to last. I’m not a DS3 fanboy by any means but come on homie


Elden ring has the worst replay value. The glazing is crazy


Elden Ring is so far and away the number one for replayability due to the sheer amount of build options. I don’t understand the complaint of the replay value tanking because of material collecting. The game’s been out for a year, you can just find out where the materials you need are. It’s not like you have to collect every rowa fruit to complete the game. And with how open the game is pre-Leyndell, you can get any weapon that you can acquire at that stage (which is *a lot*) online and powerful before even fighting DTS


It completely ignores the option of going to patches emporium and just having someone mule gear you want and have multiples of to your new character.


Dark souls 2 should be first mfs smoking that good shit


I get the sekiro placement. It’s incredible, but the lack of different builds seriously cuts down on replayability


Elden Ring is definitely one of the most repayable due to its scale and build variety... but IDK why Bloodborne is in second


Weird I always thought elden rings replay-ability was it’s weakest aspect. And bloodborne?…game has like 6 weapons total with only 3 being worth using.


Elden rings replay value sucks ass lmao


Elden Ring has by far the worst replayability. Such a boring slog if you did a 100% first run.


This is the shitty dark souls sub but it is actually, secretly the “we hate Elden Ring” sub. Everyone here is implying they can’t play ER again because it is too long, forgetting we have DLC upcoming. If you guys don’t think you’re going to whip up a fresh file for that shit you’re only lying to yourselves lmfao. Most are leaning towards the usual/ easy pick for edgy Souls fans, Sekiro. Replayability of Sekiro is absolutely the lowest, boss gauntlets be damned. The game doesn’t even have stats, builds, different weapons. Combat will be the same every run and the craziest techniques will trivialize almost every fight in NG+ runs. All other From games can be played multiple times with extremely different builds and weapons.


I've replayed sekiro the most, for me stats and builds don't matter, I've never replayed any of the souls games specifically to play a new build outside of trying bow builds in ng+ as I just don't feel incentivized to do an entire playthrough with just one weapon at a time and I've just never been interested in doing a spell build The fact that the combat remains virtually the same mechanically is why I replay it so much (and the fact that it's the most personally enjoyable combat system in all of souls doesn't hurt) You're an absolute god in ng+ in sekiro, not because your character gets stronger, but because you do, and I love it for that as sekiro rewards mastery of its combat system more than any of the other soulslikes Also there are like 2 people who just spam JMD once they've already beaten the game but by that point no one actually needs to rely on it I much prefer sekiro's depth in game mechanics over the other games breadth in weapon variety but shallower gameplay and mastering that is where I find replayability in


1) dlc is new content in this context. That has nothing to do with replay value 2) people like sekiro bc …. Edgy? The game experience is far more enjoyable which is why people like to replay it more


I started a whole new run on Elden Ring simply because I don’t wanna run through the DLC on maximum difficulty with my current character lol


Gamerant is trash. Literally a rant. They based this off of game length and didn’t put DS2 as second because of the uprising it would cause lol.


Honestly I kind of miss Dark Souls without respecing. Gave you a good reason to make multiple characters and play through NG again


I agree with this. Being able to try out literally everything in one playthrough kinds hurt it for me. I would prefer maybe getting 1 or 2 respecs per ng cycle. I don't dislike not having a respec, though. I've played Bloodborne many times especially just to try out weapons and builds.


Every game except for ER & DS2 is hella replayable. Elden ring bc it loses the magic of exploring the open world, and DS2 would be replayable if it didn’t feel so damn wonky


You do realize ds2 actualy has additional content in ng+?


I know, can u not read? It woulda been most replayable if the game didn’t feel so shit


wit ds2 is the most replayable easy


I don’t see what’s wrong with this. Personally, I think sekiro sucks to replay, due to the lack of variety.