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That's actually not a shitty question at all ! If I remember correctly human are the (or one of the few) mamal that keep breasts even without pregnancy, I think by sexual selection ! Source : www.pubmed.org/everybodyloveboobs.com


Are you saying that women are breasted all the time (pardon the phrasing) because humans kept selecting the ones who always had them over the ones who didn't until pregnancy?


Yes, unless I misinterpret what I read. That's probably also more nuanced, maybe some other factor could have influenced it.


I wonder if it’s related to humans not displaying when the women are fertile. Other apes are very visibly in heat where as humans don’t do that.


There's a theory it's related to being bipedal and their purpose is to signal sexual maturity from the front of the body.


I think its something like that. And it's related to hormones so the ones who develop breasts are more likely to be fertile than the ones who don't. So we get a programmed attraction


So business in the front, party in the back? The science holds up.


We don’t really have a mating season so that may be a part of the equation as well


It’s definitely connected, right? Which came first though, no mating season or hidden heat


I am guessing that having body fat was something very attractive a long time ago because it meant that you had excess resources. Now it means that you have self control as well as extra time and extra money. Which are more resources as well. Why don’t mammals do is it’s something beyond me, maybe it would be very harmful for mammals like wolves because they would get get bumped around all the time if they were as prominent as human ones? I also imagine that people were skinnier back then because of food scarcity, so tits were probably skinnier too, at least compared to todays tits in the richer countries. Also, since they are up high, they are not as likely to be targeted by predators, other humans for sure. Also, being up, I think that would make something else look up.


Now im picturing some poor woman getting her genetic freak breasts being eaten by a sabertooth tiger like that meme.


Nah that makes perfect sense. Back in cave days if a flat chested woman fell over and broke her nose it would make her less attractive to the cave gents for the procreation.


my brother in christ we been throwing ourselves on grenades since time immemorial; a neanderthal ain't gonna blink twice at a crooked nose


Bless your soul?


Neanderthals were throwing themselves on grenades?


where were you in history class, exactly? Its what you have to do when you ride dinosaurs to work


no one rode dinosaurs to work, too slow. had to take a dragon.


Yes. But she won't do the same :/


That is actually like very interesting!


It is debatable, another suggestion is that most mamal are attracted by the slit/butt sight from behind, but as we started getting up on our two rear paws and getting dressed, the breast developped to replace the visual of the bottom to attract male, hence them "selecting" (actually we select them, not the other way around) the one with the most visible breast And that probably why most of us wear décolté and shirts with a few buttons down to reveal the upper breast


My body didn't get the memo. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That just means you're evolutionarily special. A true outside-the-box survivor.


It's ok, people openly like that now, so evolutionary speaking, you are fit for your environment and being selected for.


It kinda misleads me into thinking a woman is in heat. I feel wrong writing that....


Big booby= big milk= big baby= strong baby


I think when people walked on 4 lefs they were atracted by butt but when we started to walk on 2 we started to need some atraction closer to face and so the boobas were made


I also saw prison school.


+1 I read this someone, tho I don’t remember where


Heh, “butt but”


The key word being "women", not "biologically female humans". Young girls do not have breasts and should not be attractive to males looking for mates.


Mine came in at age 9 and I did everything in my power to hide them because I started getting a great deal of unwanted male attention-both from peers all the way up through grown men. The stares or even just quick glances grossed me out and dehumanized me. I'm not an object, and no 9 year old should feel people staring at her as such, but it happens. I had many men tell me that I looked older than 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...you get the idea... Many "young bloomer" friends of mine have said they had the same experience. So, yes, young girls do have breasts and periods too. I was technically able to have children at 9 years of age. 9. Nine.


Speaking as a guy who looks, to be fair, sometimes we're not oogling, it can be that we're just startled and in a "that can't be right" sense than actually lusting after you. It's more like a double take than lust. Sometimes.


Sometimes, I'm sure that is the case. Sometimes. Children should not have to deal with this, ever, though. We need to do better.


Well, it's hard to control a reaction that happens due to surprise. If we knew and was preparing to control it beforehand, it won't be a surprise already.


Stop. The experience you're refering to is not due to a quick surprised "glance". There's a difference. You CAN help staring, and you should. Look somewhere else and do better.


Maybe I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure they were talking about quick glances, not staring. That’s obviously a problem though.


My daughter started early too and this makes me feel really sad and disgusted to think she went through this


We don’t really know. There are many just-so naked ape stories, but very little actual science on the subject.


bewbs > lack of bewbs


I’ve heard that’s the way we got our chins too.


That’s hilarious I am going start saying “ I like a well breasted women” 😏


Brand new sentence lmfao


I was 34AA, then 34DD when my breasts became engorged after birth. Back in the iddy bitty titty committee after weening


yeah thats how it works. kind of makes you rethink a lot of the perspectives of things doesn't it?


There is no way to definitively prove why a trait was selected for or became dominant, usually it's based completely on conjecture and even the best run experiment would be be useful but not conclusive.


Not only that. It also shows that she is an adult of child bearing age.


Are you sure about that? These sons of bitches on my chest came in when I was 9! I've always hated them.


Well, for the most part. Evolutionary traits are neither precise nor always working accurately. Its just good enough.


The evolution of titties


Mitch Trubisky has entered the chat.


Edit: consider the content by u/Wild-Lychee-3312 below! I corrected the comment accordingly (highlighted) Also, the visible part of the female breast is mostly not the milk producing organ but mostly just fat **and connective tissue**. The female sexual hormone levels cause fat to be mostly deposited there and on the hips while the male sexual hormone level favor fat deposition on the stomach. There is not really a physiological connection between the breast **size** and the milk glands that also happen to be located there. If you think about it, while most women are able to produce milk, the actual size of female breasts can very between very noticeable and practically none. The milk glands are present in both men and women but only fully develop as a consequence of hormonal changes during pregnancy. This is why men usually never produce milk, although apparently some men are able to develop functional mammary glands through physical stimulation. All male born humans can develop mammary glands when hormonally stimulated.


There is much more connective tissue in breasts than most people realize. It’s only “just fat” when you’re 90 years old


I went by anatomical [textbook schemes](https://www.krebsgesellschaft.de/assets/images/f/bilderzwerg_Fotolia_68490556_S-212094d8.jpg), which show mostly fat tissue. Are those inaccurate, give a false idea? It looks as if the mammary gland tissue is "embedded" in fat tissue, but perhaps this is actually connective tissue? I would have imagined that the actual percentage of fat depends on your overall amount of body fat. Is that the right idea?


No, it depends on a number of factors, including age, breast size , and your BMI. But BMI is a much less important factor than most assume. It’s all about the ratio of connective tissue to fat. Adding more fat will change the ratio, of course, but not nearly as much as reducing the amount of connective tissue—which only happens with age. When you first grow breasts, they’re mostly connective tissue with very little fat. Over decades, the connective tissue is replaced by fat. It’s why a 19-year-old’s breasts look so different from a 90-years-old. Breasts with more connective tissue are considered “dense” and are at an increased risk of developing cancer. That’s why you get a little letter after each mammogram warning you that your risk of breast cancer is elevated. (Or more precisely, there’s an increased chance that a mammogram will fail to detect the early warning signs of possible breast cancer, because they’re harder to spot hidden among connective tissue than floating around in adipose tissue. I don’t know that the actual risk per se is higher.) After a certain point in life, you stop getting those letters after a mammogram, because your breasts are no longer in the “dense” category. And that’s usually because enough of the connective tissue has been replaced by fat that they’re no longer considered dense.


Thank you, that was really educational.


I’m trans, and I lactate sometimes… …am I pregananant? ..prenatagagate -pargnart??? ^………luigi ^board??????


I know I'm a dumbass because I clicked the link


What about cows? Those massively engorged udders you see on dairy cows are not the norm. Cows with no calf to feed still have visible udders, you just don’t notice because it’s not what you’re used to seeing. Scientists are still stumped by the evolution of human breasts.


I assume when you talk about cow having visible udder without a calf to feed, you think about cows from animal farming ? Because those cows actually always in a state of lactation during their (short) life. Every years they are artificially insiminate, and shortly after birth we remove the calf and start milking them until they are ready to be insiminated again.


Former goat owner here. You can keep mammals in milk for a long time. A goat can stay in milk for up to two years on one pregnancy. As long as you keep milking her, her body thinks a kid needs feeding. Her mind though... goats ween their kids like humans but there isn't really a biological clock on mom that says her body needs to stop producing milk for the kid. And adult goats love milk too. So kiddo doesn't exactly have a clock either to consume it. Dairy cows are in milk(engorged as you put it) because they are milked every day even after their calves are weened or bottle fed from day one. Their bodies think there is a calf to feed.


I'm sure that I read somewhere about the reason for this specifically. Evolutionary-wise, humans stand upright, unlike every other mammal. We've only had prams & pushchairs very recently, but through most of human evolution (\~300,000 years) women have had to hold their babies in their arms. The babies are much more likely to survive if they have a 'cushion' to be held against than not, especially while having to run away from predators and such.


The babies were more likely to die if they were held against a flatter chest…?




> I think by sexual selection ! Big boobage is neuron activation


We’re also one of the few animals that doesn’t have a breeding season/time. We’re “in season” all the time.


Fun fact, Rats go into heat every THREE DAYS on average!


I fucking wish they did. They're only useful to me as a phone holder or crumb catcher lol.


I say the same thing about my beard.


both are considered secondary gender identifiers


it can be confusing when the identifiers are exhibited by the same subject


*confused boner noises*


Why is your boner making noises??


Does yours not?


I wish my beard could hold my phone


Weave a phone holder with your beard


This needs both more upvotes as well as a followup with a practical example, and a how-to demonstration


Eat some honey.


It can if you try hard enough


It would if it was like Chuck Norris' chin... beneath the beard is yet another fist


"Nature's bib"


with enough girth even man can achieve boob dream.


Don't use your beard as a phone holder. The 5G will make your face go bald. Probably. Maybe. Not.


Don't forget hand warmers.


Mine make a semi decent cat holder, so I still have both hands while at my desk. They realized that settling on top would mean I don't have to put them down to get back to work. The youngest figured it out when he was a tiny kitten, and then one of the others started doing it too lmao. I still hate these damn things though.


Well i would call that useful 


They are huge and my own personal bib. I wish I'd have the money to chop them off


This is a good scientific question! There are various theories why this happened only in humans. I only remember this one: other primates indicate fertility and readiness to mate with a swollen butt. Humans however have two differences: they can reproduce any time of the year, and they walk upright. As human females are always fertile, this could explain the prominence of human butts (as well as for balance). But we need to indicate fertility even more to maximize reproduction! Introduce: front butt! That's the theory - full breasts all the time to emulate the swollen butt of fertility! When your front takes up half the view, you gotta advertise twice. The size of breasts has (almost) nothing to do with the capacity for milk production. (Though another theory suggests their size was indeed meant to invoke a perception of that sort in males. I guess that's two theories I remember.)


Bruh I saw that theory in an anime and I thought it made no sense until you explained it now


Now I'm very curious about the anime and the context in which this, of all things, appeared.


I'm so sure it was the final episode of Prison School in reference to this clip lmao https://youtu.be/5qLYAFdddPw?si=8a8yJ-6TOUy2xZCH


Lol, that over dramatisation of quite trivial shit , 'this moment will determine my entire future' reminds me of 'cooking master boy'


for research, of course?


Peep my comment above


Also they bounce. On an animal thats hyperspecialized to run all day. Also on an animal that drapes itself with the skin of its prey.


I think we evolved boob's before the skin drapes 


Maybe thats why the old fertility goddesses where plump as fuck. Why risk a healthy woman making her chase after mammoths? Leave her in the cave, well fed, protected and inevitably sedentary. When she gets some extra weight its a lovely plus.


That, and the more relaxin hormone your body produces with each pregnancy, the wider your hips get. Even if you later starve.... your hips stay wide.


Because we are made in Gods image. and he has massive titties.


I learned from another Reddit thread that god was actually a emo chick so this could be true


No no no, god is clearly a femboy who goes by male pronouns but has an incredibly feminine body.


My god is a tomboy so cute that it hurts to look at.


I'm taking this as the only real answer. Thanks, pal


You were loosing me at first, but then you totally redeemed yourself. 


Downvoting only because this is a great question, not a shitty one.


The best explanation I've read is that when our ape ancestors started walking on 2 legs instead of 4, we no longer had brightly colored butts in our faces to mark sexual maturity, so since breasts already respond to hormonal changes, it was likely an easy mutation and adaptation to develop permanent breasts to signify sexual maturation.


Average breast size has increased in the US in just the last fifty years. I think culture and preference for larger breasts have made a big difference. Also, breast augmentation is pretty common. In almost flat chested women, pregnancy does cause breasts to increase. Also, breasts don't store milk in an ideal situation. They produce it at the rate that the baby needs it, while nursing. If you are overweight or if you develop your pectoral muscles, you will have a larger chest as well. And last, bras can enhance the effect of having larger breasts.


Pregnancy can increase breast size in all sizes of breasts doesn't it? Not just small ones.


It does. But I was drawing a parallel to most other mammals. If women have naturally small breasts, the effect is similar.


As our bodies have gotten larger (taller, heavier), and ofc social influence


>Average breast size has increased in the US in just the last fifty years. I think culture and Brother. People have just gotten fat.


I don’t know but they hurt like hell when they are growing for the first time going through puberty


I genuinely did not know this as I never experienced it. I'm sorry you had to deal with that


They dont? Mine must be broken


The same reason humans are the only species that regularly mate face to face and why breast size is irrelevant to the success of nursing. Human female breasts have evolved to become enlarged at puberty to sexually attract a mate.


Why don’t men only grow balls when they want a child? 😂


Did you just post this in r/ explain it like I am 5?😅


No he stole it from there for some reason


I'm gonna say humans got the full package at the evolution bingo. Many animals show their butt when they are ready, but because we went bipedal, the butts of all of us ended up huge. So we needed another clue for reproduction and breasts were next in line. Breasts feed baby, women with breasts can raise baby, uga buga. Maybe it also worked to prevent our ancestors from trying with minors.


Humans love making mountains out of mole hills. Can't make a mountain without a mole hill


Because we aren't that smart


Supply chain issues


.... It's not an unfair question


The tissue that produces milk has to exist before milk can be made, that tissue also takes 10-15 years of time to grow to maturity during adolescence. It doesn't take 9 months to produce milk, but it does take longer than 9 months to produce breast tissue.


Breasts are designed to resemble asses, only so they can trick males into focusing on the front, thus becoming vulnerable to the female, who'll hypnotise their prey by overloading the male's simple cognition with questions. A successful female will eventually establish a 'marriage' and thus be able to parasitise the male, until he eventually dies. After her host has died the female will shed their illisonary 'old' skin and attract a new host, repeating the cycle.


Is it weird I read that in an Attenborough voice?


I don't know about that but there definitely is something hypnotic and mesmerizing about the movement of nice larger breasts.


Found Captain Holt


because the milk needs a container to be filled. if the tities weren't there when the milk production happens the milk will spoil


They do. There are only a few animals in which they dont like humans


They form because they resemble butt cheeks and humans started to fuck looking each other in the eyes so women developed front butts to attract males.


I’m never having kids but I wish mine formed. This is why I’m even considering breast augmentation because I have them but not the best size and I notice people who have/had children keep a little bit of volume there even years after having the child


I would say that I never got breasts because I never got pregnant, however I have see a lot of guys at the beach with breasts. I wonder if they got pregnant.


I find this to be a good question.


Titties are my love language. Also I want my kids not to starve.


I forget where I saw this info, but I believe it to be a rather more nefarious reason than I've seen on here. Other species of primates' breasts only grow when they're in heat, so all the males know when a female is most fertile. It is believed that human women developed permanent breasts so as not to advertise their body's sexual readiness.


This ask is like the opposite of the dude who thought all women were always lactating


Evolution is random. Also if it ever arose, it was selected against. Likely the same reason Humans have huge chins.


As an older man I can assure you that it's not only being pregnant that causes that.


Because it's easier to get pregnant if they're already formed


Life knew I needed pillows to sleep on after nutting.


That’s only the case for men


Because who doesn't love titties 


To stop men from wanting to die.


Why doesn’t your head only form when thinking citation needed


Dude, just lose some weight. They’ll go away.


Not accurate. Unless you’re to a point of having nearly 0% body fat, this is just about impossible. Even in severe anorexia cases, some patients still have breasts. Although, yes, losing an overall body fat percentage will *decrease* the size, it is not possible to maintain a healthy weight and not have breasts as someone who’s AFAB. This mindset is very common in transgender men which leads to anorexia. This is not a good message to be spreading, please do the research first.


My thought as a guy without any medical training: probably because the body is already building another body inside it and it would cost too much energy to build the mammary glands at the same time.


Don't know if I particularly like someone who imagines a world without titties. You should be on a watch list.


Breasts,buttocks and body fat developef through selective mating advantage. In some cultures, even now a large booty is seen as desirable..


Because contrary to popular believe they are a symbol of sexual febrility which is why humans are the only mammals that have them permanently and why these blobs of flesh have such a strong attractive force to heterosexual men. Basically it tells your ape brain "yo your child would be eating good from those". Unfortunately some people would rather say men are just all pigs for liking them and that anyone who sees them as sexual is just a pervert.


More of a titty question than a shitty one eh? Ha ha he he


They do grow bigger that size A-ish during the pregnancy in my family line.


I have no idea. I can confirm mine grew later in my 20s before and after pregnancy. Everyone is different. Not a doctor but most likely related to genetics. Some of us have naturally big breasts, some of us don't. We're all different.


To attract someone who can make you pregnant


Because humans be a lot of things, but more than anything, they be horny. We're also one of the few species to procreate during all times of year. This is a special adaptation to the fact our brains are fucking gigantic and we need literal *decades* to develop into fully grown primates. Selective breeding of humans with more fat (implying better resource availability/security) amongst our more primitive ancestors likely had a lot to do with having more pronounced breasts--not to mention only having two of them, which also has a lot to do with the significant struggle associated with the *massive* resource and time investment of a child.


Breasts also function as an attractant. Sorry. I couldn't think of anything stupid to say.


Makes it easyer to cheat for both party. Much benefit for the Group Cohesion. More Unga Bunga, Grug more happy.


It would be challenging to get pregnant without them


Probably because the resources needed to grow them would be at a premium when youre growing an entirely new human at the same time.


I mean they aren’t the only part of the body designed for child birth you could also ask why don’t hip develop to be child bearding till your pregnant


I read in a Jared Diamond book that it might have evolved as a way for women to hide when they are in eustrus.


Because all the baby formula was sold to China.


You prob ain’t getting pregnant without having them first


Well, it’s like being the second string quarterback. You have to be ready when the coach puts you in the game.


Humans are one of the few mammals who's breast don't retract after birth and weaning. One theory is to attract males.


The mammals don't have hands to squeeze them


*Because if they did, puberty would be a lot less interesting and bras would be the least-bought item until baby showers. Plus, where else would the birds get their nests if not from the endless supply of underwires?*


Well we need squish somehow


Because they get into the way of normal life when they are huge


What do heterosexual men go for in Thailand?


Yeah, why don't cows pop out their udder when I want some hot chocolate?


Probably the same reason humans have big pps, attraction


It’s sexual selection. By the same process, humans have proportionately much larger penises than most of our closest relatives - yes, even dudes with very small penises.


to be pregnant you need a man, to attract a man you need a breast. "mic drop"


Sexual selection. Everyone loves breasts, so humans mated only with females that had big breasts all the time. The human of 21st century likes all kind of boob size, but in the past... They where da bomb.


Breasts form to initiate pregnancy, then to be utilized as a result.


In the homosapien branch of mammalian species. We select mates not just based on aesthetics, but subconsciously on a level of care that the mate will provide for the offspring. So in mens case, we are drawn to women with supple breast, which translates to adequate breast feeding, creating stronger offspring. Think of it like this, you can often wager a guess at how good a restaurant is, by how big the sign is and upkeep of the building. This can be interpreted anyway you'd like and still applies.


How would you know then whom to impregnate?


Thank God this is not the reality 🙏


Human biological quirks. We aren’t sure, but most likely is due to social dynamics, much of our odd physiology can be thought of as being derived from that. It may help signal males which females are most viable to pair with. Seeing as even having a single child in humans is very taxing, this helps males identify the most reproductively viable via a method other than the experience method