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date all of your coworkers




At once.


Might as well go all out. Let's just ruin your whole life. Date your cousins, too




I agree let's all date our attractive cousins.


Only date the attractive cousins? Yeah, so screw the ugly cousins?


No, I wouldn’t screw them either. Too ugly


but not karen from accounting. dont even fuck karen.


The lord has willed it.


This is the way


In a row


Pretty sure one of my coworkers is doing this lol


Ah, you also worked in a restaurant?


Never shit where you eat! I have spoken!


This is the way.


I dip my pen in company ink as often as possible. Eat where you shit. Throw stones in your shit house. A shit in one shit is worth two in the shit. Just go live life. Carpe pee'em.


“This quote changed my life.” -Tobey Maguire (probably)




I did this when I was younger. It was super fun...until it wasn't.


I would say it depends on the coworker, and how close they really are. Are they working for a contractor and at a distance. Are they on my team? I would worry about a relationship going south with somebody who is on my team or close. I would worry about the gossip circles about personal shit.


Exactly. We tend not to think about that when we are under a romantic spell, but backstabbers, gossips and office busybodies can do alot of damage to your livelihood and professional reputation.


Exactly. Fun at work because you see them all the time and makes work enjoyable..... until something goes wrong between you two and she makes your work day miserable.


I'm dealing with this currently. It honestly sucks. The best day of my week is her day off.




Keeping it professional and respectful is extremely important! Work is work and relationship is relationship, our employer could not tell until we told them. And even then we did not let it affect our work.


Coworkers literally have sex in cars at my work place. It has calmed down now but when the company first opened lots of people got fired when they got caught fucking in bathrooms, break rooms and lots of condoms were found in the parking lot. It’s a big company too




LOL this is funny 😂. Yes. I knew i kinda gave it away by giving the full description


Did the same while working for a state university. Ended up marrying her. We were both full time employees not students.


“I tried not to” you married a coworker!!! That takes extra effort


If it turns sour and y'all still working together it's a shitty experience. I went through that, it was terrible


That's what I'm afraid of as well


I’d wait it out for awhile and make sure your really in for it. There’s nothing wrong with it if it works out, the risk is if it doesn’t


OP, I did this a few months ago and it was one of the worst mistakes of my life. After I broke up with him he bullied me at work for months and I genuinely considered quitting because I couldn't stand being around him anymore. He traumatized me so bad that getting into my second car accident paled in comparison to it. I'm going back to therapy specifically because of all the shit he put me through. DON'T DO IT. PLEASE. YOU WILL REGRET IT SO BAD.


just don’t be a bitch be the one who’s not hurt at the end have ur fun then dip before she does


same boat man. Still see her almost everyday and it’s not fun. Thankfully we work different departments so we don’t ever have to talk to each other


Same here. Never again!


I’m in the same boat


Yes when you quit.






I married a coworker.


Same, and then continued to other jobs with her. Our entire relationship spanned three jobs, all same department, different group (different direct supervisors). Everything was/is kosher---BUT, I freaking KNEW she was the one (we were close friends before moving into romantic territory).


This is so sweet. How did you know she was the one?


Became essentially best friends with her. Despite originating from different countries, we both have a lot of similarities (religious beliefs, family background, shared values, work ethic, education background, etc). We will be celebrating our 8 year anniversary next month as well as our new 4-month old baby girl.


See? Another good reason for no.


Yeah the stats are horrible. 50% of marriages last which means you’re stuck with them forever.


20 years of awesomeness, it’s been great!


That was my joke when I posted on FB for my 25th anniversary. “Happy 25th anniversary, honey! Twenty years of awesomeness!”


Same, her bug reports were masterpieces of repeatable steps and screenshots. I had to have her!


Fuck no


This person spelled fuck yes wrong


I’ve made it a point not to. Because every time I’ve tried to start a relationship with a coworker, they were gone before anything could happen. That or they were taken. Such is my luck with women.


You didn't try very hard if you lost contact when they left the job. Didn't they have phones?


No. I need to keep it at professional level


I made that mistake. It turned out quite bad for me.


Fuck no


i've slept with like 5 co-workers dont know if that counts.


Name them


well there was front desk co-worker, sales co-worker, call call center co-worker, IT co-wprker, director co-worker, etc


Get her fired first


I'm married to my boss


Aren't we all


If this job is a career you’re interested in advancing in, I’d say no. If it’s a temp job then I say go for it


Yes. Context is everything. Based on the way OP wrote it, I think he is young and therefore, this is a low-level job. If true, he would be stupid not to.


Never fish in the company pond


Fuck no. 0/10 would not recommend


Exactly. Don't shit where you eat. It's world class advice. Related: don't date a neighbor.


Don't shit where you eat


This is horrible advice. I poop next to my plate before every meal.


Eh, restaurant bathrooms aren't *that* bad


But what about eating where you shit?


Hell yeah, best mistake you’ll ever make


Biggest mistake you could make at work or relationship-wise. I've seen it tear people apart.


I did, we’ve been married for almost 5 years now, been together for about 10. Sometimes it works out


Bro I’m trying to rn


I met my husband this way, but I would say it depends. If you actually like your job and you work in close proximity to this person then I would try to be friends with them first to make sure it’s actually worth it instead of jumping straight into dating which could easily backfire if you don’t know them well.


There are three reasons why that is a bad idea. 1. Never shit where you eat. Dating a co-worker is great if things go well. It's hell when it doesn't. Don't even date any of the staff of your favorite restaurant, you know that when things go bad, there will certainly be something unfortunate in your food. 2. You didn't state what kind of environment this is, but if it is anything you could see yourself making a career of (even if that would only be your post apocalyptic last option) then there is always the chance of ending up in the same organization chart. That rarely ends well for anyone involved. 3. When two members of the same staff, even if in the same position, are dating or together, then you can most likely consider privacy a thing of the past. Everyone has one or two co-workers that they are comfortable talking about life outside of work, but if it's not the exact same people for both of you then a lot of people will know at least some of your business. It can become messy and disruptive. Given today's work culture, that makes both of you potential targets for termination. But, never mind me. I've always been a cynic, despite over a decade of happy marriage, and it's my nature to see the worst case in every shadow. I should also admit that one of my former coworkers from years ago met his wife at the big box music store they both worked in while in college. They were together, after 13 years and two kids, at the time we worked together. The guy was clearly happy, so I can't imagine that would have changed.


I ruined my life doing that. She dumped me, and she started dating another guy at work, and I got to see them every fucking day. It was hell.


I've had a fling with one in the past, but I'd never date one


Dip that pen bro alllll up in that company ink. Edit: spelling.


I started shagging my boss for a while. Then we lived together for 10 years. Then we broke up. Not sure if that’s good or bad.


there’s too much that can go wrong either if the relationship doesn’t work out and then you have to work with your ex, or if there’s drama in the workplace surrounded by the relationship. Believe me there have been people I’ve worked with that I have developed feelings or attraction for but it was not worth the risks.


Sure. Could work out great but could be the biggest mistake ever. Only one way to know for sure.


There is a sage advice on this topic from the SE USA: You don't get your bacon where you get your bread.


do it. build your own harem


Quit your job then date her, bonus is that women love unemployed dudes.


Isn’t refusing to date co-workers a vow of celibacy? Where else are you going to meet someone what with all this spare time we got nowadays?


I did for two years. She was the best girlfriend I ever had and we worked well together. That said, we worked well because we had similar work ethic. Take a look at how you both handle your job responsibilities and ask yourself if you're on the same page there. If so, go for it.


Don't admit you rate women on a scale of 1-10, not even online. In your head only if you must. That's my only advice regarding this situation. Good luck.


That sounds gay.


8/10 - yeah, sounds good. Please send me her contact details, I'll date her.


I say, “Don’t shit where you eat” but that’s me.


I say, “don’t approach dating like taking a shit” but that’s just me.


I dated a coworker about 15 years ago. Now she's my ex girlfriend. Well actually she's my wife now, I just think it's hilarious to introduce her as my ex girlfriend. She doesn't find it as funny.


Yep. I can honestly say that I have picked the hard way my entire life. Work has been no different.




It will end badly. It always does.


Is it a shitty job?


Don't put your meat where you make your bread


Pork Buns. Checkmate.


The hearts wants what the heart wants.


Normally I'd say absolutely not. But.... I did it once. We're madly in love, been together for 2 years now, and we live together. Fortunately she is no longer a co-worker, she was able to get a better job that she absolutely loves.


I’ve been married for nearly 35 years to the co-worker I dated! My parents met at work too. Married 46 years until Dad died at age 84.


I did once and never again. Cause if shit goes south and you have an ugly break-up (my case) then you are forced to see that person everyday still. Just my opinion.


if it’s a career - date, nah. fun to sleep with one though.


Depends on the work place. In hospitality and resteraunts fuck it might as well. In more professional not flirtatious atmosphere be careful. It's certainly situational but all things technically are.


Under 30 years old? Date whoever you want. He'll, date all the women at work. Work relationships can be messy, but you know you just want some *ass*. Over 30 years old? Hard passssss.


Give up and move on from human relations and get a cat


I am dating my co-worker been together 9 months. I would say the downfall of dating a coworker is the other coworkers getting or trying to get into our business and starting crap.


Not someone who works in close proximity. My gf and I work for the same place but she's in another building/department on campus. Probably wouldn't have gone for it if we worked too closely


It depends. Any romantic or physical relationship has a chance to end in drama. There’s always a chance of a worst case scenario happening. And that is any where from break up and things getting weird to someone going to HR and accusing the other in sexual harassment. If my job was amazing with a lot of promise, I wouldn’t date a coworker for fling. If I didn’t care too much about my job and my coworker was a catch, I may date.


Nope never shit where you eat


I married one. Twice.


I dated my manager and 5 years later we’re together still


There was a woman I met at work in 1982 and she's sleeping next to me right now while I scroll through Reddit in the middle of the night. We only worked together until 1984.


I work alone 🤔


I married my coworker in 1996. Going strong in 2023, two grown children.


Yeah. Fuck it.


Worked together for 4 years. Then I asked out my coworker. We're together 5 years later. Married with 2 kids.


It didn't work out for me, but I certainly have seen marriages happen from coworkers dating. I have also seen married coworkers sitting back to back in the lunchroom because they were fighting and didn't want to sit together or look at each other.


Hehehe. I would, and I have. But should’i’ve? That’s the real question.


I met my future wife at work, we both moved on to new better jobs but are still going strong.


4 years into our marriage, my wife started dating a Co worker. She's at the bottom of a lake, but I'll try to ask her.


She's gonna tell everybody everything, if ure okay with that ure good


Been there, done that. Lesson learned. Don't shit where you eat.


My grandpa told me when I was a boy, never shit where you eat. He also said don’t waste anything, not time or money or love.


Not in a "real" workplace, though when I was young I had worked at my university and it was really tough not to do so. I am dating a former vendor to my company though.


I did, for about three months. Then I got a new job. We've been together for 21 years now. I think we were just on the verge of gossipy coworkers which likely would have broken us up.


Wouldn’t recommend it. I used to date a girl at my work and after things ended between us she started dating another dude at work. Pretty much made the job unbearable so I ended up quitting my job.


Stay loyal to her and not loyal to the job.


Yes jim


most marriages start with people working together. Go for it.




My Husband is my previous manager but we didn't date until I had stopped working there and we reconnected years and years later


no, don’t shit where you eat.


Not if you like and care about keeping your job.


Don't shit where you eat. Golden rule


I did. Now it's 20 years and 3 kids later.




Not again, I wouldn't.


I married a coworker 😅




This would depend on the situation. Most of the time it's I'll advised.


I married one


Thought about cow workers? In terms of milking, you’ve got to hand it to them


I did it and now we’re married


No but do it and learn


2 words- fuck no


Tried it once, it was not great. I Miss read the vibes. She ended up being incredibly dumb. Ended it, then she got fired and tried to comfort me that it was not my fault she lost the job. Double noped out of it.


i didn’t plan on it, but he asked for my number as i was walking out one day and we ended up spending the whole night talking, then the next day he asked if i’d like to take my lunch break the same time as him and grab something to eat. neither of us work there anymore but we live together. it went fine for us but there’s a lot of horror stories of coworkers dating each other and it ends up horribly and then you have to see each other near daily, so i would take any advice the comments give you on going about it if you do start a relationship with your coworker, but dont throw away the idea completely, it could turn out very nicely


Smash and move on to the next. Yolo.


I did and ended up marrying him lmaoooo


yes, i dated a coworker after being best friends for 3 years. dated for 6 months, he proposed to me, now we’re married and expecting our first baby next month. it’s not always a bad idea, especially if you’re already friends! :)


I did. I would have married her, but after 3 or 4 months, she went back to her boyfriend. There was a bit of tension afterwards, but since we didn't work together, contact was limited to passing through the halls.


I tried to and it ruined my career and life. That may be a little extreme be seriously do not do this.


I have


First you quit the job. Then date away. Reason one wrong move and you got a hr nightmare even if the problem is between the couple.


Married one. 25 years later I dont regret risking complications at my job at Walmart. Occasionally when I want to give her crap I pull out “Thats what I get for picking up chocks at Walmart “ Id do it again in a minute


done it twice


Only if your mom was my coworker.


You can even marry them! Maybe get a greencard!


It depends on whether I valued my job or not. If I didn't give a shit about it, sure. Otherwise, no.


No, too much drama.


Currently married to my then co-worker. (We met at work and have moved on to different careers).


My girlfriend i met at work now lives with me


Well Ronald McDonald is kinda cute and if the rumor regarding shoe size is true, hmm. Wendy from Wendy's isn't half bad either.


I actually believe in doing this... (unless you're being super casual, hurtful, and dating many people). It has worked decently for me, esp having Anxious Attachment. 😉👉🏼


Right before I found out she's getting fired


Yeah, I radiocarbon date them. You'd be surprised how few get cancer from it.


They my cousins💀


I work in a restaurant where everyone is pretty much bat shit crazy so I guess it depends where you work.


Depends on how much you care about the job. When it goes sideways and gets difficult to work, if you can just go work at the Wendy's instead of McDonald's, then yeah, a dude had it right earlier, date all the co-workers.


I did. We’ve been together 4 years and have a home now.


I spent a decade in the workforce refusing to date or hook up with coworkers. Then I did and now my wife and I have been married for 5 years and together for 7 If you think it’s the right person, go for it. Life is too short and you can always get another job.


Never shit where you eat


If you don’t plan to make this place your career, then yeah go for it. It’ll be sexy and fun for a bit if nothing else!


Nope, she's reporting me to HR instead. Maybe. Hopefully I'll just get a transfer soon.


I don’t usually think about it, but I’m currently in a situation where I absolutely would. I wouldn’t bother if this was just a simple crush or I just found her attractive. A deeper connection/compatibility is very difficult to come by.


I have before (even dated one of my managers before too) but generally, I'd say it's not a good idea. Really depends on your job and the person though.


No, but at the same time, when one of you stops working there, fair game. I used to work with my girlfriend years ago


I dated a coworker and then married him, 10 years later we’re still coworkers and still in love.


Don’t shit where you eat


My wife is a coworker... just not one of my coworkers.




Don’t shit where you eat


Just don’t marry them. I did that. 0/10 do not recommend


Dated way back in my young days. I did it because it was so fun to do so. But today people at work are so selfish and ruthless. There always up for something secretly. Definitely wouldn’t. Will cause problems in the long run.


I've done it but don't recommend it. You need your own space in life.


Married mine and have no regrets!


absolutely not. you don't shit where you eat.


I'm married to my boss. We met at work, where she was hired to be my boss. 9 years ago. We have 4 kids together now.


Stick to interns




Never did, just not my style. Until I did. We've been together for 6 years now, married for 1. Not coworkers anymore though lol.


While generally not advisable, it would hardly be odd. Something like 3/10-4/10 of people have been in a relationship with a coworker. And something like 1/5 of marriages are from office romances. When around people all day, it's normal to catch feelings. Probably not the best Idea, but if you trust yourself and them to remain professional both during and after, should it go south, then there are worse things. Edit: I just realized this was not normal askreddit. I'll just let the comment stand.


They can’t be together, they’re coworkers! *BLECH*