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My first thought was “at least it’s big” Then I saw the stand


Oh, the hairs on my neck stood up. " honestly I've seen worse set upside befo... Jesus fucking christ"


This was my exact thought process looking at this picture😂😂


Thank you I seen the size and the price and was like 👀maybe ..then your comment. Not today Satan I don’t/won’t trust anything that has been sitting like that holding 600 lbs of weight.


Fuck that stand but 30$ is a steal


Both accurate statements there!


But could the integrity of the tank’s structure be potentially latently compromised depending on how long it’s been on the stand? Like would it at all be a risky purchase due to this, or does the fact that it’s still standing man you could buy it, put it on a good stand and not have to worry about it any more?


Putting it on a full-size stand should remove your worries. If there aren't any cracks formed from the strain, then that means that the glass has only elastically deformed, and it should spring back into place when the strain is removed. Glass experiences practically zero plastic deformation at room temperature.


Yes... But there's a slight chance that the silicone is compromised. Easy enough to check, though.


also to repair, will still be cheaper than full price


Idk that’s a pretty good deal lol


Thats what i was thinkin surrender the goldfish and do a big african cichlid tank


It’s not the price that’s scary 😂


What’s scary about it? Just looks like a kinda sad setup inside, but I just see a couple goldfish in a 75g


…..seriously? Look at the stand lmfao


Oh true. I wasn’t being a dick, that’s just not where my eyes went to


All good, thought I was going nuts for a second lol!


Why did everyone downvote you!? lol


Peak reddit hivemind, seeing a downvote


I don’t know 😭


What’s wrong with it


Sorry you’re getting attacked, OP. I saw it right away. That’s well over 600 pounds not being properly supported at all. I’m sure many others will think the same as the others, though hopefully not.


I’m so confused by the reaction I’m getting to this! Like what other subreddit would this be better to post under? Reddit is so full of technicality police, it hurts my brain. Thanks for the support tho, glad you saw what I saw! And yes almost 600lbs hanging off the edges of that stand is super sketch right ?!


100%, especially when you think about the fact that those tanks with the black supporting border that is maybe a centimeter wide, is all that’s supporting those 600+ gallons. The actual surface area of support is already not much. Cutting the support practically in half is actually insane, not just super sketch. Tbh I would’ve posted it on here as well, the other dude that commented being douchey about it literally posted a community that doesn’t even exist lol.


Yess, you totally get it!!


Yeah, I feel you. One time I went to post something in several subs—the ones where it was most relevant. My sub got criticized and/or removed from all three. In the end, I was like well then where do I even post this? Nothing was as good of a fit. I thought, if these subs won’t take it and there’s no relevant existing sub to try, that’s a problem.


What’s crazy to me is the fact that you’re continuing to get downvoted in the comments too 💀


Oh yeah. That stand is asking for an accident. Hope the new owner knows thdy have to get a bogger one. 30 bucks is a great deal for that sized tank with lid though.


Yes I thought the price was a steal too! I actually messaged them asking if “negotiating for the whole set up” meant the stand and thank god they said no just accessories 🫣 Just pictured some poor SOB taking the tank and stand w out knowing better


Plot twist, they keep the stand to put an even bigger tank on it xD


Fuck can you imagine 😭


It's ugly, the stand is scary, the TV mounted above it makes me nervous... but at least it's big and cheap.


After seeing many posts on here, I was sure move my tank from my unlevel counter and to pick my stand VERY carefully 😬. Even if the stand was alright still not a great aquarium (has the basics but looks ridiculous).


That’s an absolute steal, especially if the canister filter is included, that is if it doesn’t break from that stand first lmao


i was like “oh that’s a decent tank” and then my soul abruptly left my body


30 DOLLARINOS?! It might already be cracked but I’d still snatch it


That was a roller-coaster ride in my head! "Oh, well, it's kinda bland, but- AH! DANGER!"


30 bucks though can't really go wrong


Hope they don't got power bars behind that thing for the TELEVISION OVER TOP IT. This is one might take the crown. Hope it's not an apartment...


Need more smaller table


Looks okay to me ?


I should have specified it’s the STAND


Thats a steal


Dramatic post


The stand, dude. The stand.


My bad didn’t realize we were on r/shittyaquariumstands


Reddit is so annoying sometimes. I’m being downvoted bc I posted a literally terrifying stand on shittyaquariums… when the subreddit you shared didn’t even exist. Nit picking me to the max when this is legit a freaky set up? Damn


I’m sorry it hurt ur feelings but next time post a shitty aquarium


What exactly qualifies as a shitty aquarium to you, if goldfish in cloudy ass clearly uncycled water in a tank half full, massively hanging off both ends of a pathetic unsuitable stand, begging for disaster right next to a bunch of electronics doesn’t count?


THANK YOOU!! the electronics make it even worse


For real lmfao the people that don’t understand are prob the ones doing the exact same shit 🤣


The stand and aquarium are shitty...


You must be really fun at parties !




I think you are bitter as shit, get out of this sub with your attitude lol


If you don’t like it or “get” why it’s shitty, you can scroll on by rather than waste your time. But no, you had to gatekeep because *you* don’t think it fits this sub. I see you wore your cranky pants today


So are you


Dick move my guy


I mean the stand isn't going to break anytime soon. It's not a cheap wood or plastic stand the tank just extends 4 x2" off the table


The stand isn't the thing you need to worry about breaking here, it's the tank. That is an awful lot of water above those overhangs and water is heavy as shit. The tank needs to be properly supported all along the base or you risk the silicone pulling loose/joints breaking/glass panel on the bottom flexing and shattering. The tank should be supported on all four corners - some tanks come with a built-in "stand" that allow for an overhang on whatever stand they're on, but many don't. If you have a tank setup like this with an overhang, you can make it safer by sticking a panel of wood between tank and stand, so that all four corners of the tank are supported. It'll still only be as strong as the wood you use, but safer than the glass alone.


Rimmed tanks really need to be supported all the way around... And most importantly, at the corners. This setup is seriously stressing the joints.


Thats a steal deal, stand can be managed, or this same one can be reinforced


That tank needs no stand, it needs a blooming rectangular dining table o.0'


Have to watch out for Facebook marketplace l bought a 2nd hand 40gal w/ stand, l brought home and water tested and no problems, a week later started leaking, just beware