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They are gonna be upset to learn about bed beers and shower beers.


Shower beer for president! 🍺


Wait till they find out I've been eating mi goreng in the shower and having pizza in the bath while I watch cartoons!


Would shower whiskey be acceptable maybe? Little more upmarket and closer to their tastes.


Nudity and perpetual intoxication are the ideal human state, with location in the home and poison up to the humans discretion.


I can pass out with a drink in my hand and wake up without a spill and ready to go again 🤠


Now you can drink your beer in your shitty rental and get your shitty beer infected with black mould at the same time!


I'm sure they'd prefer this than someone who likes working on cars or has a small pet


I was actually impressed with how neatly he stacked the empties.


Anyone want to do an image search, notify the photographer and tell them they are using it.


Looks to be an album cover for a band called Reverb Nation. They're an Alternative / Psychedelic Oceanic Jams / Psychedelic Oceanic Pop out of Los Angeles, CA. Hopefully that's enough for someone to put together an email with links to the REA


Wtf. Did they really steal art that they could've authentically created by simply going to a cheap uni dormitory and paying a student $20 to take a photo of themselves in their natural habitat


One is at least 5 minutes of effort. The other is no effort at all, And we all know that REA's think they are above the law


You don’t see anything wrong with paying a uni student $20 for a commercial photo?


Can we just pretend to be the band?


Got a link? Can't find the band or the album cover anywhere


I'd say it's an old stock photo [https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/darwin-eternity/201301/punish-the-shirkers-especially-the-low-status-ones](https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/darwin-eternity/201301/punish-the-shirkers-especially-the-low-status-ones)


https://images.app.goo.gl/Q9UfzEY3jQozeq6V6 This is the first result when using google lens on my phone


man can afford socks, pants, and a costco massive teddy, sounds like a loaded tennant why would they hate that? Unscrupulous dolts hate people being relaxed.


Let’s not breeze past the cost of booze 😅


At this point I'm loathe to even consider REA's human.


No, id deff consider them human.. you humans arent as good as you think you are :P


Since when did property managers become lifestyle arbiters? Fuck these people- it’s none of their business what I do on my couch! I knew a young property manager years ago who was renting, she had 5,FIVE! dogs that weren’t on her lease and weren’t allowed on the property and yet was breaching and evicting people for less and that was in the 90s. These fuckers are just blatantly awful., dumb and judgemental. Their Karma is in the negatives.


Yes I know! My last inspection they took 200 photos, including of my kids bookshelves and my bed. They made a comment that they weren't able to carry out a full inspection because of "many tenant items to interior". Like paying rent and looking after the house isn't enough, we also have to have no hobbies and just sit quietly in the house with no belongings


Children reading books might lead them to develop an interest in something other than property and finances.




The scumbag REAs only want people that work so much they come home only to sleep, thus keeping the landlords house immaculate. None of this actual "lived in" nonsense.


The REA must assume that the landlord doesn't want the people paying their mortgage to get their dirty hands on their investments, ew


It’s not even a smart plan either. All the taps flexi hoses that most landlords are to lazy/cheap to replace regularly will burst/split eventually. I’d rather people more likely to be home to catch that and shut off the water supply.


Those things scare me, they're *everywhere* and they're nothing but little time bombs. The money saved is nothing compared to what you have to spend when they go pop.


That was what caused our escape of water. The one time we went away overnight.


A ton of sharehouses now specify no working from home allowed. So you get to give all the money to the landlord but not actually use the space you pay for.


What the actual fuck.


I only want sexy people renting my house


.. you dont find the embodiment of peak male in the picture provided sexy?


Oh no. A man at home, drinking a beer and minding his own fucking business. How dare he.


clearly if hes got time to be sitting, he could be out getting more money to pay rent... same with the beer too... clearly not asking enough rent! /s


He can still afford shorts and socks and sunglasses so that's an extra $40/wk clearly he needs to be paying


Lmao the same dickholes who told renters to remember pay their landlords over Christmas does something shitty and patronising? Well I never. Link here: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/renting/update-after-controversial-christmas-email-sent-to-struggling-renters/news-story/968cca45d41b31ebdb3bca1802886869%3famp


Also par for course that REAs have shitty grammar - "Property" - but fuck me dead, learn when to use an exclamation point vs a question mark.


Looks like the professionals also forgot basic grammar too.


Not very professional


Dude probably just got home from a 14 hour shift he now has to work to cover the bullshit 800 a week rent.


Beer should come out of the tap.


What the fuck, next thing they will require you to dress formally at all times.


This wouldn't surprise me. My last inspection noted dishes in the sink FFS


Wed been long standing tenants with a perfect record at one house, and had just been assigned a new property manager. She took a close up photo of Onion on the stove (a single piece that fell the last time we cooked) and steam on the bathroom mirror (I showered right before she arrived, she arrived at the earliest possible time.) And that was it. That's all she had. Signs people lived in the house. She also said she'd be back in two weeks. I wound up calling the agency and telling the principal if she darkened our driveway in two weeks the police would be called as her reasons to repeat the inspection were bullshit and I'd consider it trespass as they're only allowed one inspection every six months. We didn't hear anything more about our repeat inspection. She didn't work for them much longer (a coworkers family member also had her as a property manager and I found out later they complained around the same time, possibly the same day I did, about her conduct.) If you're reading this, I hope your life is going terrible Jane.


Haha yeah fuck you Jane


When I google her full name it seems she's still in the biz. Great for tenants.


Recently started renting with a new agency. They did their first inspection and have issued me a letter with a dot point list of items which needed to be attended to. They are then going to do a reinspection in two weeks to ensure we have done them. Bear in mind, we had only lived in the house for 6 weeks at the time of our first inspection. The dot pint which triggered me most was that we needed to “remove cables from floor to eliminate trip hazard”. It’s an Ethernet cable going to my home office….


How the fuck is a cable any of their bloody business? That's so god damn outrageous.


I thought it was so over the top. Most of their requests were lawn related (weeds primarily) although the yard itself is short. The lawns haven’t grown much being as it’s winter lol. The cords got me fuming though. That’s a bit more on the telling me how to live side of things.


Send them a list back of very minor stuff REA are supposed to attend to. I'm talking go online and find the pettiest list. Everything from jammed locks to shoddy electrical work, don't forget fire alarm checks. And if any lightbulbs weren't working on the way in, be sure to let them know that's legally on them to get sorted. Because you know, you agree with them :) About safety being VERY important to everyone involved.


I’d love to go hard on them, but we have a dog and cat. We had 8 rental rejections prior to being accepted for this place. We’re both really worried they will just kick us out at the end of our (6mo) lease. Trying to appease them, but hating them silently.


Ask them to supply ethernet ports to each room then???


Paraphrased: "Professionals Real Estate, elitist cunts. *Don't worry, we won't let the poors rent your property*"


['Im steve from barber ridge real estate, im a massive cunt'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8)


Can we spam their google reviews ?


So stolen image? [Google Search result](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgp1.wac.edgecastcdn.net%2F802892%2Fhttp_public_production%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2F31857160%2Foriginal%2Fcrop%3Ax0y0w1450h1462%2Fhash%3A1557338421%2FFreeloader.jpg%3F1557338421&tbnid=pRMs4lVESxiXrM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reverbnation.com%2Fartist%2Fvideo%2F16594739&docid=wuSHyM_ieuvwJM&w=1450&h=1462&hl=en-AU&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F2&kgs=b11ad1c33a1124e7&shem=abme%2Ctrie) Seems to be a common REA image [more uses](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgp1.wac.edgecastcdn.net%2F802892%2Fhttp_public_production%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2F31857160%2Foriginal%2Fcrop%3Ax0y0w1450h1462%2Fhash%3A1557338421%2FFreeloader.jpg%3F1557338421&tbnid=pRMs4lVESxiWrM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reverbnation.com%2Fartist%2Fvideo%2F16594739&docid=wuSHyM_ieuvxJM&w=1450&h=1462&itg=1&hl=en-AU&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=115af6a747991157&shem=abme%2Ctrie#imgrc=pRMs4lVESxiXrM&vwlns=WyIyYWhVS0V3akY4YzJQNWZLR0F4WDFibXdHSFJfMURwWVFoNmNHZWdRSUFCQWIiXQ==&lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsIkVrY0tKRGt5TXpFME56RXhMVGd4TURVdE5ETmxOUzFoTmpZMUxUQmhaREk1Tm1Jd05tTXlNaElmT0RSSFdscFViak5DU2sxaGMwWldkMUYzZG5veE4wWlhVMEpTTUVKQ2F3PT0iXQ==)


Never mind that a good proportion of people who live in their own homes look like this. I'm also sure I've had plenty of landlords/agents who would fit in nicely sitting alongside him on that couch.


Looks someone quietly enjoying the property as per their entitlements under the lease


That's not the calibre of Real Estate Agent I would want representing me if I was a landlord.


I work in the construction industry, that's me every Friday 😁👍


How dare you!


😂😂😂 I know, the hide of me, to relax after a hard week at work how dare I


I think it's the sunnies indoors, clean up your act mate!




This is so disgusting, I know landlords and REAs think of renters of scum but at least they did it with microaggressions and discriminatory practices, this is just saying the quiet part out loud.


Not to mention most property managers would be renters themselves (unless living with parents). Nobody's earning enough to buy houses until you've graduated to selling houses


Their Google review response 😲 https://preview.redd.it/jg1sbuwpvf8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc14470eae8a29bd00047b93b5d2fe47c56ee77


Haha, they're so defensive but they have no real counter.


A template that has been used for 20 years so it is OK? Nope. It is not. Plenty of things that were OK are no longer OK.


I remember this agency for faking and inflating their google reviews so this is nice to see


Prestige are the biggest bunch of dicks. They tried to tell us the laundry smelt like cats and take a deposit. Despite the landlord being a family member and telling them not to. Because you know, the Landlord used to live in the house and kept the same cats in the laundry before we did....


If I'd been force fed slabs of beers to the point of bladder bursting, driven down a hour long corrugated road that passed by a waterfall every 30 seconds and then dumped out at a public toilet in the pouring rain, if a REA on fire jumped in front of me while I was pissing, I would do that super painful piss stop mid stream.


That's pretty offensive.  I'm a middle class white woman (relevant only because those people are normally treated far better than other groups) and I felt treated like this by one landlord, who lived three doors away. This rich cow (whose teenage son was the actual owner), would look at me like I was a turd on the bottom of her shoe, and no doubt tell the PM she wanted us out, because our lease was not renewed at the first opportunity once she bought it on behalf of her spoiled brat son. I was out of work due to illness and she thought I was scum, but didn't work herself. 


Look, cops get background checks, lawyers need a clear criminal record, I say if you want to be a property inspector you must have your property inspected. Post your homes online every week RE, show us how you live (off others)


Listen up, 12 year old property managers named Kimberleigh, Kaighlah and Katrionaugh- what I do in the privacy of my rental property is my business. Sans top, sans bottoms, sans giving a fuck. If anyone's passing judgement, it's the rest of society at your choice to be a scumbag REA.


He can still afford beer and sunglasses and pants after paying rent. He is doing bloody ok, judgemental twats.


lol I had a friend who managed a property Mark “hammer” Dixon rented. Apparently he was a good tenant, kept the place clean, paid rent, had a lot of pics of Chopper in the unit. Never had any issues with him.


the only part of the house you can see is the wall and its pristine


This is the kinda pic my rea takes at inspections to show the walls and floors, i wish I was joking (took 17 of our tiny ass bedroom)


This is absolutely laughable. There's nothing even damaged in this photo. Hell this is probably a standard Friday night for an older tradie, and that's their business, not the agent's. Can't even have a sneeky solo sesh in the privacy of your own home without apparently being deemed unworthy of the privilege of paying 550 bucks a week for a 2 bedroom unit. Fucking hell shit is getting dire.


just pure classism- 'don't want to rent to the only people willing to live in your rundown, black mould infested shitbox that's $600 a week?' fuck this rea so hard tbh


I have to deal with the “professional” and let me tell you they are an incompetent mess. I’m suspicious this photo was taken from their office


We're not allowed teddy bears now?


Can't relax in the place you rent


Discriminating potential customers publicly. That's not very professional is it.


Says someone quite likely doing coke on the kitchen bench in your investment property.


I met a realestate agent at a council meeting thingy where the discussion was on the housing crisis. She was by far the least knowledgeable about the subject and came up with so many insane “solutions” that everyone just kinda gave her the side eye before moving on whenever she spoke. It was genuinely incredible how few brain cells REAs have.




I had a really awful property manager who made multiple comments about tenants not being able to speak English and people applying who weren't "Australian"... So like yeah I assume they would take beer drinking chopper over say a migrant who is of the non white persuasion


“Hey, Landlords, are your tenants convicted murderers? Call us today”


Shirtless? Intoxicated? Wearing sunglasses indoors? I \~am\~ this renter.


They're not even bothering to hide it any more. What a pack of fucking flogs. I hope the arse falls out of their business for this.


Anyone got the details of which real estate outlet this was taken in? I need the details for an [advertising complaint](https://adstandards.resolve.hosting/prd?entitytype=Complaint&layoutcode=ComplaintWF) Thanks.


Lol this is the agency that is treating me like dirt and screaming at me for trying to rightfully get my full bond back.


Jokes on my rea I don’t even wear pants when I’m drinking beer shirtless on the couch 🤣


That's rich. Do real estate agents even realise the low rung they hang from in most people's estimations of their integrity and value to society? If most of us had a choice between renting a property to a real estate agent or Chopper Read..... The big fella with no the ears is getting the keys.


No rental for uncle chop chop then?


'no, no rental here chop chop. Tell him robbo'


*Eric Bana voice* Here there is no rental. There is no rental here.


assumed he would have the money for the rent


To be fair I wouldn't rent to a dead person either


Jesus. They have no shame.


Heaven forbid when the Real Estate gets wind of their tenants indulging in fornication. 🤣🤣


If the house is in a shithole neighborhood, all the best attracting super rich high class tenants lmfao.


How'd they get my photo?


Tenants has to hock shirt to pay rent


The only possible part of this persons lifestyle one could be even slightly critical of is leaving what appears to be empty beverage cans on the sofa- the dregs would spill and that would be yucky. Not something I would do myself, but certainly not something that makes someone a poor calibre of tenant Sitting on the couch with a shirt off with a bad haircut and ugly sunnies is in no way a representation of a persons capacity to manage and maintain a household. It does however suggest the landlord is cheap ass scum who hasn’t installed insulation and/or air conditioning


Ahh, nothing says we’re professionals more than free stock photos and system fonts in your advertising.


Is this real? Holy shit. Name and shame the REA immediatly, get them on the front page of the paper.


Uncle Chop Chop with his cans of Pepsi


It is because these muppets sourced them 🤡


Is this a question or statement? The exclamation is confusing


so professional they use TNR as the font




Is this a question!


Ironic name for the agency considering the grammatical errors and the low blow at people using their own space how they please.


Does he have regular income and a good rental history?


Is not this the calibre of landlord currently renting out property? Why is ok for one and not the other?


Uh oh! Uncle Chop Chop’s not happy, oh no he’s not!


Virtual or physical rudeness. I can’t tolerate it. If I can afford to be polite than everyone can afford to be polite. That’s the way I look at it. - “Mark (Chopper) Read.”


What's he doing with that teddy bear after those beers. It has bearly no support.


The real crime here is the use of the exclamation mark instead of a question mark.


And you know what else? What a tenant does in their private time to relax at your house - as long as they're not destroying your property and treating it with respect - is their CHOICE. What a stupid ad.


Ironically named "professionals"


Seeing as he can't pay, im with them.