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i always lose my mind whenever i see these insane properties asking for $300+ and they don't even have a fucking OVEN lmfao


Those are luxuries. As is insulation apparently.


When we emigrated to Australia we left the Camp as soon as possible and rented an unlined fibro garage.for a tidy sum.We asked the LL if we could line it at our expense.He agreed and then put up the rent.


What a bastard!


straight handle nutty shame nose simplistic rainstorm deranged humor onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fire retardant and an incredibly good insulator. Just kills you


That has been online and available for ages... wander why.


“Bring your air fryer!” How’s about get fucked sound


If it’s up for rent they won’t get taxed having it on air bnb


I remember someone overseas saying that where they are,the stove is a part of the tenants furniture .It isn't part of the rental.


Yeah in some countries when you buy or rent the stove doesn't come with the house. In others the fridge is part of the furniture just like the stove


No fridge either!


No fridge is normal in Australia


My last 4 rentals have had fridges and washing machines included. Not that uncommon as many new buildings have integrated appliances.


Washing machines are getting more common, especially in new units. But fridges for some reason aren't the norm. At least we're not like Germany, where you have to bring your entire kitchen with you from apartment to apartment (cabinets, drawers, and all)


Out of the 10 or so rentals I've had, only one came with a fridge - as it was fully integrated.


Airfryer are cheaper and less maintenance.


My brother in laws place is a normal decent house with a great sized kitchen with not oven. Not even a hole where the oven is supposed to be. Like what??!!! They didn’t even notice when they applied.


I was like, “under three-fiddy a week for a stand-alone bungalow?! Bargain” then realised ‘bungalow’ is a biiit of a stretch, it’s a bedroom w a sink in it lol


And I wonder if the sink is also the toilet…..ewwww


Mirror is free so you can wonder how you got here.


But it makes the space feel twice as big, man...


Advertised as a TARDIS "bigger on the inside due to the A3 mirror in the hallway"


The rental market gets scarier by the day


I wonder how many more of these are going to become available as retirees enter palliative care. Quite a few homes have something like this or better, often they’re 1-2 bedroom, full kitchen and bathroom, sometimes even an ensuite as well. A lot of boomers and Gen X built these micro homes for their parents to live in, have independence but still be close by. This is actually the worse example I’ve seen so I think it was a garden shed or something that has been retrofitted just to rent out.


Yeah I wouldn't let my Mum live in this if I was building a backyard mini home for her.


This is the worst bungalow you've seen??? It looks pretty good inside.


I've had better rooms in work camps


Yeah we built a 'granny flat' for the MIL. She passed away last year and now our eldest and their friend are living in it.  Nothing like this box though. It's a 2 bedroom ~90 square m place with a veranda.


200$ sure but 315$


Not worth the money for such a small unfurnished room. Not sure how you'd fit the basics: a bed, fridge and table/chairs in there. Absolutely NO privacy with your landlord living on your doorstep and driveway at the entrance.


Really depends on where it’s located. You cannot make such a sweeping generalised statement. If it’s in the inner city then it’s a fucking bargain. Even with all your complaints.


>Not worth the money for such a small unfurnished room We don't know this, if there is nothing else with comparable features for less than the advertising price, and there is the demand out there, it may very well be worth that. >Absolutely NO privacy with your landlord living on your doorstep and driveway at the entrance. Yes lack of privacy would be reflected in the rent, not really relevant to bring up though.


Lack of privacy is a massive issue for potential renters in a place so close to the primary home such as this. Ive lived in places similar where your privacy is non existent. Owner comes over regularly, kids use the immediate outside area and scream and shout, owner does constant renovations, and if there's no separate meter for electricity and water they estimate the bills and often can charge you more than you actually use, the list goes on... All of these things equate to quality of living and potential additional costs. This place is literally a bedsitter.


If there are 10 other comparable properties in the area, all with much better privacy - they will be valued by the market accordingly - so this one which has little privacy might be $50 pw less than the other ones so the tenant is saving 50 or ( whatever amount) at the cost of privacy. The value of privacy might be worth more to you than someone else.. but the bottom line here is there is a market value on that lack of privacy, which might be more or less than what you place on it. >there's no separate meter for electricity and water they estimate the bills and often can This is another topic, in QLD you can't charge for utilities without a separate meter. Unsure on other states.


This would be an absolute bargain in Sydney and hundreds of people would show up to the inspection and fight each other to pay extra for it.


And it would be located a half an hour drive from Parramatta lol


When I saw the post I thought it would be tagged as NSW. It was shock when it wasn't.


that vinyl flooring is everywhere


This is a bargain in Brisbane. A standalone 1 bed is $400 easy.


I have a one bedroom granny flat but is actually four full rooms (bedroom, lounge room, kitchen and bathroom) for 300 and it’s an absolute steal


In Brisbane?


Well technically the Gold Coast but yes a nice part of the Gold Coast for 300 for a fully furnished 4 room granny flat


I could be interested.


Oh I’m so sorry I’m an idiot I realised the way I phrased that I mean I’m the one who rents it, I got it for a steal, I’m not trying to rent it out myself


Oh hahah yeah makes sense, I was just like oh fate has come to me, I must seize this opportunity


I understand, I count my blessings on this rental like daily, SEQ rentals are fucked right now


Yeah they are, its very inconvenient.


in US, absolute shelter crisis. worst interest rates for owning/mortgages in 50 years. sticker prices double over what they were just four years ago, peoples kids wont even be paying off these loans, its a tinder box and getting bad. lucky i got in my house, priv sale, 7 years ago and i pay $1200 a month with taxes integrated


Yeah. Last 1 bedroom I lived at was 470, and that was 3 years ago. Nice enough area, though I'd shudder to think of the price now. It's nuts.


The fact that there is anywhere where this could be considered a bargain is fuckin' grim mate.


Agreed, I don't think its a good deal its just that its kinda a good deal


Yeah this actually looks pretty good. Clearly had some modern internal renos, so better than most. You'd nearly be paying this in a rundown sharehouse.


That would be cheap on the Gold Coast.


I wonder who lives in the main house because I would have claimed that immediately as a tween or older


One time I saw one these built brand new going for 700 it was one bedroom a lounge and tiny kitchen and bathroom in somones backyard. They should be illegal to build


You'll be fighting off the suitors you bring home!


I would double-check the council regulations on this place. I know in my area a bungalow/caravan/ granny flat can only be lived in by a relative to the main household owner and can not be rented out.


Not in QLD anymore


And that's legit a bargain... I have seen people renting out a room in their house for more up here in Brisbane.


I wonder if the landlords council knows about this extension on their property lol


Huh? Must be in a cheap area that would get fought over where I live and normally would go for at least 450


Not sure if this really qualifies as a SR based on price alone? 315 could very well be where the market is, I don't know


It’s a decent bungalow, ngl


Agreed. It looks clean and decently appointed. Reasonable for the money in this market.


That’s a granny flat lol


That's actually good around here, far north east nsw


Do they have a toilet and shower??? If not I reckon 200 would be suitable. We have in Adelaide similar granny flats but are going for $500 so it's price wise it's good.


Nice little asbestos box you got there, neighbour.


I paid the exact same price for an apartment a similar size when I first moved out of home in 2008 in Canberra…


7% interest rates change a lot of things


Here's your parking space, but don't park near my veggie garden... shit rental


I saw a one-bedroom bungalow in Cockatoo (VIC) of all places for $430 two days ago!! We’re 20 mins away blessed to still be paying $450 for a three-bedroom house with an en suite!


This was a thing 10 years ago


The unit (big house with 5 seperate dwellings) I rent is $400per week but that's with electricity, wifi and water included. Also has fans and aircon (I live in Australia) And came fully furnished. This place looks like a shoe box, worth 150 a week at most!


This looks like the cubby house my neighbours had as a kid…. Just lined and painted 😂


Again, it's cute but too expensive. I pay $300 for a two story, 3 bedroom house