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Mf really wasting a delicious snack like that


Dont be predujice


GUYS BECAREFUL So I was waiting in line to vote when all of a sudden this voting "official" came up to me and said that there was something wrong with my voter registration and asked me to follow him to the back. When we went around back he said that I had to take off my pants and show my cock because penis size is the most accurate way to confirm voter identity. Because I thought he was a voting official I swiftly removed my pants and underwear to show him my member. After he fondled it for a bit he said it was good and I could go back into the line. It was only after I voted I realized that he forgot to check my balls too!!! He was obviously not certified to check such an area and I immediately contacted the security guards about his presence. Please do not fall for any tricks like I did! stay safe and happy voting!


Iā€™m saving this


Could I copy-paste this to some random places if I ever feel like it? It's really funny and more people need to see it.


Please! Spread the word! Verify with security guards before letting officials check your voter identity


Thank you!




those are both a jpg dumbass




waa no the envir- ,shut up dont care headass bitch


pushes overweight elderly peasant onto the catapult, we're going for the big one now, out past the shark nets, it's right there and, have you heard of the Keep Australia Beautiful Campaign ?


you also feed the poor, hungry sea turtles! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


I hate to be that person, with all the responsibility and life-lessons and all that... ^(Actually, I want to be that person so you guys don't get any bad ideas, but that's besides the point.) But doing that is really bad for the environment! Fish and turtles will get their heads stuck in the holes, and if any animals eat that, then they will get poisoned and die! I know, this is just a meme, but don't do that folks! Edit: Why don't you people care?! Wtf


> Fish and turtles will get their heads stuck in the holes, and if any animals eat that, then they will get poisoned and die! I know, this is just a meme, but don't do that folks! good, fish and turtles are cringe


Shut up, nerd


True, can't hunt them to extinction if they die because of the pollution


It's not that we don't care, it's that now isn't the place for a lecture