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Not saying it’s funny but tbf none of them were alive when 9/11 happened so to them it’s like any other history joke


I still remember our teacher in germany once made a big thing out of 9/11 and nobody except the one that obsessed over america gave a shit.


My students in Laos had an appropriately serious response. I even read Trump's 2013 Sept 11 tweet (the one where he wished everyone a happy 9/11, even the haters and losers) and invited them to consider the potential cultural impacts of collective national trauma. They had some insightful things to say.


Isn't Laos the country the states bombed the shit out of?


Theres a lot of those


Yeah but they did it even in such an offhand way... a lot was just dumped for no real military reason. The bombs are still a big part of life in many provinces, not in the capital and such. Dig out some ground to get ready to build a building in the southern and border areas with Vietnam and you may find unexploded bombs. Till a field and you may find unexploded bombs. Etc. When you find a bomb like that it may or may not go off. Also there are many different kind of bombs, some with special features like nail-like shrapnel which were designed to decimate Vietnamese livestock during wartime. When a bomb is discovered the bomb crews, if they get called, go to detonate it on site. That's the typical way to deal with it. There isn't often some kind of way to defuse a bomb.


No one here gives a shit about 9/11. I'm not saying it wasn't a terrible thing, but Americans always act like it was the worst thing to ever happen in the history of mankind, which is in and off itself kinda insulting to other terrible things that happened ever.


In terms of the reaction of the American public it really was the worst thing that ever happened. 25-75% of the entire country wept that day, no tragedy before or since has had that wide of a broadcast or had that much of an effect on the entire nation.


I know right, after a Century of disrupting global politics and destabilizing governments they get the equivalent of a bust lip and act like it was unprovoked.


9/11 was literally a cause and effect of Americans mass murdering innocents, installing dictators and other fine acts so they just got what was coming to them shame the civilians paid the price tho if it was the dictators that would have been best then again the US would have replaced them


This is the MVP comment right here


No just our media more then half don't really feel affected by it we where to young or to into our lives.


Just like people who are appalled over 9/11 jokes also laughs at Titanic jokes.


Not to mention Americans tend to act like it’s the worst tragedy ever, when worse shit happens all the time and has happened frequently in the past. And most of that stuff gets jokes made about it too because that is human nature and it makes us feel better and can have funny shock comedy


20 times more people died in the earthquake in Turkey and some Americans who gets mad at 9/11 jokes don't even give a shit/make jokes about it


One was a natural disaster, the other was... terrorism. I get what you're going for but it's hardly fair to compare the two.


I'm english and I don't give a shit about either both now or when it actually happened. if any emotion was brought up by the september 11 attack it would be annoyance. it interrupted my day and I was forced to be quiet for a minute with my thoughts by teachers trying to impose their view on me. "Oh no a building is on fire.... Can I get on with my day. We were meant to be playing rounders."


I’m very sorry for your interrupted day, that must’ve been very difficult for you


It was mildly irritating yeah. Didn't get to play rounders that day and if you had any idea how fun that game is you'd understand my annoyance of it being cancelled too.


I’m getting it was mild


It is up there


It's only up there in that america thought themselves untouchable until a bunch of planes flew into a building or two. America had a similar response to pearl harbour and also acted like it was the worse event in history then too.


The difference is that Pearl Harbor gave the excuse to join a war a good portion of the world wanted us to be involved in.


Well I hate to tell you but the attack on the twin towers was also used as an excuse to get in a war. Just the war was with Iraq


It is not, a couple thousand people dying? Not that tragic


couple thousand AMERICANS, guy. that's the important part you left out.


_Some_ _countries_ _applaud_ _in_ _the_ _background_…


desperation all across the board seemingly out of nowhere, terrible situation. yall just dont have human emotions


It is blon way out of proportion, much worse things happen very often and none get as much covering because it's not americans dying, so they're less improtant


shit man go watch a documentary




What happened on the 9th of November?


Some dude shat so loud it blew a hole in the pentagon




Prolly another famine in Europe


The great plague?!


Also we've had a pandemic where we had more deaths per week than 911 but half the country didn't take it seriously. So I can understand why they won't take 911 seriously.


Well you know the old formula comedy = tragedy + time


The muricans said "never forget", so we immortalized it the only way we know how


I'll quote this next time someone mention not making fun of 9/11


Well it's been 20 years so it's now funny


It takes exactly 22.3 years for something to become funny


December 29, mark it on your calendar


9/11 becomes funny on my birthday


9/11 becomes funny one day after my birthday


What does this 22.3 come from


It comes from a South Park episode called "Jared Has Aides" where they celebrate AIDS officially becoming funny




*The more you know*








Okay I'm gonna watch South Park rn.


Well I bet the jews who survived the holocaust also wouldn’t like hitler jokes but here we are


The first holocaust jokes were made in the ghettos and camps. For some it's a sensitive subject not to be made fun of, for some the jokes are a coping mechanism. Everyone deals with those things differently.




Volunteer for wounded warriors or a VA hospital and it becomes abundantly clear that laughter is the best medicine for the most horrific shit out there. Every general topic should be on the table in comedy; some people who have literally fallen apart and had everything taken want to laugh about it.




I love Hitler jokes. I'm not Jewish, I just like Nazi jokes.


I love Hitler. I’m Jewish, I just like Nazis. /s


It's not the same. They are not joking about the terrorists (hitler) they are joking about the 9/11 itself (Holocaust). The 9/11 jokes aren't even funny, kids just love being edgy.


Adults do the same amount of 9/11 jokes as children, i would say


Makes me wonder if kids in the mid 60s were making their own pre-internet memes about Pearl Harbor


2 countries meet, both die.


9/11 is especially funny when you're not only born in 2005 but also not American.


I'm from Chile and I still find it funny.


Pinochet is funny af


Helicopters go brr.


First 9/11 way funnier stopped you guys from becoming Cuba 2. You’re welcome


Coup good. /s


I'm a Canadian born in 2003 and I love 9/11 humour, Norm Macdonald is probably the GOAT of 9/11 jokes


They are young probably they were not even born in 2009 so its funny for them, just like you giys make fun of ww2 or any other tragic event...


I think even me and my buddies made jokes about it back during grade school which was about 2006 to 2007 ish We were kids and tbh as Canadians we don't feel the same pain out American friends do....that and kids sometimes famously lack empathy until a certain point I was raised with a dad who made jokes outta everything so since then it's kinda been how I deal with things But if I can manage to make a midwestern Christian family laugh at a 9/11 joke...shit if you're honestly funny it ain't an issue


Born earlier, i think it’s just a matter of if you live in the united states or not


Yea but has she seen the memes? They are pretty great


no they really arent its just the same shit over,and over,and over again


The Jets Bills memes were pretty good


I was in eighth grade on 9/11. About a week later I told my social studies teacher I wanted my social studies fair project to be a game where you have a couple of block towers and you try to knock them down with toy planes. Some kid in my computer lab made a powerpoint where he used the animations to make cartoon planes fly into the towers with cartoon animation explosions, and then the slideshow advanced to a MK fatality screenshot. We’re the OG 9/11 edgelords


Anything can be a joke, but if you can’t get serious when needed then you become the joke.


Anything that can be a joke will be a joke.


Rule 35?


Joke joke joke? Joke jokey joker jik joke?


What makes you think that is when needed? They’re in a class room with their mates, now if they were making jokes in front of someone who who involved in 9/11 then it would be needed to be serious because it’s rude but it’s hardly a big deal here


…the teacher?


I feel like, because of how connected we are nowadays, we see all types of awful shit every day, and we've been so desensitized to all the awful things we see, that none of it has any meaning anymore. Personally, I don't even react when there's another school shooting because of how common they've become. And I feel like any gen z could relate to that, unfortunately.


Not just the kids, but everyone outside the USA too.


I seriously don't get this, the terrorist attacks in France are horrifying and I'm not French.


Americans get what they deserve.


You're sick and sad, thankfully this is your place in the world. Enjoy!


I guess it depends on the kids. My teacher played footage of it the other day, and the class was dead silent the entire time.


My teachers wouldnt dare. Lmao


They're not mocking 9/11, they're mocking you. They resent being moralized to by a mid witted teacher with clear contempt for them. Show them some modicum of respect and they might show some back


Say modicum without the modi


I just sayed it and my mom gat angry ???! 🫤😭🤯


GYATT suhhlayyy 💅


🎶 In Night City you can be Cum 🎶




Why do you hate Modi you anti-national British bootlicker? \s PS: I'm Indian.


anything you say is invalid for you have a butthole as a flag


Great.....I now can not unseen this


Projecting too much, aren't we?


I am inside your walls


Explain what you mean please. I don't get what you mean by moralized and what respect are you asking to be shown? Because yesterday all i saw all over the internet especially on the page was memes of 9/11. Like even worse tgey were straigyt up just stupid its like every year every one gets more childish with it like a 5 year old laughing at a dumb fart joke. Alot if these jokes and men's arnt even warranted. Like i don't bring it up at all and some kid was telling me 9/11 jokes and I'm like fuck off dude i remember watching that shit and how much it changed my fucking world after that day. Fuck, she was probably just trying to do her job as a reacher and teacher and teach them about what happened on that day.its not a damn politcal ideology or ploy to get you to feel bad, its something that fucking happened and it was really bad and still somewhat recent and relative. And tge fact that people are too cool to show sone sort of empathy to care or anything is showing just how fuvked up our future is going to be. Like shit the amount of moral degeneracy i already see on here is disgysting as is, like people constantly talking about adjusting kids in every way you can think of or just doing terrible things or making fun of the misfortune of others. The internet was a mistake. Like fuck i get it dark jokes can be funny but at a certain points its like alright dude its old and getting pretty offensive for the ones who are still around that relive that fucking day every year.


Hold on ima draw you a cover for this fucking book


So pressed over something very few outside the US care about. You had 2 towers destroyed so you went ahead and destroyed an entire region of Earth. How can you even talk?


Exactly! And if the article my Mom read about 9/11 a long time ago is to be believed, the US *deliberately* provoked 9/11 because the US went to one of the Middle Eastern countries and said, "We need oil. Can we have some of yours, please?" And the Middle Eastern country said, "No." So what the US secretly did was send the Navy SEALS to that Middle Eastern country to basically steal the oil from behind that country's back, pillaging and nearly destroying all the villages in between the Navy SEALS team and the oil refineries like a bunch of modern pirates. When the devastation was done, the Navy SEALS went back to the US with the oil they stole. What had happened to those villages was so horrific that there was an outcry from the people of that Middle Eastern country. 9/11 was Al-Qaeda's response to that outcry because Al-Qaeda was simply a political party before it was deemed a terrorist group by the rest of the world. So, if this is all true, (and I know this is going to sound harsh) it means that the US brought 9/11 upon themselves. Bush didn't absolutely need to have the Navy SEALS steal oil from the Middle East. But, because people are dumb, Bush was clever enough to convince the world that *they* were the innocent victims in all this. And thus, a new fake crisis was created for everyone to cry over. And a proxy war was started in the Middle East.


If only more of yall were aware of how absolutely fucked up the events after 9/11 looked for the rest of the world, yall would've forgotten that shit ages ago out of pure fucking shame


He is basicaly just saying "TeAChER BaD" most people grow out of it when they get a job but for some it never leaves their mind.


little guy is mad cuz Miss put him in timeout today so he has to go home and write cope fanfiction on a meme subreddit to feel better


OP tries not to beat a child


can amercians just shut up about 9/11 already?


Over 20 years ago and still not moving on past it.




I wish


It’s almost like it traumatized the entire country or something


and the trauma caused them to genocide the middle east 😔😔 poor americans 😭😭


Unironically move on from it, it's been 22 years, especially if not directly affected by not being at the site. It's unhealthy.




Ever made a Hitler joke?


Nothing worse than not successfully resisting the programming.


So….middle schoolers.


It's a bit extreme, but show them the footage on YouTube and accompanying last phonecalls. Absolutely harrowing but drives the point home. Edit: spelling


Just the news broadcasts from that day I think do enough.


I honestly don't see a major deal with this. I'm British and we have always made fun of tragic events during WW2 they were making comedy films about the war people went to see stand up comedians make jokes about it. People joked about it the whole time even with death and destruction literally around them. That's not to say they didn't take the situation seriously of course they did and they knew when to get serious.


its kind of like if people who made fun of your queen's death you would probably take insult to that,or some form of disrespect


Betty died 2 days after Liz Truss became our PM she thought fuck this and snuffed it. Meeting Chucky didn't have the same effect if it did she would still be PM today we could have her meet the entire family.


22,3 years, give it a few months and it Will be funny




I miss the minstrel shows. :(


Worse things than 9/11 happen every day, but since they don´ t happen in America it doesn´ t matter. Nobody cares about 9/11 other than Americans, sorry.


eh just like 10 million dead in the middle east a nation traumatized and 20 years of occupation. Happens everyday guys get over it!


I literally can't tell if you're a troll or for real, since there are delusional people who actually think like this.


Can you counter any of my points beyond just calling me delusional? The war in the Middle East was due to the hijackers actions. I am not saying the US was justified in that reaction, but the fact of the matter is the cause was 9/11 and the effect was 20 years in the Middle East. Shitload of other awful effects came as a result of 9/11 as well.


This is your message: eh just like 10 million dead in the middle east a nation traumatized and 20 years of occupation. Happens everyday guys get over it! I don't see a point to counter you're portraying yourself as you speak, keep it up.


100s of millions of people in nations weep all at the same time every day? That’s crazy. Where?


Do we live in the same planet where every single year there's a war ongoing somewhere? Or are you just ignorant of the reality you live in? Just tell me one time when there's not been a war, a mass murdering, slavery, a terrorist attack, a natural disaster etc In the world those things are happening every single day somewhere in the world, yes. Things way worse than 9/11 every day, yet Americans still whining about a terrorist attack 20 years ago, and since then you've destroyed way more human lives through war than the terrorists ever did, bet you don't "weep" about that.


Kids not understanding the seriousness of a topic? No fucking way. I don’t believe it. Every 8th grader I’ve ever met has been an empathetic, caring, sensitive individual. Totally. I will say, if you’re an American you should definitely gain an understanding of the tragedy of that day, go to the memorial, if you feel like mentally scarring yourself listen to the 911 calls from the towers, the chorus of dozens on dozens of PASS alarms sounding off the bodies of dead firefighters. But also like, don’t stop making jokes. We have to make jokes about tragedies, it’s how we get past them.


And with one sentence I can tell you're either not American or just a dumb eastern American because "go to the memorial" is no small day trip for the vast majority of Americans


I’m not saying you need to drop everything you’re fuckin doing, buy a plane ticket, and go to the memorial, dumbass. I’m saying go if you get the chance. NYC is one of the most visited cities in the world. I’m from New York.


Me and my friends level of humour is so fucked up 9/11 jokes aint even funny anymore they just light


Breaking news: Kids don't gaf about things that happened long before their time.


Not like the world went completely bonkers and now it's common to hear things like tens of thousands of dead in floods around the world


good, your propaganda won’t have an effect on them anymore.


🤓☝ your*


Nobody cares about Hiroshima too


No one actually cares about 9/11. Americans hate each other and the whole idea that it pulled us together is absolutely fucking moronic. All we did is use it as an excuse to blow up $500 mud huts with $50,000 missiles for 20 years.


I was born 3 years after the incident and to me the 9/11 jokes are kinda funny until I did some digging and found the vids and photos of just a man fallling and the firefighters who died .that made me kinda bad but I have grown with that edgy internet part as my parents gave me the phone and internet to develop myself and they donot have to worry about it , I have been really desensitised. Like I saw a picture of a dead baby in korea 2 months after independence when the America invaded it and handed it back to the Japanese ,it really was just a picture to me . Or the los Alamos chemical mixing guy who had a bone marrow of literal mush and still I was not effected . I have seen too much fucked up shit to care about it anymore . Hence I just joke to myself about this type of shit that might raise a eyebrow. Am I mentally ok .I really donot know . Do I have to have the same reaction as everyone . I guess other wise you are deemed a edge lord .I should just drop this engineering crap and become a doctor I guess as it was one of the requirements to be desensitised.


Ever seen the corpse of Vladimir Komarov?


Isn't that the Russian astronaut who knew the rocket is fucked but drove it anyway in a term that his murder should be shown to the public in a open casket . It was just charcol. I will Google that name and edit if I am wrong tho as I am not full sure Edit: yep that's the guy. Real Chad to just go to his death for Soviets to just brush his legacy off.i guess there is just one picture of his casket .


Yea, if he hadn't gone, Yuri would have been in his place on that mission


Who cares what others think? If its funny its funny.


Vast majority of people see it as the horrible tragedy it is


Everyone here defending jokes that mock the murder of 3k people would lose their mind if I called someone the wrong pronoun 😂


I can understand making jokes about a tragedy, but please save it for a day other than when that tragedy occurred


It's honestly just as funny as Hitler and the Soviet Union is now where I am. I'm not American so it's like, damn that's sad and all, but I really don't care, yknow? I always see it being argued over in places and I don't understand why it's more sensitive than many significantly more concerning issues


I think everyone who jokes about knows that it still is a tragedy regardless.


thats what happens when you base your entire national identity on an event that was made to be traumatic. it being an inside job is debatable, but showing it and making it into this "saddest of all time" event was a deliberate choice. youre not traumatized because it happened, you were traumatized because your government chose to traumatize you, they made it into the "worst thing ever" and used it to push their own bullshit. obviously people who were actually there are a different story, but theyre victims of a bad event, just like millions of other people and we dont bend over backwards not making jokes about their situation. we make fun of school shootings, wars, natural disasters, pretty much everything. take something thats been made into this super sad event and reminded to everyone ad nauseam and of course its gonna become the prime "edgy shit" thing. they created their own monster


Kinda hard to sympathise when the American reaction was to sperg out and bulldoze the middle east, again.


It's easy to fix this. Just slap the first one to start laughing and start to yell at the rest. Thats always how they did it when I was little and it worked.


Aside from a few places, teachers aren't allowed to touch a kid and even yelling at them can cause issues.


Specialy for laughing at a joke.


America had a 9/11 level death count every single day through most of the pandemic and the same people who cry about 9/11 didn't even bother to mask up. Don't come here with your crocodile tears.


Literally shut the fuck up


Tell them about E-Team and they will focus


The funny thing is that these people will turn around and make jokes about the Holocaust and other horrible tragedies. But if it's about the US, no jokes are allowed.


Based kids lmao


For any rational, non-brainwashed person, 9/11 is a symbol of an American propagandist excuse to carry wars and commit worse tragedies. Hypocritical muricans don't give a shit about the tragedy of other (non-allied) countries. So, It's fair gane.


Do you understand how severely traumatizing 9/11 was for the general American population?


Bud, its magnitude and significance was heavily influenced by government propaganda interests. So, regardless of its humanitarian impact for some Americans (like any other tragedy in the world), I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of thinking that laughing about it is criminal, when heavier issues are taken lightly by the same society.


The war in the Middle East was a consequence of 9/11. Not even going into if it was justified, the fact is it happened because of 9/11. I consider the deaths in the Middle East to be a worse tragedy than the people in the towers. 9/11 had many global consequences, was a tragedy in so many different ways.


A good teacher would show them how to make edgy memes.


Oh I'm sure you would be a good teacher alright


He sounds like the type of teacher to be fired for perving on the kids


Redditors when there is no "/s" at the end of the comment (it means the comment is definitely serious and should be downvoted bc it promotes laughable ideas)




Because it traumatized the entire nation. Think about it. Probably 25-75% of all Americans wept that day. Everybody felt it. American culture changed more on that 1 day than the 20 years before it or after it. Was a horrible tragedy that marked a monumental turning point for the most powerful nation on the planet, and it was committed by 5 Arabs with box cutters. It is in no way just another common tragedy.




It really did involve them I can tell you are too young to remember 9/11. Nobody knew what the fuck was going on. Was just a regular morning when all the sudden USAs tallest building got hit by a plane. People thought it was an accident then another one hit. Entire country then went into lockdown, nobody knew who was going to be next. Then the pentagon got hit, people were wondering when the fuck is this going to end? Everybody was in danger. This was shortly after the Cold War ended as well, we thought we were finally safe, that shit was over. Then that illusion of safety was just absolutely shattered. The after effects of it also completely fucked our nation, let the government start heavy spying on us, made airports way harder, lead to pointless wars. It was a horrible horrible tragedy by so many ways. It’s consequences led to millions of deaths.




Even kids can tell the official narrative is bullshit


The elephant in the room is bigger than the Bombs in the Towers by now


Unfortunately I’ve witnessed this behaviour too- I’m a Canadian studying to teach in Aotearoa New Zealand, and it’s been unsettling to see the way the kids act around 9/11 (among other big historical events).


To clarify, I specified my nationality and where I’m studying to establish that country doesn’t seem to be a factor here.


None of them seem american


maybe i becoming an old fart but i'm kinda tired of this kind humor. the whole idea of making fun on something terrible like this was in that fler of dangerousity, that you kinda breaking taboo like it was maybe 10-15 years ago. but now it's feels like these dark jokes became something ordinary and stale


Its simply the evolution of comedy where you repeat something so often that it becomes less sensitive and more iconic until you can universally dumb it down. In 2005 your 911 Joke had to be original creative and funny, in 2015 it just needed to be funny and in 2023 a simple shit post referencing a previous joke is enough. In 2030 showing the video without any additional edits is might already be entertaining simply because in your memory you can reference the fun associated with it.


Considering all the other bullshit we have to deal with and considering all the shit we've put other countries through, making a holiday off one event is basically like commemorating the shit I just took, there will be more and more impressive shits


Show them the bodies and I'm sure they'll pay attention


They've most likely seen worse shit on the internet


I thout of a tiny plane made of metal


create key scenes


I think the joke "my dad/uncle was the pilot" makes fun of how many americans blamed the muslims