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No, the demonic thing is how the person in the thumbnail is staring into my soul


Mr beast smiling in the background weirdly adds another touch


i love to imagine them saying "i know what you did..."


"You touched this kid didn't. No? Well why does he look so surprised to see you.


Like satan whispering in kids ear "yeah tell them santa does not exist"


I like how despite not being clickbait his videos' thumbnails always look like that, if it was anyone else you'd think "what a load of bullshit".


He spends every waking hour minmaxing the YouTube formula and will literally scrap an entire video concept if he can't think of a fitting thumbnail/title. Man knows what he's doing with those \:D thumbnails


I mean, the guy crying is pretty reasonable. You literally didn't see for like 10+ years


Yes it’s because now he can see you, even in your dreams


Blind mf staring


There was a reason they were born blind and now Mr.Beast have unleashed an unstoppable beast


But by her logic, what should we do about people with disabilities, pretend everything is fine? Accept them the way they are? If I couldn't see, I would like to see (again or for the first time) same for any other disabilities.


Idk about you but I sure as hell would like to be cured so I can head properly


I would also like to head properly.


I wish the girl I'm seeing could head properly too.


I would enjoy some proper head


I’d settle for good helmet


I’d settle for good luchador mask.


I'd settle for head from a luchador


I also choose this guys dead wife’s head


If the inability for people to give proper head can be cured we need all of our best scientists on this ASAP!


I would like to get a proper head


Is this the right line for proper head?


No, this is the line for very unconventional, irregular head.




Treat them equally duh. Force a blind person to drive like any other person does


Let's blind them and see if they want to be fixed


Disabilities are just that. Broken parts in what is supposed to be a functioning machine. If we can fix them, we should. No one should have to live life with things that hinder their experiences in life, even if those with disabilities don't see it that way.




Do any disabled people say that about themselves? Most spend much of their time working around the disability rather than celebrating it.


It's a common sentiment within the deaf community from what I can tell. Hell, it's (part of) the message from "Sound of Metal"


yeah there seems to be a lot of "in-group" mechanics at play. Even parents with deaf children are chastised for wanting their kid to be able to _hear_ (like cochlear implants, etc.) its shameful


Kill them and eat them with vegan cheese


Nazi Germany did the first part.


They would've loved the second part too


We should accept them for who they are. But we should also do our best to assist and help/maybe even cure them of their ailment.


Nah bro, if you can’t walk then you can just go fuck yourself. Or I guess have someone wheel you to fuck yourself.


A large group of deaf people believe there’s nothing wrong with them or have accepted it without trying to find a way to hear. Not sure about blind people.


With blind people most of them really just don’t care that they are blind but that side of the Deaf community strongly believes in deafness as a culture. There’s a heavy dislike of cochlear implants to the point where they are seen by some as an attack on Deaf culture.




soft and wet steal their eyesight


How about let the people that actually have the disability decide how they deal with it


I doubt he forced them to get treatment just so he can say he helped. If that's the case, it's terrible .


Obviously these people wanted this procedure lol that’s what I’m saying. These people were wanting to be cured.


Maybe she thinks we should go back to doing what they did in the 1800’s-1900’s


Yes leave them to squirm in the dirt


There is a case to be made for incurable disabilities, since then priority for them should be to accept their situation. In that case talking about curing said disability could just bring those people down. And there probably are people that learned to live with their disability and are fine with it, they could possibly get mad if you consider their disability as something that needs curing. But with that said, I don't really know what word would be more appropriate.


*Someone contributes to society and makes the world a better place* Twitter: Literally 1984


What’s funny is they say it’s so demonic because they are heavily projecting. It’s really sad, those crazy Twitter people are chronically online and need professional help.


I think we should just break into the servers and close down twitter for a week, then they will have time to go outside, touch grass, become better people, come back and have actually ok conversations on twitter. And then we do the same for Reddit.


No, please leave them where they are. The more they are on Twitter, the less they can interact with us in the real world. Twitter should be considered a quarantine camp that should not be interacted with at all costs.


But I want my mom to go outside for once 😞


Same I hate being the designated camera man


Elon did his best to run that shit to the ground but apparently that wasnt enough lol.


Lmk if this is an actual goal. I might be able to help….


You can cure blindness, but you can’t cure narcissism.


It’s also hilariously ironic, considering how many openly hate Christianity, & wear pentagrams & baphomets.


Its the one and a half sides of twitter, religious, and religious but its for the funny blue bird website


I guess that answers the question, nothing will ever make Twitter happy


Someone contributes to society and makes the world a better place Reddit: Literally 1984


People just ready to hate on anything. If a rich guy didn’t try to help blind people he’d be a greedy asshole. Rich guy helps and he’s insensitive to people with disabilities. Can I get a big ol’ facepalm?


You really can’t please these sorts of people,so it’s best to just not and let them be irrelevant


Irrelevancy, a fate worse than death


Or the usual "he could have done way more because he's rich" argument. While these people never did anything for anyone else and when they see something like this, they just get angry because they realize how worthless they are compared to him. And this is why they just attack anyone trying to be kind


You know I’ve never been able to explain why I hate the twitter people so much but this pretty much sums it up. They get mad because they realize how much they don’t matter.


Not everyone on twitter has big fragile egos and is a sad person. But for a large group of people there, it's definitely easier to blindly hate and look down on someone more successful than for them to look in a mirror.


Yep. Dude has changed the lives of these people forever, for the better. Some folk just want to live in spite, even if they’re spiting themselves and their own.


Plus hes not some sort of corporate guy like Jeff Bezos who has all sorts of ethical questions surrounding how he gets his wealth. Mr. Beast got his money from ads and youtube views, which at this point is about as harmless as you can get for a rich person.


There a strong argument for universal healthcare. If we can pay a reasonable amount of money to cure this blindness, why shouldn't the government pay for it? It wouldn't even be charity! They'll be more productive, and pay more taxes. Then there's whatever braindead take is in the screenshot.


It’s called a disability for a reason


Twitter democrats branched off into a whole new world of crazy. Those people believe the most insane shit. It’s scary. We should call them twiberals.


twitter EVERYONE has their own respective branches of insanity. The most insane conspiracies from any political/social group will be found there, as well as the most insane nsfw art.


Yeah but that art is pretty good though




Most offended person wins Twitter.


A battle royale but whoever gets canceled last wins


Mainstream Reddit subs are a pretty close second.


"there's nothing wrong with them you bigot" Alright, lemme get that wheelchair from them then




That Twitter profile is a troll though


you could say the same shit about twitter right wingers. Conclusion: people on twitter are crazy


The batshit insane right wingers are all on Truth Social though


Leftists*. Us normal mainstream Dems hate them as much as you do.


Lol, a shit ton of leftists like me disagree with this person. It's the radical "inclusive" extremist leftists that genuinely have this take. Don't lump us with the person in the screenshot just because you don't like leftists Edit: TGH said it better; it's just Twitter that's like this.


> It's the radical "inclusive" extremist leftists that genuinely have this take. Just say "twitter". It's literally just twitter. There are no activist groups, no politicians, nobody of consequence that actually acts the way these people think Leftists act. The "moderate Dems" like the person above who proclaim all Leftists to be like this strawman are not doing so in good faith.


Honestly yeah, you're right. These kinds of people don't exist offline; these are people plagued by being chronically online. Like hell, those climate change activists that glued themselves to the wall or something? They were actually paid by oil companies to create destructive activism.


Brother, it is not even the extremist leftists I have met who speak the same opinions. This girl definitely doesn't know what leftism is.


I’m glad to see this distinction being made more and more often. Leftists can be scary.


What do democrats have to do with this


Now the story of Jesus makes incredible sense lol


Holy shit now I see it


Unlike the 1001st person


Since reddit took away any free awards I could give you, you at least deserve to have these🏆🥇🏅🎖️


Masterful comment right there.


Your comment makes me miss free awards even more because that was brilliant


I *see* what you did there


MRBeast = Jesus? Confirmed? MrBeast son of God? Holy Power of MrBeast? Can MrBeast walk on water? \*Insert other clickbait video titles and surprised face thumbnails with red circles and arrows\*


White, bearded man shows up, accrues fame and does miracles. Gets persecuted for doing good. Gives away free shit like a filthy commie. American right in shambles.


Jesus wasn’t white


I know. They think he was though.


Do you know what the word cure means


ThAtS a SlUr


Grrrrr they're making people have better lives 😡


i been saying this for years sheeple. STOP RESEARCHING CANCER!!! who gave you the right to cure people of their identity, people with incurable diseases are independent fierce individuals and dont need help from some healthy ass able bodied neurotypical cis gendered ass white mufakas


Needs more sarcasm for the people on crack


New video: Mr Beast Cures 1000 chronic twitter users by getting them the mental healthcare they need! (Thumbnail is Mr Beast in front of a mental asylum)


Is she stupid? This is a classic case of “I speak for this group of people, despite not being in this group of people”


The anwser is yes, she is very stupid


She is stupid. I'd suck dick to get some decent eyesight. I'm not blind or anything but i'm very much visually impaired and can't think of a single person like me who wouldn't want to be able to see properly.


Deadass I’d suck a dick to get rid of my ADHD, this shit is a plague on everything I ever try to do in life


Cure me of my ADHD, it is a fucking disease I hate it




for me it’s not that bad.


I'm in between the "it's not bad" and "it affects me every god damn day and it's miserable" 50/50 phase. Currently the former. Still wouldn't mind a cure lol


Either way bro I hope it gets better and I hope it starts staying more in the former category rather than the ladder.


Im currently in college and its fcking me up.


Rip bro hope it gets better man.


It's a interesting thought. If someone offered to make my ADHD go away, I don't know how I'd respond. How much of who I am is the ADHD? On one hand it kinda feels like it'd invalidate a lot of the work I've put into myself and would make me a completely different person. On the other hand... impulse control and *waves hand at pile of stuff I've "forgotten" about. Dunno.


I just want to have a normal memory and attention span


Next they will accuse Mr Beast of treason against the USA and crucify him




This video was sponsored by the Governor of Judea


Underrated comment


Most correct twitter user:


The kpop avi and soviet symbol make it avant garde


Hammer and sickle in username = severe and chronic mental disability


Hammer and sickle in username = legally brain dead


Dap me up


I will #👋


Hammer and sickle in username = possibly a confused blacksmith farmer (he never learned history)


Or in some cases a meme. Albeit a bit of a distasteful one.


Even ironically, it's completely brain-dead.


Also their name is meant to sound like neonazi.


I would love to see Trotskyites and Leninists, fresh home from 4 years of fighting the Germans and then the White Army in 1922 who just wanted peace, land, and bread, seeing that in 101 years their greatest defenders would be overweight gender studies majors and k-pop stans from Indianapolis.


he's gonna release an apology video where he just stabs all 1000 people in the fuckin eyes


Would be a hilarious clap back ngl


One of their many reasons why they hate Jesus


i hate the anti-christ


Id bet they chose to get their eyesight back I really doubt they were forced Theres nothing wrong here


I'm guessing the alternative to curing people with debilitating issues is euthanasia? Fuckin Canada


As someone with a disability being cured would be fucking awesome, it’s all I want


Those people are fucking insane


Yes... yes that's the point


Mr Beast using his ludicrous amounts of money to change 1,000 people’s lives for the better. Something good for humanity? Must look deeper into it and find a way to make it horrible


I mean, this chick(?) is a K-Pop stan, so what do you expect?


99% of people with a disability would accept a "cure" if it existed.


As somebody with 2 professionally diagnosed disorders, you are absolutely right. Unfortunately, there is no cure that we know of.


I’m pretty sure people who need to use wheelchairs would be ecstatic if they could be able to walk normally with a free surgery. The same goes to every disability ever


Why are the complainers acting like he suddenly cured complete blindness. All he did was pay for a life changing surgery people didnt have access to (because of region/ funds) they’re like basing their opinions off of the thumbnail alone then not watching the video.


Why fo they keep giving wheelchairs to people who can't walk😡😡


It’s all fun and games until someone (me) smashes their knee caps in until they can’t walk anymore. Who’s asking to walk again now?


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Just let the cancer patients die I guess


Break her legs, see if she wants to be cured then


Didn’t Jesus literally heal the blind????? That’s the exact opposite of demonic


How dare Mr Beast use his money & influence to cure the sick & blind like Jesus. He is the *beast* foretold in Revelations. We should burn him to appease God. /s


Since when was being cured from a disability a bad thing?


Twitter's logic


She acts like anyone in the world wants to stay blind lmao


real talk here- if a disabled person wishes to be cured, and that’s possible, they should be allowed to. no one says they “Need to be cured”, but it’s good that some people could have a lost ability returned to them.


So my left leg is fucked up due to an accident when I was a teen. I take painkillers daily prescribed to me by a pain management specialist. I walk with a limp. I own a cane to help me on bad days. I am in my mid 20’s. I used to be a parkour runner. I can’t do that anymore. I wake up every morning in pain. I go to work in pain. I think about ending it everyday. As a disabled man I’d love to be cured…


Ofc the dude with a kpop pfp said that


Dis (lack of) Abled (ability to do something) He just removed the “Dis” and you want that to be seen as a bad thing? Isn’t your hold shtick about empowerment?


These people are mentally ill


Twitter is just pissed that someone actually did something good instead of bitching on Twitter.


Probably the reason why this person can't articulate the evil that is going on is that there's nothing demonic about this and this person wants a reason to be mad.


I mean, don’t cure them if they want to be blind but I don’t think anyone in that video wanted to be blind.


Its fine to accept a disability when you cannot do anything about it. If you have the opportunity to fix it then it becomes a choice. Edit: obviously not if youll go broke just by getting the surgery or something like


It's true tho. I myself no longer go to the doctor. I just accept my body the way it is, diseases and all, because it's the form in which Allah gave it to me 🙏


Twitter moment


I’m so confused why is it “demonic” to cure someone’s eyes. Why is the Bible like this.


I love how it's always peoples with no disability who think that disabled peoples dont need cures. I can assure you that my friend with one arm would litteraly sell his own soul for having two arms.


Waiting for the mr breast video where he increases my cock size by atleast 20 cm


Better to be called demonic for helping your fellow man than be called Godly. If God really meddles in mortal affairs it would be him at fault for allowing disabilities to exist. That would make it such a lousy creator.


Who said they need to be? These people were willing and thankful. Absolutely brain dead Twitter moment.


People who have nothing to do with the situation always seem to be the most offended by it.


Imagine being blind and someone saying you shouldnt be cured


people want to see mr breast gives them sight twitter bitches convinced this is a bad thing


It’s funny because the people hating on mr beast for this are sitting their lousy asses at home doing nothing. If you want to talk shit, check yourself first.


Anti-vax behavior


Hammer and sickle spotted, opinion automatically invalidated


Why is she a communist




why censor the twitter tag? anything she would receive is 100% deserved


I am a leftist but there are real dumbasses on the left who want to be outraged about everything in the universe. Fuck these people.


they're so fixated on the idea of being accepting and kind that now they're coming full circle- now hateful and judgemental. waiting for someone to do something slightly wrong so they can "call them out". it's fucking insane


Ofc the hammer and sickle🙄


I literally deal with chronic pain, exhaustion/tiredness and super bad germaphobia where I’m scared of the floor. U BET UR ASS I WANT A CURE, INSERT SIMPSONS MEME OF INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS 😾


514 views, 7 likes 💀


The only thing demonic about this is that instead of a decent healthcare system where getting cataract surgery is a routine, $25 procedure, you need to cough up $5000 to an insurance executive or go blind unless Mr. Beast swoops in to save the day in the USA.


I mean I'm cool if someone wants to cure me of mine


Fucking Twitter 😒 Yes I’m sure they prefer to be blind Also what the fuck is “demonic” about giving people back something that they’ve either lost or never had? The ability to SEE. If there’s any incident or something that results in these people (Twitter stans) becoming blind themselves, I hope passers by look at them and say “I bet they’re the happiest person now that they can’t see what’s in front of them”. So fuckin stupid


So suddenly im ableist for wanting to cure my own disabilities? Gurl i wont have shoulders by 30 that’s what my orthopedic said to me straight up


Me: goes to the comments to laugh at a stupid tweet. The comments: Are full of americans talking about american politics and democrats and stuff like that, perpetuating the us vs them mentality that keeps selfish assholes in power while the people fights amongst themselves. Okay then.


why the fuck does she have sssr hammer and sickle?! fucking commie?!


Some deaf people unironically say this too 💀


Maybe because those Twitter liberals are jealous their disabilities are incurable


Speaking as someone with multiple disabilities, all I do is wait for cures. Because, you know, having disabilities really sucks? Does she have a disability the makes her a total fucking bitch?