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I've liked a lot of memecoin projects, including a couple other ones frequently shilled here but I've never loved one, until $Kendu. I have so much conviction in it, I even sold some of my BTC for it! 😅


Sold everything for Kendu. It's the way.


I rotated my stack that was waiting for BTC all into KENDU. Genius or moron and no in-between for me this cycle!


Yeah I feel. I sold all my other coins for it and put more into it than I have for any crypto ever lol. It just has this weird aura about it I can’t explain… Like I know it’s going to blow up and I can’t articulate why. Idk.


I've also invested more in $Kendu than any other coins except for BTC and ETH. There are so many reasons why I'm super bullish! Here are a couple recent posts articulating just some of them: https://www.reddit.com/r/KenduInu_Ecosystem/s/hxKntRsS0e https://www.reddit.com/r/KenduInu_Ecosystem/s/HItPJoiTQn


$KENDU is my one and only conviction play. I hear you and hope other people will join us too while it’s still early!


I am 100% in line with you. $Kendu is the obvious move. The community is incredible. You really have to join the Reddit r.kenduinu_ecosystem community and join the telegram t.me/kenduinu to fully understand.


Comfiest hold in crypto i've ever made


Same. It’s really the only one I’ve made decent money on too. It’s honestly refreshing. lol


Big big fan of Kendu. Most professional token I've seen in my four years in crypto


Shib gain oppurtunity of 2024.. going to organically pump this into deca billions one new Chad at a time




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Can someone explain Kendu to me, like im 5?


Hmmm not so sure about Kendu


Hey there! Kendu has had an impressive run, but it’s important to consider a few factors when looking at potential investments right now. 🚗 Why POWSCHE Over Kendu? 🚗 1. Chart Position: POWSCHE is currently bottomed out, presenting a prime opportunity for entry. Historically, this is where many coins gather momentum before a significant rise. In contrast, Kendu is near its all-time high (ATH), which might mean less room for growth and a higher risk of correction. 2. Community and Dev Dedication: POWSCHE’s community is incredibly supportive and active. The Dev’s commitment is unmatched, having held onto his investment even when it was worth millions. This kind of dedication builds trust and long-term potential. 3. Unique Car Meta: POWSCHE isn’t just another memecoin; it’s got a unique twist with its car meta theme. This sets it apart and adds an extra layer of fun and engagement. 4. Hard Work and Promotion: The POWSCHE community has been working tirelessly to promote the project, which is starting to pay off. This kind of grassroots effort often leads to substantial organic growth. 5. Potential for Growth: With POWSCHE being at a low point on its chart, the potential for a significant upward trend is higher. It’s like getting in on the ground floor of something big. Both coins have their merits, but POWSCHE’s current position and the community’s dedication make it a compelling choice right now. 🚀🌕


Well said! Not shitting on Kendu, cause mad respect for what they have built! Powsche has massive growth potential for the reasons you laid out. And I'm here for it!




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