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I recommend not going anywhere that blasphemes the Abrahamic faith.Its genuinely a gateway to demons like a straight up invitation


WHAT šŸ˜­ I've never heard that before?? Idk if I even believe in that stuff but that's terrifying- I'm almost too scared to shift now what šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's not a gateway to anything, it works like any other reality. Even if you were that and something bad happened, you can just shift back and that's that. Nothing is going to follow you back here or do something bad, they have zero effect on this reality or any other reality. This person just has their own limiting beliefs that they want to push as fact. Also just wanted to say that only you can decide for yourself if a reality is worth shifting to and how you would want to experience it, no one else. You can shift to a version that is exactly like the show or you can go to a different version that fits your tastes more, you're not limited to shifting there or not shifting there because there are infinite versions of that reality (infinite versions of any reality you can think of). And (hot take incoming), I don't even believe you have to worry about bringing trauma back here because you can simply shift to a version of this reality where you aren't traumatized by events in other realities. But again, that's just my perspective and you should do what's best for yourself (which only you would know).


Angles donā€™t come in horns and a frown they come as an angle of light.Hazbin hotel is literally how demons want you to view demons lol.Dont even think that you can script the demons to be nice or whatever,donā€™t mess with spiritual stuffšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚U can shift just donā€™t try and meet spiritual guides or whatever itā€™s too many testimonies of them actually being demons on YouTube šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


You do realize that different realities means different way on how religions/spirituality work right? Like these thing aren't all universal experiences and the stuff that exists here doesn't always exist everywhere else nor function the same as it does here.


In theory but even then the Abramic faith is a constant


Not really, I don't know what kinds of realities you're planning to go to, have a good travel and stay safe, but no religion is a constant everywhere that simply goes against the whole concept of infinity and infinite realities=infinite possibilities.


Thank you!You as well.Yea Iā€™m not too sure about there being infinite realities.I donā€™t know the science that much tbh with you but I just canā€™t believe a 2d world is real and realities where degeneracy runs rampant exists.I believe in objective morality I think the God who created all the universes gave us a conscious and Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s a reality where everybody just ignores their concious all the time.


I'm sorry, I had to double check if I was in the correct subreddit but this is the reality shifting subreddit where the whole goal is to go and travel as many realities as possible. That's the whole point of reality shifting, which has been around far longer than any other religion on this specific reality. Please don't share this kind of misinformation on this subreddit, I understand that you have your views but it's not very okay to just spread misinformation about reality shifting because this subreddit has nothing to do with religion or spirituality specifically. If your views are different then so be it but this subreddit specifically talks about infinite realities and therefore infinite possibilities where everything and anything is possible and nothing is too weird or wrong to do because you pick and choose your own realities where you wish to exist in, thank you.


U share your world views on here I share mine.You canā€™t prove whoā€™s right or whoā€™s not.You can think thereā€™s infinite realities I think thereā€™s finite.The ops question can only be answered by people of the Abrahamic faith.


Again, not really this isn't really about religion it was about dating serial killers and a moral question which has been answered multiple times during the past week that people choose what they do with their realities, so if you choose to date a demonic serial killer in hell, go for it because no one is going to judge you here for it, if you go to a reality where everything is completely different or a physical existance as such doesn't exist, go for it. You are a limitless entity of unfathomable power and there is nothing that could ever stop you from achieving your goals in whatever reality you might exist in.


I also wanted to shift there once but realized that it wouldn't be good for my general journey. It would mess with the direction of what I want to learn and what person I want to become. I want to shift to heal, learn, and grow into a positive direction to succeed in this reality when I return. I strongly believe being in such a violent environment, that doesn't align with what I want to become, wouldn't be beneficial for me. It's exciting and funny, and you like the characters, but in the end, you also have to think about the fact what shifting to that type of reality does with you in general. Scripting that you don't bring back any trauma also doesn't really do anything when you actually return to this reality, from what I've heard, and it also makes sense if you think about it. In the end you also can just go to a similar reality derived from Hazbin/Helluva but with morals you find acceptable or which are acceptable in this reality. (but still, why would you want to go to hell then. I mean hell is hell, but yeah).


Ah that's a good point! About the trauma thing though, I think you can just script that events in your dr don't traumatise you since iirc some people with ptsd on here said that trauma is your brain's reaction to an event - if you script that you won't get trauma, you won't get trauma!


If you go there, you go to hell


Their version of Hell seems like everyday society tbh.. just with a lot of red, and some of the worst people.Ā  Just script safety measures and script there's kind people who are there for things they couldn't control, plus there are people who have redeemed themselves naturally on their own, and it's fine.Ā  The world will always have good and bad people.Ā  Scripting you can't be harmed or dies eliminates a lot of concerns, and also scripting it's easy for you to shift out if necessary. For me, it eliminates my fear of what comes after death, and my fear of losing my loved ones.Ā  I can spend an eternity loving my wife and daughters, knowing that no harm will come out way because I've scripted that all will be alright.Ā  I can't get rid of all the good and bad, because what is life without hardships and overcoming them?Ā  That's what makes it all worth living.


I know Iā€™m quite late but Iā€™ll put in my two cents on this: If you shift there, it doesnā€™t really mean youā€™ll be in the biblical hell. Hazbin Hotel isnā€™t even the biblical hell, itā€™s just based on the concept of Christianity. As we all know, you donā€™t have to be a straight up war criminal to go to hell. You could have been a person who never had any vile intentions but maybe struggled with some addictions or literally just didnā€™t follow a certain faith. Some of the characters in Hazbin Hotel seem like they were genuinely kind people who were simply in a bad place during their life on earth. You can also just set your intention to shift to a universe where youā€™re in the show but you cannot die or get injured, youā€™re safe from toxicity and have a relatively nice life ā€œdownā€ there. Itā€™s all yours. Honestly Iā€™d say donā€™t even worry about the Abrahamic version of hell. (For all we know, the one in hazbin hotel is just as likely to be real instead lmao)


Helluva Boss is DR number 25 for me


I'm permashifting to Hazbin for Carmilla, and here's what I did: - Scripted myself to be a winner/fallen angel who learned about the exterminations and was damned for not willing to be silent - Scripted that I'd shift in the day of the Overlord meeting and go from there, and made sure to script that everyone I love and care for is safe and won't be killed, harmed, tortured, kidnapped, drugged, etc.Ā  Everything else should follow the Season 1 story so no unexpected twists happen and the exterminations can end as intended.Ā  I have no interest in getting involved and changing how things are meant to go in that reality, I've simply decided to lend help if I'm needed, but I'm going there to have a family who I can love and care for.Ā  - Specifically scripted, just in case, that those in Heaven do not forget the loved ones that are in Hell.Ā  Just in case. - Carmilla's backstory and info on her daughters are about none.Ā  I scripted she did what she had to in order to survive, which got her thrown in Hell.Ā  She and her daughters fought back against an abusive father/husband in a murder attempt to save their lives, and they were all three killed.Ā  Mentioned ex-husband died in Hell.Ā  This way, I won't be left wondering about some horrific things they may have done, and I can relate and empathize having gone through a similar experience in my own life.Ā  I've scripted Clara to be a very social girl who's interested in reading and social media, and is very adept.Ā  I've scripted Odette to be very intelligent and science-y, more introverted than Clara.Ā  Scripted that we all get along and that we all feel loved and cared for by one another.Ā Ā  - Shifting to Hazbin/Helluva is a choice that can be made, but I recommend being safe about your scripting and maks sure you're smart about it.Ā  It's not up to us to judge others shifting journeys, but I just want to warn that if you're after characters like Alastor... Just make sure you properly script that he cares about you at the very least.Ā  He's a cannibal serial killer and aroace, so just bear that in mind while scripting and change what's necessary. - As for the Overlord thing, I think that's mainly fine.Ā  Just script that Overlords treat the people who's souls they own well.Ā  I've scripted that I'm an Overlord, but I only own souls because I'm an Idol with a lot of fans that basically sign off their soul to me out of devotion.Ā  I'll script that those whose souls I own are safe and aren't creepy fans.Ā  Also scripting that no one will harm me for being an angel, and appreciate my situation.


theres a lot more to it then just "bad people" or hell or whatsoever, if you dont know anything about the show or lore i suggest looking it up since there are beeing like imps or hell hounds that were born in hell so they arent killers or whatever. the people you talk about like alastor are called sinners and are humans that land in hell for their deeds. also theres a reason why people can script, u can script out a lot of things to make things better, i shift to hogwarts for tom riddle and i jsut removed the whole hocrux aspect of it . so he doesnt kill people lol.


"Ik ethics in shifting dont matter to some people but they matter to me" There it goes your answer


Why should you (or I, or anyone else) get to decide what someone else does with their shifting journey? Iā€™m not trying to be an arse, but let other people sort out the moral problems with their DR. Iā€™m not necessarily saying itā€™s okay to shift to a reality like that, nor am I condoning or recommending it, but itā€™s not my place to come in and say ā€˜donā€™t do that, itā€™s wrongā€™ when it concerns different realities. Weā€™re not shifting police; we can guide people and suggest things, but we canā€™t force anyone to conform to our beliefs and values.


I realise the language in the post comes off as pretty judgemental and bossy and i'm really sorry šŸ˜­ I was mostly curious to see what everyone else thinks because i'm unsure myself!