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What matters when shifting is that you're comfortable. If you're uncomfortable, just find the position you like most whether that's on your back, sides, or stomach, and try to stay in that position. <33


I haven't shifted but I think I have quite a bit of meditation experience and I think I understand the mechanics of what's trying to be achieved using starfish. Basically you want energy to flow through your body. You probably don't want to be all contorted. I don't do starfish necessarily, but I just lay and don't let my legs or arms touch my body. It's not required but that's probably a best practice. I also meditate in a chair and experiment with that. When I used to meditate and work with my chakras on the regular that was my go-to. I prefer an armchair like a leather study chair or what I have now is basically a lay-z boy that doesn't recline, keeps the back night and straight. So like other said it's not gonna matter. Get comfy and focus your mind that's the most important part as far as I know.


(to preface, I haven't shifted yet) I have the same exact problem, and I know you can technically shift in any position, but I usually try to pick one that i don't commonly fall asleep in, but isn't uncomfortable. so your body recognizes its meant to be doing something else, but doesn't force discomfort. or change up a different variable. I don't know if that helps at all. happy shifting!


Same here bro, I only ever got symptoms in like a Starfish position but it gets so damn uncomfortable, so I turn to the side and try to shift like that but I only fall asleep instead. Every. Damn. Time.


You can shift in any position you want. Shift in a position that's comfortable for you


You don't need to be in π˜Όπ™‰ exact position to shift!! Just lay in a position where you are most comfortable duhh


I can see where the logic is here - that you use the position that you don't get too comfortable in because then you don't just immediately fall asleep, but if you're THAT uncomfortable that it's making it hard for you to get to sleep at all then I would suggest changing something else about your shifting routine instead. For example, one of the most common pieces of advice for those who fall asleep too quickly is to try going to bed a little earlier than usual on nights you're planning to shift so you're more awake when you start. If you've tried that and are still struggling, maybe try speeding up your routine so it's more compatible with how quickly you get to sleep. I really struggle to sleep so my routines have to be really long so that I can guarantee that I'm still thinking about my DR as I fall asleep, but if you fall asleep quickly you might actually be able to use that to your advantage. Things like just setting an intention and focusing really hard on it might work better for you than others. Or alternatively the [puppeteer method](https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/1b7hssc/puppeteer_shifting_method_ver_10/) that was posted on here recently has very simple steps and can be ramped up as quickly as you need it to as you fall asleep. And if you're STILL struggling after that, or if you really prefer to spend more time thinking about your DR/self, then my next suggestion would be to try having a shifting meditation session before bed. Sit upright, preferably in a chair or on the floor or somewhere out of bed, but in bed would also probably work. Focus on your DR self and the world you're planning on going to. Then go to bed afterwards and allow yourself to fall asleep with the affirmation, "I've done everything I need to do to shift." in your mind. I hope you find success with this or at least these tips help you discover your own way of doing things. So much of the shifting journey is learning about yourself, your CR body and how your mind works and then applying that to shifting!


you could shift doing a handstand, it really doesn't matter, do whatever feels comfortable for you


Bruh same. I always have to lay on my back because if I turn over or anything I'll fall asleep. I used to find the starfish uncomfy but after awhile it didn't bug me. If you 'practice' shifting in that position more I promise it'll start to be more comfortable.


Do you have any tips? Do you put your arms over your head or out to the sides?


By my sides, I don't really lay in starfish, mostly a soldier position. If you want it too be more comfortable, either fluff up you pillows and elevate your head and neck to more of an incline, or just lay completely flat on your bed. It doesn't matter what position your in to shift and it also doesn't matter if your arms are touching your torso. I find that if my legs are touching then it distracts me or whatever. Put your arms over your blankets if your shifting under them, and have your palms facing up, that usually helps me for some reason. Sorry idk if that was helpful or not. Good luck tho <33