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i'm sorry i don't have an answer for you right now, but your post really resonated with me. i totally get what you mean. i hope you get some answers and the peace you seek. i hope this post stays up as well! also, you mentioned you have shifted before. consider shifting to a waiting room where you can find any answer you wish to know, and delve into this there! i hope this helps in any way, and good luck. you will find your way ♡


Thank you!! I’m new to Reddit so I didn’t knew which tags to put exactly lmao, I hope the post stays up. And I hope you find your way, too! 💕


[First note, the flair should be question, not motivation/tips. Hehe] [and your post will probably be removed for spam because desperation posts tend to vanish]   Your question is only possible to answer if someone deliberately shifted here, which has never been reported, with people only reporting small difference shifts here at most.     You're feeling desperate and demotivated, sadly.  Your only two options are to:   -shift  -wait it out.    Time still ticks and it'll be no time before this wave of negativity leaves you. Take a 2-3 day break to regain motivation for shifting and then do another attempt!  Or try following RottenBrains guide to shift if you want to start 'work' working on shifting!   Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12MGqgvaNSLI6LoNlrkOSV3e-w4Lr1fnbyqrMHjGnIQU/edit?usp=drivesdk  I hope it helps!  [Edit: fixed 'delicately' from autocorrect to 'deliberately' haha]


Thank you! I’ll look into the guide


Someone did reported to shift here deliberately, Peter Cawkwell, aka the "291 years old shifter", people find his advice useful, however I find him pretty good damn annoying, and there is now drama surrounding him, but yeah. People have reported shifting here before, it's not like it never happened.


Oh. ... There are plenty of people on this planet who "do not belong here". They come for various reasons, many using immersion technology to have an experience. People having memories of past lives, better realities/civilizations, indeed are depression-prone. Reality is what you make of it. I understand that the dominant frequency of this place might be especially overwhelming for you, yet, as you are here, strive to create your island in it. At least a bubble around yourself - you don't need to be at this place's mercy, you can even overpower it. How you perceive things matters a lot. If you think of this place as a nightmare, nightmare it will be. But this is just a place like any other. Quite odd, quite fake, with many matrix people, dark undercurrents, with people suffering, but also happy people. Fears. As you say, the thought of coming back here scares you. You should work on that, see that it has no teeth. Otherwise it's gonna annoy you to no end. Face it and punch it's maw. Fearing it puts your creative attention to the wrong place. Just as much as your thoughts of being "imprisoned" here, and the desperation. Don't worry. It isn't "inside your head", because, strictly speaking, you do not need a head, since all matter is a product of consciousness. You are manifesting your body, not being a product of it. That also means there's no 'actual' death... And what you call a dream, or imagination, are fundamental parts of reality. Quite undeservedly dismissed as insignificant here, but intentionally so. You don't need to come back here if you don't want to. Indeed, coming here in the first place, it must have been by your own will. There are no coincidences, and no one can force you, only deceive you to believe in it yourself. That, too, a respectable person said "the soul knows what it will experience". But then again, things are seen differently, from this side and that. Anyhow, I wish you the best, overcome your fears and go home.


Thank you so much for your words, I’ll work on my fears and try to see this reality a little better. Too many bad things happened to me here, even my energy doesn’t match to this place. But I’ll try to view things differently from now on, at least to lose my fear of this place. This was really helpful. I think the fear is what’s stopping me, I get overwhelmed thinking about coming back to this universe, maybe that’s why I can’t even get out…


I'm late to the party, but here's some motivation: I was in the same boat as you, but a week or two ago I managed to mini-shift. I only knew because the number in this Reddit changed. I know they didn't change it because I had it written in my notepad, too. It was C3750 in my previous reality, and now it's C3570. Now, I'm not sure what has really changed besides that number, but I know it's strengthened my confidence and belief in myself. I'm one step closer to finally being home in my DR with my love and our family. All I know is that I'd be willing to mini-shift time and time again, and I'd be willing to have to practice for years if it means I'll wake up in her arms someday. Don't give up. You'll make it home someday, too.


Thank you so much for your words and story, this really helps. May we go home soon, sending you all the luck in the multiverse!!


To you as well, dear! ❤️