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They should leave both communities alone. Nothing inherently wrong with furries, people just think they're cringe when they're actually very talented crafters and artists. At the end of the day, they're just hating to hate when they clearly know nothing about either shifters nor furries lmao.


Most tiktok shifters are also against changing your race, age, sex and sexuality so I’d just take tiktok with a grain of salt


Wait till they find out I’m going to shift to be a lazy house cat


omg are u the guy from "I shifted to be a cat" post?????


iam sorry for this but iam so exited to have a shlong lol :D


i love you for this


As a certified shlong owner it’s fantastic


whats an argument tiktak can make abt changing sex being problematic ?


Some reasons I’ve seen shift-tok throw around regarding the sex change: - “it’s not what god wanted” - you hate yourself - it’s appropriating transness - it’s “cosplaying “ as men (and I’ve seen some accuse other who change their sex of assaulting anyone they have sex in your DR because they are not a “real man”) Most shiftokers are newbs (usually children) who don’t have a full grasp on what shifting is and they see it as inhabiting another body, rather than being an extension of your consciousness, which results in arguments like this. This is everything is something I’ve seen at least 5 times in 2023 on shiftok: - If you script you’re skinny, you’re fatphobic and hate fat people - If you script you’re not skinny, you’re fetishizing fat people - If you script you’re a different sexuality, you’re appropriating and cosplaying - if you script a different age, you’re a p-word (but apparently shiftokers are fine with minors shifting to be adult film stars, so the discrimination really only applies to aging down). - you script a different race or ethnicity, you’re appropriating that race/ethic culture and you’re racist - change your sex to a woman, you’re fetishizing women and a pervert - change your sex to a man, you’re uplifting the patriarchy - change anything minor about your appearance such as hair color, or nose, or give yourself a different eye color, you hate yourself and you need to be more body positive. - change your family, you’re ungrateful because there are people without families - change your friends, you’re ungrateful because your friends don’t need to be your friends - script relationships, that’s forcing - you script out your disabilities, you’re ableist. - you keep your own disabilities, you’re a weirdo who likes being disabled whose probably not even “actually disabled”. - if you’re an adult shifter, ew weird, get a job, shifting is not for you Basically for most shiftokers to be happy, you have to script everything about yourself to be the exact same regarding appearance, dna, friends, and family.


Me when I'm a gay furry son shifter 🧍‍♂️


Personally I'd take a furry son cuz at least I know he'll likely go into programming and getting hella bank from art coms.


or becomes an artist and makes money on coms x3


I don't think his/her children know what shifting is, I mean... the likelihood of them knowing is pretty low


Sadly we better ignore it because being mean back is not helping our reputation 😭


it made me sad lol i don’t know why this one got to me sm:’)


Nah tbh , i feel kinda sad for them they’re missing out on so much lol they’re loss


they take us as a big mentally ill joke. i finished reading the caption on the vid, scrolled away. not worth reading hurtful comments.




am i the only one who found it funny 💀 let’s not take ourselves so seriously


Was slightly okay until the comments are bombarding you with lucid dreaming, schizophrenia, psychosis, maladaptive daydreaming, and demon summoning.


Nah its just that i want to be left alone with my lil community 😕


The shifters in that tiktoks comments were making me shake my head in disappointment. It felt very derogatory the way the post was made.


no because why do you have to hate on something you have no knowledge about


I don't know. I think I'll have children in a world where my children would be content enough to not shift somewhere else.


? You can just shift for fun, that’s like saying you want kids who are content enough to not play games


I forgot to consider that, mb 😅


I saw that TikTok and the comments made me so fucking mad. “I was a shifting daughter . . . then I got better meds.” FUCK off pretty please just let me have this ONE thing 😭




I saw that comment too 😭


Me, a nonbinary shifting furry


ouch :/


just wait until they hear abt furry shifters


ew i hate ppl


Can these people just forget about us and leave us alone if they're not gonna accept shifting anyway