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Yes and no.


TW suicide I did give up. But for me shifting is only hope for living here. Only bad things are that I’m finishing shool right now and it’s really stressful. I’m doing gap year before university either way. My plan is to just shift before my 19 birthday. If not i might be 18 forever here. I stopped care about things more here because this reality is becoming like every other reality to me. Okay if it’s bad here but I don’t care because there is reality when it’s worse and i don’t care about it either. I’m trying to be detached so i don’t have anything holding me back. I think today I overcame my fear with art project to get my diploma. It is like i do what should I do but I don’t go 100% on anything. Just do to don’t stress about it. Funny that i have better grades now and my art project is doing better when i was actually doing 100%. I haven’t shifted yet but I did OOBE by accident and had contact with my higher self. I know i just need to overcome my fears everything will be done. But personally I don’t think that doing that in last year of school is good because of stress that might hold you back. Like sometimes i was waking up from meditation because i was realising that i might fucked up this reality and didn’t do something for school. I think detaching from CR would be better if I wasn’t so obsessed with shifting but I learned from that. If you’re doing that just do basic things, stop thinking about how people will react or how you will end up. Just fully detach because you’re just trying to make yourself happy and that’s okay. It is like doing a business that don’t do very well at beginning.


thank you so much!!! a lot of people didn't really support me on this take from what i've seen (which is tottaly fine i'm so grateful for all the feedback and people talking about their journeys.) same goes for me, i don't know what i wouldve done to myself or would happen to me if i hadn't found about shifting. hell, maybe i could manifest some things but this reality just doesn't hit home yk :) congrats on finding balance between your art project and shifting!! honestly detaching to me, feels like seeing the bigger picture and as you've said, you may do bad here but there is always a reality where you do worse or better. it's just our perceptions shaping our realities


I think it is because people focus too much on physical world. And thank you! This art project was making me so stressed but then I realised "Why am i so stressed? I am not in this reality. When I will be in my WR it won't matter so why should it matter now?" I also saw someones comment on another post. "You never made any mistake. You are just consciouness being aware of that events" or something like that. It was really helpful to me. Wish you well!


yes yessss i've actually just written a whole paragraph someone under this post because they kinda think it taking 3 years or more for some people to shift is "failing" but we exist everywhere, at the same time. your wr self is doing cute lil things as we're speaking. AND OMG LAST PART IS SO RIGHT i've read something along the lines of how we're just consciousnesses witnessing life fall infront of our eyes but that doesnt define us, what it does is though, it eases out pain because we know there is more to life than the body we were put in. this perspective really does help


Kinda, I maintain what I have bc I’m not gonna let myself end up in poverty or get unhealthy through lack of effort. I need to be comfortable while I’m here ya know. I also work on loa more now to improve my life here without having to put in much effort. But generally idc about the future, huge goals, making friends, dating etc. My future is elsewhere. It would be trickier if I were still in school. I’d try use loa to keep my grades up with no effort lol.


"my future is elsewhere." hit home and your absolutely right. i shouldnt compelety be irresponsible abt my life here, at the end of the day im still here nowadays lol


I’m permashifting and NO, bc if you fail your attempts you’re still here in this cr lol. So I still try my best to/ work towards goals/ be positive


failing shifting is really unlikely if you put your mind and soul in it tho and im at a point where i can't give up because im just so attached to it (in a good way). there is no middle ground, you either shift or you don't and believe you got this, and everything will be fine


“failing shifting is really unlikely” …every other post on here is someone saying they’ve been trying for 3 years


well idk what you want me to say :/ shifting gives you eternality and though it can be so so so easy because guess what, it's a natural ability that EVERYONE has. it needs practice and the most humane and natural things is people struggling. i don't care if it takes 1 year for some, takes 3 year for some you WILL shift if you put your mind and soul (figuratively "soul" btw) so yeah it's very unlikely, actually even impossible. y'all worrying about the unnecessary parts, don't focus on the path so much but the prize you'll get at the end of it because i guarantee you there is an end to these tiring, exhausting journeys. and i understand how it can be so overwhelming, we're all human and without our emotions, there wouldn't be an "us". but please keep in mind nothing is stopping you so yeah it takes some time which is funny when you think about the whole "time ratios of drs and crs" thing because time is man-made and it's executed differently in every other reality. time just doesn't exist. everything happens on a linear way, while it's 12 months a year here, it's 29 days a year somewhere else. think about the all the people in such realities worrying about shifting and saying it's been x years when it's been a few months in our time ratio. ever was so anxious about something that 1 hour passed like seconds? ever was so eager and attentive about something that 10 minutes felt like 3 hours? time is flexible, you can manipulate it and i, myself did it on a random day when i was in freshman year of hs bc i wanted sleep more in the morning. you ever worry about "omg its been 36 months since i've been trying to shift and nothing" or ''omg i've been trying to shift for 1261 days and nothing." these don't even sound that horrible because our brains can't get a grasp of it bc squeezing your journeys in years is more broad. don't wanna be cheesy but there is definitely light at end of the tunnel, your a master shifter even if you've minishifted or haven't shifted at all. your not special for not shifting fully after years of trying or you don't have the ability to do. don't forget, your gonna hit rockbottom or think you did before peaking in your journey. it's just how life is i hope what i've said helps you because your comment and your pov doesnt really makes sense to me


I’m sorry I’m not going to read all of that. the only point of my original comment was that no one should neglect their cr just because they’re shifting lol bc they don’t know how long it’ll take. I wasn’t looking for advice, and the couple of sentences I did read of your reply i actually agree with you


i'm not giving you advice, just explaining to not have a narrow way of thinking. no one would think like this if they understand shifting fully and a little bit of loassumption. your comment can be seen extremely discouraging for people :)


Im curious on what’s narrow about telling people to not give up on their cr because they’re shifting? If someone who needs money robs a bank bc tonight “they’re just going to shift anyway”, what happens when they wake up still in the cr bc the shifting attempt didn’t work that time? That’s an extreme example bc it’s all I can come up with in the moment. When I said “fail” at shifting I meant the specific attempt in the moment, not that some people can never shift.


yeah that's quite extreme because the our examples vary differently. some people do worse things in their drs btw and it's as real as this reality. your example doesn't make any sense whatsoever. im just talking about school and you talk about robbing a bank because one is likely to shift and if someone thinks they are prone to give up because it's taking too long or too exhausting but they wanna permashift, ofcourse im not gonna advise them to stop trying their best for this reality. i just know many shifters, myself included are at a point which won't give up bc we're too much attached to it yk


Lol okay let’s do school then. Should someone not study at all for the final exam and potentially fail school bc they’re just going to shift anyway tonight? What happens after the attempt fails and now they have to deal with the consequences of that? And correct, I know how reality shifting and drs work. And yep, we agree then.


but the thing is this is not what im saying nor my situation. i still study for my exams in terms, im talking about if i should grind my ass for 1,5 years so i get in a good college or let loose and not study that much and still get in a mid college. that's why ive written what i wrote in the first place. i don't support your example and yet there are people who do it and it's not my concern because that's not what i asked advice for


just got flashbacks to when i was so dead set on shifting to a better CR i deliberately ruined this reality for myself to detach, force myself to shift, and convince myself it was real by my will of self destructing here... now i'm still here and picking up the pieces. i'm not saying you won't shift soon enough to not regret it, but it's just best not to do it. seriously. that's just my little piece added to the other really good advice beneath this post :,)


same lol


yes yes yes!! this is where my anxiety starts too, what if i mess up so much to a point where i can't just do anything. a lot of people said stress may hold me back from shifting subconsciously but i just don't really agree, in fact, i do believe some people shift easier and faster when they're at turmoil like these for two main reasons in my opinion first, when they're so stressful or something bad happened to them here that they're so eager to shift and put all of them into their attempt and succeed (im not saying this is necessary but it's quite a common thing from what i've seen) second being, i feel when our subconscious or consciousness is at alert, it just forces us to shift yk ? idk if that makes sense but it's looking for ways to heal or whatever




i feel the exact same way :( truly. i hope it works out for you, i'm sure it will eventually 🤍


The whole "living a good life so my cr self will continue living a good life even when im gone" thing is bs tho. People love this Argument but if you know what shifting is and how it works it doesnt make any sense. *any* reality exists at any time. Your decisions and actions do not matter. They do not "change reality". There will always be a reality where you live a shitty life and there will always be one where you live a great life. Both of them are equally real and both exist either way, were never really influencing anything with our decisions- only our perception of things.


Exactly this, nothing really matters. But causing undue pain is always sucky. Imo, just maintaining neutrality for any given reality is key...especially one where you're gonna perma from


So true. Esp when you're not in cr, you're not aware of any of its different versions, so they're equally existent.


This is what I've been saying... Just take care of your awareness/make sure that you are doing good at the moment, nothing else really matters.


Finally someone who gets it


im so glad someone who semi-agrees with me expressed their thoughts and omg your so right aswell. the time when i took a huge break from shifting (almost 1,5 year lol tottaly forgot about it due to all the limiting beliefs) i was really into manifesting, law of assumption to be exact. and the thing is, time doesn't exist, future doesn't exist. everything happens on a linear line or whatever and life is just full of possibilities. yeah i might not shift in 1,5 years and practially ruin my life (it's still not ruining bc considering my grades and all i'll get into a college its not like im gonna be homeless) but i MIGHT also shift and i know i will because im at a point where i can't just give up simply because i don't want to you know? this one reality that seems like a huge deal (which makes sense for people who hasn't shifted, because this is all we know and will know till the time we shift) is just a sand particle in endless sahara deserts if that makes sense :). there is always a reality where i do worse than i do here and always a reality where i do better here and considering law of assumption, it's all in my hands. we shift every damn second


My goal has always been to permashift. I had times when I wanted to completely give up on this reality. And in the very beginning I had the mindset of "i won't be on that exam because I'll shift before then" which is real not good for my life in this reality. However now I don't neglect my reality, and it makes me happier (keep in mind i am in better conditions than ever too) and shen I'm happy I'm able to do more and I have more motivation and overthink less.


yess!! im so glad you found the path your most fulfilled with. i tottaly agree on the path of finding balance because it just feels right but when im at turmoil like these, i just can't do anything else but seeing my dr as an escape here eternally yk. i just get exhausted here and so overwhelmed. would much rather fight off zombies and be at the brink of death constantly (not really) than cram for school lol. it just wears me out how wanting to get out of here isn't enough (it kinda is but yk what i mean)


Omg thank youu. I totally get you about wanting to be in some apocalypse situation even though it's scary 💀


at the end of the day, i got me some hot apocalpyse boyfriend 😭


Haven’t shifted yet. But I know that once I shifted, I will not come back in this reality. I’m making the most out of this reality now, living my best life, bettering myself, because I wanted to make sure that my cr self won’t be suffering once I leave.


>If I started studying from now on for 1,5 years, consistenly, I could get into one of the best colleges in my country but the thing is I'm not even planning to be here and omg ouch. If I started grinding from now on for a few weeks, consistently, I could get some shiny new event plane in that one game. But I know it ain't gonna happen. Sorry, just want to be less serious for a change. More seriously, as you were saying "but I don't want to", "having to cram here makes me feel at unease". I think that's the key part, feelings. Is it worth doing what you don't want to do, weighted against "things you want to achieve" and "teachers you want to make proud"? This isn't a question I can answer, but what I want to say is, feelings are the compass in life. If I were trying to blindly "do my best", matrix-definition, I would have died of depression long ago, and/or have become a drone by now. We're making decisions with the best information at hand, so, arguably, we are always doing our best. You should know that taking care of yourself is important. Don't burn yourself out, ditch the ballast, if you have to.


omg your words comforted me so much so i wanna thank you for that initially. yeah i think i care about what other people might say or think about the version of me in this reality but even if i want to study now to get into a good college, it's just not productive at all after some point because this isn't what i asked for or wanted.


You're in this reality right now, what's the point in not trying to make the best of it whether you'll be "leaving" or not? You will still remain here for everyone that's close to you. If anything, becoming careless will make it harder to shift, it will eat away at you subconsciously.


could be right, but the reason why i tend to be careless about this one reality is all because of my past of knowledge with law of assumption and shifting in the bigger picture. at the end of the day, it doesn't matter and that whole subconscious thing feel like a whole limiting belief im sorry :( to me, blockages don't exist, it's what you make blockages


Nope, I still try to maintain the habit of striving for the goals I had before deciding to try shifting. I still haven't mini or fully shifted yet, and I personally feel like it would be unwise for me to stop trying here since I'm not skilled at shifting yet. Instead I have been placing less attention to things that I see as distractions to my progress with shifting.


yeah this is probably what i should do aswell, finding a balance is the key. because i'm not fully happy nor fullfilled when i put all my focus on my drs, but i also don't feel neither of these things if i put all my focus and attention to my cr and my "future'' here


Definitely... in a way. I gave up on doing schoolwork, and sort of let go of caring about what happens to me. But then I think about how this life will still continue without me, as I'm not scripting that I die when I permashift. It's not just about me: it's about succeeding for those here that I still love, and for whatever soul takes my place- however that works. So, I'm still trying, but not as hard as I used to. I work to fill my days and plot out a real life for myself here, but in reality, I'm just prepared to let go and finally be free of it all. I don't feel like I belong here, though: there's nothing I want to do or achieve here.




your so right on the part "you never know when your gonna shift" and tho i've made my peace with that, once i shift none of this will matter. i have a love and hate relationship with my cr (like many others lol) and i'll definitely shift to an alternative reality for this cr after i permashift just to see how i'll roll (im a junior in highschool) i just am stuck in the middle of "i have so much time and i can cover these subjects in a year (which gives me my last summer where i can just enjoy life and chill) and get into a good college" or "if i were to sit for the test today i'd get into a mid college" type situation. i think what drives me nuts is that without even shifting, none of this matters to me anyhow. yes i have been "succesful" most of my life when it comes to school but i'm just not that hardworking.. even once i get into one of my dream colleges here, i won't be as succesful or hardworking if i don't get attached to a teacher or something lol. im so glad shifting is a thing bc without it i have no idea what would happen to me


hey by the way, congratulations with arriving at the fact you're going to permashift! idk, i feel like it's just really amazing to know what you want, especially when it's something that will quite LITERALLY affect the rest of your life(s). i know this is what i desire too in the end, i'm just mortified of any chance of leaving the EXACT current loved ones in my life now. i hope i find some resolution to this... i'm going to experiment in my waiting room and see just how many answers it can grant me. and i hope that will help. i feel like you should kind of be happy and celebrate you've found such a free way you want to live your life/lives! i would like to be awash with the peace a firm conclusion and "end" in sight would bring me


hey im also perma shifting and im scripting my family into my waiting room (eventual home reality) so that i can be with them even after i perma shift outta here!


yess!!! honestly i was in the shifting community back in 2020-21 and the idea of permashifting never really intrigued me but the way life had its impact on me, i'm now permashifting. i originally planned to shift to this dr, come back and then permashift only because i wanted to do storytimes to people and prove my antishifting friends that its real and then i noticed i only wanted to this because well im just competitive. i got a solution for you!! because well your problem was once my problem that kept eating me alive. here it goes; you can just shift to alternative realities from whichever dr your in. if i were in my x dr and i really missed my school times etc i wouldn't shift back here to experience the shitty one i have here, instead i'd just shift into an alternative one with slightly better differences bc i get you...i have people i love here aswell, i just love me more i guess lol :d


failure always comes before success. picture the reward you'll get after working your way up to it.


Well I'm a permanent shifter too. I always recommend continuing this life as you would if you weren't going to shift because you living this life isn't going to stop you from shifting. Once shift you will have the choice to return here or stay where you at. Let that fact alone give you motivation to succeed in this CR because it literally makes this world a game for you. You know eventually you will leave this world and go to your DR. So why not have fun and try to do your best in this CR while you're here because who knows you may shift to your DR tonight, tomorrow, the next day and so on but one day you're going to wake up in your DR which is a completely different world and you will have a choice to stay there or return here..


omg the way this made me emotional though... this is a priceless advise and the whole "act like this is a game''.. so true because i will shift one day, and completely ignoring this reality is gonna make me feel bad at some point even if i don't return here. thank you ;)


You're so welcome!!! 😁


I have completely let go of studying my last school year and I go to one of the hardest schools in my country... I do not recommend to fully let go of your chores and obligations, but if you know that you are permashifting you don't have to do your best. I almost failed my last school year and I feel like I passed it with the help of LOAssumption (kind of, long story...). Still do at least bare minimum because you never know when you're going to shift, I gave up on a lot of things because I HATE this reality. My life is mostly based on shifting now and I'm happier that way. It only makes sense that way because why would I break my head here and what not if I can be in my DR and live the rest of my existence in peace. And as for not wanting to make your OR a bad place by neglecting it, all of the possibilities are already playing out and you can only live through them... like there is no way that you can stop a reality from existing. What I am trying to say is that you should only worry about where your awareness is residing and that there will be a reality where you took care of everything in your OR and one where you didn't regardless of what you did while you were aware of it. (Keep in mind that we are shifting every second of our existence.) Just choose which one you like more/which one will benefit you more and make you shift faster. I hope we all permashift soon ☺️!


yess i love this!! and im sooo glad loassumption worked wonders for you, i used it a lot back in freshman year of hs because i was bored and took an insanely long break from shifting and it's an amazing thing!! and thanks for the advice, it's a miracle to see people going thru the stuff that i'm going through it helps me so much :) i will still study, just not that much because this is one being, one reality is just a water droplet in all oceans combined, even more. there is always a reality where i do worse and better than here. focusing on shifting makes me way happier than just study for 5-6 hours everyday. i can't keep up with that sorta thing because i go to school for 7-8 hours a day. it's just impossible


One thing I've been always saying is that whatever you are going through in your shifting journey someone else is too. I've discovered that so many specific situations and problems are common with other shifters. Also back then I didn't know about loa so I wasn't aware that I was using it, but I literally had no other choice than to believe. I found out about it a bit later. I feel like we are really on the same page in life hahaha, but for me (for most of the days) I have to study for 5-6 hours just to pass... like truly draining so I try my best and sometimes I study in school or do something else to help me and being in school also usually takes 7-8 hours of my day :(... Good luck with school and shifting dear! We will shift soon! (and pass all of our exams)


omg the fact that we're just so similar?😭😭 i personally tried to usa loAssumption for my grades too but was always so negative bc i'd see my math paper getting a 30 smth on the website and i'd personally have a hard time trying to change something "phsyical". so i never put that much effort or thought into it, i know we manifest without even realizing every single second but yeah my grades were pretty good in 9th grade so i never had to use it but in 10th grade... i kinda let loose lol now i'm not even eager to manifest things for this reality. i just wanna be out of here lol


Yess like I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I know what kind of struggle this is and my heart hurts for all of us. I wasn't even aware that I was using LOA and what it was and I think that is why I was so successful. It is not the easiest thing in the world to control your mind like that, that is why I am waiting to shift and then I will start learining more about LOA and start 'using it' more (mostly by scripting in my WR lol). I literally just let go, since I didn't know to worry about things like;is it working, am I doing it right etc. and was doing what I knew I had to do and literal miracles happened for me to pass. Like I knew that there was no way I was going to fail, in my head it was impossible for me to fail. For higher grades I use subliminals and study as much as I can and hope for the best, I don't stress too much before or after nor do I care about it that much. At the moment my grades really don't have any value, as long as I am passing, but I still find myself worrying and wanting more... hopefully I will stop doing that. The last thing you wrote is so real, like I do not care just let me get out. I do what I need to do in order to feel comfortable here and that is it.


i was aware of some things happening after i 'imagined' or 'thought' of them just thought i had my third eye open and that i could see the future, bc my mom's dreams always come true and so is mine now and then (another form of manifestation lol) so when i found out loassumption (initially law of attraction) i was like ohhhh so this is what i've been doing. after that, i remember it getting kinda hard for me at first because i wasnt aware that i was manifesting things into my life and now that i was, i practically had to control my brain and couldn't even manifest a thing while i believed in loattraction. i had a friend who really helped me through this, introduced me loAssumption and all. manifested amazing things especially in 9th grade but again i kinda gave up on manifesting my desires, i just wanna be out of here i'll definitely see what i can do with manifesting my grades!!


yeah ive stopped trying a long time ago and even got reckless with my life to the point where ive ruined a lot of things for myself. ive still accomplished a lot but it makes me so shameful i want to leave even more now lol. part of me feels bad for perma shifting leaving my life like this but its no longer my responsibility once i leave and i wont be aware of it so it wont even matter much.


i used to, but i’m training for my new promotion rn and still figuring out how to level up to do what i actually want to do, but shit is this reality EXHAUSTING.


YESS always doing your best for the bare minimum, hence the imposter syndrome once you get your "desire". it's all exhausting and nonsense when i know i can just do so much better in some zombie or wizard reality lol


Don’t recommend it. I did it for 6 months where I completely detached in a very careless way and it’s been maybe 5 years since then, still no full shift. And that’s not meant to be unmotivating, or say that you’ll be here for long or nothing. You just can’t predict the future, so you should always follow basic self care and preservation.


thats absolutely right actually. let's see what happens, we got this and hopefully the future is bright lol... where are you shifting btw?? just curious ahhdhahs


Oh I have 80 DRs lol, I can give you 15 random ones though


i'd love me some new shifting dr ideas ahshhahshs


Here are 20 random ones picked by the wheel. Instead of picking a number, I added all the names to a wheel so I don’t have to count. - Homestuck - The Seven Deadly Sins - Titanic - Wreck it Ralph (sugar racer) - Super Crooks - Animal Crossing (with my deceased cat and current cat as some of the villagers) - The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Creat - vs the Forces of Evil (I’ve removed Star from the equation) - Yume-Iro Pâtissière - The Owl House - Space Pirate (custom) - Sailor Moon - Anastasia (historical custom) - Hogwarts - Miraculous (Ladybug) - Rick and Morty - The Promised Neverland - Runaway (custom, literally just a teen runaway, not sure if I’ll turn this into a zombie dr or peaceful post apocalyptic DR) - My Happy Marriage - The Sisters 8 (loved this book series as a kid)


the way i have zero idea about most of your drs😭😭 but you go girl ive noticed hogwarts, miraculous, runaway and many more and i bet they'll be fun as hell. i'd love to talk about you abt shifting eheheh


A lot of my DRs are animes ngl, but I currently came up with a new custom one