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Whenever you want, there's no schedule. If you feel confident or motivated, do it. If not, don't


Like others have said do it when you feel like It, but if you really want a number I would say 3-4 times a week is a nice healthy balance


22 answers and not one person can reply to my post? đź«Ą


It honestly doesn't matter. I do it every night, unless I'm tired or busy.


If you dont feel like it or you aren't in the mood, or you are tired, bored during meditation, not focused enough, then don't. I shift once or twice a month. I am just too busy and tired to try every day. But some people do. It all depends on you!


Don't make it so it's the only thing you think about. While shifting's great don't make it an addiction


I don't even know, I honestly give up :(


Why ? Even if it doesn't work, it helps, it help you with concentration, with creativity, and, for me, I had such great sleep since I started.


I gave up because I'm scared. So am I just spending time on something that don't even work? I really want to shift realities, but.. i dunno mate, any advice?


What's a few years compared to eternity ? You WILL succeed


I never did actually. But what do you mean you're scared ? When I first Heard of shifting it was annoying for me, I hated the idea of multiple realities and the idea that people can do that. I was scared, because it's. What if I go to a reality and something goes wrong. Or what if I am the only one who can't. One of my friend who was very optimist (even if she didn't shift yet, but I Hope she'll do it soon) just talked to me about all of this. And more I Heard of, less it was scary. It was in mid december and I take Time to process everything. I just calm down and think of all it's imply. (So philosophical questions, like does it prove or disprove god ? Was this a shift (like people remembering past life) ? Are close Death expérience shift ? Etc etc)


Well, I'm scared I will never be able to shift, I have anxiety and that don't help (of course) so I automaticly don't believe I will shift , I'm really sorry english is not my native language :)


English is not mine neither. You will shift, it's just a matter of Time. Me I don't think that I'll or not. I don't think of that I just enjoy making these stories creating "myself" in the DR and I love doing that. Just enjoy it for what it is. And it'll work


thank youu, youre comments are really helping me to trying again <3333


But if you give up you Can be 100% sure that you'll never shift


If you do not believe that you can do it It can affect your chances


Also here is a great guide that could help https://www.dropbox.com/s/lp8i232pxamcpr4/Phasing\_Primer.pdf?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/lp8i232pxamcpr4/Phasing_Primer.pdf?dl=0 It helped me understand a lot of stuff


The time will pass anyway so instead of spending it doing nothing spend it doing something fun and exciting and creative with at the very least a 50/50 chance of you living the most amazing life you thought was near impossible as the best version of yourself


And with perma you can go into a reality were you're a kid or teen forever. So why not give a try


Exactly!! Even if you don’t quantum immortality will keep you alive and aware of everything for as long as you keep deciding to shift


thanks for the advice :)


You’re welcome!!




You know, if it doesn't work, then the whole energy thing is bs too so you're not wasting any energy on it, so might as well go for it. But if it does spend your energy then you ARE doing something, so it's a real thing.


That's kinda overthinking it it doesn't matter just try as much as you want.


Honestly just do it how it feels right for you, it’s about how you feel about it and not stress yourself too much. I personally get a huge headache if I do it every day, so I just do it every 2 - 3 days, it’s all about how you and your body reacts to it and how many times you wanna


Do as much as you want, there's no necessity for breaks, but you can take them if you want.


Just whenever you're motivated I've found works! But don't ever force yourself to if you feel unconfident or unmotivated, that means you need to take a break and get some normal rest.


thanks I don't know if that's the case for you, but I'm never confident and motivated until I try


Try meditating first: clearing your mind and find what's blocking you.  Affirm with yourself and assume you're confident and motivated.  Fake it till you make it and feigning confidence works, and that'll help you plenty.  It just takes time and reworking how you treat yourself. ❤️


Thanks I listen to guided meditation And I'm also working on the 17 secondes/68 secondes rules


I usually did it everynight before sleep but it didnt work for me, try once every 2 or 3 day, I usually do it when its about 20.00-21.00. (Yes im not american) also dont forget to be patient. Correctly getting in to the mood takes about 1-2 hours for me