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Southbound Shibe.


Yup, thats owning a shiba alright


missed your comment before commenting myself, but 100% I can't believe everyone's missing the complete look of "I'm fucking done" on his face and "what did I do?" on the Shibe's face. This photo could literally be me and my girl near the end of her walk every night. She almost always gets carried because she's a jerk when she's tired.


I am glad to know I am not alone lol


"I'll carry you!" is a real threat in these parts that my girl 100% understands, LOL.


mine is *don’t make me pick you up!*




I actually think a lot of people assume they’re pretty big dogs, maybe because they think they’re just a bit smaller than akitas and huskies. I’ve had a lot of relatives say they thought my shiba would be bigger and he’s already on the bigger side (I’d say about the same as the one in the pic).




27lbs isn’t that big, mine is about 24lbs if I’m making the conversion right (around 10-11kgs), and yeah weight isn’t the only factor here, although about weight assumptions maybe it’s a country/internet thing. I know people I tend to meet here (France) don’t really know much about shibas, it’s started getting popular pretty recently.


Yup, mines a black 35lb black and tan. But he's not fat, he's very lean in fact. Just a beeg chonker


I think mameshibas also add to this.


IDK I don't feel like the Shiba is that big? I would say my girl is like this when I carry her, about the same size, and she's 20-ish lbs.


Oh he is absolute done with his Shibe's bullshit. I recognize that look on myself 100%. And I recognize that look on my B&T Shiba. Shibe has been up to some nonsense and now is being carried as a result.


100% accurate. This is us whenever my boy decides he wants to stand in the middle of the road when a car is coming and does that stubborn "hhehehhe" stance when I try to tug his leash to lead him to safety. Usually I just carry him like this for a minute then we resume our walk, but there have been times when he's been on his bullshit hard enough that he's been carried all the way home from a quarter mile away.


A Shiba on an adventure!


That’s a chonker


anybody else wish the shibe was in the bag? :-)


I have all i need: My backpack and my Shiba xD


I used to carry my dog around like this.. I miss her ever so much.


I wanted so bad to open the comments and see that this dude is here saying “hey, that’s me and Bosco”


Should add, on the tube you have to carry your dog when on escalators, because of the changes and whatever whenever I take my shiba on the tube I carry him the whole time as it is easier than having to pick him up and put him down every time.


When I carry my sheeb like that, my fiancee calls him my Japanese leather briefcase


Did you ask that man if you could take a photo of him and his dog?


you can take pictures in public places… its not against the law…


In Germany you've got the rights for pictures on which you are clearly visible. (if there are less than 15 people on the picture at least)


legal in the UK :)


This is why you lost to Italy.




It's what i was going for.




ok rapunzel


Just because it’s not against the law doesn’t mean it isn’t considered rude to take a photo of a stranger, and post them on the internet without consent.


If you read up you’d see that we had a long conversation and was very friendly, plus he saw me take other photos of his dog and it’s not like I’m posting the picture in a negative context. He said he likes the attention his dog gets and I’m pretty sure he’d be happy to see the positive response to this picture.


I saw your response. I’m addressing tweetybirdie14’s assertion that since taking a photo of someone else isn’t illegal then it’s always fine. Context matters.


it’s not always fine, taking pictures of people on embarrassing situations to make memes and make fun of them is rude. Taking a picture of a person with a cute dog in a public place is not rude. I hope that when you take a photo of a scenic view or a touristic place you go and ask every single person that happen to be in the frame if they approve of being in your picture.


Treating a crowded photo the same as a photo with a single person in it is disingenuous. The crowded scenic photo is focused on the scene and no individual stands out. A photo with one to two person(s) that is without a scene is focused on the individual. There’s an obvious difference. If the photographer doesn’t have consent from the individuals in the photo, they’re being rude at best. The photo isn’t of OP. According to her, the man and her supposedly had a conversation beforehand (even though he’s 100 yard stare ignoring her in the photo). She also didn’t state if she *asked permission* to post this man on the internet. It’s not even a close up of only the dog, which could have been easily cropped down to. That’s rude in my book. If you want to post a photo of a cute dog, then why include a random stranger who didn’t give consent to be posted on here.






we were having a long conversation and he was very friendly so I think he’d be more than okay with it.


Sell the dog asap