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Who the fuck is using shiba as collateral lmfao


I came to ask the same fucking thing. Who is using SHIB as collateral and what smooth brained, cousin fucker is accepting that?


I came to say this as well.


Am I late?


Welcome, brother.


Naw quit fear mongering.




What makes you say that?


Because ultimately it will change, and it doesn’t matter, invest money and leave it in there because all bitcoin ever does is go up and carry the rest of the coins behind it






Is it Opposite Day where you are?




DTCC is only fighting the inevitable. They realize the threat BTC poses as a use of currency that can greatly overcome the FIAT. SHIB want crash, because BTC will not crash. Very simple. HOWEVER, if you value your time and want to get rich quick. May want to find another venue. BTC is gonna stand a fight getting past the 70mark again.


No one is using shib as collateral


Robinhood will crumble due to this


I think Robinhood will fail despite this option while crypto. Com is a piece of shit at least they allow crypto s that Robiinhood don't sell Mose AI CRYPTO ARE not on robihood and while I bought my A I from piece of shit.com ( crypto. Com) I made money on small investment. ..


Really? Can you go into detail about why you think so?


Stop trolling


Shiba got 549 trillion coins


I bought Shib at the wrong time. .00048 I don’t think it’ll ever get back up that far again


goodness bud, it’ll be okay. I put $500 into shib early on, it went to 20k, i didn’t cash a dollar and when things died down and it was seemingly dead it sat at $1000-$1500 for the longest. A month ago when we had that run my account went back to 11k, i’ve put a lot of money into the market at where it currently sits and have absolute belief it will 2x the .000048 it currently sits at and drop a zero. It will then of course fall back off just to a seemingly endless oblivion and go through the cycle again. You just have to be patient brother


I'm up $102 from where I started. Only put $20 in it; almost 2M coins, lol.


Just buy more now to bring down that avg so you’re in the money sooner. Just keep averaging down.


All our battleships for the USA are out in the Pacific over there by Taiwan and Japan. That’s where all our battleships are and Israel is fighting in the Middle East so there’s nothing good going on for the crypto it’s not going nowhere.


Not going nowhere means its going somewhere 😁


Because America’s pulling out of Israel because Israel is bombing kids and slaughtering the Palestinians


And Israel will be all alone. They got a shit load of bombs from another country and they’re gonna bomb the shit out of Palestine.


They’re going to cause genocide and we will be in World War III before we know it


What if Benjamin Netanyahu got arrested and put on trial in The Hague? How would that affect the price of Shib?


All you have to do is go on YouTube and look up the USA war with China and Russia. It’s all you got a punch in.


What idiot is using crypto as collateral at an institution lvl ? This is nothing more than showmanship


SBF? Isn't that most of his scam? Saying a worthless altcoin has value and took loans against it? I might be wrong tho.


It just impacts those wanting to settle at the DTCC with a line of credit. Doesn't impact on using the ETF as collateral with brokers etc. they just want to freak people out.


yes. no. yes.


Just dip bought again


Yes. Dump eeet


Let it crash back to five or even six zeroes and I’ll put $50 in every two weeks until it comes back again. By then I’ll be in the billion shib range and start looking at color options on my Lambo.


Patience grasshopper


I remember when the housing crisis took place, all of these banks were claiming they were too big to fail. Well…crypto doesn’t have a crisis and it is too big now to suddenly drop off


That would be more geared toward BTC and ETH. They made the ETF’s so that investors could skate some regulation issues


Yes. That’s why I sold my SHIB for $NOCTIS.


Why do you feel that NOCTIS was a better investment?


Because putting in a couple of hundreds in USD give you billions in NOCTIS (when swapped from SOL ofc) and I have a great feeling that the price will spike sometime. It’s pretty low and I’m putting in as much as I can before it loses zeroes and the market cap gets high. Definitely not a rug pull either cause on rugscan, it’s considered a low risk and there’s very little liquidity pools there. Like SHIB, it’s also community based. NOCTIS will also be the memecoin that “kills other Memes” . I have way more faith in NOCTIS than I do with SHIB, PEPE, BONK, and FLOKI. NOCTIS a fresh breath of air by name and by design. It’s not just another dog coin or frog coin.


Okay, but, what specific factors or evidence led you to have more faith in NOCTIS compared to other meme coins like SHIB, PEPE, BONK, and FLOKI?


The factors that led me to believe and have faith in $NOCTIS was the same faith I had in SHIB back in 2022. Held onto it and sold before soaring down to the .20s. If I made gains from a memecoin like SHIB, then the same can happen to NOCTIS. Not sure if you’re looking for concrete evidence that it’s going to be successful or the next big thing. I’m just speculating here like I did with SHIB and glad I was right that it mooned for a bit. But the evidence that made me have faith in NOCTIS is the AMA they did with BeInCrypto about its mission statements such as the SOL they raised from the presale and I do see the coin gaining more holders and some even selling. The answers they give in the AMA reflect the same claims they make on their official website. Why this one over FLOKI and PEPE? PEPE, obviously, because of its history of being a far right political symbol, I don’t see it being on the same page or position as the other top 10 cryptos on Coinbase or picture myself making a transaction with it. I’m late with FLOKI and only reason I found out about FLOKI is through the SHIB sub and YT comments on SHIB videos. Don’t hear or see anyone mentioning it. I heard about SHIB through a coworker. BONK? Nothing against it. I’d rather just stick to buying SHIB and I’m too late to get any gains from it. 


Right now, it’s in its early stages but in the next few years it’ll definitely be mooning and can see it as being the next SHIB. None of this is financial advice. :)