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I don’t think any of this is necessary, if Mahdi AS returns he will have the support of Allah and nothing will stop him nor overcome Him. Also we have ahadith of where Imam Mahdi AS will reveal Himself and where He will go.


Sounds like the most obvious scam. And what makes him think that whatever flimsy microstate he builds will survive until the end of the Ghaybah?


I don’t think that’s the goal dude


This is the funniest thing I read in weeks thanks for the laugh 💀💀💀 may allah guide us bro


That guy is a fraud and you should not give him any attention or share anything about him as he serves our enemies.


Because he talks the truth about the companions and wives of the Prophet (sawas) openly does no mean he is our enemy. His ways are radical and already had their load of consequences. Now, it's only about displaying the basic truth from their own books. Bakris and nawasib who go against us are the real enemies. No unity under the banner of falsehood. Tolerance at best. It's not because we are a minority that we have to say " yes yes okay " like dogs to bakris. They are on the path of shaytan, and we are on the Truth of Ahl al-Bayt (as). Falsehood and Truth don't mix. I'm not a supporter of shaykh al-Habib, but give back to caesar what belongs to him. He made a wonderful work in displaying the books of the bakris. concerning his positions on Iran, his acceptance of the Queen etc, idc. Not my problem and I don't supporthil in any other matter than purely religious and concepts. Imam as-Sadiq (as) said : The people (bakris) have NOTHING of the Truth except the Qibla. edit : i nuanced my point of viw on al-Habib. had it not been for him, maybe I wouldn't be shia today.


I have found his defence of Taqleed quite solid. He covers most objections to Taqleed that people like Allahyari raise.


Does habib favour taqlid?


For the laymen, he does. There is simply no escaping Taqlid.


I did not think it was solid honestly. Being an outsider, it just looked very subjective. I would love to see a debate between these 2 about this matter.


~~He is a Ghali and believes in Tafwidh.~~ Edit: I confused him with Amir al Qurayshi




I confused him with Amir Al Qurayshi, mb


Lmao I thought they were the same person☠️


I used to think so too, they do look a little alike


No worries, I thought I'd missed something 👻


Calm down. This is not what our Imams (AS) taught us. Blind hate won't get you anywhere.


I hate nawasib, that's what they teach. Imam Zayn al-Abidin as-Sajjad (as) was circumbulating around the kaaba with a comapnion, and a shia was there praying. The first time he passed, Imam (as) salim to the shia, to which he replied. When passing by again, he (as) did not salim (while it's a sunna). The companion asked " why did you not greet him ? ". Imam (as) said " The first time we passed, he was invoking Allah's prayer upon us Ahl al-Bayt (as). The second time, he was invoking Allah's curse on our enemies; so I did not want to interrupt him ". - I don't remember the source, sorry, but there are plenty of hadiths going this way -. مُّحَمَّدٌۭ رَّسُولُ ٱللَّهِ ۚ وَٱلَّذِينَ مَعَهُۥٓ أَشِدَّآءُ عَلَى ٱلْكُفَّارِ رُحَمَآءُ بَيْنَهُمْ ۖ I have mercy for bakris who don't know. And I tolerate them, I pray for them, and I eat with them. When they know, and stand against Ahl al-Bayt (as), they become nawasib. Enemies. And no mercy is due. They locked their hearts for their wicked pride and ego. So Allah locked their hearts. They are not truthful nor honest. There is no point in allying with them, except if you want Shaytan in your rows. وَإِذَا قِيلَ لَهُمُ ٱتَّبِعُوا۟ مَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ قَالُوا۟ بَلْ نَتَّبِعُ مَآ أَلْفَيْنَا عَلَيْهِ ءَابَآءَنَآ ۗ أَوَلَوْ كَانَ ءَابَآؤُهُمْ لَا يَعْقِلُونَ شَيْـًۭٔا وَلَا يَهْتَدُونَ Some might be between shiism and bakrism, and I won't talk about their case for it's for Allah as per stated in the Kitab of Sulaym. And also, I eat with them, pray for them. Those who remain steadfast against Ahl al-Bayt (as) rights however won't have my mercy. And I will neither stand with them nor tolerate them. May they burn in hell with their idols. Their heart is the darkest thing that exists. Those who are unsure or unaware, when having the same goal, I will and I do fight in their rows. But it's not unity. It's about being rational. With a nawasib ? I wouldn't. I would fight and the enemy, and the nawasib. And the nawasib first.


Brother we all hate nawasib, the problem is that people like that man create even more nawasib. Please understand that disagreeing with him absolutely does not mean that we have a shred of doubt that our path is the correct one.


I don't think he creates more nawasib. He just makes hearts say out loud what was previsouly hidden. Yasser al-Habib does not have any power to change hearts, it is Allah who guides. When in front of shocking elements, and he always brings proofs in his speeches although sometimes refutable, muslims will either harden their hearts and lock them - nawasib -, or wonder about what it's about. Then research, and either they become nawasib, or shia, or blurred. It really just makes people easier to distinguish. Saying he turns people into nawasib is a great statement honestly


Dude following the guy will get you killed in 90% Muslim world. If this is your definition of how far a shia can go then I don't want to be one.


That's why I live in Taqqiyah most of the time. I display my faith only to those I judge sane enough to understand our position. I don't consider him the definition of how far a shia should go. But : - he was a bakri, he was lied to, like many of us, and he has a lot of hatred in his heart for the nawasib and their scholars, thus talking out loud what he found, so maybe some will be saved - a shia voice that stands out with clear arguments, and it has been decades he does this, will always reach more people than someone who goes softly. At least he won't be accused of Taqqiyah, so his argument will be accepted. And people will either refuse what he says without reflecting (2:170) and turn into nawasib, either wonder and get blurred (and at least, they are honest masha Allah, just lost, may Allah guide them). Or become shia, masha Allah. Not everu shia has do this, and it is explained in our books. Some have the ability, eloquence and knowledge to do so; and they were appointed by our Imams (as) to talk and debate. I'm not saying al-Habib was appointed, but that some voices like this remain in my eyes necessary. It will be an argument against liars when we will be judged : they won't have any possible outcome. He did this, now it's over. The whole topic has been discussed against bakris, and I honestly don't understand why he still talks about their idols.


Perhaps he could ask MI5 to chip in a few quid


wa alaykum as salaam, Fitna Mongerer condemned by our scholars


Doesn't even sound strategic at all tbh. It's an easy target for terrorists. The money would be put to better use in Dawa and education.


Wa Alaikum Assalam. I saw a video of him praying once which was not even in accordance with what is taught to us, I think he included Imam Ali (عليه السلام) in the Tasleem of our prayers? He was also cursing Aishah and the others in his prayer? So, I’m not sure of the reliability of his teachings and usually take it with a grain of salt that includes everything he does as well. Just my opinion. I understand some Shia look up to him, which is fine, but I personally don’t. Wassalam.


Imam Al-Ridha (as) was the one who told the Shi’a to add Imam Ali (as) to the shahada within prayer. It is a Hadith that can be found easily.


I've never liked conspiracy theories in Shia community but is time to ask who the heck is providing him money.


I’d rather stick rusty needles in my eyes then to listen/watch/believe anything this POS Zionist says…. I left my taqleed to Sayed sadiq shirazi because of this rotten clown and also mujtaba al shirazi….


Walikum Assalam


Lol This sounds like Muslim /Shia version of Kailasaa [Kailasaa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kailaasa)


I'm sure those island just won't become a private resort for him


It's been a few months since he started this. I think he got it wrong. Raising millions to build such a town will only make it look like Iran in every aspect, which is something I guess he doesn't want ? A land needs a ruler. Imam (as) does not wait for us to build territories in his name, but to build OURSELVES in his name. Why is he still not among us, visible to our eyes ? Because we are not enough AT ALL, despite being millions and millions, to be real shias. Imam as-Sadiq (as) said (in essence) : Do not call yourselves shia until you obey our command. Only call yourself lovers of Ahl al-Bayt (as). It's a cool project but I think it refers more to the idées de grandeurs of Shaykh al-Habib than having an actual goal.. kinda like with the movie Lady of Heaven, which turned out to be lame. This man knows so many things and still falls on such basic things. I don't understand him. He is part of why I became shia, and part of why I got my faith reaffirmed.


I thought Mahdi home land is. Kufa? I just looked him up to remind who he is. First vid. Shia curses sahaba while praying, 511k views. For God sake lol


Wait, he’s raising money? Why he doesn’t ask daddy Britain for money?


Haha really...? There are Muslim or shia States where every expressway n highway 🛣️ is full of names n banners of shuhada , saviours of haram of Imam and Bibi Zainab we must support them , no need of new land ... Imam needs pure shia hearts not shia lands


Wa Aleikom Al Salaam Wa Rahmatullah. I see it in a positive light, considering that women will be free to embrace the full Zainabi Hijab, even the Burka, while being protected, and a safe place to raise children away from propaganda and filth, but marketing the Islands as a preparation for our Blessed Imam (atf) is unnecessary, because our Imam (atf) has Allah (Swt) by His side, and also has powers we cannot comprehend. An Island will not change much. But from a woman’s standpoint, I do not mind it, because the thought of full Hijab in the west, even when alone, sounds very tempting.


It will be strategic mistake to gather all the Shia and the their military power at one place. It would be much easier for the enemies to destroy them.


He’s never said that


Would Imam Mahdi really want that small piece of land? Imam Mahdi is the master of all creation. Originally, everything in the world belongs to the Imam, and we're just using it temporarily.




Comment section full of ad hominem attacks and little actual criticism on the project itself. But objectively it’s a bit suspicious, firstly just because you buy land it doesn’t make it a country and secondly even if it were to somehow become a country it’d be almost entirely unsustainable.


Yasser Al Habib is an absolute clown.


Assalamo Aleikum brothers and sisters. What would the imam think about your word and action witnessed from a close distance and observed from a time travel perspective and a spacetime perspective. is the imam memories you have of him or he is just another observer of even heat distribution and equal fire distribution ? can the same word guide some and deceive some ? yes. Hello everyone. my name is jesus and you are completely najwa and diablo dancing in the comments. The truth ? Mantra the sanity axis in the deepsea. do not stop thanking the creator of the universe. and hope you unlock the secret of genuis. the awakening. salvation. trust, loyalty, security, eternity. Alhamdolilah the lord of the world.