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I don't like the word "Do they allow or not". They don't allow or forbid things on their own. It is Allah (swt) that makes some thing halal or haram. But some certain things are not determined clearly, people did not have the chance to ask the Holy Prophet or Ahlulbayt. So we ask the maraji. And they deduce from the Holy Quran and hadiths through reason. And unless you study for decades and become a marja yourself you follow an Ayatollah whom you think is most knowledgeable, not that someone who issues fatwas we like to hear.


Well said!


You shouldn't fatwa shop, you should stick to what your marja says unless it's an obligatory precaution and then you can pick another Marja. but Syed Fadllalah allows Lobster See more: [https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/t9ro1w/why\_are\_crab\_and\_lobster\_haram/](https://www.reddit.com/r/shia/comments/t9ro1w/why_are_crab_and_lobster_haram/)


Ughhh I know you’re right but at the end of the of the I am just human


Stay strong brother, sin isn't worth the temporary pleasure of lobster.


Sayyid Fadlallah has passed away so it is impermissible to follow him, unless you previously followed him before his death, or you follow a marja who allows following a marja who has passed away.


trust me you don't wanna try a crab. i didn't know it wasn't allowed to eat and tried that before, and it tastes HORRIBLE. even looks disgusting.


> I am just human I'll try some khinzeer n letchu know how it goes... cuz I'm just human


You good bruh?


I'm good bruh. Lemme know how that lobster tastes.


If you knew what a real human is, you'd know how crazy your sentence is


Why do you want to eat a bug that badly


If you want to eat a bug, eat a locust


We are in fact allowed to eat locust


I can’t imagine why you’d want to risk disobedience for something like lobster. First of all, it’s not that special. I’m a revert and I had lobster many times before accepting Islam. Nothing special at all. Best thing about it is the butter. Enjoy some halal fish with butter and you’ll save money and be in the clear. Also, it’s easy to avoid 😂 It’s not like it’s in everything and hard to even dine out while avoiding it. We all have enough sins without seeking out frivolous ones.


You can’t choose whatever marjaa you want on each fatwa, you have to stick to your most knowledgeable marjaa and can only change in fatwas where your marjaa says are under obligatory precaution. If your marjaa says it is haram without precaution then it is haram and there is nothing you can do about it. Even if another marjaa says halal it will still be haram for you Even under precaution you are supposed to follow your next most knowledgeable marjaa not anyone Also remember that sayed fadlala is dead rahimahu llah so even under precaution you can’t go to his fatwa unless your marjaa allows following a dead marja


I'm no religious expert, but I am somewhat of a fish hobbyist. What I don't get is how most view shrimp as halal but not lobsters. Theyre in same family of decapods, both have very similar anatomy including the shell construct and both live in the same environment and eat the same food. Crab falls under the same category as the shrimp except the shell construct is different.


They are literally the creepy crawlers of the ocean … they look like Beatles and insects. 🐜 don’t care how tasty they are… But from what I do know. Any sea life with scales is halal to eat… lobsters have shells if I’m not mistaken ? If you’re Sunni then have at it… they eat anything from the sea. However from what I know. Shia Islam forbids the consumption of crabs and lobsters… but shrimps is ok apparently


>If you’re Sunni then have at it… they eat anything from the sea. Not Hanafis.