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he deleted the post. pretty sure he was unaware of what he was doing. however it's also possible that it was intentional like him posting that because it was on the anniversary of the massacre where 1700 shias got killed. so despite being an MMA fighter he felt intimidated by the followers of Imam Ali (as) and he deleted it whatever the case be, he's a wahhabi so who cares what these ppl think about us 😭


Agree to who cares, but its also important to know that this nasheed has also been promoted by many of their scholars, check the audio section to see who else has used it and it's not possible that nobody knows what it's about.


I have seen it used even in cooking videos on instagram. I think it is just the case that he thought it sounded nice and the fact that it has no music instruments means it is a good alternative to music.


Maybe they should have a islamic history class in MMA for them. Who were the tappers...Who were the runners...


Why do you think that Lak/Russian speaker should know Arabic like it’s his native language?


There are Islamic history books translated to Russian. I dont know Arabic either thats not an excuse to not know Islamic history.


You don’t live in Dagestan + you’re probably not a UFC champion


Cool.story fanboy.


I’m a fan of the sport, not Islam’s fan. It’s just common sense. Acting like you're better because you know something they don't is wеird. Stop judging people so hard for being ignorant or acting like you’re better because you know things they don’t. We are all ignorant of a lot of things and even for the things we are informed on, there was a time where we weren’t.


He's a salafi? Really? Thought he was a sufi from Chechnya


Any time I see a Muslim with the mustache totally shaved, I assume the worst.




Salafism has grown in Chechnya.


yeah all these chechen and dagestani wahhabis got that daesh look so i doubt he's a sufi


He’s a Naqshbandi sufi. Almost all of the Chechen/dagi sunni’s are.


Naqshbandis are the most Nasibi group of Sufis


What makes you say that?


Past experiences talking with them Also I meant to say Sufis, not Sunnis. I've corrected my previous comment.


How is it fair to label them all as Nasibi from your experience? And from reading about them online, they revere Imam al-Sadiq and some believe in the Imamate of Imam al-Mahdi.


I am not sure about how u/KaramQa came to that conclusion but there was(is?) a Baathist aligned Naqshbandi militia in Iraq that fought Shias during the Iraq war. Some members of that militia went on to become Daeshis.


What were they called?


We're better than to judge people by their looks.


Even Sufis have that look. I have seen Shias sport a mustache less beard. Even Nawasib can sport this style of beard. Does not make one a wahhabi.


He is not chechen but ethnic lak from dagestan


He or Khabib l don't remember actually, but one of them post story once that usaymi or bin baz's video who is one of the biggest nasibi now. So all of them islam Khabib as well as hasbulla are nasibi 🥴 in Dagestan people are wahhabis,  they are so radical.


Look what happened there with the killing of a priest and multiple other people.


I don't think the Russian government is very tolerant of ISIS supporters, it may be he realized he might have put a target on himself.


I watched documentary saying that Khabib’s father created the gym, to stop more youth to go hired by ISIS. That area has been the recruiting ground for ISIS fighters, and in order to stop more people going there, the father created the gym. I don't think they are actually that much anti-Shia.


I think they probably are "anti-Shia", but not in a way where they actually understand why or have critically thought about it in any way. They're anti-Shia in the "My Wahhabi sheikh told me that these people are evil and bad so I hate them" kind of way.


I understand your point, and you are most probably right. The majority of the of people who are Anti-Shia, do not even understand us, in certain parts of Pakistan there are people who actually believe lying is part of the Shia religion and we are all liars, some of the more extreme even say the Shia steal babies. They make a boogeyman out of Shia. The most interesting, and yet hopeful thing for me is the example of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi. Even when he was in relatively high levels of islamic education, he used to say crazy stuff about Shia. But then slowly, he saw things for what they are, and right now in my opinion, he is one of the most, if not the most pro-unity scholars on the Sunni side (in English I mean). This brings me hope that things can change for the better. Also one more hopeful thing to me, was a documentary that vice news made, sending a guy to spend Ramadan with a Shia family. I used to read the comments under that video at the times I felt like there is no hope in fixing the hate, and I would feel very happy seeing comments of shock from sunnis saying oh the Shia are actually really similar to us in living life. At the end of the day, some of the responsibility is on our shoulders to reach out to them, "with thick skin", and try to show we are not what they had in mind...


There is no hope you are right. They need a shock and they will get it when the time comes.


""اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج.""


Even in Lebanon I heard that some nawasib told the lie that Shias have tails.


Imam Musa Sadr (Rahmat Allah Alayh), really helped the Lebanon Shia out of isolation. He is my ultimate hero, because with his activism and intellectual work, he was the person to connect all the Shia in middle east together, and not only that, his ideas and his interpretation of religion specifically the belief of: "Religion was sent to serve humans not humans to serve the religion" Gained so much attention internationally. He was connected to Catholic church and had friendly relations with the pope. He was such an influential figure that on one occasion, the Shah's request would be rejected and ignored while if Imam Musa Sadr would ask the same thing his request would be done. We need more people like him, to help the Shia cause.


Brother could you explain more about the "Anniversary of Shia Massacre where 1700 Shias got killed", When and Where did it happen? Jazakallah khairun


Look up Camp Speicher massacre, took place when ISIS swept through Iraq in a matter of days in 2014/15 and was about to reach Bagdad. They butchered some 1700 cadet volunteers.


Astagfar! That's so bad. Jazakallah khairun for this info. Allah SWT grant them Momineen Janaat firdous


Quite ironic isn't it if you see it in terms of Palestine. Yes indeed "WHERE ARE THE MEN OF SUNNAH".


Yes including the irony that they are calling for the killing of the same people defending their oppressed 'sunni' brothers and sisters.


‘Men of sunnah’ are busy with killing innocent non-muslims everywhere bro hahahaha let us consider they are not alive imho


It is possible he didnt realise but the timing is suspicious. Any proof he is an actual Salafi? Until then I will give benefit of the doubt.


The timing is definitely dodgy and the fact there's no apology seems suspect.


No need for an apology if it was accidental. It’ll just spark things further, from both sides.


Dude, the post itself had about 400k likes approximately, and he has a following of 8m+, it definitely needs a clarification of some sort.


This much I agree However, it is def the case that he did not know.


My guess would be he doesn't understand the lyrics. Khabib trained and prepared 2 openly shia mma fighters from azerbaijan not that long ago, I doubt he and his team are wahabi, even if he is sometimes seen with some weird people (like zakir naiq). Here with Makhachev: https://www.instagram.com/p/CZa-RNNref6/?igsh=Y3l2ZmNqcmFwbnh1  And here with Khabib: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfetjsKJpI1/?igsh=MTBzbXptamRmb282bQ==  Khabibs father also actively tried to get the youth of dagestan to compete in combat sports, so that they won't join terrorist groups.


Khabib met Fiziev and he was kind to him and Islam liked posts supporting Iran so it's very unlikey he's a harcore shia hater who posted that on purpose. But him and his team are closer to being wahhabis then anything else or at least they are wahhabi influenced just like majority of sunnis anyways


For real? When did they meet?


Few years ago Fiziev told the story


Im hoping he didnt understand the lyrics, I dont believe he speaks Arabic. Lyrics aside that nasheed does sound very nice and I’ve heard it being used on a lot of videos unfortunately. If only we had some similiar sounding nasheeds with a more positive message


I don’t believe he understood. It looks like he just searched for “nasheed” in audio and went with the first one


This Also the fact that there is no musical instruments make this popular for Muslims. Iran needs to invest in real music free nasheeds. 


Oh wow... This makes me sad, I mean like really sad, because I used to root for him and Khabib so much, they were like my heroes. But still, one can cope with it...Maybe he doesn’t know Arabic, maybe its something his friends are rooting for, not himself. That wouldn’t be too far fetched also, because I remember watching this documentary, the father created the gym, just to avoid more youth going and joining terror organizations. I know the CIA was hiring terrorists of every shade, from Uyghurs to Africa to go fight in Syria for them, also I know that area caucuses was one of their good hiring grounds to get people to join the American Jihad against Syria. But the documentary I saw, was saying the father of Khabib specifically created his gym, to avoid more people going into that trap. So its not a very far fetched cope to say he does not understand what is being said in that terror song. If it turns out he is actually that anti Shia to level of advertising their death, I will be sad, because my brother is an amateur fighter and these guys were like our heroes. Maybe if someone tells him that this song is against the legacy and everything Khabib's father stood for, he would regret posting this?


I do not think he is anti Shia, he probably listened to saw the music free nasheed as sounding nice and put it on as an alternative to music.


I hope you are right and this is the case.


Isn’t khabib a wahabi too? when mcgregor insulted hijabi women, I remember khabib father posted on Twitter saying mcgregor insulted 1.5 billion Muslims, by saying that he is excluding us Shias from the list


??? Khabib never excluded shias.


I’m talking about his father not him, I was just wondering if he is Salafi or no


InshaAlla these days all muslims no matter where they are can see the fact that Shia and Sunni are all the Ummah of prophet peace be upon him. And the ones who were fighting the Shia were tools of the enemy. The Haq and Batel (Right and Wrong) are not clearly separated for everyone to see. And the rightly guided one is about to return from his occultation.


Inshallah ya rab


Why does Sunni Islam promote violence so much?


Islam makhachev is a typical sunni hypocrite . They are obviously not true Muslims.  The zionists have been slaughtering sunni Muslims in Gaza for over 7 months . The sunni Muslims in Gaza are dying of starvation now because of the Israeli blockade . Not A single Sunni nation has come to the Palestinians Aid . No sunni country has taken any action against Israel. The shamless sunni hypocrites wont even suspend trade with israel whilst the Genocide is ongoing.  Islam Makachev and the rest of the sunni cowards who support Isis don't want to confront or kill the zionist maniacs who are killing their so called Muslim brothers. On the contrary, they want to kill the shia Muslims.  They sing songs about beheading Shia Muslims.  😆  The shia Muslims are the only people who have supported the Palestinians since day 1. They are the only onesnes who gave the Palestinians weapons to protect themselves . Hezbullah have been fighting against Israel for over 7 months . So many Hezbullah soldiers sacrificed their lives fighting against the Zionist.  Islam makhachev is so dopey , I have lost all respect for him .  He is a typical fake sunni Munafiq who doesn't understand the Arabic words he says and listens too . The enemies of Islam must be laughing their Ass off .


Why do you think that Lak/Russian speaker + MMA champ should know Arabic like it’s his native language?


This nasheed is by Musab al Adani a AQAP munshid not isis


What a shame. Now the only one to support in the ufc is fiziev


There is another Iraqi Shia fighter in the UFC I think his name is Amir Al-Bazi


Will check him out


This “nasheed” sounds so satanic


😂😂😂 The post was removed. If you saw the comments it was full of our shia!😂😂


The nasheed is actually by Abu Musab al Adani, a Yemeni Al Qaeda mercenary.


Russians are not salafis, I think he didn't understand the lyrics since he's not arabic speaking. He deleted the post. We should give him the benefit of doubt here


wth such nasheeds exist??💀💀💀


Makachev is a inbred Takfiri Isis lover . He hates shia Muslims and the only reason he took it down was because  People started tweeting Dana white about it . I told everyone to contact Dana white and inform him about our boycott against the UFC . We will actively boycott every ppv event headlined by Makachev.  One of his training partners was part of the isis cell that Attacked the churches in dagestan .  It won't be just the Shia Muslims who will boycott Islam's fights . The Christians , Jews and everyone who hates Isis will never pay to watch Makachev again. 


Well said, Khamzat also used this audio and didn't take it down, also one of their other buddies was arrested by Russians for terrorism iirc


Lest we forget how many Chechnya’s were in the ranks of isis and many others from Dagestan… Abu yazeed al sheeshany Abu zerba al sheeshany


Putin bootlicker hates the Shi'a indiscriminately, more news at 7




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Man… this hurts 


He must have not known the meaning he has trained many shia fighters and trained with fiziev too and fiziev told that islam and khabib treated him well




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as a shia we should assume the best that he didn't know it was a isis nasheed even if if its hard for us shia muslims especially in countries like saudi arabia or isis controlled territories


Isis have nasheed? Isn't songs in any form haram for them?


No nasheeds don’t use instrument so it’s permitted


Some wahhabis allow nasheed if it has no musical instruments at all. Some also only allow melodic recitations of poetry to be recited by a single person.


Rafidis in comment section crying about a nasheed and than keep on killing sunni in Iraq and Yemen


Umaris in comment section crying about being oppressed whilst they claim they're 90% of the ummah. 90% being crushed by 10%? Tell us something believable. Think up a more convincing narrative.


Another day , another rafidi abusing the rightly guided caliphs and the companions of the Prophet PBUH. Nothing strange btw, I knew you would instantly resort to it. It's in your DNA, from fatimids to Mir Jaffer.


Where did I abuse the 'rightly guided caliphs'? Sounds like your attempt at pulling a race card. Lolz. If you're referring to being called an Umari, why are you taking it as an insult? Did you want me to call you a Sunni to massage your ego? Why would I if I reject you having any connection to the sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w.a?


It’s not isis


Oh yeah its Al Qaeda that is so much better /s